Trumps travel ban. Times up

What is your source for this information about the heightened vetting program? I'd like to see it in more detail.
Read the EO.
I did read it. Section 2 covers the vetting measures but basically just says that DNI, SHS and the SOS shall evaluate the vetting in those 7 countries and submit a report. There are no specifics about improving any vetting measures. I see no reason why they can't be evaluating the situation right now if they don't already have action items to take.... that's exactly what they should be doing now, they don't need an executive order to evaluate vetting processes and make them better... that's their job

How do you know they are not? Was there a requirement in the executive orders that your e-mail be copied on all of the results?
I hope they are improving the vetting... I'd like to know what they've come up with and why they persist on a 90 day travel delay 130+ days after they first called for the pause.

Think I explained that to you. When you enjoin and stop the EO -- you are prohibited from ANY action towards implementation of that order. It's some of phony lefty talking point that you're hung up on here. That "the clock" was still running when the EO died in court.

Would be more productive if YOU had a plan..
So you are really trying to say that because the EO was blocked by the courts, the State Department, DNI, and DHS are not allowed to do an analysis on our current vetting process and propose improvements? You really believe that?
Read the EO.
I did read it. Section 2 covers the vetting measures but basically just says that DNI, SHS and the SOS shall evaluate the vetting in those 7 countries and submit a report. There are no specifics about improving any vetting measures. I see no reason why they can't be evaluating the situation right now if they don't already have action items to take.... that's exactly what they should be doing now, they don't need an executive order to evaluate vetting processes and make them better... that's their job

How do you know they are not? Was there a requirement in the executive orders that your e-mail be copied on all of the results?
I hope they are improving the vetting... I'd like to know what they've come up with and why they persist on a 90 day travel delay 130+ days after they first called for the pause.

Think I explained that to you. When you enjoin and stop the EO -- you are prohibited from ANY action towards implementation of that order. It's some of phony lefty talking point that you're hung up on here. That "the clock" was still running when the EO died in court.

Would be more productive if YOU had a plan..
So you are really trying to say that because the EO was blocked by the courts, the State Department, DNI, and DHS are not allowed to do an analysis on our current vetting process and propose improvements? You really believe that?

If they did, why would they tell you?
Kuwait imposes visa ban on Pakistan, 4 other Muslim nations: Read full details

Kuwait City, February 2: Following the President of the United States, Donal Trump’s footsteps the leadership of Kuwait has decided to put a blanket ban on entry of people from five Islamic countries.

The ‘visa ban’ comes as a surprise to many nations around the world. Among the countries that are part of the ban are Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Kuwait considers the five countries unstable and a threat to the oil producing nation’s stability.

Well well.. Look WHO ELSE has a "Muslim ban"... :badgrin:

Saudi, Bahrain, Quatar, and MOST of the peninsula have de facto "Trump Muslim" bans apparently..

Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.
Hes trying to prevent the muslim problem in Europe, from happening in the US.
From which of the seven Muslim countries in the ban did the London attackers come?
Who cares? Clearly they should all be banned.
Read the EO.
I did read it. Section 2 covers the vetting measures but basically just says that DNI, SHS and the SOS shall evaluate the vetting in those 7 countries and submit a report. There are no specifics about improving any vetting measures. I see no reason why they can't be evaluating the situation right now if they don't already have action items to take.... that's exactly what they should be doing now, they don't need an executive order to evaluate vetting processes and make them better... that's their job

How do you know they are not? Was there a requirement in the executive orders that your e-mail be copied on all of the results?
I hope they are improving the vetting... I'd like to know what they've come up with and why they persist on a 90 day travel delay 130+ days after they first called for the pause.

Think I explained that to you. When you enjoin and stop the EO -- you are prohibited from ANY action towards implementation of that order. It's some of phony lefty talking point that you're hung up on here. That "the clock" was still running when the EO died in court.

Would be more productive if YOU had a plan..
So you are really trying to say that because the EO was blocked by the courts, the State Department, DNI, and DHS are not allowed to do an analysis on our current vetting process and propose improvements? You really believe that?

