Trump's Wife Modeled in US Prior to Getting Work Visa

Does this mean her fake, grotesque, body mutilating titties might be contraband?
Hitlery is busted for trying to cover the ass of a child-trafficker busted in Haiti in this world-wide pedophile network....but leftards are worried about a model that did cover-shoots without a visa.......

Please Lord....take me home now....I don't belong here. SMH......

No, you don't. You belong in a padded room.

But yet I know and comprehend more than you....why is that? You can't open your fucking eyes but by the time that you do, it will be too late to do anything about it. This is a topic that God laid on my heart four years ago where I tried to expose members of both political parties of being involved. The most heartbreaking moment that I had that broke me down was a SRA victim that was passed around like a pack of smokes to the elites in Australia, flown into places like Bohemian Grove said that as horrific as the abuse was that she suffered what has hurt her even more was the vitriol and hatred thrown her way for speaking out.

I guess it is easier to turn a blind eye because it's not one of our children being abused but who gives a flying fuck if it is someone else''s a sad commentary on the society we have become.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Melania Trump was paid for 10 modeling jobs in the United States worth $20,056 that occurred in the seven weeks before she had legal permission to work in the country, according to detailed accounting ledgers, contracts and related documents from 20 years ago provided to The Associated Press.

The details of Mrs. Trump's early paid modeling work in the U.S. emerged in the final days of a bitter presidential campaign in which her husband, Donald Trump, has taken a hard line on immigration laws and those who violate them. Trump has proposed broader use of the government's E-verify system allowing employers to check whether job applicants are authorized to work. He has noted that federal law prohibits illegally paying immigrants.

Mrs. Trump, who received a green card in March 2001 and became a U.S. citizen in 2006, has always maintained that she arrived in the country legally and never violated the terms of her immigration status. During the presidential campaign, she has cited her story to defend her husband's hard line on immigration.

The wife of the GOP presidential nominee, who sometimes worked as a model under just her first name, has said through an attorney that she first came to the U.S. from Slovenia on Aug. 27, 1996, on a B1/B2 visitor visa and then obtained an H-1B work visa on Oct. 18, 1996.

The documents obtained by the AP show she was paid for 10 modeling assignments between Sept. 10 and Oct. 15, during a time when her visa allowed her generally to be in the U.S. and look for work but not perform paid work in the country. The documents examined by the AP indicate that the modeling assignments would have been outside the bounds of her visa.

More: Melania Trump modeled in US prior to getting work visa

Just more lies and misinformation from the Trump clan.
so, like many other illegals here, she committed immigration FRAUD, and lied by not following the rules and regs, to authorities in order to get her citizenship have to swear you've followed the visa rules....

lying, plagerism....guess it;'s all the same....and nothing to see here.....there are rules and regs for 'the little guys'' but the well connected....they can get away with it....and smile while doing it!

It's only wrong when brown people do it.

Conservative 'logic.'
Excuse me but your candidate is a child trafficker, a mass murderer and a war criminal that has the blood of thousands of people on her hands! Are you awake?
are you sure that it is not MILLIONS of PEOPLe that she has killed, eaten, and shat out? i mean, at what point do you contards stop with the stories?
Thank you for correcting me. She was behind the Libya coup, the Honduras Coup, the Venezuela Coup, the Iraq War and she was also behind what is happening in Syria. It is millions. She actually does have the blood of millions of people on her hands now. How awful is that? And your worried about a model who didn't have a work visa? Are you out of your mind?
so, like many other illegals here, she committed immigration FRAUD, and lied by not following the rules and regs, to authorities in order to get her citizenship have to swear you've followed the visa rules....

lying, plagerism....guess it;'s all the same....and nothing to see here.....there are rules and regs for 'the little guys'' but the well connected....they can get away with it....and smile while doing it!

It's only wrong when brown people do it.

Conservative 'logic.'
Excuse me but your candidate is a child trafficker, a mass murderer and a war criminal that has the blood of thousands of people on her hands! Are you awake?

