Trump's Wall, 195.4 miles, do you take the over or under?

Trump Wall over/under set at 195.4 miles, which do you take?

  • Over 195.4 miles of a 18 foot (or more) height border wall will be built by 1/27/2025

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Under 195.4 miles of a 18 foot (or more) height border wall will be built by 1/27/2025

    Votes: 6 60.0%

  • Total voters
If trump don't get it done in the next year, it won't get done.
That what the dems feel also.
That's why they're throwing daca kids under the bus temporarily.
They know time is on their side and they absolutely don't want that wall.

You believe they can construct it in a year? I wish our highway and road maintenance department would take tips from where you live. Hope my question was clear I was referring to a finished product.

Where did you get constructed in a year?
He was talking about policies.
The boundary between US and Mexico is 1954 miles.

If I arbitrary set 195.4 miles as the length of the Trump wall that actually gets built in the next 7 years, would you bet the over or under?

Let's set the requirement to meet qualification as Trump's Wall to simply its height specification of at least 18 feet.
'Physically imposing': Here are the design specs for Trump's border wall

Well I take the under--:badgrin: They've already found 240 tunnels in the San Diego Region alone, and they know there's more.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

I thought it was supposed to be 40' high, now it's 18 feet---:badgrin: I have 24' extension ladder.

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly. Anything they can see, can and will always be compromised. Something they can't see they won't even attempt to cross.

You know we can put a man on the moon--and we can't secure the border. Or maybe it's they really don't want to secure the border, and just want to blow money on worthless walls and fences and pretend like they're doing something. Then they'll have something they can campaign on next Presidential election cycle.

Total fucking bullshit. According to you, radar doesn't work because you can't see the planes visually.

It's fun watching you idiots fight so hard to stop the wall with your imbecile "logic."

Walls work everwhere they've been tried. You idiots keep ignoring that irrefutable fact.

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