Trump's Wall And Eminent Domain...

Find one Texas rancher on the Mexican border who voted DEM.
These ranchers have already made deals with the Gov. to lease the land.
They are getting a lot more in lease fees than they get from grazing a few head of cattle on the narrow strips of land involved.
Everyone is happy with the deals except the mexican cartels and the DEM party who are watching tens of thousands of illegals, who they assumed are one day going to vote DEM now being kept out of the US.
Maybe the DEMs should be going back to the negro 'well' again.

Did they have a choice? So no, 'Everyone' is definitely not happy. Many don't want to give up their lands for the Wall. They're shocked and angry that it's gonna be done by force.

Some probably won't have to move very far. A lot of that area is small-ish houses on a lot of land.

There's nothing wrong with imminent domain in this situation. Sure there will be a holdout here and there. They'll get money and move and that will be that.
Hold outs go to court, idiot! That takes time and lots of it
Find one Texas rancher on the Mexican border who voted DEM.
These ranchers have already made deals with the Gov. to lease the land.
They are getting a lot more in lease fees than they get from grazing a few head of cattle on the narrow strips of land involved.
Everyone is happy with the deals except the mexican cartels and the DEM party who are watching tens of thousands of illegals, who they assumed are one day going to vote DEM now being kept out of the US.
Maybe the DEMs should be going back to the negro 'well' again.

Did they have a choice? So no, 'Everyone' is definitely not happy. Many don't want to give up their lands for the Wall. They're shocked and angry that it's gonna be done by force.
You are a fucking liar! There's not a SINGLE rancher living along the Mexican border who votes DEM!
IF there were Texas ranchers who are "shocked and angry" about Keeping their land! and LEASING a 30 foot strip of land to help stop the cartels from smuggling tons of heroin and tens of thousands of illegals into the US the fucking LIB MSM would be running the footage 24/7 of these " angry and shocked" Texas ranchers demonstrating on the steps of the White house.
You're full of hit as usual!
Oh good grief, eminent domain happens all the time and if anyone thought it wouldn't be used to build the wall they're being silly

Well no, most probably didn't realize the Government was gonna seize Citizens' lands to build it. I don't think the issue was properly fleshed out during the Campaign. If it was, i think many would have reconsidered support.

What did you think they were going to build a wall on, thin air?

I really don't think most thought Eminent Domain was gonna be part of it. Now that more & more are realizing it will be, they're beginning to think it through a bit more.

How the hell did you think they were going to acquire the land?

You don't give two shits about eminent domain, you're just pushing the agenda. Freaking loons think themselves clever....they're not

I supported Trump and the Wall. But i won't support forcibly seizing Citizens' lands to build it. That's how i feel.
Nobody gives a shit about how you "feel"!
Fuck off! You're nothing but a troll looking for an argument where none exists.
NO Texas rancher living along the mexican border is getting their land "stolen" by ED!!! NONE ZERO!
They are happy to lease the 30 foot wide strip of land to the Gov. They are happy to help stop the illegals packing in heroin. They are happy to help stop the illegals from looting/destroying property/setting fires intentionally.
I actually remember a time when most Republicans i know, vehemently opposed Eminent Domain. But I guess that was only because the other Party was in power at the time.

I'm pretty shocked these same folks now can't wait for Government to seize Citizens' lands. It's why Politics can be so depressing. You can't trust anyone. I can understand why so many Americans choose to tune it all out.
These are our fellow Americans. They don't want their Government forcibly seizing their lands. That doesn't mean they're 'In favor of Illegal Immigration.' Shame on you for implying that.

YOu might want to wait until busybee speaks more before defending him.

"Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one." - Benjamin Franklin

I betchya Benjamin Franklin wouldn't have tolerated the Government trying to seize his lands. He would have fought it till the bitter end.

I bet you are wrong.

Benjamin Franklin was a badass. He would have defended his lands at all costs.

Against the riff raff we are getting from the Third World, I agree.

