Trumps War on History

You must as aware of history as the idiots that are saying he is wrong. Look at his context and look at history. He was right.
His terminology isn't the best. But even a young child could look at a history book and determine he was correct.
Just like the idiots that said china never controlled korea.
The controversy was with trump saying Korea had once been part of China, not controlled by China. There a big difference between being part of and controlling.
Around 900 years ago, korea was a vessel state to china. They did what the Yuans wanted. They HAD to.
Han dynasty controlled Korea thousands of years ago.
History is awesome :thup:
china bullied them for money, they did not control their state, ever. Korea was never "a part" of china. Just because a big bully takes my lunch money, do I become part of the bully or am I still my own person?
They were part of their empire! No amount of partisanship can change that.
The Koreans even started the Sambyeolcho Rebellion. FFS, some Koreans even fled the state because of the mongol suppression. Hiding on an island.. In fact, that island became an international port in the late 1800s. Millions of people living on it now...
Chinese culture historically, viewed china as the gateway to heaven. Making all other societies inferior. China regularly threatened surrounding territories for money as a show of respect for the all mighty chinese presence. It was basically a mob deal- pay us regularly and you can do business in peace. Don't pay and we will have problems. That did not make "korea a part of china." Neither the chinese nor the koreans ever declared such a thing.
You must as aware of history as the idiots that are saying he is wrong. Look at his context and look at history. He was right.
His terminology isn't the best. But even a young child could look at a history book and determine he was correct.
Just like the idiots that said china never controlled korea.
The controversy was with trump saying Korea had once been part of China, not controlled by China. There a big difference between being part of and controlling.
Around 900 years ago, korea was a vessel state to china. They did what the Yuans wanted. They HAD to.
Han dynasty controlled Korea thousands of years ago.
History is awesome :thup:
china bullied them for money, they did not control their state, ever. Korea was never "a part" of china. Just because a big bully takes my lunch money, do I become part of the bully or am I still my own person?
They were part of their empire! No amount of partisanship can change that.
The Koreans even started the Sambyeolcho Rebellion. FFS, some Koreans even fled the state because of the mongol suppression. Hiding on an island.. In fact, that island became an international port in the late 1800s. Millions of people living on it now...
Chinese culture historically, viewed china as the gateway to heaven. Making all other societies inferior. China regularly threatened surrounding territories for money as a show of respect for the all mighty chinese presence. It was basically a mob deal- pay us regularly and you can do business in peace. Don't pay and we will have problems. That did not make "korea a part of china." Neither the chinese nor the koreans ever declared such a thing.
You must as aware of history as the idiots that are saying he is wrong. Look at his context and look at history. He was right.
His terminology isn't the best. But even a young child could look at a history book and determine he was correct.
Just like the idiots that said china never controlled korea.
As someone with multiple history degrees, I can tell you, Andrew Jackson certainly did not say, “There’s no reason for this.” Unless trump is talking about his ghost.

Multiple history degrees? Well then, Professor History of USMB, can you tell us if this is true----------->

Was there a President who LIED to the American people to get legislation, by saying---------> If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor..........and, your premium is going to go down 2500 bucks..........and, Russia is NOT our biggest geopolitical foe, the cold war is over!

If you can find the President who said these OBVIOUS LIES, please do post his name for everyone, because we unedjumucatid riednucks arnt as smart as u briliunt liberuls who fell for it........lolololololol!
well I kept my doctor and my premiums are fine. Your deflection has been tossed over board, sorry.
You must as aware of history as the idiots that are saying he is wrong. Look at his context and look at history. He was right.
His terminology isn't the best. But even a young child could look at a history book and determine he was correct.
Just like the idiots that said china never controlled korea.
As someone with multiple history degrees, I can tell you, Andrew Jackson certainly did not say, “There’s no reason for this.” Unless trump is talking about his ghost.

Multiple history degrees? Well then, Professor History of USMB, can you tell us if this is true----------->

Was there a President who LIED to the American people to get legislation, by saying---------> If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor..........and, your premium is going to go down 2500 bucks..........and, Russia is NOT our biggest geopolitical foe, the cold war is over!

If you can find the President who said these OBVIOUS LIES, please do post his name for everyone, because we unedjumucatid riednucks arnt as smart as u briliunt liberuls who fell for it........lolololololol!
well I kept my doctor and my premiums are fine. Your deflection has been tossed over board, sorry.

But Prof, you mean you are just like those Profs in college; teach what you want, and ignore all the other truths, lol! Why am I not surprised. Another phony baloney.

Your intolerance of facts has ALSO been noted phony baloney. People like you are why this country is starting to run into trouble. You will not admit that YOUR social programs are digging us a hole, instead you claim we are heartless, as you destroy the country by buying votes with your endless spending.

Know what! We are about out of money, so you people are really screwed, aren't you!
TRUMP: [President Andrew Jackson] was a swashbuckler. But when his wife died, did you know he visited her grave every day? I visited her grave, actually, because I was in Tennessee.

