Trump's wall idea is dead

Andrew Jackson ignored the 'supremes' and said , let the 'court' send its army to enforce its ruling or some similar words PTime .
--------------------------------------------- doesn't seem correct that one ' unelected judge ' should be able to overturn the ELECTED President Trump President of the USA PTime .

trump is limited in what he can order the military to do within the nation's borders & the eminent domain lawsuits will be interesting to see play out. so much for keeping gov'ment small & less intrusive, 'eh?
---------------------------------------- got nothing to do with the military , Trump just ignores the 'courts black robed tyrant' called 'judge' . What army does the 'judge' have that will go after Trump ignoring the 'court' order PTime ?? And so you want to change topics to Eminent Domain eh . There is enough WALL building areas so that eminent domain may not ever be a concern . And then , remember the 60 foot wide Roosevelt Reservation that runs the entire length of the border that is Federally owned Land [except for Texas ] PTime .

trump cannot just walk over a court order. you actually WANT a US president to do that? i'm not changing any subject - it's all part of the same thing. you don't think property owners aren't gearing up for a fight? think again.
The National Emergencies Act clearly gives the President all the power he needs to build the fence without the approval of Congress and so no court has the legitimate authority to order him not to. Lawsuits that challenge his ability to do so will quickly be seen as frivolous.
and my point about MILITARY was that the 'court' had and has no Military or any power to do anything about Jackson messing with and ignoring them PTime .

trump can't ignore the courts & use the military either.
--------------------------------- can't you read either , its was the court that had no military to use to force JACKSON to follow the courts decision PTime .

that's why i love the Constitution. it's a living document.

18 U.S. Code § 1385 - Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus
Do you like WWE wrestling? About fifteen years ago and more they had the greatest era in their history. An attitude that was outstanding. Now it has become feminized. The women much more better but not even near the mens side. Many of my kid's friends abandoned the WWE. I keep trying to watch it but it is no fun anymore. It is progressive socialist now. They would lead the ways of the reality of the nation at one point and insult and make fun of. Now they follow it and insult and make fun from behind it. My cable bill is ten times higher then back then.

These national emergencies have been in the foreign policy arena and none of them directly contradict the Constitution. The Congress cannot give a President the powers that are delegated to Congress by the Constitution such as the power of the purse. They did not give him the power to as Justin Amish tweeted, "No. @POTUS can’t claim emergency powers for non-emergency actions whenever Congress doesn’t legislate the way he wants."

Just because he cannot get money from Congress for a wall does not make it a national emergency to do a end run around Congress. Just because you want something does not mean a compromise has to include it. Around a year ago when Democrats wanted DACA as part of a compromise bill, Republicans refused to include DACA in a compromise. Gridlock is not a justification for using a national emergency to do a end-run around Congress. If you could, Obama could have declared a national emergency to go around a Republican Congress.
Regardless of what you or Justin Amish think a national emergency should be, under the National Emergencies Act a national emergency is anything the President says it is, and neither Congress nor the Courts have jurisdiction over what constitutes a national emergency, and since the law gives the President 123 extraordinary powers under a national emergency to use the funds in the DoD military construction budget ($10.5 billion, mostly now designated for military housing) to build the smart fence, there are no legitimate legal grounds on which to challenge him. There are only two ways to prevent the President from securing our southern border under a declaration of national emergency, rally 2/3 of each house of Congress to overturn the National Emergencies Act, or impeach and convict the President. Of course, both will fail.

Barack Obama declared 13 states of emergency in order to gain extraordinary powers and not one of them dealt with a threat to American people or American property; all of them dealt with seizing the property of or blocking commerce with people who were party to foreign conflicts in which the US was not involved. None of these issues was so time sensitive that he couldn't have gone to Congress to seek their approval, but given his poor relations with Congress, he probably would have had to undergo the same kind of obstruction by Congress on each of the EO's issued under these national (non)emergencies.

if trump declares a national emergancy & tries to take cash from one agency/program/appointed recipient, then he has to prove that the 2 are related. for example, he cannot take FEMA cash for the wall. he cannot take SNAP cash, or SUPER FUND cash.... he's gonna have a real tough time proving any connections.
He doesn't have to prove anything to anyone. The National Emergencies Act lists his powers and while some funds can't be moved, there are sufficient funds that can be and $5 to $6 billion will be available.

