Truth Revolt Launches to unmask leftist media


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
This should be entertaining, rule #6...:lol:


Truth Revolt Launches

Truth Revolt

At last! A multi-media campaign that will take the battle to the demagogues who spin the nation’s news. This is TruthRevolt, a brainchild of Ben Shapiro, that is designed to expose the hypocrisies and mendacities of the leftwing media, and confront them with a counter-attack they won’t be able to handle.

Thanks to the generosity of Dr. Robert J. Shillman, the David Horowitz Freedom Center has launched TruthRevolt to unmask leftists in the media for who they are, use the facts of their distortions and radical political agendas to make the American public aware that they are political propagandists in broadcasters’ clothing, and cause their sponsors in America’s opportunity society to think twice before contributing to their destructive causes.

In addition to race-baiters like Sharpton, TruthRevolt will focus on high-profile network figures like George Stephanopoulos (ABC News) and David Gregory (NBC News) who never disclose their leftist commitments; cable hosts who have been granted credibility despite their commitment to partisan agendas, including John King (CNN), Candy Crowley (CNN), Piers Morgan (CNN), Anderson Cooper (CNN), Chris Matthews (MSNBC), Rachel Maddow (MSNBC), Joe Scarborough (MSNBC) and Mika Brzezinski (MSNBC); institutional leftist outlets like The New York Times and The Washington Post; and the most effective messengers of the left in the media, the powerful media figures at Comedy Central, including Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

But TruthRevolt will not stop there. TruthRevolt understands that all politics is local, and therefore will also confront hypocrisy and news doctoring in the local press, television and radio. Looking to stop the insidious indoctrination of the next generation, TruthRevolt will set up affiliates at colleges around the country to confront the one-party press on university campuses.


Truth Revolt Launches | October 9, 2013 | Sonoran News

---> Truth Revolt
Someone's finally going to try to prove that there's a left wing main stream media? :confused:

I thought that's what these guys have been trying to do the last few decades :confused:

American Enterprise Institute
American Conservative Union (David Keene)
American Legislative Exchange Council
American Political Action Committee (Alan Gottlieb)
American Spectator
Cato Institute
Center for Individual Freedom
Center for Libertarian Studies (Lew Rockwell)
Center for the Study of Popular Culture (David Horotwitz)
CNP Action (Gary Aldrich)
Coalition on Urban Renewal & Education
Coalitions for America
Conservative Leadership PAC (Mornton Blackwell)
Conservative Victory Committee (Brent Bozell) (Richard Viguerie)
Citizens United (David Bossie)
Free Republic Network
Heritage Foundation
Leadership Institute (Morton Blackwell)
National Center for Public Policy Research (Amy Ridenour)
National Review Online
New York State Conservative Party
Southeastern Legal Foundation
Tradition, Family, and Property

Free Market
Citizens for a Sound Economy (Dick Armey)
Competititve Enterprise Institute
Frontiers of Freedom
James Madison Institute
Landmark Legal Foundation
National Conservative Campaign Fund
Radio America

Alliance for Retirement Prosperity
American Shareholders Association (Grover Norquist)
Americans for Fair Taxation
Americans for Tax Reform (Grover Norquist)
Association of Concerned Taxpayers
Maryland Taxpayers Association
National Tax Limitation Committee
National Taxpayers Union
Republicans United for Tax Relief
Tax Foundation
Taxpayhers Network
U.S. Taxpayers Alliance (Howard Phillips)

Arkansas Policy Foundation
Capital Research Center
Citizens Against Government Waste
Club for Growth Advocacy

Allegheny Institute for Public Policy
Institute for Policy Innovation (Dick Armey)

American Council on Science &Health
Blue Ribbon Coalition
Center for Individual Rights
Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise (Alan Gottlieb)

General Religious
American Center for Law and Justice
American Family Association
Campus Crusade for Christ
Center for Reclaiming America
Christian Coalition of America
Christian Film and Television Commission
Christian Voice (Gary Jarmin)
Eagle Forum (Phyllis Schlafly)
Family Research Council
Public Advocate
Traditional Values Coalition

Right-Wing Catholics
Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Catholics United for the Faith
Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute

American Life League
Americans United for Life
National Right to Life Committee

Americans for Truth Project
Center for Military Readiness

Corporate Fronts
60 Plus Association
Small Business Survival Committee
United Seniors Association

