Truth behind Trump abortion comment

Once it's breathing air outside the women it is a baby. Before that, it's a fetus.

So there should be no punishment for the decapitation?

Why are you so intellectually dishonest?
I guess you're too stupid to understand my response.

Once it's a baby, that's murder.

Should I type it again, real slow?

This was the question: What if a mother and her boyfriend conspire to cut the head off of her baby as soon as it clears the birth canal? Should there be any punishment for that?

Please note that this is a YES/NO question. "Once it's a baby, that's murder" is NOT an answer.

Why are you so afraid of this question? Will your deceitful house of cards come tumbling down?
The answer could not be any more clear. Murder is a crime punishable by prison or even a death penalty.

Am I supposed to be amused by your diversion? Why are the terms YES and NO such anathemas to so-called "progressives?" One more time, just to prove this point:

1. Do YOU believe that it should be illegal for a mother to decapitate her full term "fetus" while it is in the process of being expelled from her body? (YES or NO)

2. If YES, should there be any punishment for doing so? (YES or NO)

AFTER answering YES or NO, feel free to provide an explanation. Is that really too difficult?
Are those trick questions? Do you have some kind of vision in your head of a woman giving birth with a knife in her hand waiting for her kid to pop out?
Do you have some kind of vision in your head of a woman giving birth with a knife in her hand waiting for her kid to pop out?

Ever heard of "partial birth" abortions? Or do you prefer not to think (about it)?

P.S. Try asking me a YES/NO ("trick") question and I'll show you how to answer it.
What Trump said about a mans role....

Trump indicated he would be far more lenient on the man who impregnated a woman who had an abortion — he said he did not think they would bear the same level of responsibility.
Did not Trump say that women should be punished for having abortions?

ILLEGAL abortions, Brainiac. What if a mother and her boyfriend conspire to cut the head off of her baby as soon as it clears the birth canal? Should there be any punishment for that?

I can hardly wait for your chickenshit nonresponse...
Once it's breathing air outside the women it is a baby. Before that, it's a fetus.

So there should be no punishment for the decapitation?

Why are you so intellectually dishonest?
I guess you're too stupid to understand my response.

Once it's a baby, that's murder.

Should I type it again, real slow?

But that's not what you said. You said only if it is a "breathing" baby.

Apparently breathing makes them human.
Do you have some kind of vision in your head of a woman giving birth with a knife in her hand waiting for her kid to pop out?

Ever heard of "partial birth" abortions? Or do you prefer not to think (about it)?

P.S. Try asking me a YES/NO ("trick") question and I'll show you how to answer it.
Partial birth abortions of the type you are referencing, methods using a surgical procedure on the fetus head as it is being born, have been illegal for almost a decade.
Trump is a long life Prog and abortion activist, so why did Trump say that women should be held accountable for killing their unborn child?

To figure out Trump, watch this clip of Trump gushing over Hillary, so much so, it's kinda embarrassing

Keep in mind that this was as recently as having been filmed after the Benghazi scandal. You see Trump saying that he "did not think Benghazi resonated with voters" and thought she would run for President in 2016 and hopes she will run in 2016.

Progs like Trump knew that Hillary was in trouble and needed help. Essentially Trump had to run to stop Cruz.

As for the abortion comment, "the Donald" once said he could murder someone and still win the GOP nomination. However, Trump may have mortally wounded himself with this comment about abortion. For you see, Americans don't really care about their freedoms, unless it is the freedom to kill their unborn. Abortion is so revered in the US that anyone remotely suggesting that mothers should pay a penalty for killing their unborn child is met with such hostility that there is no recovery from it politically. Hillary can get up there and lie about Benghazi and even dismiss the brave men who died there by saying that no lives were lost in Libya and then lie to the faces of the mourning families about the incident, but so long as Hildabeast smiles and supports abortion rights, she will win.

