Trumps team says PUNISH HILLARY NOT THE RUSSIANS.....And here we go

Trump knows it was not the Russians who dumped the info on to wikileaks because it was his man, Roger Stone, who was having it done.

Assange said his emails on this was NOT from the Russians.....Roger Stone said he was working or friends with the guy working with wikileaks on the dump of the stolen emails and this is why he knew about all of them and tweeted about all of them before wikileaks released them to the public....

Assange ALSO said, that the Russians could have also hacked the DNC and Podesta, but that is not who he got his info from that he dumped on a timely basis on to wikileaks...other articles on this from the far right wing web, imply it was a mole insider, working in the Clinton camp that stole the emails....

so this means, the intelligence agencies are CORRECT that the Russians did hack the DNC and Podesta and the electric grid in Vermont and the Ukraine etc, And the footprints show they are the Russians....

but what is in the air, is how wikileaks got their leaks of the stolen emails....

Now let's get back to Roger Stone and him being friends with a guy closely related to the DNC hacks that told him ahead of time what was going to be dumped....

Roger Stone was involved with the Watergate Break in of the DNC back in the 70's, and continued as a Repubican Party hitman for the rest of his career...he is known as the "Prince of Darkness", he is also known for planting a mole within his opposition's camp, to steal insider information....

YES, you got that, right? So let's say he did the same thing with the DNC and planted a mole inside the campaign that stole the DNC emails...THIS IS HIS M/O....modus operandi...

Trump adviser reveals how Assange ally warned him about leaked Clinton emails

Trump's Dirty Trickster: The Staggeringly Shady Dealings of Political Operative Roger Stone

The Rise And Gall of Roger Stone

Roger Stone Tweets Mysteriously About Wikileaks Doing Something to Hillary Clinton Wednesday

This is the man that got the national enquirer to drop the story of Ted Cruz affairs, and drop the article on ted crz's father being a part of the Kennedy assassination.... he's a slime ball, and loves every minute of it....

what's odd is he formed a firm with other people, named Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly....back in the late 1980's

3 names stand out, don't they? Is Kelly, for Kelly Ann Conway, is Manafort the Paul Manafort running the Trump campaign early on, after Trump supposedly dumped Roger Stone who was his earliest advisor?

getting ready to hunt that down now....

THERE IS MORE GOING ON HERE than what meets the eye....

I think I might have been a Sleuth in another life? I enjoy following the bread crumbs and trying to put 2 and 2, together! :D
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Russia got Trump elected ....why would Trump punish them?
There is not one bit of evidence that Russia did anything, except in Obabbles babbles. Remember when Obabble told us that Trump would never get elected? Why is this more credible? It's not

LOL nothing Obabble says has any meaning, Trump will toss his sanctions, Fuck Irans reactor, and burn Obabblecare for Mexicans.

It;s over kid
There is overwhelming evidence. Just because you don't have access to classified cyber security evidence doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It has been provided to Congress and Mr Trump
Mr Trump pretends it doesn't exist
Russia got Trump elected ....why would Trump punish them?
There is not one bit of evidence that Russia did anything, except in Obabbles babbles. Remember when Obabble told us that Trump would never get elected? Why is this more credible? It's not

LOL nothing Obabble says has any meaning, Trump will toss his sanctions, Fuck Irans reactor, and burn Obabblecare for Mexicans.

It;s over kid
There is overwhelming evidence. Just because you don't have access to classified cyber security evidence doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It has been provided to Congress and Mr Trump
Mr Trump pretends it doesn't exist
Russia got Trump elected ....why would Trump punish them?
There is not one bit of evidence that Russia did anything, except in Obabbles babbles. Remember when Obabble told us that Trump would never get elected? Why is this more credible? It's not

LOL nothing Obabble says has any meaning, Trump will toss his sanctions, Fuck Irans reactor, and burn Obabblecare for Mexicans.

It;s over kid


Isn't he the one who won the earlier "Lie Of The Year" award???
Trump has won two years in a row.......I suspect his string of lying victories will go to six
Roger Stone had those emails stolen by hand,with a mole within the DNC,

AND the Russians hacked the system...

TWO SEPARATE things are going on here....

Putin's right, the Russians did not DUMP the emails they hacked on to wikileaks....

Roger Stone DID.