Yup. Ask legal counsel. If it concerns the SPECIFIC difficulties of getting information from those listed states -- it cannot be done without violating the order. And THAT's where the work has to focus. On the fact that there ARE NO records available from those places. And most of any "documentation" is unreliable or counterfeit.
I did read it. Section 2 covers the vetting measures but basically just says that DNI, SHS and the SOS shall evaluate the vetting in those 7 countries and submit a report. There are no specifics about improving any vetting measures. I see no reason why they can't be evaluating the situation right now if they don't already have action items to take.... that's exactly what they should be doing now, they don't need an executive order to evaluate vetting processes and make them better... that's their job

How do you know they are not? Was there a requirement in the executive orders that your e-mail be copied on all of the results?
I hope they are improving the vetting... I'd like to know what they've come up with and why they persist on a 90 day travel delay 130+ days after they first called for the pause.

That has been explained to you about 5 times. You are not in the loop. Why would we be stupid enough to tell everyone what we are looking for, so they can fix the problem before they try to sneak in?

You would have volunteered to be on the camera crews standing on the beaches of Normandy to welcome our troops after telling the Germans why you were there!
If Trump's admin hasn't put his improved vetting in place already, they should be fired for incompetence. They've the time.

You obviously just jumped into the thread. Try reading first before going off half-cocked!
Read the thread Rock. Post stands. No one should dispute a potus may unilaterally stop immigration for any country at least for a limited time to review procedure. However, Trump's first ban was unquestionably unconst because it prevented people who had been here, and had a legal right to return. For that any ban had to be based on individual showing of them posing some danger. Trump's DOJ didn't review the first one. So the pulled it back and tidied it up. Now Trump tweets they should have stuck with the original, and the next one will be stronger.
What is your source for this information about the heightened vetting program? I'd like to see it in more detail.
Read the EO.
I did read it. Section 2 covers the vetting measures but basically just says that DNI, SHS and the SOS shall evaluate the vetting in those 7 countries and submit a report. There are no specifics about improving any vetting measures. I see no reason why they can't be evaluating the situation right now if they don't already have action items to take.... that's exactly what they should be doing now, they don't need an executive order to evaluate vetting processes and make them better... that's their job

How do you know they are not? Was there a requirement in the executive orders that your e-mail be copied on all of the results?
I hope they are improving the vetting... I'd like to know what they've come up with and why they persist on a 90 day travel delay 130+ days after they first called for the pause.

That has been explained to you about 5 times. You are not in the loop. Why would we be stupid enough to tell everyone what we are looking for, so they can fix the problem before they try to sneak in?

You would have volunteered to be on the camera crews standing on the beaches of Normandy to welcome our troops after telling the Germans why you were there!
Not quite dude, nice try though. We aren't talking about tactical military missions we are talking about a vetting process. If strides have been made then they should be announced and discussed. And to be fair there have been a few strides taken. My point goes back to the need for the 90 day pause after 130 days has gone by
reading this thread is an instant replay of everything that has happened since Trump took office ... he has absolutely nothing to do with it, it's Obamas fault.

now if he could get Obama to fill in for him on all of the investigations ..
It's YOUR thread -- you should be figuring this out. I just warned you that was the legal interpretation I've heard recited. HOWEVER -- apparently the Trump Admin did BEAT the latest rulings and issued modifications BEFORE the Courts laid down the gavel. You really should be doing the work here..

Trump admin gives embassies broad discretion to limit travelers -

Washington (CNN)The Trump administration has approved intensified screening measures for visa applicants trying to reach the US, even as multiple federal courts have blocked its travel ban against six Muslim-majority countries.

The State Department released new guidance to embassies worldwide on Thursday -- the same day a federal appeals court upheld an indefinite freeze on President Donald Trump's travel ban, which sought to temporarily block people from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the US.
The new measures, approved by the White House Office of Management and Budget May 23, give consular officers broad discretion to apply stricter criteria to certain applicants, demanding more background material than required of typical applicants about their families, where they've lived and worked, and their social media use, among other things.
Administration lawyers told a federal court earlier this month that the White House has complied with a Hawaii-based judge's ruling that means it can't treat nationals from the selected countries differently. But the newly approved measures show the Trump administration has continued to seek ways to apply more rigorous screening to individuals who want to travel to the US.

Acting Solicitor General Jeffrey Wall, arguing on behalf of the Trump administration, maintained it has complied with the order from the federal judge in Hawaii blocking the travel ban. That ruling also forbid the administration from conducting "a review of the vetting procedures" with respect to the six countries the ban covered.