I really thought Trump would wait until he had won the GOP nomination to say something like this, but I guess he has concluded he has already won. (Shrug) Then again, conservatives only care about ending abortion and most of them are already voting Cruz, so maybe it does not hurt Trump.

You know, there would be one good thing about forcing women to be accountable for killing their offspring, it would be reason #2,345,258 to lock up Hillary and throw away the key, for she too has had many abortions. From what I hear, having the one child was simply a cold calculated move to win the White House some day. Otherwise, I think Hillary would have killed her as well.

It's like Bernie says, the system is rigged. You have no idea as to the depth of depravity that resides with the man behind the curtain.

Actually Trump said that people are saying that his supporters are so inflexible that he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and they wouldn't care. Meaning that people are saying his supporters are nuts.

The point of what you're saying is Trump isn't about to take anyone's right to an abortion away, which seems to be the thing most critics of the rightwing use to beat them in elections. The Republicans have a base that wants to take the right of abortion away, ban abortions. They won't vote for anyone who doesn't want to make this a number one priority, and thus, these idiots are responsible for Barack Obama being in the White House. Trump has a more pragmatic approach. He doesn't even want to deal with the issue.....and because of that, Ted Cruz get's their votes, despite the fact that Ted won't or can't do anything about abortion.

Did not Trump say that women should be punished for having abortions? Is this not making this a priority issue?

I think the reason he said it was, that's what he thought conservatives wanted to hear. There is no previous indication that he believes this in any way.

OMG how pathetic you Trumpsters are. Every week you have to explain away something crazy he said. And you have to figure out what's bullshit and what's not? I'll tell you, it's all bullshit. And it doesn't matter because now I'm sure there is no way the man can win in November. You better run Kasich. LOL
I think I see the point you are making. Americans really don't give a shit about the unborn being killed or they would immediatly demand a law to ban it. I think that is true. Most people don't care that much about this issue and 'liberal' indoctrination has conditioned people to throw away moral outrage when it no longer benefits the class conflict theory.

And do we really want women who don't want to raise kids raising them? I don't.

I know there are times when abortions are necessary, he tells an aide, I know that - when you have a black and a white, or a rape. (Nixon quote) I just say that matter-of-factly, he adds. You know what I mean? There are times. Abortions encourage permissiveness, he says. A girl gets knocked up, she doesn't have to worry about the pill anymore, she goes down to the doctor, wants to get an abortion for five dollars or whatever.

Joseph Craft, one of the nation's leading columnist, wrote that a conservative court had reached a conservative conclusion in a battle between individual rights and state power. And almost all of the immediate criticism of the decision came from the Catholic Church, and NO ONE ELSE.

A decade earlier, the Supreme Court had invalidated a Connecticut law that made it a crime for married couples to use contraceptive devices, a decision also denounced by the church, but widely embraced. And in 1973, many commentators believed that the abortion decision also would quickly lose the steam of controversy. After all, California Governor Ronald Reagan had signed a bill liberalizing abortion laws in his state, and other states were contemplating similar measures.

Quite unanticipated at the time was that the growing Evangelical movement would embrace opposition to abortion as a bedrock principle and drive it into the Republican Party platform, reversing the prior position taken by the party. And that Ronald Reagan would campaign for president, promising to appoint Supreme Court justices who would reverse Roe vs. Wade. He named some who wanted to do just that, but his first nominee to the court, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, would end up repeatedly casting a vote against such a reversal. And today, the core decision in Roe remains the law of the land, perhaps threatened by a new conservative court majority, but still standing.
Trump is a long life Prog and abortion activist, so why did Trump say that women should be held accountable for killing their unborn child?

To figure out Trump, watch this clip of Trump gushing over Hillary, so much so, it's kinda embarrassing

Keep in mind that this was as recently as having been filmed after the Benghazi scandal. You see Trump saying that he "did not think Benghazi resonated with voters" and thought she would run for President in 2016 and hopes she will run in 2016.