And the CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS etc all said that the Russians have stolen lots of emails from our government and other govt's etc, BUT they have NEVER had them dumped on to wikileaks before....this is what makes them to want sanctions, not the stealing, because it is done all the time, but the dumping....the trying to influence others in this election with the info stolen....

got that?

the Russians have never dumped stolen stuff of ours, on to wiki leaks before....

and it looks like, they did NOT do it this time with the DNC either....the Roger Stone connection DID.

the FBI should hire me to help them! :lol: :D
Trump knows it was not the Russians who dumped the info on to wikileaks because it was his man, Roger Stone, who was having it done.

Assange said his emails on this was NOT from the Russians.....Roger Stone said he was working or friends with the guy working with wikileaks on the dump of the stolen emails and this is why he knew about all of them and tweeted about all of them before wikileaks released them to the public....

Assange ALSO said, that the Russians could have also hacked the DNC and Podesta, but that is not who he got his info from that he dumped on a timely basis on to wikileaks...other articles on this from the far right wing web, imply it was a mole insider, working in the Clinton camp that stole the emails....

so this means, the intelligence agencies are CORRECT that the Russians did hack the DNC and Podesta and the electric grid in Vermont and the Ukraine etc, And the footprints show they are the Russians....

but what is in the air, is how wikileaks got their leaks of the stolen emails....

Now let's get back to Roger Stone and him being friends with a guy closely related to the DNC hacks that told him ahead of time what was going to be dumped....

Roger Stone was involved with the Watergate Break in of the DNC back in the 70's, and continued as a Repubican Party hitman for the rest of his career...he is known as the "Prince of Darkness", he is also known for planting a mole within his opposition's camp, to steal insider information....

YES, you got that, right? So let's say he did the same thing with the DNC and planted a mole inside the campaign that stole the DNC emails...THIS IS HIS M/O....modus operandi...

Trump adviser reveals how Assange ally warned him about leaked Clinton emails

Trump's Dirty Trickster: The Staggeringly Shady Dealings of Political Operative Roger Stone

The Rise And Gall of Roger Stone

Roger Stone Tweets Mysteriously About Wikileaks Doing Something to Hillary Clinton Wednesday

This is the man that got the national enquirer to drop the story of Ted Cruz affairs, and drop the article on ted crz's father being a part of the Kennedy assassination.... he's a slime ball, and loves every minute of it....

what's odd is he formed a firm with other people, named Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly....back in the late 1980's

3 names stand out, don't they? Is Kelly, for Kelly Ann Conway, is Manafort the Paul Manafort running the Trump campaign early on, after Trump supposedly dumped Roger Stone who was his earliest advisor?

getting ready to hunt that down now....

THERE IS MORE GOING ON HERE than what meets the eye....

I think I might have been a Sleuth in another life? I enjoy following the bread crumbs and trying to put 2 and 2, together! :D

Assange said the emails were not from the Russians and once Trump takes office the real email senders at the NSA will be free to come to the front with the rest of the story. The emails came from the USA, from great Americans, unlike your dumb ass
Roger Stone had those emails stolen by hand,with a mole within the DNC,

AND the Russians hacked the system...

TWO SEPARATE things are going on here....

Putin's right, the Russians did not DUMP the emails they hacked on to wikileaks....

Roger Stone DID.

And the CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS etc all said that the Russians have stolen lots of emails from our government and other govt's etc, BUT they have NEVER had them dumped on to wikileaks before....this is what makes them to want sanctions, not the stealing, because it is done all the time, but the dumping....the trying to influence others in this election with the info stolen....

got that?

the Russians have never dumped stolen stuff of ours, on to wiki leaks before....

and it looks like, they did NOT do it this time with the DNC either....the Roger Stone connection DID.

the FBI should hire me to help them! :lol: :D
Did Roger Stone fake the moon landings too?
Roger Stone had those emails stolen by hand,with a mole within the DNC,

AND the Russians hacked the system...

TWO SEPARATE things are going on here....

Putin's right, the Russians did not DUMP the emails they hacked on to wikileaks....

Roger Stone DID.

And the CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS etc all said that the Russians have stolen lots of emails from our government and other govt's etc, BUT they have NEVER had them dumped on to wikileaks before....this is what makes them to want sanctions, not the stealing, because it is done all the time, but the dumping....the trying to influence others in this election with the info stolen....

got that?

the Russians have never dumped stolen stuff of ours, on to wiki leaks before....

and it looks like, they did NOT do it this time with the DNC either....the Roger Stone connection DID.

the FBI should hire me to help them! :lol: :D
Did Roger Stone fake the moon landings too?