"We've complied with that injunction, we've put our pens down, we haven't done any work on it, so the 90-day period in our view hasn't been able to run at all," Wall added

I did read it. Section 2 covers the vetting measures but basically just says that DNI, SHS and the SOS shall evaluate the vetting in those 7 countries and submit a report. There are no specifics about improving any vetting measures. I see no reason why they can't be evaluating the situation right now if they don't already have action items to take.... that's exactly what they should be doing now, they don't need an executive order to evaluate vetting processes and make them better... that's their job

How do you know they are not? Was there a requirement in the executive orders that your e-mail be copied on all of the results?
I hope they are improving the vetting... I'd like to know what they've come up with and why they persist on a 90 day travel delay 130+ days after they first called for the pause.

Think I explained that to you. When you enjoin and stop the EO -- you are prohibited from ANY action towards implementation of that order. It's some of phony lefty talking point that you're hung up on here. That "the clock" was still running when the EO died in court.

Would be more productive if YOU had a plan..
So you are really trying to say that because the EO was blocked by the courts, the State Department, DNI, and DHS are not allowed to do an analysis on our current vetting process and propose improvements? You really believe that?

Yup. Ask legal counsel. If it concerns the SPECIFIC difficulties of getting information from those listed states -- it cannot be done without violating the order. And THAT's where the work has to focus. On the fact that there ARE NO records available from those places. And most of any "documentation" is unreliable or counterfeit.
The order doesn't direct any efforts to be made to improve intel from those areas. It only give a broad directive to make a report with recommendations. There is no way the blocking of the EO would restrict SOS, DNI and DHS from doing an analysis on high threat areas to improve vetting... NO WAY
How do you know they are not? Was there a requirement in the executive orders that your e-mail be copied on all of the results?
I hope they are improving the vetting... I'd like to know what they've come up with and why they persist on a 90 day travel delay 130+ days after they first called for the pause.

Think I explained that to you. When you enjoin and stop the EO -- you are prohibited from ANY action towards implementation of that order. It's some of phony lefty talking point that you're hung up on here. That "the clock" was still running when the EO died in court.

Would be more productive if YOU had a plan..
So you are really trying to say that because the EO was blocked by the courts, the State Department, DNI, and DHS are not allowed to do an analysis on our current vetting process and propose improvements? You really believe that?

Yup. Ask legal counsel. If it concerns the SPECIFIC difficulties of getting information from those listed states -- it cannot be done without violating the order. And THAT's where the work has to focus. On the fact that there ARE NO records available from those places. And most of any "documentation" is unreliable or counterfeit.
The order doesn't direct any efforts to be made to improve intel from those areas. It only give a broad directive to make a report with recommendations. There is no way the blocking of the EO would restrict SOS, DNI and DHS from doing an analysis on high threat areas to improve vetting... NO WAY

Can you READ?? If it's UNIQUE to those countries -- cannot be legally done. Tried to tell you that pages ago. Would have saved you pages of arguing with trolls about Trumps' lies vs Obama's .. :biggrin:
It's YOUR thread -- you should be figuring this out. I just warned you that was the legal interpretation I've heard recited. HOWEVER -- apparently the Trump Admin did BEAT the latest rulings and issued modifications BEFORE the Courts laid down the gavel. You really should be doing the work here..

Trump admin gives embassies broad discretion to limit travelers -

Washington (CNN)The Trump administration has approved intensified screening measures for visa applicants trying to reach the US, even as multiple federal courts have blocked its travel ban against six Muslim-majority countries.

The State Department released new guidance to embassies worldwide on Thursday -- the same day a federal appeals court upheld an indefinite freeze on President Donald Trump's travel ban, which sought to temporarily block people from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the US.
The new measures, approved by the White House Office of Management and Budget May 23, give consular officers broad discretion to apply stricter criteria to certain applicants, demanding more background material than required of typical applicants about their families, where they've lived and worked, and their social media use, among other things.
Administration lawyers told a federal court earlier this month that the White House has complied with a Hawaii-based judge's ruling that means it can't treat nationals from the selected countries differently. But the newly approved measures show the Trump administration has continued to seek ways to apply more rigorous screening to individuals who want to travel to the US.