Progs like Trump knew that Hillary was in trouble and needed help. Essentially Trump had to run to stop Cruz.

As for the abortion comment, "the Donald" once said he could murder someone and still win the GOP nomination. However, Trump may have mortally wounded himself with this comment about abortion. For you see, Americans don't really care about their freedoms, unless it is the freedom to kill their unborn. Abortion is so revered in the US that anyone remotely suggesting that mothers should pay a penalty for killing their unborn child is met with such hostility that there is no recovery from it politically. Hillary can get up there and lie about Benghazi and even dismiss the brave men who died there by saying that no lives were lost in Libya and then lie to the faces of the mourning families about the incident, but so long as Hildabeast smiles and supports abortion rights, she will win.

I really thought Trump would wait until he had won the GOP nomination to say something like this, but I guess he has concluded he has already won. (Shrug) Then again, conservatives only care about ending abortion and most of them are already voting Cruz, so maybe it does not hurt Trump.

You know, there would be one good thing about forcing women to be accountable for killing their offspring, it would be reason #2,345,258 to lock up Hillary and throw away the key, for she too has had many abortions. From what I hear, having the one child was simply a cold calculated move to win the White House some day. Otherwise, I think Hillary would have killed her as well.

It's like Bernie says, the system is rigged. You have no idea as to the depth of depravity that resides with the man behind the curtain.

Actually Trump said that people are saying that his supporters are so inflexible that he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and they wouldn't care. Meaning that people are saying his supporters are nuts.

The point of what you're saying is Trump isn't about to take anyone's right to an abortion away, which seems to be the thing most critics of the rightwing use to beat them in elections. The Republicans have a base that wants to take the right of abortion away, ban abortions. They won't vote for anyone who doesn't want to make this a number one priority, and thus, these idiots are responsible for Barack Obama being in the White House. Trump has a more pragmatic approach. He doesn't even want to deal with the issue.....and because of that, Ted Cruz get's their votes, despite the fact that Ted won't or can't do anything about abortion.

Did not Trump say that women should be punished for having abortions? Is this not making this a priority issue?

I think the reason he said it was, that's what he thought conservatives wanted to hear. There is no previous indication that he believes this in any way.

OMG how pathetic you Trumpsters are. Every week you have to explain away something crazy he said. And you have to figure out what's bullshit and what's not? I'll tell you, it's all bullshit. And it doesn't matter because now I'm sure there is no way the man can win in November. You better run Kasich. LOL the guy in last place......somebody you know you can beat..
I think I see the point you are making. Americans really don't give a shit about the unborn being killed or they would immediatly demand a law to ban it. I think that is true. Most people don't care that much about this issue and 'liberal' indoctrination has conditioned people to throw away moral outrage when it no longer benefits the class conflict theory.

And do we really want women who don't want to raise kids raising them? I don't.

I know there are times when abortions are necessary, he tells an aide, I know that - when you have a black and a white, or a rape. (Nixon quote) I just say that matter-of-factly, he adds. You know what I mean? There are times. Abortions encourage permissiveness, he says. A girl gets knocked up, she doesn't have to worry about the pill anymore, she goes down to the doctor, wants to get an abortion for five dollars or whatever.

Joseph Craft, one of the nation's leading columnist, wrote that a conservative court had reached a conservative conclusion in a battle between individual rights and state power. And almost all of the immediate criticism of the decision came from the Catholic Church, and NO ONE ELSE.

A decade earlier, the Supreme Court had invalidated a Connecticut law that made it a crime for married couples to use contraceptive devices, a decision also denounced by the church, but widely embraced. And in 1973, many commentators believed that the abortion decision also would quickly lose the steam of controversy. After all, California Governor Ronald Reagan had signed a bill liberalizing abortion laws in his state, and other states were contemplating similar measures.