he has to move related funds.
That's not a problem. The military construction budget has over $10.5 billion in it, mostly for military housing, and he can prioritize building the fence.

um, then what's the hold up if all he hasta do is snap his tiny dust laden fingers & get er dun?
Regardless of what you or Justin Amish think a national emergency should be, under the National Emergencies Act a national emergency is anything the President says it is, and neither Congress nor the Courts have jurisdiction over what constitutes a national emergency, and since the law gives the President 123 extraordinary powers under a national emergency to use the funds in the DoD military construction budget ($10.5 billion, mostly now designated for military housing) to build the smart fence, there are no legitimate legal grounds on which to challenge him. There are only two ways to prevent the President from securing our southern border under a declaration of national emergency, rally 2/3 of each house of Congress to overturn the National Emergencies Act, or impeach and convict the President. Of course, both will fail.

Barack Obama declared 13 states of emergency in order to gain extraordinary powers and not one of them dealt with a threat to American people or American property; all of them dealt with seizing the property of or blocking commerce with people who were party to foreign conflicts in which the US was not involved. None of these issues was so time sensitive that he couldn't have gone to Congress to seek their approval, but given his poor relations with Congress, he probably would have had to undergo the same kind of obstruction by Congress on each of the EO's issued under these national (non)emergencies.

if trump declares a national emergancy & tries to take cash from one agency/program/appointed recipient, then he has to prove that the 2 are related. for example, he cannot take FEMA cash for the wall. he cannot take SNAP cash, or SUPER FUND cash.... he's gonna have a real tough time proving any connections.
He doesn't have to prove anything to anyone. The National Emergencies Act lists his powers and while some funds can't be moved, there are sufficient funds that can be and $5 to $6 billion will be available.

he has to move related funds.
That's not a problem. The military construction budget has over $10.5 billion in it, mostly for military housing, and he can prioritize building the fence.

um, then what's the hold up if all he hasta do is snap his tiny dust laden fingers & get er dun?
This supposed deal has not yet been drafted as a bill, so no one knows yet what it will be, and the President has given the Democrats until the 15th to begin behaving responsibly.
I have no problem with a wall.

My problem is Trump simply refuses to even talk about also drastically ramping up penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants...which would do far more to stop illegal immigration than ANY wall could.

And why he won't is obvious...because he and other rich Reps (and rich Dems too) hire a SHIT LOAD of illegals.

You want my support for your wall Donnie?

Fine...then include FAR harsher penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants and you got it.
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if trump declares a national emergancy & tries to take cash from one agency/program/appointed recipient, then he has to prove that the 2 are related. for example, he cannot take FEMA cash for the wall. he cannot take SNAP cash, or SUPER FUND cash.... he's gonna have a real tough time proving any connections.
He doesn't have to prove anything to anyone. The National Emergencies Act lists his powers and while some funds can't be moved, there are sufficient funds that can be and $5 to $6 billion will be available.

he has to move related funds.
That's not a problem. The military construction budget has over $10.5 billion in it, mostly for military housing, and he can prioritize building the fence.

um, then what's the hold up if all he hasta do is snap his tiny dust laden fingers & get er dun?
This supposed deal has not yet been drafted as a bill, so no one knows yet what it will be, and the President has given the Democrats until the 15th to begin behaving responsibly.

^^^ :auiqs.jpg:

trump lying his ample orange ass off multiple times claiming that mexico is going to pay for the wall & now is scrambling to not lose his base by holding fed workers hostage was behaving responsibly.
I have no problem with a wall.

My problem is Trump simply refuses to even talk about also drastically ramping up penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants...which would do far more to stop illegal immigration than ANY wall could.

And why he won't is obvious...because he and other rich Reps (and rich Dems too) hire a SHIT LOAD of illegals.

You want my support for your wall Donnie?

Fine...than include FAR harsher penalties for those who hire illegal immigrants and you got it.

Trump business empire shuns E-Verify, hires illegal immigrants

By Stephen Dinan and S.A. Miller - The Washington Times - Thursday, December 6, 2018
Just five of the 565 companies in President Trump’s business empire are signed up to use E-Verify, the government’s best tool to weed illegal immigrants out of the workforce, according to a Washington Times analysis that suggests the president could personally be doing more on that front.