You have ZERO proof, troll. GTFO.
I just gave you the proof. You said that Dale belonged in a rubber room and I've just given you the evidence which proves it is your candidate Hillary Clinton that belongs in a rubber room. She is criminally insane.
Hitlery is busted for trying to cover the ass of a child-trafficker busted in Haiti in this world-wide pedophile network....but leftards are worried about a model that did cover-shoots without a visa.......

Please Lord....take me home now....I don't belong here. SMH......


I wish that I was wrong by the fact of the matter is that the Haitian crisis created a huge opportunity for these filthy POS...always happens in third world countries when they have a disaster...the children are whisked away and no one ever learns what becomes of them. It sickens me beyond is a world wide epidemic that brings in billions per year.
It's awful. I agree.
The orange color makes sense. Complete trumptard, off topic.

The topic is melania knavs taking shortcuts.
WASHINGTON — Melania Trump was paid for 10 modeling jobs in the United States worth $20,056 that occurred in the seven weeks before she had legal permission to work in the country, according to detailed accounting ledgers, contracts and related documents from 20 years ago provided to The Associated Press.

Just more lies and misinformation from the Trump clan.
WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

Here is the email to Clinton. Have a look. Wikileaks is the gift that just keeps on giving! Thank God for Julian Assange. He may just yet get Clinton indicted!
so, like many other illegals here, she committed immigration FRAUD, and lied by not following the rules and regs, to authorities in order to get her citizenship have to swear you've followed the visa rules....

lying, plagerism....guess it;'s all the same....and nothing to see here.....there are rules and regs for 'the little guys'' but the well connected....they can get away with it....and smile while doing it!

It's only wrong when brown people do it.

Conservative 'logic.'
Excuse me but your candidate is a child trafficker, a mass murderer and a war criminal that has the blood of thousands of people on her hands! Are you awake?

You have ZERO proof, troll. GTFO.
I just gave you the proof. You said that Dale belonged in a rubber room and I've just given you the evidence which proves it is your candidate Hillary Clinton that belongs in a rubber room. She is criminally insane.

Some article you pulled from Reddit isn't proof in a court of law, you mental midget.
WASHINGTON — Melania Trump was paid for 10 modeling jobs in the United States worth $20,056 that occurred in the seven weeks before she had legal permission to work in the country, according to detailed accounting ledgers, contracts and related documents from 20 years ago provided to The Associated Press.

Just more lies and misinformation from the Trump clan.
WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

Here is the email to Clinton. Have a look. Wikileaks is the gift that just keeps on giving! Thank God for Julian Assange. He may just yet get Clinton indicted!

Yes, thank God for an accused rapist who is hiding out in the Ecuadorian embassy in London while trying to swing a presidential election in the United States. Your God must be so pleased.
How is it that illegal aliens get to receive free educations, welfare, get driver's licenses, can work, commit crime and kill citizens then be set free in Democratic Party sanctuary cites, illegally vote with Democratic Party help and the Democrat Party steal taxpayer funds (trillions) to support such outrageous realities?
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but, unlike Michelle Obama, Melania Trump has class. :haha:

Michelle has something that Melania doesn't have....which is a swingin' "johnson".....


as lame as this?

you are behind the curve, fractally wrong dale. the newest is that hillary, being an alien (not new), was sent here to (OMG BOMBSHELL) win a poker game to settle a debt with an interstellar foe. she will leave after winning (you can see the test run in the conspiratory movie Casino Royal).
at least have the guts to offer an opinion, you wimp.

fractally wrong dale offers the michelle is a man conspiracy, i offer something novel. i think my story is at least as credible and not as worn out and disproved as dales story. what is your take on this, moron?

I did offer an opinion.

I considered your ridiculous post as lame as you thought dales was.

Need help with the sarcasm?
So your opinion is that my story is as lame as dale's story? Wow, colossal insight, as i was mocking dale's story. You could have hit agree on my post and you would have actually posted something worthwile. Sarcasm, lol.
Wow, this is really exciting news Lakhota. Maybe in the next thread you can tell us that she got hit with some traffic violations.
Wait ... so she was here illegally?