Quite unanticipated at the time was that the growing Evangelical movement would embrace opposition to abortion as a bedrock principle and drive it into the Republican Party platform, reversing the prior position taken by the party. And that Ronald Reagan would campaign for president, promising to appoint Supreme Court justices who would reverse Roe vs. Wade. He named some who wanted to do just that, but his first nominee to the court, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, would end up repeatedly casting a vote against such a reversal. And today, the core decision in Roe remains the law of the land, perhaps threatened by a new conservative court majority, but still standing.
Guess you never heard of adoption before.

Your justify murder because the parents are fucking assholes!!!!
Did not Trump say that women should be punished for having abortions?

ILLEGAL abortions, Brainiac. What if a mother and her boyfriend conspire to cut the head off of her baby as soon as it clears the birth canal? Should there be any punishment for that?

I can hardly wait for your chickenshit nonresponse...
Once it's breathing air outside the women it is a baby. Before that, it's a fetus.

So there should be no punishment for the decapitation?

Why are you so intellectually dishonest?
I guess you're too stupid to understand my response.

Once it's a baby, that's murder.

Should I type it again, real slow?
Yep....until then it's just a disease. A tumor.
Donald Trump, August 2013:

"Well first of all, I know her very well and I know her husband very well and I like them both. And they are, uh, you know, just really terrific people. I like them both very much.

"But I think you’ll be, you know, you’ll be looking at the record of Hillary Clinton. And how did she do as secretary of state? Probably above and beyond everybody else and everything else."
Wow, he has to be lying......because everyone knows they're both assholes. :gives:
Trump is a long life Prog and abortion activist, so why did Trump say that women should be held accountable for killing their unborn child?

To figure out Trump, watch this clip of Trump gushing over Hillary, so much so, it's kinda embarrassing

Keep in mind that this was as recently as having been filmed after the Benghazi scandal. You see Trump saying that he "did not think Benghazi resonated with voters" and thought she would run for President in 2016 and hopes she will run in 2016.

Progs like Trump knew that Hillary was in trouble and needed help. Essentially Trump had to run to stop Cruz.

As for the abortion comment, "the Donald" once said he could murder someone and still win the GOP nomination. However, Trump may have mortally wounded himself with this comment about abortion. For you see, Americans don't really care about their freedoms, unless it is the freedom to kill their unborn. Abortion is so revered in the US that anyone remotely suggesting that mothers should pay a penalty for killing their unborn child is met with such hostility that there is no recovery from it politically. Hillary can get up there and lie about Benghazi and even dismiss the brave men who died there by saying that no lives were lost in Libya and then lie to the faces of the mourning families about the incident, but so long as Hildabeast smiles and supports abortion rights, she will win.

I really thought Trump would wait until he had won the GOP nomination to say something like this, but I guess he has concluded he has already won. (Shrug) Then again, conservatives only care about ending abortion and most of them are already voting Cruz, so maybe it does not hurt Trump.

You know, there would be one good thing about forcing women to be accountable for killing their offspring, it would be reason #2,345,258 to lock up Hillary and throw away the key, for she too has had many abortions. From what I hear, having the one child was simply a cold calculated move to win the White House some day. Otherwise, I think Hillary would have killed her as well.

It's like Bernie says, the system is rigged. You have no idea as to the depth of depravity that resides with the man behind the curtain.

Actually Trump said that people are saying that his supporters are so inflexible that he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and they wouldn't care. Meaning that people are saying his supporters are nuts.

The point of what you're saying is Trump isn't about to take anyone's right to an abortion away, which seems to be the thing most critics of the rightwing use to beat them in elections. The Republicans have a base that wants to take the right of abortion away, ban abortions. They won't vote for anyone who doesn't want to make this a number one priority, and thus, these idiots are responsible for Barack Obama being in the White House. Trump has a more pragmatic approach. He doesn't even want to deal with the issue.....and because of that, Ted Cruz get's their votes, despite the fact that Ted won't or can't do anything about abortion.

Did not Trump say that women should be punished for having abortions? Is this not making this a priority issue?

