Trump's wall idea is dead

Andrew Jackson ignored the 'supremes' and said , let the 'court' send its army to enforce its ruling or some similar words PTime .
--------------------------------------------- doesn't seem correct that one ' unelected judge ' should be able to overturn the ELECTED President Trump President of the USA PTime .

trump is limited in what he can order the military to do within the nation's borders & the eminent domain lawsuits will be interesting to see play out. so much for keeping gov'ment small & less intrusive, 'eh?
---------------------------------------- got nothing to do with the military , Trump just ignores the 'courts black robed tyrant' called 'judge' . What army does the 'judge' have that will go after Trump ignoring the 'court' order PTime ?? And so you want to change topics to Eminent Domain eh . There is enough WALL building areas so that eminent domain may not ever be a concern . And then , remember the 60 foot wide Roosevelt Reservation that runs the entire length of the border that is Federally owned Land [except for Texas ] PTime .

trump cannot just walk over a court order. you actually WANT a US president to do that? i'm not changing any subject - it's all part of the same thing. you don't think property owners aren't gearing up for a fight? think again.
No I really don’t consider that to be an emergency. I think it waters down the meaning and true intention of those emergency powers in my opinion. There are flaws in our immigration system that’s apparent, but using declaration of emergency to begin construction on a wall in order to address an emergency that is said to be happening right now doesn’t really match when it comes to timeline. Immigration hasn’t really changed in the two years Trump has been president. Why is it an emergency now but not two years ago? What is the catalyst now that warrants emergency powers versus then? I’m not opposed to fixing our immigration system, but I do question and have my doubts about the current underlying politics of the current dilemma.
legally, a national emergency is anything the President says is a national emergency. Although presidents have been declaring national emergencies since the beginning of the republic, in the late 1970's Congress passed laws defining what the President's powers to declare an emergency was and exactly what powers he could subsequently exercise. The first president to declare a national emergency under these new laws was Jimmy Carter when he wanted to seize Iranian assets in the US without seeking permission from Congress.

Congress recognized there might be times when Congress was unable to act effectively on certain issues and the President must take action on his own, and this has been done over 500 times since the beginning of the republic and 58 times since the new laws were passed in the 1970's; 31 of these states of emergency are still in effect, and President Trump has declared states of emergency 3 times already.

President Trump regarded immigration reform as an urgent matter from day one of his administration, and he tried from day one to negotiate the issue with the Democrats, but they refused. Since the Democrats were determined to block any legislation that would advance the President's reform agenda, he would have needed sixty votes in the Senate to get the funding passed, and while he had majorities in favor of it in both houses of Congress, he never had sixty votes in the Senate. Nonetheless, he continued to try to reason with the Democrats right up until the Democrats won the House and made any kind of political compromise impossible. It is the gridlock the Democrats in the House have created in Congress that is the emergency that makes the invocation of emergency powers necessary since it makes it impossible for Congress to act effectively on this issue.

These national emergencies have been in the foreign policy arena and none of them directly contradict the Constitution. The Congress cannot give a President the powers that are delegated to Congress by the Constitution such as the power of the purse. They did not give him the power to as Justin Amish tweeted, "No. @POTUS can’t claim emergency powers for non-emergency actions whenever Congress doesn’t legislate the way he wants."

Just because he cannot get money from Congress for a wall does not make it a national emergency to do a end run around Congress. Just because you want something does not mean a compromise has to include it. Around a year ago when Democrats wanted DACA as part of a compromise bill, Republicans refused to include DACA in a compromise. Gridlock is not a justification for using a national emergency to do a end-run around Congress. If you could, Obama could have declared a national emergency to go around a Republican Congress.
Regardless of what you or Justin Amish think a national emergency should be, under the National Emergencies Act a national emergency is anything the President says it is, and neither Congress nor the Courts have jurisdiction over what constitutes a national emergency, and since the law gives the President 123 extraordinary powers under a national emergency to use the funds in the DoD military construction budget ($10.5 billion, mostly now designated for military housing) to build the smart fence, there are no legitimate legal grounds on which to challenge him. There are only two ways to prevent the President from securing our southern border under a declaration of national emergency, rally 2/3 of each house of Congress to overturn the National Emergencies Act, or impeach and convict the President. Of course, both will fail.

