Trump's tweet about Mika

Nope. Because none of that has anything to do with the post you actually refenced AS an "attack", which was a pic of Ivanka as a child wishing to fly away. There's no "attack" there. It's a sympathy for the position she's in.

It's not sincere, Pogo. It's satire, just about as childish as Trump's tweets were today.

I see it as an attack for that reason. How do you two know how she feels about her father? Making the assumption that she hates him can be seen as an attack on her and her father.

I don't see how a wish to escape bubbles down to "hate". If one is in a dangerous situation one's instinct is survival. "Hate" would come later upon reflection. Survival is far more urgent.

Do we know that's what she was thinking? Not to my knowledge. But given the lecherous behaviour that would follow, it would have been reasonable, if she could have foreseen it.

Hence --- sympathy. Nobody's being "attacked", unless you want to count Rump's own behaviour that later made such a sentiment plausible.

Interesting how we were just talking about spin earlier...
I love the latest spin from the Trump team
Trump is a fighter, he is fighting fire with fire...even Melania says he will hit you back ten times harder

Joe and Mika are mocking the ineptness of his Presidency, how he can't get anything accomplished

Trump "fighting back" is to call her low IQ and tell the country she had a face lift?

That is what he calls winning?

Funny we have been saying that's what Trump has been doing forever now you call it a new spin?


You don't get it

That is not fighting back. You fight back with responses that prove your case. Making up silly names and bragging "I would not let you come to my party" is not exactly retaliating

It isn't even making a point. It's engaging in an ad hominem fallacy. The favorite tactic of seven-year-olds in schoolyards everywhere and also ... this just in... the President. :rolleyes:

A huge point..look at the lefts childish post here on USMB for an example...what's so hard to see Trump jumps right back at your face with your own games and once again you cry " wolf" like a frieghen toddler..


"The left" made a post, did it? Fascinating. By committee one expects. And what does this post say?

Proofread much?
Plus, in the interim my internet went out --- AGAIN. :death:

It's Trump's fault! The Russians made him do it!


(Who is your ISP by the way?)

A bigly outfit called Boris Badenov Internetski. They give me free borscht but I don't know why they can't just take dollars instead of rubles. :dunno:

Receptionist named Peggy?

Yeah, I've heard of them.

:rofl: Thanks. I had no idea what the reference was -- I would have gone with "Natasha". Generation gap.
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Mika Brzezinski @morningmika

9:19 AM - 29 Jun 2017
No one should be surprise when Trump tweet something that allow the MSM to go all crazy.

I am not defending Trump tweets because the fact is he should not tweet the majority of his nonsense.

Imagine some politician tweet something rude about Melania or Trump kids, well you and I damn well know his supporters would go flipping crazy.

So Trump should think before tweeting but he has made it a business to win with negative media, so the media should just ignore him until he tweets something worthy to report...
His actions are unPresidential, distracting to his agenda and disapproved by a majority of Americans:

Fox News Poll: Voters say Trump's tweets hurting agenda


I don't see any other threads on this one. Weird.


I've burned through all the adjectives I can come up with to describe how embarrassing and temperamentally unfit for office this guy is, so I'll hold off a bit.

Rush talked about this today......Trump mentioned to him that the two idiots showed up at Trump's place and were all friendly with him....and he thought they were weird...then they went on a non stop attack of Trump and he doesn't get attacked without hitting back....

Too bad for them.
He should have grabbed'em both by the pussy, amirite?

Speaking of plastic surgery, how about them tits, eh?


No one should be surprise when Trump tweet something that allow the MSM to go all crazy.

I am not defending Trump tweets because the fact is he should not tweet the majority of his nonsense.

Imagine some politician tweet something rude about Melania or Trump kids, well you and I damn well know his supporters would go flipping crazy.

So Trump should think before tweeting but he has made it a business to win with negative media, so the media should just ignore him until he tweets something worthy to report...
His actions are unPresidential, distracting to his agenda and disapproved by a majority of Americans:

Fox News Poll: Voters say Trump's tweets hurting agenda



That is great but he seem not to get the clue his tweets are just distracting and childish.
No one should be surprise when Trump tweet something that allow the MSM to go all crazy.

I am not defending Trump tweets because the fact is he should not tweet the majority of his nonsense.

Imagine some politician tweet something rude about Melania or Trump kids, well you and I damn well know his supporters would go flipping crazy.