There is no question he delivered the bombs into the WTC buildings.
Roger Stone IS INVOLVED somehow, in these email leaks...two months before the Podesta leaks were aired, Roger Stone tweeted that the Podesta leaks were coming....

Don't you find that, in the very least, suspicious?
Roger Stone IS INVOLVED somehow, in these email leaks...two months before the Podesta leaks were aired, Roger Stone tweeted that the Podesta leaks were coming....

Don't you find that, in the very least, suspicious?
There is absolutely no evidence that Roger Stone has the advanced computer skills that would enable him to do what you are alleging he did.

Kid you have fallen off your chair and are seeming to be seriously ill.

So please use your Obabblecare and get medical help
Roger Stone IS INVOLVED somehow, in these email leaks...two months before the Podesta leaks were aired, Roger Stone tweeted that the Podesta leaks were coming....

Don't you find that, in the very least, suspicious?
There is absolutely no evidence that Roger Stone has the advanced computer skills that would enable him to do what you are alleging he did.

Kid you have fallen off your chair and are seeming to be seriously ill.

So please use your Obabblecare and get medical help
Would you stop playing STUPID, pretty please, silly one!

I did NOT say Roger Stone had the skills to hack in to the one has said that and you know it.

Stop deflecting.
Roger Stone IS INVOLVED somehow, in these email leaks...two months before the Podesta leaks were aired, Roger Stone tweeted that the Podesta leaks were coming....

Don't you find that, in the very least, suspicious?
There is absolutely no evidence that Roger Stone has the advanced computer skills that would enable him to do what you are alleging he did.

Kid you have fallen off your chair and are seeming to be seriously ill.

So please use your Obabblecare and get medical help
Would you stop playing STUPID, pretty please, silly one!

I did NOT say Roger Stone had the skills to hack in to the one has said that and you know it.

Stop deflecting.
So Roger Stone got the emails from Russia because he is a Russian spy. Ok thanks for clearing that up
Sean Spicer just tried to deflect on questions about Russia in the worst way possible

The most important question at this juncture, is what prison will be chosen for Hillary? Would the one that housed Martha Stewart be adequate? or perhaps Guantanimo Bay day spa, or again perhaps Sessions will allow for house arrest for the rest of her life.

Donald Trump’s press secretary claimed there should be more focus on “punishing” Hillary Clinton for her alleged manipulation of the election than on Russia’s alleged undermining of US democracy.

Sean Spicer questioned the “magnitude” of the scrutiny on Russia’s alleged cyber warfare against the Democratic National Committee in an attempt to boost his boss into the White House.

He then attempted to deflect questions on an issue which is gathering bipartisan support by focusing on Mr Trump’s former Democratic rival.

“Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? That’s a pretty valid attempt to influence an election – somebody giving her debate questions and answers before an election,” he said, referring to former CNN commentator and DNC chair, Donna Brazile, allegedly handing over primary season debate questions to the Clinton team.

The entire Russia FAKE NEWS event is designed to take the focus off of the real criminal which is Clinton

Don't know if he said it, but it is correct. What the DNC and their operatives did was illegal. Prosecuting the DNC would be a load of fun, and seeing how many of their corrupt asses would be caught in the net. And they are so dumb, they basically admitted what they did by resignations after it was bought out.

Yep, Hillary and the DNC are WORSE than whomever hacked them, and of course, Obungles won't do anything about either, we are going to have to wait for Trump to sort this all out-)
Utter bull crap.

No laws were broken in the primary or with Donna Brazille... it was back handed, and not okay with her employer/CNN and was let go due to it, but not unlawful....the primaries are a private group's vetting process, it has NOTHING to do with our govt.... and BOTH Bernie and Hillary, got a view of what they were going to be was not just the Hillary team, it was ALSO the Bernie team....Brazille played no favorites.

Oh, so sorry, you may very well be correct, how absentminded of me.

SO YOU ADMIT THEY ARE CROOKS AND TRIED TO SCREW AMERICA! Case closed, go home worthless one, I rest my case:beer:
Sean Spicer just tried to deflect on questions about Russia in the worst way possible

The most important question at this juncture, is what prison will be chosen for Hillary? Would the one that housed Martha Stewart be adequate? or perhaps Guantanimo Bay day spa, or again perhaps Sessions will allow for house arrest for the rest of her life.