Acting Solicitor General Jeffrey Wall, arguing on behalf of the Trump administration, maintained it has complied with the order from the federal judge in Hawaii blocking the travel ban. That ruling also forbid the administration from conducting "a review of the vetting procedures" with respect to the six countries the ban covered.

"We've complied with that injunction, we've put our pens down, we haven't done any work on it, so the 90-day period in our view hasn't been able to run at all," Wall added

Thank you for the information, I have done research on the issue but have not come across that statement by ASG Wall. It blows my mind that the administration is unable to conduct a review of vetting procedures that may effect our national security. I'll have to dig deeper because that really makes no sense on me. I understand the travel restriction elements, but don't see why a review would be prohibited. I'd think that element could be easily appealed, I wonder if there has been any attempt for that.
It's YOUR thread -- you should be figuring this out. I just warned you that was the legal interpretation I've heard recited. HOWEVER -- apparently the Trump Admin did BEAT the latest rulings and issued modifications BEFORE the Courts laid down the gavel. You really should be doing the work here..

Trump admin gives embassies broad discretion to limit travelers -

Washington (CNN)The Trump administration has approved intensified screening measures for visa applicants trying to reach the US, even as multiple federal courts have blocked its travel ban against six Muslim-majority countries.

The State Department released new guidance to embassies worldwide on Thursday -- the same day a federal appeals court upheld an indefinite freeze on President Donald Trump's travel ban, which sought to temporarily block people from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the US.
The new measures, approved by the White House Office of Management and Budget May 23, give consular officers broad discretion to apply stricter criteria to certain applicants, demanding more background material than required of typical applicants about their families, where they've lived and worked, and their social media use, among other things.
Administration lawyers told a federal court earlier this month that the White House has complied with a Hawaii-based judge's ruling that means it can't treat nationals from the selected countries differently. But the newly approved measures show the Trump administration has continued to seek ways to apply more rigorous screening to individuals who want to travel to the US.

Acting Solicitor General Jeffrey Wall, arguing on behalf of the Trump administration, maintained it has complied with the order from the federal judge in Hawaii blocking the travel ban. That ruling also forbid the administration from conducting "a review of the vetting procedures" with respect to the six countries the ban covered.

"We've complied with that injunction, we've put our pens down, we haven't done any work on it, so the 90-day period in our view hasn't been able to run at all," Wall added

Thank you for the information, I have done research on the issue but have not come across that statement by ASG Wall. It blows my mind that the administration is unable to conduct a review of vetting procedures that may effect our national security. I'll have to dig deeper because that really makes no sense on me. I understand the travel restriction elements, but don't see why a review would be prohibited. I'd think that element could be easily appealed, I wonder if there has been any attempt for that.

They COULD ask that injunction be limited to implementation and not planning or research. But it DID get appealed and that would be the time to bring up that request. To my knowledge -- it wasn't.

The PROBLEM IS -- that we don't get actual news anymore. No straight "who, why, when where" reporting. If it's not part of the narrative or interpreted for us in partisan ways -- "They" deem it beyond our concerns as readers. It's becoming all highly filtered and unreliable. From ALL directions.

We NEED actual journalism to be committed in times like this.
It's YOUR thread -- you should be figuring this out. I just warned you that was the legal interpretation I've heard recited. HOWEVER -- apparently the Trump Admin did BEAT the latest rulings and issued modifications BEFORE the Courts laid down the gavel. You really should be doing the work here..

Trump admin gives embassies broad discretion to limit travelers -

Washington (CNN)The Trump administration has approved intensified screening measures for visa applicants trying to reach the US, even as multiple federal courts have blocked its travel ban against six Muslim-majority countries.

The State Department released new guidance to embassies worldwide on Thursday -- the same day a federal appeals court upheld an indefinite freeze on President Donald Trump's travel ban, which sought to temporarily block people from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the US.
The new measures, approved by the White House Office of Management and Budget May 23, give consular officers broad discretion to apply stricter criteria to certain applicants, demanding more background material than required of typical applicants about their families, where they've lived and worked, and their social media use, among other things.
Administration lawyers told a federal court earlier this month that the White House has complied with a Hawaii-based judge's ruling that means it can't treat nationals from the selected countries differently. But the newly approved measures show the Trump administration has continued to seek ways to apply more rigorous screening to individuals who want to travel to the US.