I think the reason he said it was, that's what he thought conservatives wanted to hear. There is no previous indication that he believes this in any way.

OMG how pathetic you Trumpsters are. Every week you have to explain away something crazy he said. And you have to figure out what's bullshit and what's not? I'll tell you, it's all bullshit. And it doesn't matter because now I'm sure there is no way the man can win in November. You better run Kasich. LOL

There was no right answer.. it was an insanely stupid question asked by an insanely stupid man. For me the right response would have been to laugh in Tingly Chrissy's face.
I think I see the point you are making. Americans really don't give a shit about the unborn being killed or they would immediatly demand a law to ban it. I think that is true. Most people don't care that much about this issue and 'liberal' indoctrination has conditioned people to throw away moral outrage when it no longer benefits the class conflict theory.

And do we really want women who don't want to raise kids raising them? I don't.

I know there are times when abortions are necessary, he tells an aide, I know that - when you have a black and a white, or a rape. (Nixon quote) I just say that matter-of-factly, he adds. You know what I mean? There are times. Abortions encourage permissiveness, he says. A girl gets knocked up, she doesn't have to worry about the pill anymore, she goes down to the doctor, wants to get an abortion for five dollars or whatever.

Joseph Craft, one of the nation's leading columnist, wrote that a conservative court had reached a conservative conclusion in a battle between individual rights and state power. And almost all of the immediate criticism of the decision came from the Catholic Church, and NO ONE ELSE.

A decade earlier, the Supreme Court had invalidated a Connecticut law that made it a crime for married couples to use contraceptive devices, a decision also denounced by the church, but widely embraced. And in 1973, many commentators believed that the abortion decision also would quickly lose the steam of controversy. After all, California Governor Ronald Reagan had signed a bill liberalizing abortion laws in his state, and other states were contemplating similar measures.

Quite unanticipated at the time was that the growing Evangelical movement would embrace opposition to abortion as a bedrock principle and drive it into the Republican Party platform, reversing the prior position taken by the party. And that Ronald Reagan would campaign for president, promising to appoint Supreme Court justices who would reverse Roe vs. Wade. He named some who wanted to do just that, but his first nominee to the court, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, would end up repeatedly casting a vote against such a reversal. And today, the core decision in Roe remains the law of the land, perhaps threatened by a new conservative court majority, but still standing.
Guess you never heard of adoption before.

Your justify murder because the parents are fucking assholes!!!!
Its not murder. Do you really think we have millions of women murderers running around America?

And at least now we don't have their unwanted children running around murdering people. Luckily those people were aborted. It would have been a lot cheaper had they just wore a condom but what are you going to do, right? If they fuck up and get pregnant, they need to have a place where they can go end that fetus. They can't afford that baby and neither can we.

Let me guess you are a conservative? I thought you guys cared about the debt and wanted to end welfare? Abortion stops a person from needing welfare.
I think I see the point you are making. Americans really don't give a shit about the unborn being killed or they would immediatly demand a law to ban it. I think that is true. Most people don't care that much about this issue and 'liberal' indoctrination has conditioned people to throw away moral outrage when it no longer benefits the class conflict theory.

And do we really want women who don't want to raise kids raising them? I don't.

I know there are times when abortions are necessary, he tells an aide, I know that - when you have a black and a white, or a rape. (Nixon quote) I just say that matter-of-factly, he adds. You know what I mean? There are times. Abortions encourage permissiveness, he says. A girl gets knocked up, she doesn't have to worry about the pill anymore, she goes down to the doctor, wants to get an abortion for five dollars or whatever.

Joseph Craft, one of the nation's leading columnist, wrote that a conservative court had reached a conservative conclusion in a battle between individual rights and state power. And almost all of the immediate criticism of the decision came from the Catholic Church, and NO ONE ELSE.

