Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun

You think you're joking, I think it's a real concern.

Recent national polls clearly show that the vast majority of Americans would approve of Mr. Trump taking a more enduring, authoritative and unquestioned role in leadership of the nation.

The polls also show we could eliminate Congress under his great wisdom and guidance. :113:

Every Dem should believe this since it's the exact same polls they rely on and quote daily here.
Post that shit up.

I think you're lying.
^^^^ No Wikipedia did not get it right, all the above illustrates is that Wikipedia got hacked by Partisan Leftist Bedwetting hacks.

So all you can do is call people "Partisan Leftist Bedwetting hacks." When did refusing to restrain a madman who wants to be a dictator become a good thing? Do you approve of unrestrained totalitarianism?

I'm a Right-Wing Totalitarian and I look great wearing black :smoke:

So you are willing to sacrifice the freedom of your fellow citizens and the values of the United States to achieve your goals. What, in fact, are your goals, since you are in love with the thought of dictatorship?

Nothing wrong with Dicatorships when faced with Unhinged Leftists aka Communists aka Neo-Marxists. In such a situation you either allow the Leftists to destroy the nation with their Treasonous policies or you crack the whip, a great example of bringing the Leftists under such control they were given the choice of STFU or be reduced to zero was the great General Augusto Pinochet, a great Patriotic Hero who saved Chile from Communism, who saved Chile from being reduced to a Shit Hole like Cuba, another great example in the vein of General Pinochet was Jorge Videla in Argentina, again a Patriotic Hero who saved Argentina from Communism, who saved Argentina from being reduced to a Shit Hole like Cuba.

Of course The Unhinged Left also LOVE Dictatorships as long as they are Left-Wing eg. Fidel Castro.

So you like dictatorships? We Americans don't. Your comment speaks volumes about you and where your head is at. Americans like freedom, not dictatorship. Try another country. Chile, perhaps? Argentina? Perhaps Iran is more your kind of place. There is a neat theocracy going on there.

The Donald is going to be re-elected so get used to it already, he is basically the most successful American President since the great Ronald Reagan, it shows how great The Donald is that he has been able to achieve so much when he has been harrassed by the Leftist MSM and The Unhinged Leftists from day one.

So this:

Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.

Wow, that's a damned lie, 13 different witnesses were heard from, in the exact same manner the witnesses in the Clinton trial were heard from, video depositions and transcripts. In fact if you count the transcripts 17 witnesses were heard from. Of course adumb shitt hid one transcript, I wonder why? So take your commie propaganda and shove it.

BTW the house commies stepped on their dicks the first night with adumb shitt lying his ass off, and everyone knew it. Then you had nadless calling the senators traitors for not voting for their nonsense "amendments". Not a good way to win friends and influence people.

These witnesses were not heard by the Senate. You are talking about the witnesses who testified during the House committee investigations only. All witnesses must be heard by the Senate and all documents introduced on the Senate floor.
Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.

All I want him to do is repeal the 13th Amendment.

He'll be acquitted at 4 pm on Wednesday. Hopefully he'll have time to repeal it before the weekend.
Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.

Democrats need to come up with something other than investigations, negativity, false accusations and poor me politics..

Seems to me they should have piggy-backed on Trump's successes and came up with some new solutions of their own..As it is they've only confirmed they can't legislate worth a damn and can't compete without melodramatic divisive and hate politics.
So all you can do is call people "Partisan Leftist Bedwetting hacks." When did refusing to restrain a madman who wants to be a dictator become a good thing? Do you approve of unrestrained totalitarianism?

I'm a Right-Wing Totalitarian and I look great wearing black :smoke:

So you are willing to sacrifice the freedom of your fellow citizens and the values of the United States to achieve your goals. What, in fact, are your goals, since you are in love with the thought of dictatorship?