Barack Obama declared 13 states of emergency in order to gain extraordinary powers and not one of them dealt with a threat to American people or American property; all of them dealt with seizing the property of or blocking commerce with people who were party to foreign conflicts in which the US was not involved. None of these issues was so time sensitive that he couldn't have gone to Congress to seek their approval, but given his poor relations with Congress, he probably would have had to undergo the same kind of obstruction by Congress on each of the EO's issued under these national (non)emergencies.

if trump declares a national emergancy & tries to take cash from one agency/program/appointed recipient, then he has to prove that the 2 are related. for example, he cannot take FEMA cash for the wall. he cannot take SNAP cash, or SUPER FUND cash.... he's gonna have a real tough time proving any connections.
He doesn't have to prove anything to anyone. The National Emergencies Act lists his powers and while some funds can't be moved, there are sufficient funds that can be and $5 to $6 billion will be available.

he has to move related funds.
Andrew Jackson ignored the 'supremes' and said , let the 'court' send its army to enforce its ruling or some similar words PTime .
--------------------------------------------- doesn't seem correct that one ' unelected judge ' should be able to overturn the ELECTED President Trump President of the USA PTime .

trump is limited in what he can order the military to do within the nation's borders & the eminent domain lawsuits will be interesting to see play out. so much for keeping gov'ment small & less intrusive, 'eh?
---------------------------------------- got nothing to do with the military , Trump just ignores the 'courts black robed tyrant' called 'judge' . What army does the 'judge' have that will go after Trump ignoring the 'court' order PTime ?? And so you want to change topics to Eminent Domain eh . There is enough WALL building areas so that eminent domain may not ever be a concern . And then , remember the 60 foot wide Roosevelt Reservation that runs the entire length of the border that is Federally owned Land [except for Texas ] PTime .

trump cannot just walk over a court order. you actually WANT a US president to do that? i'm not changing any subject - it's all part of the same thing. you don't think property owners aren't gearing up for a fight? think again.
----------------------------------- all i said was that Andrew Jackson ignored the 'supremes' once before . Good idea or not , ignoring the 'black robed tyrants' elected by no one have been ignored a hundred and some years ago and here i am as i get ready for supper PTime .
and my point about MILITARY was that the 'court' had and has no Military or any power to do anything about Jackson messing with and ignoring them PTime .
Andrew Jackson ignored the 'supremes' and said , let the 'court' send its army to enforce its ruling or some similar words PTime .
--------------------------------------------- doesn't seem correct that one ' unelected judge ' should be able to overturn the ELECTED President Trump President of the USA PTime .

trump is limited in what he can order the military to do within the nation's borders & the eminent domain lawsuits will be interesting to see play out. so much for keeping gov'ment small & less intrusive, 'eh?
---------------------------------------- got nothing to do with the military , Trump just ignores the 'courts black robed tyrant' called 'judge' . What army does the 'judge' have that will go after Trump ignoring the 'court' order PTime ?? And so you want to change topics to Eminent Domain eh . There is enough WALL building areas so that eminent domain may not ever be a concern . And then , remember the 60 foot wide Roosevelt Reservation that runs the entire length of the border that is Federally owned Land [except for Texas ] PTime .

trump cannot just walk over a court order. you actually WANT a US president to do that? i'm not changing any subject - it's all part of the same thing. you don't think property owners aren't gearing up for a fight? think again.
----------------------------------- all i said was that Andrew Jackson ignored the 'supremes' once before . Good idea or not , ignoring the 'black robed tyrants' elected by no one have been ignored a hundred and some years ago and here i am as i get ready for supper PTime .

ya, well.... andrew jackson also owned people & that was the norm back then.

but not now.
concerning Emnent Domain , let the 'mexican' landowners or 'fifth column' in TEXAS challenge Eminent Domain and its ok with me PTime .
and my point about MILITARY was that the 'court' had and has no Military or any power to do anything about Jackson messing with and ignoring them PTime .

trump can't ignore the courts & use the military either.
trump can't ignore the courts & use the military either.

It may certainly come down to what the SCOTUS says. I suppose Dems will have to wheel Ruth in for one more vote in order to screw the American people one last time.
concerning Emnent Domain , let the 'mexican' landowners or 'fifth column' in TEXAS challenge Eminent Domain and its ok with me PTime .

texan land owners will be.
---------------------------------------------------- like i said , let those 'mexicans' and 'fifth columnista in Texas challenge whatever they like PTime .
and my point about MILITARY was that the 'court' had and has no Military or any power to do anything about Jackson messing with and ignoring them PTime .

trump can't ignore the courts & use the military either.
--------------------------------- can't you read either , its was the court that had no military to use to force JACKSON to follow the courts decision PTime .
we'll see. trump actually has to declare an emergency & show how shifting funds from a related entity is possible.

The left will undoubtedly pay a team of lawyers to fight on behalf of any landowner that wants to fight eminent domain. They don't believe in borders and believe that the U.S. should be a welfare state for all of the world's poor, who will then vote for the leftists to hold political power for eternity. That's what the left does.
and my point about MILITARY was that the 'court' had and has no Military or any power to do anything about Jackson messing with and ignoring them PTime .

trump can't ignore the courts & use the military either.
--------------------------------- can't you read either , its was the court that had no military to use to force JACKSON to follow the courts decision PTime .

that's why i love the Constitution. it's a living document.