A decade earlier, the Supreme Court had invalidated a Connecticut law that made it a crime for married couples to use contraceptive devices, a decision also denounced by the church, but widely embraced. And in 1973, many commentators believed that the abortion decision also would quickly lose the steam of controversy. After all, California Governor Ronald Reagan had signed a bill liberalizing abortion laws in his state, and other states were contemplating similar measures.

Quite unanticipated at the time was that the growing Evangelical movement would embrace opposition to abortion as a bedrock principle and drive it into the Republican Party platform, reversing the prior position taken by the party. And that Ronald Reagan would campaign for president, promising to appoint Supreme Court justices who would reverse Roe vs. Wade. He named some who wanted to do just that, but his first nominee to the court, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, would end up repeatedly casting a vote against such a reversal. And today, the core decision in Roe remains the law of the land, perhaps threatened by a new conservative court majority, but still standing.
Guess you never heard of adoption before.

Your justify murder because the parents are fucking assholes!!!!
Its not murder. Do you really think we have millions of women murderers running around America?

And at least now we don't have their unwanted children running around murdering people. Luckily those people were aborted. It would have been a lot cheaper had they just wore a condom but what are you going to do, right? If they fuck up and get pregnant, they need to have a place where they can go end that fetus. They can't afford that baby and neither can we.

Let me guess you are a conservative? I thought you guys cared about the debt and wanted to end welfare? Abortion stops a person from needing welfare.
I'm a moderate. I feel women should have the choice to snuff their own children in the womb. I don't assume that all aborted children are murderers and thieves...and thank Obama these kids aren't running around raising Hell. I also feel that if more children were available, adopting them wouldn't cost prospective parents $20k. Parents that can't have a child of their own like myself.
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I remember when the Republican Party shifted from William F Buckley and Milton Friedman to Rush Limbaugh and FOX News. They decided it was easier to fool people (rather than educate them). They slowly - over the course of 30 years - built a voting base out of low-information, non college educated voters. People who thrive on overblown scandals and strategically created wedge issues.

These are the kind of people who are easily fooled by Donald Trump, a lifelong Democrat whose support of the pro-choice movement and single-payer health care is on tape. Trump has donated far more to Democrats than Republicans.

He is stealing the 2016 election for Hillary, who could be easily beaten by an actual Republican with command of the issues.

When you build a coalition out of angry, uneducated people, you shouldn't be surprised when you lose an election that a ham sanwhich could have won.

Trump is a conman.

You've been Punk'd
Sounds exactly like the voter base Democrats have been building, with Trayvon Martin, and Michael Brown. Angry one-issue voters. Blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals, women afraid of losing their abortion rights.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
I think I see the point you are making. Americans really don't give a shit about the unborn being killed or they would immediatly demand a law to ban it. I think that is true. Most people don't care that much about this issue and 'liberal' indoctrination has conditioned people to throw away moral outrage when it no longer benefits the class conflict theory.

And do we really want women who don't want to raise kids raising them? I don't.

I know there are times when abortions are necessary, he tells an aide, I know that - when you have a black and a white, or a rape. (Nixon quote) I just say that matter-of-factly, he adds. You know what I mean? There are times. Abortions encourage permissiveness, he says. A girl gets knocked up, she doesn't have to worry about the pill anymore, she goes down to the doctor, wants to get an abortion for five dollars or whatever.

Joseph Craft, one of the nation's leading columnist, wrote that a conservative court had reached a conservative conclusion in a battle between individual rights and state power. And almost all of the immediate criticism of the decision came from the Catholic Church, and NO ONE ELSE.

A decade earlier, the Supreme Court had invalidated a Connecticut law that made it a crime for married couples to use contraceptive devices, a decision also denounced by the church, but widely embraced. And in 1973, many commentators believed that the abortion decision also would quickly lose the steam of controversy. After all, California Governor Ronald Reagan had signed a bill liberalizing abortion laws in his state, and other states were contemplating similar measures.