Donald Trump’s press secretary claimed there should be more focus on “punishing” Hillary Clinton for her alleged manipulation of the election than on Russia’s alleged undermining of US democracy.

Sean Spicer questioned the “magnitude” of the scrutiny on Russia’s alleged cyber warfare against the Democratic National Committee in an attempt to boost his boss into the White House.

He then attempted to deflect questions on an issue which is gathering bipartisan support by focusing on Mr Trump’s former Democratic rival.

“Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? That’s a pretty valid attempt to influence an election – somebody giving her debate questions and answers before an election,” he said, referring to former CNN commentator and DNC chair, Donna Brazile, allegedly handing over primary season debate questions to the Clinton team.

The entire Russia FAKE NEWS event is designed to take the focus off of the real criminal which is Clinton

Don't know if he said it, but it is correct. What the DNC and their operatives did was illegal. Prosecuting the DNC would be a load of fun, and seeing how many of their corrupt asses would be caught in the net. And they are so dumb, they basically admitted what they did by resignations after it was bought out.

Yep, Hillary and the DNC are WORSE than whomever hacked them, and of course, Obungles won't do anything about either, we are going to have to wait for Trump to sort this all out-)

OMG, the left in this thread is PROTECTING the left from the law, lol. Notice, that not a one of them can protect America, just the left from accurate statements. How sad, are these people! Hello MZ Corn, talking about you-)
I wonder if the libstains here will ever tire of pretending?
Trump knows it was not the Russians who dumped the info on to wikileaks because it was his man, Roger Stone, who was having it done.

Assange said his emails on this was NOT from the Russians.....Roger Stone said he was working or friends with the guy working with wikileaks on the dump of the stolen emails and this is why he knew about all of them and tweeted about all of them before wikileaks released them to the public....

Assange ALSO said, that the Russians could have also hacked the DNC and Podesta, but that is not who he got his info from that he dumped on a timely basis on to wikileaks...other articles on this from the far right wing web, imply it was a mole insider, working in the Clinton camp that stole the emails....

so this means, the intelligence agencies are CORRECT that the Russians did hack the DNC and Podesta and the electric grid in Vermont and the Ukraine etc, And the footprints show they are the Russians....

but what is in the air, is how wikileaks got their leaks of the stolen emails....

Now let's get back to Roger Stone and him being friends with a guy closely related to the DNC hacks that told him ahead of time what was going to be dumped....

Roger Stone was involved with the Watergate Break in of the DNC back in the 70's, and continued as a Repubican Party hitman for the rest of his career...he is known as the "Prince of Darkness", he is also known for planting a mole within his opposition's camp, to steal insider information....

YES, you got that, right? So let's say he did the same thing with the DNC and planted a mole inside the campaign that stole the DNC emails...THIS IS HIS M/O....modus operandi...

Trump adviser reveals how Assange ally warned him about leaked Clinton emails

Trump's Dirty Trickster: The Staggeringly Shady Dealings of Political Operative Roger Stone

The Rise And Gall of Roger Stone

Roger Stone Tweets Mysteriously About Wikileaks Doing Something to Hillary Clinton Wednesday

This is the man that got the national enquirer to drop the story of Ted Cruz affairs, and drop the article on ted crz's father being a part of the Kennedy assassination.... he's a slime ball, and loves every minute of it....

what's odd is he formed a firm with other people, named Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly....back in the late 1980's

3 names stand out, don't they? Is Kelly, for Kelly Ann Conway, is Manafort the Paul Manafort running the Trump campaign early on, after Trump supposedly dumped Roger Stone who was his earliest advisor?

getting ready to hunt that down now....

THERE IS MORE GOING ON HERE than what meets the eye....

I think I might have been a Sleuth in another life? I enjoy following the bread crumbs and trying to put 2 and 2, together! :D
. So you absolve the Russians and put this back to dirty politics that goes on in all elections ?? Better not tell Obama that now.. lol.
Roger Stone IS INVOLVED somehow, in these email leaks...two months before the Podesta leaks were aired, Roger Stone tweeted that the Podesta leaks were coming....

Don't you find that, in the very least, suspicious?
. Hey it wasn't the Russians then, so how's Obama explain that one to the world if you are right ???? LOL.. Wouldn't you think that Obama knows more than you do, and if he is just playing dirty politics, then that's even worse. You are driving yourself crazy now I bet.. lol

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