How in the hell do you have a problem with THAT? Oh, shes not brown enough for you? Fucking racist.
Michelle has something that Melania doesn't have....which is a swingin' "johnson".....


as lame as this?

you are behind the curve, fractally wrong dale. the newest is that hillary, being an alien (not new), was sent here to (OMG BOMBSHELL) win a poker game to settle a debt with an interstellar foe. she will leave after winning (you can see the test run in the conspiratory movie Casino Royal).
at least have the guts to offer an opinion, you wimp.

fractally wrong dale offers the michelle is a man conspiracy, i offer something novel. i think my story is at least as credible and not as worn out and disproved as dales story. what is your take on this, moron?

I did offer an opinion.

I considered your ridiculous post as lame as you thought dales was.

Need help with the sarcasm?
So your opinion is that my story is as lame as dale's story? Wow, colossal insight, as i was mocking dale's story. You could have hit agree on my post and you would have actually posted something worthwile. Sarcasm, lol.

Definite reading problems.

I asked if dales post was as lame as yours.

Considering the trouble you're going to, I'd guess not.

Hit agree?

Why would I do that?
WASHINGTON (AP) — Melania Trump was paid for 10 modeling jobs in the United States worth $20,056 that occurred in the seven weeks before she had legal permission to work in the country, according to detailed accounting ledgers, contracts and related documents from 20 years ago provided to The Associated Press.

The details of Mrs. Trump's early paid modeling work in the U.S. emerged in the final days of a bitter presidential campaign in which her husband, Donald Trump, has taken a hard line on immigration laws and those who violate them. Trump has proposed broader use of the government's E-verify system allowing employers to check whether job applicants are authorized to work. He has noted that federal law prohibits illegally paying immigrants.

Mrs. Trump, who received a green card in March 2001 and became a U.S. citizen in 2006, has always maintained that she arrived in the country legally and never violated the terms of her immigration status. During the presidential campaign, she has cited her story to defend her husband's hard line on immigration.

The wife of the GOP presidential nominee, who sometimes worked as a model under just her first name, has said through an attorney that she first came to the U.S. from Slovenia on Aug. 27, 1996, on a B1/B2 visitor visa and then obtained an H-1B work visa on Oct. 18, 1996.

The documents obtained by the AP show she was paid for 10 modeling assignments between Sept. 10 and Oct. 15, during a time when her visa allowed her generally to be in the U.S. and look for work but not perform paid work in the country. The documents examined by the AP indicate that the modeling assignments would have been outside the bounds of her visa.

More: Melania Trump modeled in US prior to getting work visa

Just more lies and misinformation from the Trump clan.

Lock her up !!! Lock her UP !!
WASHINGTON (AP) — Melania Trump was paid for 10 modeling jobs in the United States worth $20,056 that occurred in the seven weeks before she had legal permission to work in the country, according to detailed accounting ledgers, contracts and related documents from 20 years ago provided to The Associated Press.

The details of Mrs. Trump's early paid modeling work in the U.S. emerged in the final days of a bitter presidential campaign in which her husband, Donald Trump, has taken a hard line on immigration laws and those who violate them. Trump has proposed broader use of the government's E-verify system allowing employers to check whether job applicants are authorized to work. He has noted that federal law prohibits illegally paying immigrants.

Mrs. Trump, who received a green card in March 2001 and became a U.S. citizen in 2006, has always maintained that she arrived in the country legally and never violated the terms of her immigration status. During the presidential campaign, she has cited her story to defend her husband's hard line on immigration.

The wife of the GOP presidential nominee, who sometimes worked as a model under just her first name, has said through an attorney that she first came to the U.S. from Slovenia on Aug. 27, 1996, on a B1/B2 visitor visa and then obtained an H-1B work visa on Oct. 18, 1996.

The documents obtained by the AP show she was paid for 10 modeling assignments between Sept. 10 and Oct. 15, during a time when her visa allowed her generally to be in the U.S. and look for work but not perform paid work in the country. The documents examined by the AP indicate that the modeling assignments would have been outside the bounds of her visa.

More: Melania Trump modeled in US prior to getting work visa

Just more lies and misinformation from the Trump clan.
I bet she did more than just model. I heard she was a call girl when she met Drumpf.

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