Direct-Mail Fundraisers
American Target Advertising (Richard Viguerie)
Bruce W. Eberle & Associates
Eberle Communications Group
Richard Norman Company
Squire & Heartfield Direct

PR Firms
Craig Shirley & Associates
Shirley & Banister Public Affairs

American Council for Immigration Reform
American Immigration Control Foundation
Center for Equal Opportunity
English First
United States Border Control

Anti-Affirmative Action and Black Astroturf
American Civil Rights Institute
Black America's PAC
Institute for Justice
Project 21

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (Alan Gottlieb)
Gun Owners of America (Larry Pratt)
National Rifle Association
Second Amendment Sisters

Anti-United Nations
American Policy Center

High Frontier (Star Wars)
Freedom Alliance

Anti-Liberal Media
Accuracy in Media (Reed Irvine)
Media Research Center

Youth and Academia
Accuracy in Academia (Reed Irvine)
Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute
College Republican National Committee
Intercollegiate Studies Institute
Students for Academic Freedom (David Horowitz)
Young America's Foundation (Ron Robinson)
Young Conservatives of Texas
Someone's finally going to try to prove that there's a left wing main stream media? :confused:

I thought that's what these guys have been trying to do the last few decades :confused:

You forgot the link...:eusa_shhh:

Actually it was from

It was like the 6th link when I searched google

My first search, Rule #6 enjoy...

TruthRevolt Draws Fire

October 11, 2013 By Mark Tapson


“This will get personal,” says Shapiro, embracing a tactic that formerly has been the province of the demonizing left, who subscribe to the Alinsky aim of personalizing a target and destroying him or her. “This will get rough. We’re ready for action.” TruthRevolt did in fact take action right out of the gate, its initial target being the patriarch of race-baiting demagoguery himself, MSNBC’s Al Sharpton. Shapiro initiated a petition calling on advertisers, specifically Mondelez International, the owner of Ritz Crackers, to stop supporting Sharpton’s show PoliticsNation. The petition has acquired nearly 5,900 signatures since the launch two days ago, the first thousand of them in under fifteen hours.

How did the news media respond to TR’s arrival on the scene? The major news outlets like ABC and CBS, perhaps either underestimating the popular support for such a right-wing media offensive, or hoping it will go away, simply chose not to bring attention to the launch. Not even MSNBC itself deigned to acknowledge TruthRevolt, at least on its website. Conservative sites like TheBlaze and, of course, reported it, and a mixture of anticipation and zeal was in strong evidence among the commenters on those sites, who have long been awaiting a weapon like TR to bring the leftist media to their knees. “It’s about time,” was the general attitude.


Whether the left likes it or not or pretends to ignore it, TruthRevolt has kicked off with a bang, not a whimper, and is poised to give progressives a taste of their own medicine and help “right” our country’s long-standing media imbalance.

TruthRevolt Draws Fire | FrontPage Magazine
How did the news media respond to TR’s arrival on the scene? The major news outlets like ABC and CBS, perhaps either underestimating the popular support for such a right-wing media offensive, or hoping it will go away, simply chose not to bring attention to the launch. Not even MSNBC itself deigned to acknowledge TruthRevolt, at least on its website.

Of course, this will be the problem. The targets of this group won't give it the light of day, and they control the dissemination of most of the "news". Unlike what they do for Media Matters, which has been a very effective source and ally for them. They will immediately (and probably effectively) paint this group into the same corner that Fox occupies and make it very difficult for them to get the word out about the slant of the major media.

I do wish they hadn't used the word "Truth", though. Nowadays, anyone who throws that word around is most likely an ideological zealot, easy to identify and difficult to take seriously.

Oh well, good luck to them. Uphill battle, though.

Last edited:
And the far right reactionaries wail and bail as they realize they have fail.

Your popularities have dropped to all time lows.
WaPo's Ezra Klein Gets Truthful on Obamacare

"It isn't just a 'glitchy' site!"

10.11.2013 |Paul Bois |

On Thursday, Joy Reid, filling in for MSNBC's Martin Bashir, invited Washington Post's Ezra Klein to comment on the shutdown. After the usual "it's all Republicans fault" narrative, Klein then launched into a rather frank assessment of Obamacare's disastrous implementation, even going as far to say "the Obama Administration failed the people it's trying to help." Immediately, Reid went into damage control, trying to minimize the flaws to just a "glitchy site", but Klein doubled down on his position with only a scant number of excuses to make up for it.

