Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun

Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.

Sham trial is sham. Don't you just love the transparency of this crooked admin? Are you listening, foreign countries? HACK these emails from them. The hell with the law, amirite? Distribute them through WikiLeaks, 4/8 Chan, I don't give a rats ass.

Plus, as predicted, Palestine has told the US and Isreal to shove their 'deal' up their ass. Another failure for these piece of shit dumb c*nts.

Palestinians are notoriously evil. Yassir Arafat once set out a list of demands for a two-state solution. All parties agreed, but the Palestinians then refused to agree because there was o longer a need for conflict which lined teir leaders pockets!
Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.
Modern constitutional systems show a great variety of arrangements of the legislative, executive, and judicial processes, and the doctrine has consequently lost much of its rigidity and dogmatic purity. In the 20th century, governmental involvement in numerous aspects of social and economic life resulted in an enlargement of the scope of executive power, a trend that accelerated after World War II. Some who fear the consequences of that development for individual liberty have favoured establishing means of appeal against executive and administrative decisions (for example, through an ombudsman), rather than attempting to reassert the doctrine of the separation of powers. See also checks and balances.
separation of powers | Definition & Facts
Once Skeptical of Executive Power, Obama Has Come to Embrace It
Wiki got it right:

View attachment 304019 Wiki got it right:

View attachment 304020

^^^^ No Wikipedia did not get it right, all the above illustrates is that Wikipedia got hacked by Partisan Leftist Bedwetting hacks.

So all you can do is call people "Partisan Leftist Bedwetting hacks." When did refusing to restrain a madman who wants to be a dictator become a good thing? Do you approve of unrestrained totalitarianism?

When did refusing to restrain a madman who wants to be a dictator become a good thing?

When the madman is black(ish).
^^^^ No Wikipedia did not get it right, all the above illustrates is that Wikipedia got hacked by Partisan Leftist Bedwetting hacks.

So all you can do is call people "Partisan Leftist Bedwetting hacks." When did refusing to restrain a madman who wants to be a dictator become a good thing? Do you approve of unrestrained totalitarianism?

I'm a Right-Wing Totalitarian and I look great wearing black :smoke:

So you are willing to sacrifice the freedom of your fellow citizens and the values of the United States to achieve your goals. What, in fact, are your goals, since you are in love with the thought of dictatorship?

Nothing wrong with Dicatorships when faced with Unhinged Leftists aka Communists aka Neo-Marxists. In such a situation you either allow the Leftists to destroy the nation with their Treasonous policies or you crack the whip, a great example of bringing the Leftists under such control they were given the choice of STFU or be reduced to zero was the great General Augusto Pinochet, a great Patriotic Hero who saved Chile from Communism, who saved Chile from being reduced to a Shit Hole like Cuba, another great example in the vein of General Pinochet was Jorge Videla in Argentina, again a Patriotic Hero who saved Argentina from Communism, who saved Argentina from being reduced to a Shit Hole like Cuba.

Of course The Unhinged Left also LOVE Dictatorships as long as they are Left-Wing eg. Fidel Castro.

So you like dictatorships? We Americans don't. Your comment speaks volumes about you and where your head is at. Americans like freedom, not dictatorship. Try another country. Chile, perhaps? Argentina? Perhaps Iran is more your kind of place. There is a neat theocracy going on there.

So you like dictatorships? We Americans don't.

Leftist Americans loved Russian dictators for 100 years, until your corrupt old sot lost.
Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.

Yes, YES! Let the butthurt flow through you!
Trump's usurpation of power from Congress has already begun, and the Senate has not even let him off the hook yet. That will probably take place on Wednesday. Trump Republican Senators have some fast talking to do. They want to go home and try to explain to their constituents why they refused to hear from witnesses with direct knowledge to what had transpired. In fact, in their sham trial, they did not hear from any witnesses. That is the first trial of its kind in that respect.

Please notice I did not say the Senate was acquitting Trump. Acquit means to declare innocence, pronounce the defendant not guilty of all charges. That is certainly not the case here. Not even Trump's lawyers are claiming that. They are just going to let him off he hook.

Trump Republicans will have a hard time explaining that to their constituents.

It has already started.

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

President Trump on Friday added six countries to his list of nations facing stringent travel restrictions, a move that will virtually block immigration from Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, and from Myanmar, where the Muslim minority is fleeing genocide.

Beside Nigeria, three other African countries, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania, will face varying degrees of restrictions, as will one former Soviet state, Kyrgyzstan. Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims could also be caught in the crossfire.

All six countries have substantial Muslim populations. The total number of countries now on the restricted travel list stands at 13.

Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban - The New York Times

This is only the start. His reelection is something to be feared by all. Pretty soon changes he likes to social security, health care, and other earned benefits will soon affect you.