Also against the Government trying to seize his lands. He wouldn't have put up with it.
Find one Texas rancher on the Mexican border who voted DEM.
These ranchers have already made deals with the Gov. to lease the land.
They are getting a lot more in lease fees than they get from grazing a few head of cattle on the narrow strips of land involved.
Everyone is happy with the deals except the mexican cartels and the DEM party who are watching tens of thousands of illegals, who they assumed are one day going to vote DEM now being kept out of the US.
Maybe the DEMs should be going back to the negro 'well' again.

Did they have a choice? So no, 'Everyone' is definitely not happy. Many don't want to give up their lands for the Wall. They're shocked and angry that it's gonna be done by force.
You are a fucking liar! There's not a SINGLE rancher living along the Mexican border who votes DEM!
IF there were Texas ranchers who are "shocked and angry" about Keeping their land! and LEASING a 30 foot strip of land to help stop the cartels from smuggling tons of heroin and tens of thousands of illegals into the US the fucking LIB MSM would be running the footage 24/7 of these " angry and shocked" Texas ranchers demonstrating on the steps of the White house.
You're full of hit as usual!

Once more folks realize that some people oppose the Government seizing their land by force, im confident they'll begin thinking it through a bit more. I support the Wall, but i won't support seizing folks' property to get it built. I won't give up freedom & liberty for some security.
Well no, most probably didn't realize the Government was gonna seize Citizens' lands to build it. I don't think the issue was properly fleshed out during the Campaign. If it was, i think many would have reconsidered support.

What did you think they were going to build a wall on, thin air?

I really don't think most thought Eminent Domain was gonna be part of it. Now that more & more are realizing it will be, they're beginning to think it through a bit more.

How the hell did you think they were going to acquire the land?

You don't give two shits about eminent domain, you're just pushing the agenda. Freaking loons think themselves clever....they're not

I supported Trump and the Wall. But i won't support forcibly seizing Citizens' lands to build it. That's how i feel.
Nobody gives a shit about how you "feel"!
Fuck off! You're nothing but a troll looking for an argument where none exists.
NO Texas rancher living along the mexican border is getting their land "stolen" by ED!!! NONE ZERO!
They are happy to lease the 30 foot wide strip of land to the Gov. They are happy to help stop the illegals packing in heroin. They are happy to help stop the illegals from looting/destroying property/setting fires intentionally.

You're being delusional. Some don't want the Government seizing their lands. And they are gonna fight. Trump's making a big mistake. The litigation's gonna go on for years. He won't likely ever get his Wall. The best he could hope for, would be half a Wall.
In the real world where liberals don't go. Eminent domain isn't necessary. All that's necessary is an easement. Check your deeds. You already have agreed to various easements. The federal government probably can just use one of the easements they already have.

If there are some ranchers along the border that really want to fight, the illegal traffic will be funneled right through their property making their lives hell on earth. These families will be prisoners under armed attack in their own homes.

There is only one way this ends. With a wall or some sort of barrier.
In the real world where liberals don't go. Eminent domain isn't necessary. All that's necessary is an easement. Check your deeds. You already have agreed to various easements. The federal government probably can just use one of the easements they already have.

If there are some ranchers along the border that really want to fight, the illegal traffic will be funneled right through their property making their lives hell on earth. These families will be prisoners under armed attack in their own homes.

There is only one way this ends. With a wall or some sort of barrier.

Yeah sure, punish fellow Americans for not wanting their property forcibly seized by Government. Man, what the hell happened to Republicans? They're starting to sound just like Obamabots. They're prepared to dutifully defend anything Trump does. It's sad.
YOu might want to wait until busybee speaks more before defending him.

"Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one." - Benjamin Franklin

I betchya Benjamin Franklin wouldn't have tolerated the Government trying to seize his lands. He would have fought it till the bitter end.

I bet you are wrong.

Benjamin Franklin was a badass. He would have defended his lands at all costs.

Against the riff raff we are getting from the Third World, I agree.

Also against the Government trying to seize his lands. He wouldn't have put up with it.

To build a wall to protect the people? I bet he would have.

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