“It isn't just a glitchy site. Basically, nobody is capable of signing up for affordable health care right now or any health insurance. Affordable or not, that is not okay. They did a bad job running a very big program supposed to help a lot of Americans. Now three weeks from now, four weeks from now, it might all be fixed. There is something to that. A stat I heard the other day, which I think is a strong one, is there were more people trying to sign up for accounts at health in the first 24 hours than Twitter had in the last 24 months. Nevertheless, when you launch something like this, it is on you to make it work. We are more than a week and most people cannot use the site or get insurance.

However, Klein did fail to mention that stat he holds in high regard has been debated by numerous IT experts throughout the week, claiming that poor software powering will surely make it difficult to properly gauge the number of sign-ups they receive.


WaPo's Ezra Klein Gets Truthful on Obamacare | Truth Revolt
I'm sure it will be as "truthful" as Little Benny the Bully's "Friends of Hamas" bullshit.
I never understood why the Republican Party would let their debates by Moderated by the Democrat Party LMSM
So when they do investigate, will they use the same criteria ti judge right winged media outlets? Or are the going to play that stupid game of We do it yet you people are bad for it, but we are not?
So when they do investigate, will they use the same criteria ti judge right winged media outlets? Or are the going to play that stupid game of We do it yet you people are bad for it, but we are not?

As I understand it, they are the right version of the left's Media Matters... So I'm guessing it will play the same game and use the same tactics they do...
Ben Shapiro: TruthRevolt Will Make MSM 'Pay' for Lies, Change 'Nature of Media'

by Tony Lee 7 Oct 2013

On Sunday, Breitbart News Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro discussed the launch of a new website that will seek to "change the nature of media" by exposing the donors and advertisers that enable the mainstream media to distort the truth and push their agendas with no accountability, especially when it comes to their bottom lines.

Shapiro will lead, which will launch on Monday to expose the mainstream media and “unmask leftists in the media for who they are, destroy their credibility with the American public, and devastate their funding bases."

Appearing on Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 with Breitbart News Executive Chairman and host Stephen K. Bannon, Shapiro said those who "bankroll" and enable the mainstream media to lie and "push their agenda" must "be made aware that the American public is not going to stand for this bullshit."

He simply said there has to be a "price to pay for that."


Ben Shapiro: TruthRevolt Will Make MSM 'Pay' for Lies, Change 'Nature of Media'

This should be entertaining, rule #6...:lol:


Truth Revolt Launches

Truth Revolt

At last! A multi-media campaign that will take the battle to the demagogues who spin the nation’s news. This is TruthRevolt, a brainchild of Ben Shapiro, that is designed to expose the hypocrisies and mendacities of the leftwing media, and confront them with a counter-attack they won’t be able to handle.

Thanks to the generosity of Dr. Robert J. Shillman, the David Horowitz Freedom Center has launched TruthRevolt to unmask leftists in the media for who they are, use the facts of their distortions and radical political agendas to make the American public aware that they are political propagandists in broadcasters’ clothing, and cause their sponsors in America’s opportunity society to think twice before contributing to their destructive causes.

In addition to race-baiters like Sharpton, TruthRevolt will focus on high-profile network figures like George Stephanopoulos (ABC News) and David Gregory (NBC News) who never disclose their leftist commitments; cable hosts who have been granted credibility despite their commitment to partisan agendas, including John King (CNN), Candy Crowley (CNN), Piers Morgan (CNN), Anderson Cooper (CNN), Chris Matthews (MSNBC), Rachel Maddow (MSNBC), Joe Scarborough (MSNBC) and Mika Brzezinski (MSNBC); institutional leftist outlets like The New York Times and The Washington Post; and the most effective messengers of the left in the media, the powerful media figures at Comedy Central, including Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

But TruthRevolt will not stop there. TruthRevolt understands that all politics is local, and therefore will also confront hypocrisy and news doctoring in the local press, television and radio. Looking to stop the insidious indoctrination of the next generation, TruthRevolt will set up affiliates at colleges around the country to confront the one-party press on university campuses.


Truth Revolt Launches | October 9, 2013 | Sonoran News

---> Truth Revolt


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