Mr. Trump’s golf courses in Charlotte, Los Angeles and Miami, his hotel in Washington, D.C., and a hotel he operated in New York are signed up.

But his marquee Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida is not signed up, nor are his golf courses in Virginia, Philadelphia or Bedminster, New Jersey — where, The New York Times reported Thursday, some illegal immigrants have been working for years.

Donald Trump companies ignoring E-Verify, hiring illegal immigrants
Andrew Jackson ignored the 'supremes' and said , let the 'court' send its army to enforce its ruling or some similar words PTime .
--------------------------------------------- doesn't seem correct that one ' unelected judge ' should be able to overturn the ELECTED President Trump President of the USA PTime .

trump is limited in what he can order the military to do within the nation's borders & the eminent domain lawsuits will be interesting to see play out. so much for keeping gov'ment small & less intrusive, 'eh?
---------------------------------------- got nothing to do with the military , Trump just ignores the 'courts black robed tyrant' called 'judge' . What army does the 'judge' have that will go after Trump ignoring the 'court' order PTime ?? And so you want to change topics to Eminent Domain eh . There is enough WALL building areas so that eminent domain may not ever be a concern . And then , remember the 60 foot wide Roosevelt Reservation that runs the entire length of the border that is Federally owned Land [except for Texas ] PTime .

trump cannot just walk over a court order. you actually WANT a US president to do that? i'm not changing any subject - it's all part of the same thing. you don't think property owners aren't gearing up for a fight? think again.
The National Emergencies Act clearly gives the President all the power he needs to build the fence without the approval of Congress and so no court has the legitimate authority to order him not to. Lawsuits that challenge his ability to do so will quickly be seen as frivolous.

he still needs Congress - the founding fathers had a DICTATOR fail safe.
He doesn't have to prove anything to anyone. The National Emergencies Act lists his powers and while some funds can't be moved, there are sufficient funds that can be and $5 to $6 billion will be available.

he has to move related funds.
That's not a problem. The military construction budget has over $10.5 billion in it, mostly for military housing, and he can prioritize building the fence.

um, then what's the hold up if all he hasta do is snap his tiny dust laden fingers & get er dun?
This supposed deal has not yet been drafted as a bill, so no one knows yet what it will be, and the President has given the Democrats until the 15th to begin behaving responsibly.

^^^ :auiqs.jpg:

trump lying his ample orange ass off multiple times claiming that mexico is going to pay for the wall & now is scrambling to not lose his base by holding fed workers hostage was behaving responsibly.
You are correct that the President's supporters expect him to build the smart fence on the border and if he wants to run in 2020 he will have to follow through on his promise to build it, but let's keep in mind this is the same smart fence that Chuck Schumer and all the other Democrats in the Senate wanted to build in 2013 before Trump became president, so it is not Trump's fence but America's fence, at least when the Democrats thought of themselves as Americans and not just as Democrats.
The emergency powers the Constitution does describe are actually assigned to Congress. Congress has delegated some emergency powers to the president through statutes, including the National Emergencies Act. But Congress retains the power to reject a president’s declaration of a national emergency.

look it up idiots ....
supporters expect him to build the smart fence on the border

Yep I remember the rally chants, clearly

"Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence"

And who's gonna pay for it?

"If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will"
--------------------------------------------- doesn't seem correct that one ' unelected judge ' should be able to overturn the ELECTED President Trump President of the USA PTime .

trump is limited in what he can order the military to do within the nation's borders & the eminent domain lawsuits will be interesting to see play out. so much for keeping gov'ment small & less intrusive, 'eh?
---------------------------------------- got nothing to do with the military , Trump just ignores the 'courts black robed tyrant' called 'judge' . What army does the 'judge' have that will go after Trump ignoring the 'court' order PTime ?? And so you want to change topics to Eminent Domain eh . There is enough WALL building areas so that eminent domain may not ever be a concern . And then , remember the 60 foot wide Roosevelt Reservation that runs the entire length of the border that is Federally owned Land [except for Texas ] PTime .

trump cannot just walk over a court order. you actually WANT a US president to do that? i'm not changing any subject - it's all part of the same thing. you don't think property owners aren't gearing up for a fight? think again.
The National Emergencies Act clearly gives the President all the power he needs to build the fence without the approval of Congress and so no court has the legitimate authority to order him not to. Lawsuits that challenge his ability to do so will quickly be seen as frivolous.

he still needs Congress - the founding fathers had a DICTATOR fail safe.
Actually, he doesn't. The National Emergencies Act ol 1976 allows the President to declare a national emergency whenever he wants to and for any reason he thinks warrants it without the approval of Congress and it details what emergency powers the President has under the Act. The 1986 amendment to the Act provides that Congress cannot rescind and national emergency the President has declared without his agreement.