Nothing wrong with Dicatorships when faced with Unhinged Leftists aka Communists aka Neo-Marxists. In such a situation you either allow the Leftists to destroy the nation with their Treasonous policies or you crack the whip, a great example of bringing the Leftists under such control they were given the choice of STFU or be reduced to zero was the great General Augusto Pinochet, a great Patriotic Hero who saved Chile from Communism, who saved Chile from being reduced to a Shit Hole like Cuba, another great example in the vein of General Pinochet was Jorge Videla in Argentina, again a Patriotic Hero who saved Argentina from Communism, who saved Argentina from being reduced to a Shit Hole like Cuba.

Of course The Unhinged Left also LOVE Dictatorships as long as they are Left-Wing eg. Fidel Castro.

So you like dictatorships? We Americans don't. Your comment speaks volumes about you and where your head is at. Americans like freedom, not dictatorship. Try another country. Chile, perhaps? Argentina? Perhaps Iran is more your kind of place. There is a neat theocracy going on there.

The Donald is going to be re-elected so get used to it already, he is basically the most successful American President since the great Ronald Reagan, it shows how great The Donald is that he has been able to achieve so much when he has been harrassed by the Leftist MSM and The Unhinged Leftists from day one.

So this:

View attachment 304047

Says the supporter of dictators. If you can't be an American, go back to Chile.
Trump usurped nothing. Congress led by democrats simply became dysfunctional. It devolved into hysterical, frothing, lunacy.
Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.

Where were these witnesses when the House was voting on impeachment? Why did they not bring them forth? Democrats wanted to rush the process and they could have taken all the time they wanted to bring witnesses. They wanted to rush through before Christmas and now they want to dictate to the Senate on how to make up their own rules. The Democrats have been nothing but partisan hacks through this entire process, they dont deserve a helping hand. they had every chance to put together a case against Trump. As a matter of fact, they already submitted it, so now the Senate will rule on it.
Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.

Wow, that's a damned lie, 13 different witnesses were heard from, in the exact same manner the witnesses in the Clinton trial were heard from, video depositions and transcripts. In fact if you count the transcripts 17 witnesses were heard from. Of course adumb shitt hid one transcript, I wonder why? So take your commie propaganda and shove it.

BTW the house commies stepped on their dicks the first night with adumb shitt lying his ass off, and everyone knew it. Then you had nadless calling the senators traitors for not voting for their nonsense "amendments". Not a good way to win friends and influence people.

These witnesses were not heard by the Senate. You are talking about the witnesses who testified during the House committee investigations only. All witnesses must be heard by the Senate and all documents introduced on the Senate floor.

The videos were played on the senate floor numb nuts, and all the transcripts were delivered to the senate. Not one witness appeared personally in Clintons trial. You're not very damn smart are ya?

Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.

All I want him to do is repeal the 13th Amendment.

He'll be acquitted at 4 pm on Wednesday. Hopefully he'll have time to repeal it before the weekend.

Even your whore cannot repeal an amendment to the United States Constitution, you moron. Why do you want to legalize slavery? Do you want to be a slave? Have at it. Come to my house, where you can cook and clean and I promise that I will not pay you anything, but I'll beat you if you don't do it.
Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.

Wow, that's a damned lie, 13 different witnesses were heard from, in the exact same manner the witnesses in the Clinton trial were heard from, video depositions and transcripts. In fact if you count the transcripts 17 witnesses were heard from. Of course adumb shitt hid one transcript, I wonder why? So take your commie propaganda and shove it.

BTW the house commies stepped on their dicks the first night with adumb shitt lying his ass off, and everyone knew it. Then you had nadless calling the senators traitors for not voting for their nonsense "amendments". Not a good way to win friends and influence people.

We all realize SS is a moron.

Picture this The Donald is re-elected and not long after Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies, the Leftists reaction will be:

Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.
Trump has broken you people so badly you will never recover. The amazing thing is how he did it. He made life in the USA better. Economically and militarily better. By making America great again he destroyed your hopes and dreams. Or should I say hope and change? By doing what was best for this nation he has ruined your lives. And for that I will be eternally grateful.
Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.

