TrumpUSA Inheritance(?): The Drug-Free Grid(*)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA require dictated evangelism?

What do you think?

Are you satisfied with TrumpUSA commentary/journalism? Do we Americans feel like we're more sane about capitalism critique than fanatical anti-capitalism/anti-American terrorists (e.g., ISIS)? What should we tell our students (tomorrow's minds)?


"A Wall Street stockbroker named Bud Fox worked for hours on market worksheets about various companies involved in Western civilization consumerism aesthetics (e.g., IKEA) and started to fantasize about fictional female characters such as Mara (a fictional sea-nymph from the American terrorism-justice comics franchise G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero) and Medusa (ancient world mythological snake-headed female deity of hypnosis and obsession). Bud Fox began thinking that Mara and Medusa, in particular, represented a civilization traffic preoccupation with glamour and beauty and why Wall Street was becoming a 'cosmetic institution.' Was Bud Fox letting cynicism get the better of him as a TrumpUSA citizen?"


"Bud Fox decided to leave his life on Wall Street behind and retire to a modest cottage in Switzerland using whatever money he had saved up during 10 long years of incredibly hard work following graduating from Yale University. Bud spent time in his Swiss cottage now praying to a painting of Jesus and Mary while reading comics and mythology tales about the two fictional avatar-women who fascinated him while he was working in Wall Street, Mara (from G.I. Joe comics!) and Medusa (from ancient mythology!). Bud decided that a life in prayer was more fruitful than a life spent investing in Chinese fabrics, Western furniture companies, Australian toys, and Mexican herbal products. Bud started thinking Mara and Medusa would save his mortal soul, so he resolved never to return to TrumpUSA. He also gave up drugs (cocaine) and alcohol (vodka, whiskey)."


"While sitting alone in his Swiss cottage in the Alps, Bud began dreaming about being visited by the spirits of Mara/Medusa(!) who assuaged him to either return to TrumpUSA or stay in Switzerland and be content as a man of contemplation/meditation but not to brood about his 'past life' of workaholic behaviors and drug/alcohol use. When Bud realized that he wanted to leave TrumpUSA behind for good, he decided to email his notes about modern Western capitalism labyrinths/engineering to his friend on Wall Street, Jacob Moore. Bud told Jacob that he should use these hard-studied notes to apply to TrumpUSA for good profits and consider ways not to let capitalism become the sole obsession in Jacob's life. Bud was content in his Swiss cottage."


"Part of the notes that Bud sent Jacob included a diagram of basic electric power-grids at a generation station, so Jacob could contemplate why/how the transmission and distribution of power was 'linked' to the commercial production and genesis of markets for streamlined profits. Jacob understood then that Bud wanted him to understand/appreciate how the flow of energy was related to the dynamic motion of assets in consumer-driven capitalist society which was really the 'signature' of modern Western civilization. However, Jacob didn't really heed much attention to Bud's warnings that careful attention to the mechanics of power-flow in Wall Street would lead to a dangerous neglect of piracy potential."


"When Jacob began translating Bud's valuable/precious notes to generate incredible profits on Wall Street while neglecting all of Bud's important spiritual warnings/omens, Jacob started becoming a real Wall Street shark/pirate. This invoked the underworld demon-spirit Blanka, a brutish electrically-charged wild-haired man-beast who preyed on humanity's precocious and arrogant neglect of morals/values in modern commerce-driven TrumpUSA. As Blanka roamed around NYC invisibly, Jacob realized that ignoring Bud's warnings had led to a civilization calamity of apocalyptic proportions. What could save TrumpUSA now?"


"Jacob turned to a powerful market broker in Europe named Marshall Dillon who had ties to the criminal underworld in Mexico and Canada. Marshall used his ties to create organized crime rings which would stabilize the Wall Street market with careful and schemed power-structures designed to create the sort of asset-flow rigidity not seen since the days when the Italian mafia controlled Las Vegas. This was a capitalism-oriented 'socialism' and Jacob was relieved that the demonic Blanka would at least think that an organized crime approach to an otherwise anarchy-oriented Wall Street piracy was better than no control at all. Blanka conceded that if Marshall Dillon inspired American capitalists to envision new ways of 'engineering' power-schemes then perhaps this temporary period of 'criminal seizure' of profit-highways could ironically somehow be...spiritually advantageous. After all, America endured that strange/eerie period when the Italian mafia nearly-controlled all of Las Vegas(!)."


JACOB MOORE: I saved Wall Street, Bud!
BUD FOX: What happened, Jacob?
JACOB: I ignored your original advice and a demon was released.
BUD: What?
JACOB: Yeah, an underworld 'specter' named Blanka.
BUD: What did you do?
JACOB: I enlisted the help of organized crime to create temporary control.
BUD: You used mafia-infrastructure to create order on Wall Street, Jacob?
JACOB: It was genius...
BUD: Jacob, you basically made a deal with the Devil!
JACOB: Well, Marshal Dillon (the organized crime leader) has been deposed!
BUD: So there is sanity on Wall Street once again that does not involve mafia-logic?
JACOB: Exactly!
BUD: Well, Jacob, I suppose that's some odd kind of relief, but you should've heeded me!
JACOB: Who cares! My plan worked out in the end...
BUD: Marshall Dillon would've sent Wall Street into a deeper pit of darkness, Jacob.
JACOB: Bud, you're an idealist.
BUD: Man, I'm glad I'm far away from all that insanity, Jacob.
JACOB: Are you still reading the Bible everyday, Bud?
BUD: Everyday...
JACOB: Well, we're investing in Transformers (Hasbro) espionage-toys now.
BUD: So now Wall Street is becoming pseudo-politically imaginative, eh?
JACOB: It's better than a boring capitalism, right?


"So you decide folks if this TrumpUSA omen is one of paranoia...or one of Machiavellian evangelism. What would President Trump say about the nature/quality of modern capitalism loopholes? Are you versed in American/Western folklore?"



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