18 U.S. Code § 1385 - Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus
and my point about MILITARY was that the 'court' had and has no Military or any power to do anything about Jackson messing with and ignoring them PTime .

trump can't ignore the courts & use the military either.
--------------------------------- can't you read either , its was the court that had no military to use to force JACKSON to follow the courts decision PTime .

that's why i love the Constitution. it's a living document.

18 U.S. Code § 1385 - Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus
Do you like WWE wrestling? About fifteen years ago and more they had the greatest era in their history. An attitude that was outstanding. Now it has become feminized. The women much more better but not even near the mens side. Many of my kid's friends abandoned the WWE. I keep trying to watch it but it is no fun anymore. It is progressive socialist now. They would lead the ways of the reality of the nation at one point and insult and make fun of. Now they follow it and insult and make fun from behind it. My cable bill is ten times higher then back then.
if asking me , no , i am no fan of any sport or pretend sport at all though car and motorcycle racing is cool '22' .
legally, a national emergency is anything the President says is a national emergency. Although presidents have been declaring national emergencies since the beginning of the republic, in the late 1970's Congress passed laws defining what the President's powers to declare an emergency was and exactly what powers he could subsequently exercise. The first president to declare a national emergency under these new laws was Jimmy Carter when he wanted to seize Iranian assets in the US without seeking permission from Congress.

Congress recognized there might be times when Congress was unable to act effectively on certain issues and the President must take action on his own, and this has been done over 500 times since the beginning of the republic and 58 times since the new laws were passed in the 1970's; 31 of these states of emergency are still in effect, and President Trump has declared states of emergency 3 times already.

President Trump regarded immigration reform as an urgent matter from day one of his administration, and he tried from day one to negotiate the issue with the Democrats, but they refused. Since the Democrats were determined to block any legislation that would advance the President's reform agenda, he would have needed sixty votes in the Senate to get the funding passed, and while he had majorities in favor of it in both houses of Congress, he never had sixty votes in the Senate. Nonetheless, he continued to try to reason with the Democrats right up until the Democrats won the House and made any kind of political compromise impossible. It is the gridlock the Democrats in the House have created in Congress that is the emergency that makes the invocation of emergency powers necessary since it makes it impossible for Congress to act effectively on this issue.

These national emergencies have been in the foreign policy arena and none of them directly contradict the Constitution. The Congress cannot give a President the powers that are delegated to Congress by the Constitution such as the power of the purse. They did not give him the power to as Justin Amish tweeted, "No. @POTUS can’t claim emergency powers for non-emergency actions whenever Congress doesn’t legislate the way he wants."

Just because he cannot get money from Congress for a wall does not make it a national emergency to do a end run around Congress. Just because you want something does not mean a compromise has to include it. Around a year ago when Democrats wanted DACA as part of a compromise bill, Republicans refused to include DACA in a compromise. Gridlock is not a justification for using a national emergency to do a end-run around Congress. If you could, Obama could have declared a national emergency to go around a Republican Congress.
Regardless of what you or Justin Amish think a national emergency should be, under the National Emergencies Act a national emergency is anything the President says it is, and neither Congress nor the Courts have jurisdiction over what constitutes a national emergency, and since the law gives the President 123 extraordinary powers under a national emergency to use the funds in the DoD military construction budget ($10.5 billion, mostly now designated for military housing) to build the smart fence, there are no legitimate legal grounds on which to challenge him. There are only two ways to prevent the President from securing our southern border under a declaration of national emergency, rally 2/3 of each house of Congress to overturn the National Emergencies Act, or impeach and convict the President. Of course, both will fail.

Barack Obama declared 13 states of emergency in order to gain extraordinary powers and not one of them dealt with a threat to American people or American property; all of them dealt with seizing the property of or blocking commerce with people who were party to foreign conflicts in which the US was not involved. None of these issues was so time sensitive that he couldn't have gone to Congress to seek their approval, but given his poor relations with Congress, he probably would have had to undergo the same kind of obstruction by Congress on each of the EO's issued under these national (non)emergencies.

if trump declares a national emergancy & tries to take cash from one agency/program/appointed recipient, then he has to prove that the 2 are related. for example, he cannot take FEMA cash for the wall. he cannot take SNAP cash, or SUPER FUND cash.... he's gonna have a real tough time proving any connections.
He doesn't have to prove anything to anyone. The National Emergencies Act lists his powers and while some funds can't be moved, there are sufficient funds that can be and $5 to $6 billion will be available.

he has to move related funds.
That's not a problem. The military construction budget has over $10.5 billion in it, mostly for military housing, and he can prioritize building the fence.

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