All I want him to do is repeal the 13th Amendment.

He'll be acquitted at 4 pm on Wednesday. Hopefully he'll have time to repeal it before the weekend.

Even your whore cannot repeal an amendment to the United States Constitution, you moron. Why do you want to legalize slavery? Do you want to be a slave? Have at it. Come to my house, where you can cook and clean and I promise that I will not pay you anything, but I'll beat you if you don't do it.

There is a massive amount of Modern Slavery going on in this world right now, the majority of it in Africa and in Muslim nations and yet nobody sees you Leftists giving a shit about any of that, probably because it involves your Islamist Pets that you support importing in unlimited numbers into Western nations.
Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.

Wow, that's a damned lie, 13 different witnesses were heard from, in the exact same manner the witnesses in the Clinton trial were heard from, video depositions and transcripts. In fact if you count the transcripts 17 witnesses were heard from. Of course adumb shitt hid one transcript, I wonder why? So take your commie propaganda and shove it.

BTW the house commies stepped on their dicks the first night with adumb shitt lying his ass off, and everyone knew it. Then you had nadless calling the senators traitors for not voting for their nonsense "amendments". Not a good way to win friends and influence people.

These witnesses were not heard by the Senate. You are talking about the witnesses who testified during the House committee investigations only. All witnesses must be heard by the Senate and all documents introduced on the Senate floor.

The videos were played on the senate floor numb nuts, and all the transcripts were delivered to the senate. Not one witness appeared personally in Clintons trial. You're not very damn smart are ya?

Well, her raging TDS DOES make her quite dim at times. Poor old girl............
You are either Pro-Communism or Anti-Communism, you cannot be Anti-Communist if you join forces with Communists to fight Anti-Communists.
The great anti communist fighter Herr Schicklgruber knew that.
Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.

Wow, that's a damned lie, 13 different witnesses were heard from, in the exact same manner the witnesses in the Clinton trial were heard from, video depositions and transcripts. In fact if you count the transcripts 17 witnesses were heard from. Of course adumb shitt hid one transcript, I wonder why? So take your commie propaganda and shove it.

BTW the house commies stepped on their dicks the first night with adumb shitt lying his ass off, and everyone knew it. Then you had nadless calling the senators traitors for not voting for their nonsense "amendments". Not a good way to win friends and influence people.

These witnesses were not heard by the Senate. You are talking about the witnesses who testified during the House committee investigations only. All witnesses must be heard by the Senate and all documents introduced on the Senate floor.

The videos were played on the senate floor numb nuts, and all the transcripts were delivered to the senate. Not one witness appeared personally in Clintons trial. You're not very damn smart are ya?

Well, her raging TDS DOES make her quite dim at times. Poor old girl............


Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.

Where were these witnesses when the House was voting on impeachment? Why did they not bring them forth? Democrats wanted to rush the process and they could have taken all the time they wanted to bring witnesses. They wanted to rush through before Christmas and now they want to dictate to the Senate on how to make up their own rules. The Democrats have been nothing but partisan hacks through this entire process, they dont deserve a helping hand. they had every chance to put together a case against Trump. As a matter of fact, they already submitted it, so now the Senate will rule on it.

Dingbat: the House committees did bring these witnesses forth during their investigations, a least the ones whom the orange whore did not prevent from testifying. But the procedure is that investigations come before articles of impeachment are written because there has to be enough evidence to provide a basis for these articles to be drafted. Articles of impeachment are, essentially, a request for an indictment. The House then votes on the articles of impeachment.

What you are saying is that a suspect must be indicted for a crime before witnesses can be interviewed. You are turning the procedure on its head.

The problem is that the jurors at the subsequent trial refused to hear the evidence that the prosecutors had gathered, thus preventing a fair trial from being held and violating the jurors' oaths.

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