Acting Solicitor General Jeffrey Wall, arguing on behalf of the Trump administration, maintained it has complied with the order from the federal judge in Hawaii blocking the travel ban. That ruling also forbid the administration from conducting "a review of the vetting procedures" with respect to the six countries the ban covered.

"We've complied with that injunction, we've put our pens down, we haven't done any work on it, so the 90-day period in our view hasn't been able to run at all," Wall added

Thank you for the information, I have done research on the issue but have not come across that statement by ASG Wall. It blows my mind that the administration is unable to conduct a review of vetting procedures that may effect our national security. I'll have to dig deeper because that really makes no sense on me. I understand the travel restriction elements, but don't see why a review would be prohibited. I'd think that element could be easily appealed, I wonder if there has been any attempt for that.

They COULD ask that injunction be limited to implementation and not planning or research. But it DID get appealed and that would be the time to bring up that request. To my knowledge -- it wasn't.

The PROBLEM IS -- that we don't get actual news anymore. No straight "who, why, when where" reporting. If it's not part of the narrative or interpreted for us in partisan ways -- "They" deem it beyond our concerns as readers. It's becoming all highly filtered and unreliable. From ALL directions.

We NEED actual journalism to be committed in times like this.
I completely agree with you there. Gets frustrating with we can't get straight forward answers or honest discussion about logical questions
Kennedy and now Kat have both posed the question on Fox today... both got less than a 5 second response. Maybe there is an actual discussion on the horizon.

90 days is up what extreme vetting has been done? If it is being held up by the courts then can the vetting analysis/report portion be appealed? And has the administration tried to appeal it?

It's worth pressing the White House about
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.
Hes trying to prevent the muslim problem in Europe, from happening in the US.
From which of the seven Muslim countries in the ban did the London attackers come?
Should we ask for "passports"?
Care to stop bullshitting? Terrorist can't be vetted. Block them all.

Care to stop hitting the bong?

Courts are VERY clear on this - Muslim ban is blatantly unconstitutional. You lose, time to get with reality.

It is not a Muslim ban. Why can't you get that through your thick skull?

If you are a Christian, Jew, agnostic, Muslim, atheist, Pastafarian or anything else , the ban says you can't come in!
How will that affect tourism? It is the first, second, and third largest employment sector in twenty-nine States.
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.
He's trying to keep muslim butchers out of the country. Why do you want them here?

If he's really trying to fix the alleged Muslim problem, then why did he just go to Saudi Arabia and silk the biggest sponsors of Terroism billions of dollars worth of weapons to them?

Trump is hardly concerned about fighting Terroism. The man is just preaching to his base.

This travel/Muslim ban is throwing a bone his Kool-Aid drinkers.

There is no Muslim ban. Why are you lying?
No citizens from predominantly Muslim countries, are being banned?
What is your source for this information about the heightened vetting program? I'd like to see it in more detail.
Read the EO.
I did read it. Section 2 covers the vetting measures but basically just says that DNI, SHS and the SOS shall evaluate the vetting in those 7 countries and submit a report. There are no specifics about improving any vetting measures. I see no reason why they can't be evaluating the situation right now if they don't already have action items to take.... that's exactly what they should be doing now, they don't need an executive order to evaluate vetting processes and make them better... that's their job

How do you know they are not? Was there a requirement in the executive orders that your e-mail be copied on all of the results?
I hope they are improving the vetting... I'd like to know what they've come up with and why they persist on a 90 day travel delay 130+ days after they first called for the pause.

Think I explained that to you. When you enjoin and stop the EO -- you are prohibited from ANY action towards implementation of that order. It's some of phony lefty talking point that you're hung up on here. That "the clock" was still running when the EO died in court.

Would be more productive if YOU had a plan..
want to give the right wing, "the memo"? nothing but repeal or legal, "incompetence" is not any more productive.
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.
Since he tweeted he wants a more Big League travel ban I think we know what he, and the Trumpbots, have in mind. Hopefully Roberts and Kennedy will honestly address that.
Yes; we should look at All Muslim countries, especially the ones where the most "war profiteering" is being made.

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