So Trump should think before tweeting but he has made it a business to win with negative media, so the media should just ignore him until he tweets something worthy to report...
His actions are unPresidential, distracting to his agenda and disapproved by a majority of Americans:

Fox News Poll: Voters say Trump's tweets hurting agenda



That is great but he seem not to get the clue his tweets are just distracting and childish.
Ya think? LOL

Personally, I think he's bored being President; too much work doncha' know, and would rather just go back to golfing and Tweeting for the rest of his life.
Brian Beutler @brianbeutler
"Be courteous to all.” -Washington

“With malice toward none.” -Lincoln

“Low-IQ Crazy Mika…was bleeding badly from a facelift.” -Trump

9:28 AM - 29 Jun 2017
Clinton: Half of Trump supporters 'deplorables' - CNN Video


And you think that would have been becoming of the first female president to say?

Oh wow.
Just shut the fuck up you DEPLORABLE whiny Right wing douche
Brian Beutler @brianbeutler
"Be courteous to all.” -Washington

“With malice toward none.” -Lincoln

“Low-IQ Crazy Mika…was bleeding badly from a facelift.” -Trump

9:28 AM - 29 Jun 2017
Clinton: Half of Trump supporters 'deplorables' - CNN Video


And you think that would have been becoming of the first female president to say?

Oh wow.
Just shut the fuck up you whiny Right wing douche

LMAO! And you're lecturing Trump on his tweets today with that foul mouth?

Thank you, your argument is now invalid.
No one should be surprise when Trump tweet something that allow the MSM to go all crazy.

I am not defending Trump tweets because the fact is he should not tweet the majority of his nonsense.

Imagine some politician tweet something rude about Melania or Trump kids, well you and I damn well know his supporters would go flipping crazy.

So Trump should think before tweeting but he has made it a business to win with negative media, so the media should just ignore him until he tweets something worthy to report...
His actions are unPresidential, distracting to his agenda and disapproved by a majority of Americans:

Fox News Poll: Voters say Trump's tweets hurting agenda



That is great but he seem not to get the clue his tweets are just distracting and childish.
Ya think? LOL

Personally, I think he's bored being President; too much work doncha' know, and would rather just go back to golfing and Tweeting for the rest of his life.

Here is the thing I would rather suffer four years of his tweets than one day of Pence being President!

So let get him a intern in a blue dress to distract him from tweeting!
LMAO! And you're lecturing Trump on his tweets today with that foul mouth?

Thank you, your argument is now invalid.
Fuck off you whiny shit for Brains ...I am not POTUS ..Fuck off Deplorable Trump Bitchette LOL Ugly Fat Bimbo LOL

Andy Borowitz
1 hr ·
"It would just be a temp thing,” Barack Obama told reporters. “As soon as psychiatrists determine that Donald J. Trump is mentally stable and fit to serve as the most powerful officeholder in the world, I’d step aside.”

Obama Willing to Serve as Temp President While Trump Receives Psychiatric Evaluation
Obama said that he was a “logical choice” because of his time in the White House. “For starters, I know how the light switches work.”
Can he just be the President of Zingers and step aside for some one who wants to be Commander in Chief?
Obama called Sarah Palin a pig wearing lipstick and said half of America liked sucking balls...*Tea Baggers* STFU.

What a fucking liar :lol:

"Lipstick on a pig" is an old metaphor. Nobody but an intentional moron would take it literally.
And "tea bagging" was coined by --- a Tea Partier.

The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.” So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology. But others ran with it and ran with it.<< --- National Review


Revisionism ain't gonna fly, Sparky.
No one should be surprise when Trump tweet something that allow the MSM to go all crazy.

I am not defending Trump tweets because the fact is he should not tweet the majority of his nonsense.

Imagine some politician tweet something rude about Melania or Trump kids, well you and I damn well know his supporters would go flipping crazy.

So Trump should think before tweeting but he has made it a business to win with negative media, so the media should just ignore him until he tweets something worthy to report...
His actions are unPresidential, distracting to his agenda and disapproved by a majority of Americans:

Fox News Poll: Voters say Trump's tweets hurting agenda



That is great but he seem not to get the clue his tweets are just distracting and childish.
Ya think? LOL

Personally, I think he's bored being President; too much work doncha' know, and would rather just go back to golfing and Tweeting for the rest of his life.

Here is the thing I would rather suffer four years of his tweets than one day of Pence being President!

So let get him a intern in a blue dress to distract him from tweeting!
Buckle up, buckaroos, because I think Trump will be tweeting for years but President Pence will be sworn in before 2019.

Fuck off you whiny shit for Brains ...I am not POTUS ..Fuck off Deplorable Trump Bitchette LOL Ugly Fat Bimbo LOL


How can you sit there and be mad at Trump's tweets when you're saying some pretty ugly stuff to me?

You're funny. And hypocritical.

I do believe I've found my pre-dinner entertainment for tonight...

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