Quite unanticipated at the time was that the growing Evangelical movement would embrace opposition to abortion as a bedrock principle and drive it into the Republican Party platform, reversing the prior position taken by the party. And that Ronald Reagan would campaign for president, promising to appoint Supreme Court justices who would reverse Roe vs. Wade. He named some who wanted to do just that, but his first nominee to the court, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, would end up repeatedly casting a vote against such a reversal. And today, the core decision in Roe remains the law of the land, perhaps threatened by a new conservative court majority, but still standing.
Guess you never heard of adoption before.

Your justify murder because the parents are fucking assholes!!!!
Its not murder. Do you really think we have millions of women murderers running around America?

And at least now we don't have their unwanted children running around murdering people. Luckily those people were aborted. It would have been a lot cheaper had they just wore a condom but what are you going to do, right? If they fuck up and get pregnant, they need to have a place where they can go end that fetus. They can't afford that baby and neither can we.

Let me guess you are a conservative? I thought you guys cared about the debt and wanted to end welfare? Abortion stops a person from needing welfare.
I'm a moderate. I feel women should have the choice to snuff their own children in the womb. I don't assume that all aborted children are murderers and thieves...and thank Obama these kids aren't running around raising Hell. I also feel that if more children were available, adopting them wouldn't cost prospective parents $20k. Parents that can't have a child of their own like myself.

Why not abort them once they are born? What exactly is the difference Mr. moderate?
I think I see the point you are making. Americans really don't give a shit about the unborn being killed or they would immediatly demand a law to ban it. I think that is true. Most people don't care that much about this issue and 'liberal' indoctrination has conditioned people to throw away moral outrage when it no longer benefits the class conflict theory.

And do we really want women who don't want to raise kids raising them? I don't.

I know there are times when abortions are necessary, he tells an aide, I know that - when you have a black and a white, or a rape. (Nixon quote) I just say that matter-of-factly, he adds. You know what I mean? There are times. Abortions encourage permissiveness, he says. A girl gets knocked up, she doesn't have to worry about the pill anymore, she goes down to the doctor, wants to get an abortion for five dollars or whatever.

Joseph Craft, one of the nation's leading columnist, wrote that a conservative court had reached a conservative conclusion in a battle between individual rights and state power. And almost all of the immediate criticism of the decision came from the Catholic Church, and NO ONE ELSE.

A decade earlier, the Supreme Court had invalidated a Connecticut law that made it a crime for married couples to use contraceptive devices, a decision also denounced by the church, but widely embraced. And in 1973, many commentators believed that the abortion decision also would quickly lose the steam of controversy. After all, California Governor Ronald Reagan had signed a bill liberalizing abortion laws in his state, and other states were contemplating similar measures.

Quite unanticipated at the time was that the growing Evangelical movement would embrace opposition to abortion as a bedrock principle and drive it into the Republican Party platform, reversing the prior position taken by the party. And that Ronald Reagan would campaign for president, promising to appoint Supreme Court justices who would reverse Roe vs. Wade. He named some who wanted to do just that, but his first nominee to the court, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, would end up repeatedly casting a vote against such a reversal. And today, the core decision in Roe remains the law of the land, perhaps threatened by a new conservative court majority, but still standing.
Guess you never heard of adoption before.

Your justify murder because the parents are fucking assholes!!!!
Its not murder. Do you really think we have millions of women murderers running around America?

And at least now we don't have their unwanted children running around murdering people. Luckily those people were aborted. It would have been a lot cheaper had they just wore a condom but what are you going to do, right? If they fuck up and get pregnant, they need to have a place where they can go end that fetus. They can't afford that baby and neither can we.

Let me guess you are a conservative? I thought you guys cared about the debt and wanted to end welfare? Abortion stops a person from needing welfare.

Liberal logic

1. Favors total strangers coming into the country illegally unrestricted and in mass weighing down the nanny state due to cost and criminal activity.

2. Will slice the throat of their own offspring to save a buck or two.

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