Politically speaking, he will want as many Republicans in Congress to support this action so he will take his time to explain his action to them.
he has to move related funds.
That's not a problem. The military construction budget has over $10.5 billion in it, mostly for military housing, and he can prioritize building the fence.

um, then what's the hold up if all he hasta do is snap his tiny dust laden fingers & get er dun?
This supposed deal has not yet been drafted as a bill, so no one knows yet what it will be, and the President has given the Democrats until the 15th to begin behaving responsibly.

^^^ :auiqs.jpg:

trump lying his ample orange ass off multiple times claiming that mexico is going to pay for the wall & now is scrambling to not lose his base by holding fed workers hostage was behaving responsibly.
You are correct that the President's supporters expect him to build the smart fence on the border and if he wants to run in 2020 he will have to follow through on his promise to build it, but let's keep in mind this is the same smart fence that Chuck Schumer and all the other Democrats in the Senate wanted to build in 2013 before Trump became president, so it is not Trump's fence but America's fence, at least when the Democrats thought of themselves as Americans and not just as Democrats.

i have no problems upgrading & improving what is already there. that is NOT what trump ran on & many more americans are against thsi wall than are for it. his 30% basket dwelling deplorables want it & he'll do anything to keep them duped & loyal. boy oh boy, them thar tax cuts are starting to not be so good after all either......
supporters expect him to build the smart fence on the border

Yep I remember the rally chants, clearly

"Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence"

And who's gonna pay for it?

"If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will"
You are correct that Mexico won't pay for it, and that seems to be a really important point for Democrats but it is not important to Trump supporters, so it has no bearing on the issue.
trump is limited in what he can order the military to do within the nation's borders & the eminent domain lawsuits will be interesting to see play out. so much for keeping gov'ment small & less intrusive, 'eh?
---------------------------------------- got nothing to do with the military , Trump just ignores the 'courts black robed tyrant' called 'judge' . What army does the 'judge' have that will go after Trump ignoring the 'court' order PTime ?? And so you want to change topics to Eminent Domain eh . There is enough WALL building areas so that eminent domain may not ever be a concern . And then , remember the 60 foot wide Roosevelt Reservation that runs the entire length of the border that is Federally owned Land [except for Texas ] PTime .

trump cannot just walk over a court order. you actually WANT a US president to do that? i'm not changing any subject - it's all part of the same thing. you don't think property owners aren't gearing up for a fight? think again.
The National Emergencies Act clearly gives the President all the power he needs to build the fence without the approval of Congress and so no court has the legitimate authority to order him not to. Lawsuits that challenge his ability to do so will quickly be seen as frivolous.

he still needs Congress - the founding fathers had a DICTATOR fail safe.
Actually, he doesn't. The National Emergencies Act ol 1976 allows the President to declare a national emergency whenever he wants to and for any reason he thinks warrants it without the approval of Congress and it details what emergency powers the President has under the Act. The 1986 amendment to the Act provides that Congress cannot rescind and national emergency the President has declared without his agreement.

Politically speaking, he will want as many Republicans in Congress to support this action so he will take his time to explain his action to them.


Congress affords the POTUS that ABILITY through a statute THAT THEY FUCKING CONTROL

supporters expect him to build the smart fence on the border

Yep I remember the rally chants, clearly

"Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence"

And who's gonna pay for it?

"If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will"
You are correct that Mexico won't pay for it, and that seems to be a really important point for Democrats but it is not important to Trump supporters, so it has no bearing on the issue.
----------------------------- yeah , i'd prefer that those in the USA taxes pay for the WALL . 'mexico' can be punished at a later date if Trump decides to punish .
Congress can vote at any time to terminate a state of emergency, and is required by the statute to meet every six months while an emergency is in effect to consider whether it should continue. However, it has never voted on an emergency declared by a president or held meetings as required by the statute.

