Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun

Sandy Shanks

Gold Member
Jul 10, 2018
Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.
Uncle Ferd says...

... before the next election...

... he gonna declare hisself King!
We owe the Senate a debt of gratitude for not dragging America through months of random "witnesses" who witnessed NOTHING. Now let's see if Peloser and company actually go back to doing their jobs.
Acquitted on Wednesday s0n.....forever!

Still time to grab up the last sticks of butter at the store!:113:
Given it's Super Bowl weekend, a football analogy necessary.....

After yesterday, the narrative of the DUMS is akin to a team losing the game 48-3 and saying after the game, "Well....we did have sharper uniforms!"

:113::hello77::113: :hello77::113:
It is a puzzle that people are so stupid.

IT IS NOT POSSIBLE that President Trump would have allowed the funding for Ukrainian aid to expire. Not possible. He had long and publicly condemned O'Bama for refusing this sort of aid, Congress had allocated it, and come hell or high water, they were going to get it.

AT WORST, Trump wanted to make the new President BELIEVE that the aid was contingent on the Biden investigation, but President Z has stated, in public, that he DIDN'T GET THAT MESSAGE! He could EASILY have made the requested announcement; it would have cost him nothing, economically, politically, or any other way. But he didn't do it. AND HE GOT HIS MONEY.

WHATEVER motivated President Trump to play this game, the request for an investigation was THOROUGHLY JUSTIFIED by the appearance of gross impropriety by the Bidens. This is the end of the story. If Trump would ALSO have benefited politically - which is extremely questionable - that is not relevant. It is the same as the drone killing of that terrorist bastard; if the decision was justified, the fact that it might have been politically beneficial is irrelevant. And calling the request for an investigation a request for a personal political favor is total bullshit.

You are pretty much delusional.
It is a puzzle that people are so stupid.

IT IS NOT POSSIBLE that President Trump would have allowed the funding for Ukrainian aid to expire. Not possible. He had long and publicly condemned O'Bama for refusing this sort of aid, Congress had allocated it, and come hell or high water, they were going to get it.

AT WORST, Trump wanted to make the new President BELIEVE that the aid was contingent on the Biden investigation, but President Z has stated, in public, that he DIDN'T GET THAT MESSAGE! He could EASILY have made the requested announcement; it would have cost him nothing, economically, politically, or any other way. But he didn't do it. AND HE GOT HIS MONEY.

WHATEVER motivated President Trump to play this game, the request for an investigation was THOROUGHLY JUSTIFIED by the appearance of gross impropriety by the Bidens. This is the end of the story. If Trump would ALSO have benefited politically - which is extremely questionable - that is not relevant. It is the same as the drone killing of that terrorist bastard; if the decision was justified, the fact that it might have been politically beneficial is irrelevant. And calling the request for an investigation a request for a personal political favor is total bullshit.

You are pretty much delusional.

Very astute post.....:rock::rock:
Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.

Democrats really can't be this ignorant? Senate republicans can spew whatever nonsense they want to about why they voted one way or another. The people who voted them in office don't care since they didn't waste to much time on the shame impeachment. McConnell will play up how quickly he shut down the democrats and now he will be getting back to pushing those judges through.
Does your family have imbeciles in it who think Bloomberg or Sanders would be a "better" choice for America?
You think you're joking, I think it's a real concern.

Recent national polls clearly show that the vast majority of Americans would approve of Mr. Trump taking a more enduring, authoritative and unquestioned role in leadership of the nation.

The polls also show we could eliminate Congress under his great wisdom and guidance. :113:

Every Dem should believe this since it's the exact same polls they rely on and quote daily here.
Acquitted on Wednesday s0n.....forever!

Still time to grab up the last sticks of butter at the store!:113:

LOL, Once TRUMP's acquitted it will be like he was never impeached!!! Just look at how much he accomplished during the impeachment sham, killed terrorists, USMCA, China deal, 1st POTUS to speak at the March for Life, economy rolling...any other president would have been a lame duck during the entire time.
Wiki got it right:

Wiki got it right:

View attachment 304020
And let's face it, as of Friday, Americans would prefer going for an 8 hour root canal than see another moment of Schiff standing up there making shit Wednesday becomes an exhale day and for many, the last collective football spike of the season!!:deal:
I'm hoping that after the Hannity interview tomorrow, the President stands up and spikes a football in front of 90 million people!:popcorn:
Another unhinged Dimwinger thread confirming the prediction in my sig.:banana:
Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.

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