ZITO: That’s right. You were in Tennessee.

TRUMP: And it was amazing. The people of Tennessee are amazing people. They love Andrew Jackson. They love Andrew Jackson in Tennessee.

ZITO: He’s fascinating.

TRUMP: I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later, you wouldn’t have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart. He was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War. He said, “There’s no reason for this.” People don’t realize, you know, the Civil War — if you think about it, why? People don’t ask that question, but why was there a Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?


TRUMP: I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later, you wouldn’t have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart. He was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War. He said, “There’s no reason for this.”


“Jackson died in June 1845. He did not have any opinions about the Civil War. He was also a slave owner,” Kevin Kruse, Professor of History at Princeton, told The Independent.

“This highlights a lack of knowledge about basic familiar history.”
Analysis | President Trump (really) asked why there was a Civil War. Here’s why.

Hey Prof, by your posts per day average, by most of our standards, we would say----->go get a freakin job, slacker, lolol! Prof my ass! Prof of BULLSH**, lol!
You must as aware of history as the idiots that are saying he is wrong. Look at his context and look at history. He was right.
His terminology isn't the best. But even a young child could look at a history book and determine he was correct.
Just like the idiots that said china never controlled korea.
As someone with multiple history degrees, I can tell you, Andrew Jackson certainly did not say, “There’s no reason for this.” Unless trump is talking about his ghost.

Multiple history degrees? Well then, Professor History of USMB, can you tell us if this is true----------->

Was there a President who LIED to the American people to get legislation, by saying---------> If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor..........and, your premium is going to go down 2500 bucks..........and, Russia is NOT our biggest geopolitical foe, the cold war is over!

If you can find the President who said these OBVIOUS LIES, please do post his name for everyone, because we unedjumucatid riednucks arnt as smart as u briliunt liberuls who fell for it........lolololololol!
well I kept my doctor and my premiums are fine. Your deflection has been tossed over board, sorry.

Another phony, look at his rate of posts, lol. He is a History graduate? He must of studied on how to milk the system created by leftists, so he could stay home and tell the rest of us how awful we are. What a joke!
Abolition was a long process and there were many discussions of secession when Jackson was alive.

Sorry LWNJ's. This is Fake News.
You must as aware of history as the idiots that are saying he is wrong. Look at his context and look at history. He was right.
His terminology isn't the best. But even a young child could look at a history book and determine he was correct.
Just like the idiots that said china never controlled korea.
As someone with multiple history degrees, I can tell you, Andrew Jackson certainly did not say, “There’s no reason for this.” Unless trump is talking about his ghost.

Multiple history degrees? Well then, Professor History of USMB, can you tell us if this is true----------->

Was there a President who LIED to the American people to get legislation, by saying---------> If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor..........and, your premium is going to go down 2500 bucks..........and, Russia is NOT our biggest geopolitical foe, the cold war is over!

If you can find the President who said these OBVIOUS LIES, please do post his name for everyone, because we unedjumucatid riednucks arnt as smart as u briliunt liberuls who fell for it........lolololololol!
well I kept my doctor and my premiums are fine. Your deflection has been tossed over board, sorry.

But Prof, you mean you are just like those Profs in college; teach what you want, and ignore all the other truths, lol! Why am I not surprised. Another phony baloney.

Your intolerance of facts has ALSO been noted phony baloney. People like you are why this country is starting to run into trouble. You will not admit that YOUR social programs are digging us a hole, instead you claim we are heartless, as you destroy the country by buying votes with your endless spending.

Know what! We are about out of money, so you people are really screwed, aren't you!
Says the guy who's all aboard for the great wall of mexico. Conservatives of the past are rolling in their graves.
TRUMP: [President Andrew Jackson] was a swashbuckler. But when his wife died, did you know he visited her grave every day? I visited her grave, actually, because I was in Tennessee.

ZITO: That’s right. You were in Tennessee.

TRUMP: And it was amazing. The people of Tennessee are amazing people. They love Andrew Jackson. They love Andrew Jackson in Tennessee.

ZITO: He’s fascinating.

TRUMP: I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later, you wouldn’t have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart. He was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War. He said, “There’s no reason for this.” People don’t realize, you know, the Civil War — if you think about it, why? People don’t ask that question, but why was there a Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?


TRUMP: I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later, you wouldn’t have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart. He was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War. He said, “There’s no reason for this.”


“Jackson died in June 1845. He did not have any opinions about the Civil War. He was also a slave owner,” Kevin Kruse, Professor of History at Princeton, told The Independent.

“This highlights a lack of knowledge about basic familiar history.”
Analysis | President Trump (really) asked why there was a Civil War. Here’s why.

Hey Prof, by your posts per day average, by most of our standards, we would say----->go get a freakin job, slacker, lolol! Prof my ass! Prof of BULLSH**, lol!
I am not sure where you got the impression I am a professor, I never said that. But I am employed, thank you. Did I make a new fan out of you?

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