That's not a problem. The military construction budget has over $10.5 billion in it, mostly for military housing, and he can prioritize building the fence.

um, then what's the hold up if all he hasta do is snap his tiny dust laden fingers & get er dun?
This supposed deal has not yet been drafted as a bill, so no one knows yet what it will be, and the President has given the Democrats until the 15th to begin behaving responsibly.

^^^ :auiqs.jpg:

trump lying his ample orange ass off multiple times claiming that mexico is going to pay for the wall & now is scrambling to not lose his base by holding fed workers hostage was behaving responsibly.
You are correct that the President's supporters expect him to build the smart fence on the border and if he wants to run in 2020 he will have to follow through on his promise to build it, but let's keep in mind this is the same smart fence that Chuck Schumer and all the other Democrats in the Senate wanted to build in 2013 before Trump became president, so it is not Trump's fence but America's fence, at least when the Democrats thought of themselves as Americans and not just as Democrats.

i have no problems upgrading & improving what is already there. that is NOT what trump ran on & many more americans are against thsi wall than are for it. his 30% basket dwelling deplorables want it & he'll do anything to keep them duped & loyal. boy oh boy, them thar tax cuts are starting to not be so good after all either......
The smart fence President Trump wants to build is exactly the same smart fence Chuck Schumer wanted to build in his 2013 Senate bill S. 744 before Trump said he wanted to build it, and every Democrat in the Senate voted in favor of spending billions of dollars to build hundreds of miles of new fencing along the border when Schumer proposed it, and while we know the majority of Democrats in Congress support the Schumer-Trump smart fence, the Democrats are clearly putting Party before Country is this political theater you are applauding. All thinking Americans know there can be no border security without the smart fence both Schumer and President Trump have proposed.
---------------------------------------- got nothing to do with the military , Trump just ignores the 'courts black robed tyrant' called 'judge' . What army does the 'judge' have that will go after Trump ignoring the 'court' order PTime ?? And so you want to change topics to Eminent Domain eh . There is enough WALL building areas so that eminent domain may not ever be a concern . And then , remember the 60 foot wide Roosevelt Reservation that runs the entire length of the border that is Federally owned Land [except for Texas ] PTime .

trump cannot just walk over a court order. you actually WANT a US president to do that? i'm not changing any subject - it's all part of the same thing. you don't think property owners aren't gearing up for a fight? think again.
The National Emergencies Act clearly gives the President all the power he needs to build the fence without the approval of Congress and so no court has the legitimate authority to order him not to. Lawsuits that challenge his ability to do so will quickly be seen as frivolous.

he still needs Congress - the founding fathers had a DICTATOR fail safe.
Actually, he doesn't. The National Emergencies Act ol 1976 allows the President to declare a national emergency whenever he wants to and for any reason he thinks warrants it without the approval of Congress and it details what emergency powers the President has under the Act. The 1986 amendment to the Act provides that Congress cannot rescind and national emergency the President has declared without his agreement.

Politically speaking, he will want as many Republicans in Congress to support this action so he will take his time to explain his action to them.


Congress affords the POTUS that ABILITY through a statute THAT THEY FUCKING CONTROL

There are only two ways Congress can prevent the President from building the smart fence under a declaration of national emergency, they can impeach and convict him or they can rally 2/3 majorities in both houses of Congress to overturn the National Emergencies Act. Other than that, they can only complain about it.
Republicans don't want the wall. They controlled the house, senate, presidency, state governorships & SCOTUS. They didn't do a dam thing to build or fund the wall or change the 14th amendment to prevent anchor babies & stop drawing them here! Instead they EXPLODED the size of government & debt, causing a record EXPENSIVE shutdown to play politics by wasting tax payer money!!!

60 votes in the Senate required.... puppy Chuck at SOTU

View attachment 244519 ...mmm .. looks like a epic case of TDS to me.. :lol:

Screw DACA recipients, NO DEAL (Nancy told me so)
that is a picture of true brown noser. yes sir daddy, yes maam mommy. I will be an ass to the man I promise just make sure i gets my money.

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