Think about it. Who is going to stop him? The Senate will soon give the answer to that question.

Where were these witnesses when the House was voting on impeachment? Why did they not bring them forth? Democrats wanted to rush the process and they could have taken all the time they wanted to bring witnesses. They wanted to rush through before Christmas and now they want to dictate to the Senate on how to make up their own rules. The Democrats have been nothing but partisan hacks through this entire process, they dont deserve a helping hand. they had every chance to put together a case against Trump. As a matter of fact, they already submitted it, so now the Senate will rule on it.

Dingbat: the House committees did bring these witnesses forth during their investigations, a least the ones whom the orange whore did not prevent from testifying. But the procedure is that investigations come before articles of impeachment are written because there has to be enough evidence to provide a basis for these articles to be drafted. Articles of impeachment are, essentially, a request for an indictment. The House then votes on the articles of impeachment.

What you are saying is that a suspect must be indicted for a crime before witnesses can be interviewed. You are turning the procedure on its head.

The problem is that the jurors at the subsequent trial refused to hear the evidence that the prosecutors had gathered, thus preventing a fair trial from being held and violating the jurors' oaths.

The House is supposed to COMPLETE the investigation. The House subpoenas witnesses. The President, being head of an equal (not subservient) branch of our government, has every right to claim Executive Privilege. When that happens, our Judicial branch gets to decide which subpoenas are to be enforced. That is the process.

When Articles of Impeachment are submitted and a trial begins, the Senate must shut down and hold the trial. They can do no other work. This is not so for the House's investigation. It was a jerk move for the House to demand the Senate shut down to hold a lengthy investigation that was the House's duty. The Senate cannot allow this, as it sets a very bad precedent!

The House did not want to wait for the SC to decide, so tried to bypass them. That should not be allowed IMO.
How would an insane tRumpling like you know what regular Americans think?

Granny got her thumb...

... onna pulse o' America!
Trump has said that he would be willing to consider cuts to social safety-net programs like Medicare to reduce the federal deficit if he wins a second term, an apparent shift from his 2016 campaign promise to protect funding for such entitlements.

Despite promises to reduce the federal budget deficit, it has ballooned under Trump’s watch as a result of sweeping tax cuts and additional government spending.

Asked in an interview with CNBC if cuts to entitlements would ever be on his plate, Trump answered yes.

“At some point they will be,” Trump said. "At the right time, we will take a look at that.”

Trump Opens Door to Cuts to Medicare and Other Entitlement Programs - The New York Times

I wonder how many of Trump's fans are on Medicare.
Pelosi neglected to include the traditional words 'honor' and 'privilege' when introducing Trump.

That is because honor and privilege are earned not granted.

Kansas City has a population of over 490,000 making it the 38th largest city in the U.S. Trump doesn't which state the city is in. How does one respect a man like that? My 12-year old neighbor knows which state Kansas City is in. :290968001256257790-final::4_13_65:
Pelosi neglected to include the traditional words 'honor' and 'privilege' when introducing Trump.

That is because honor and privilege are earned not granted.

Kansas City has a population of over 490,000 making it the 38th largest city in the U.S. Trump doesn't which state the city is in. How does one respect a man like that? My 12-year old neighbor knows which state Kansas City is in. :290968001256257790-final::4_13_65:

the 38th largest city in the U.S. Trump doesn't which state the city is in.

Outrageous! It's not like there is a city with the same name, right next door...……...

Wait, is it in one of the 57 states?
Uncle Ferd says...

... before the next election...

... he gonna declare hisself King!
You think you're joking, I think it's a real concern.
Explain the path Trump will take to declare himself King.
Probably twitter.
Right so what's causing concern comes directly from your fourth point of contact.
No. There have been people right here suggesting this.

Also, he has expressed admiration for China's president for life, and his buddy Vladimir has just done something similar.

Do you really find it that unlikely? Do you think the senators who just refused to hold him accountable would really be able to stop him?
Trump has said that he would be willing to consider cuts to social safety-net programs like Medicare to reduce the federal deficit if he wins a second term, an apparent shift from his 2016 campaign promise to protect funding for such entitlements.

Despite promises to reduce the federal budget deficit, it has ballooned under Trump’s watch as a result of sweeping tax cuts and additional government spending.

Asked in an interview with CNBC if cuts to entitlements would ever be on his plate, Trump answered yes.

“At some point they will be,” Trump said. "At the right time, we will take a look at that.”

Trump Opens Door to Cuts to Medicare and Other Entitlement Programs - The New York Times

I wonder how many of Trump's fans are on Medicare.
You can't believe the New York times. If they said that Trump opens the door to cuts you can take Medicare to the bank.

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