Trump’s use of private cellphone raises security concerns

Well, he is already talking to the russians about our secrets in the oval office. A mere cell phone isn't the concern.
nothing to see here. cell phones are secure communication devices made for direct communication between heads of states. no one would try to listen to their talks. no one.
nothing to see here. cell phones are secure communication devices made for direct communication between heads of states. no one would try to listen to their talks. no one.

That's not what my App permissions say.
Why does my weather app ask permission to turn on the phone, turn on my camera, mic, flash, contacts, history folder, and wants to know what time of day I shower? *L*
nothing to see here. cell phones are secure communication devices made for direct communication between heads of states. no one would try to listen to their talks. no one.

That's not what my App permissions say.
Why does my weather app ask permission to turn on the phone, turn on my camera, mic, flash, contacts, history folder, and wants to know what time of day I shower? *L*
trump has the best apps. they probably block listeners from guinea-bissau, bhutan, and timor l'este. that's practically 100 % covfefe.
What fresh hell is this?

Trump's use of private cellphone raises security concerns

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has been handing out his cellphone number to world leaders and urging them to call him directly, an unusual invitation that breaks diplomatic protocol and is raising concerns about the security and secrecy of the U.S. commander in chief’s communications.

Trump has urged leaders of Canada and Mexico to reach him on his cellphone, according to former and current U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the practice. Of the two, only Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken advantage of the offer so far, the officials said.

Trump also exchanged numbers with French President Emmanuel Macron when the two spoke immediately following Macron’s victory earlier this month, according to a French official, who would not comment on whether Macron intended to use the line.
Obama kept his Blackberry so he could secretly score with Larry Sinclair.
What fresh hell is this?

Trump's use of private cellphone raises security concerns

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has been handing out his cellphone number to world leaders and urging them to call him directly, an unusual invitation that breaks diplomatic protocol and is raising concerns about the security and secrecy of the U.S. commander in chief’s communications.

Trump has urged leaders of Canada and Mexico to reach him on his cellphone, according to former and current U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the practice. Of the two, only Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken advantage of the offer so far, the officials said.

Trump also exchanged numbers with French President Emmanuel Macron when the two spoke immediately following Macron’s victory earlier this month, according to a French official, who would not comment on whether Macron intended to use the line.
Obama kept his Blackberry so he could secretly score with Larry Sinclair.
What's wrong with them keeping up on golfing tips and cake recipes like Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch did aboard that plane?

Even government issued cell phones are not secured.

Aw another republican suddenly deciding whatever the Clinton's did is just A-okay

Well according to the left no crime was committed ...

No, according to multiple investigations, no crime committed. Regarding Clinton, anyways.

Trump undermining our security? Investigations are ongoing. Giving away his cell phone as a further shot against transparency? Doesn't look good.
Comedy said there was a crime, but he couldn't prove intent. Which means either she doesn't have a clue, or stupid as hell. Which one do you think it is.
What fresh hell is this?

Trump's use of private cellphone raises security concerns

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has been handing out his cellphone number to world leaders and urging them to call him directly, an unusual invitation that breaks diplomatic protocol and is raising concerns about the security and secrecy of the U.S. commander in chief’s communications.

Trump has urged leaders of Canada and Mexico to reach him on his cellphone, according to former and current U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the practice. Of the two, only Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken advantage of the offer so far, the officials said.

Trump also exchanged numbers with French President Emmanuel Macron when the two spoke immediately following Macron’s victory earlier this month, according to a French official, who would not comment on whether Macron intended to use the line.
Don't worry. It's OK. Flynn had his own Private Server when he worked at the department of defense, Colin Powell used a cell phone with an AOL account. Colin and Condi refused to turn over any emails to the State Department after their time as SOS was over.

See, rules only apply to Democrats, NOT to Republicans. A Republican could even trick the country into invading another country costing many tens of thousands of the injured and the dead and costing trillions, but if four people die during a Democratic Administration, it's endless investigations.

Republicans can even be traitors, work to ruin the country, like they did under Bush and make enemies of our friends and it's OK. They are Republicans. Rules don't apply to them.
nothing to see here. cell phones are secure communication devices made for direct communication between heads of states. no one would try to listen to their talks. no one.

That's not what my App permissions say.
Why does my weather app ask permission to turn on the phone, turn on my camera, mic, flash, contacts, history folder, and wants to know what time of day I shower? *L*
trump has the best apps. they probably block listeners from guinea-bissau, bhutan, and timor l'este. that's practically 100 % covfefe.

Justice Dept blocked Trumps App ban, said it was not constitutional to ban a few Muslim countries from spying on his Phone but it was constitutional to let a former president spy for poltical advantage.
Notice Obamas 3 Phones
1 to the Kremlin
1 to Iran
1 to the Psychic network
View attachment 129860
And his lap top kept tightly close cause it has all his emails to Hillary.
Links? Of course not.
He wrote and I will swear to it. In liberal world that makes it true!
I recall, Obama had trouble getting a cell phone approved and then it had strict limits.

Obama was using a Blackberry!
Notice Obamas 3 Phones
1 to the Kremlin
1 to Iran
1 to the Psychic network
View attachment 129860
And his lap top kept tightly close cause it has all his emails to Hillary.
Links? Of course not.
He wrote and I will swear to it. In liberal world that makes it true!
I recall, Obama had trouble getting a cell phone approved and then it had strict limits.

Obama was using a Blackberry!
ZOMG! i see, the talking points have been given out.

you could have read the thread, this has been addressed. and other trumptards already tried to tu quoque this. LOL
This reminds me of all the threads you posted about Hillary's criminal disregard for national security.

Oh, wait.

Never mind.
Look at you saying it's okay for Trump to act like Hillary :rolleyes:
No that you are a hypocrite. You didn't care that Hillary broke the law.
Multiple investigations later, zero laws broken
No Comey admitted she broke the law, but he couldn't prove intent.
Don't care at all. He is honorable.


Jared Kushner on Trump's birtherism: "He doesn't really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they'll buy it."
Gruber was talking about liberals when he said Obama relied on your ignorance, and you defended him. Lol
61 times Republicans voted to repeal the ACA. Why won't they put that bill before Trump?
What does that have to do with Obama relying on your ignorance, and you defending it?
This reminds me of all the threads you posted about Hillary's criminal disregard for national security.

Oh, wait.

Never mind.
Oh heaven help us all. First it was about him having two scoops of ice cream to everyone else's one, now this?

Next you'll be scrutinizing the smell of his farts to see if he had any Russian dishes last night.

How childish can you be? Utterly pathetic.
And this is why the LIB will lose the midterms and in 2020. Ivanka will become the first female President. She'll serve for two terms. The DEM party, with the help of the LIB MSM has destroyed themselves. Every LIB MSM bullshit "BOMBSHELL" has blown up in their faces.
Keep it up assholes!

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