Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

Don't the majority of people who already drive have a driver's license, numbskull?

You think there's a "run" on the DMV to get a license prior-to elections?

I only go to the DMV when I absolutly have to - I mean it better be a freaking emergency. The majority of transactions these days are done on the Internet.

And what a bunch of incompetent morons running the place.

The governor's doing the right thing - cutting waste.

hey numbnuts... what about the people that don't drive, but need an ID to vote? The DMV is the only place to get a Government Issued photo ID(Short of a passport).

That's the point that TM was making... first they do card check... then they shut down a bunch of DMV offices....Trying to stifle the vote of people he doesn't want voting.
And they are shutting down dmv's in democratic area's and extending the hours in republican areas.

Its so damn obvious. I know politics is a game, but lets be honest.

Uh, no.

Transportation Department executive assistant Reggie Newson denied that politics was behind the office closure plan, saying the decisions were being made based on what made the most economic sense.

"This has nothing to do with politics," he said. "We're trying to make sure that we can provide service in each county statewide efficiently."

Department officials briefed lawmakers who represent areas affected by the closures this week. Newson said no final decisions have been made, but they plan to implement the changes starting in January.

The recently enacted state budget requires that DMV driver license and ID card services be offered in all 72 counties at least 20 hours a week. Currently, only 30 counties have offices that meet that 20-hour requirement.

Once the changes are made, there will be 625 more hours of DMV service to the public a week or about 32,000 hours more a year, said Kristina Boardman, the department's director of field services who is overseeing the plan.

Starting next year, voters must present a valid driver's license or other acceptable photo identification in order to vote. Critics of that new requirement have said it would be unconstitutional if courts determined voters couldn't easily access DMV centers where they can obtain the ID cards required in order to vote.

The state currently operates 88 DMV centers but it would drop to 78 under the tentative plan, Newson said. Many of those targeted for closure, like the one in Fort Atkinson, are temporary sites and not leased spaces, like the larger office in Watertown, he said.

Wis. DMV says closure decisions aren't final - BusinessWeek
Requiring ID's then shutting down places that provide ID's does look suspicious does it not?
I'm STILL waiting for proof that the DMV closings were ONLY in Democratic areas of the state, as previously posted in this thread.

The Republicans refused to let a Democratic legislature have a map which would have shown which ones are being closed. I think that says a lot. Do they have highly classified military secrets or something on those maps?

So... explain how YOU know the DMV's closing are all in Democratic areas...if you've not been provided with a list yet.

cricket.... cricket.... cricket...

Requiring ID's then shutting down places that provide ID's does look suspicious does it not?

not when there are a few hndred places, and you close down about 10.

How so? All 10 could be in one parties district dem or republican wouldn't that look suspicious or is there a certain percentage that has to close to make it look suspicious? 10%? 20%?
Requiring ID's then shutting down places that provide ID's does look suspicious does it not?

not when there are a few hndred places, and you close down about 10.

How so? All 10 could be in one parties district dem or republican wouldn't that look suspicious or is there a certain percentage that has to close to make it look suspicious? 10%? 20%?

I posted a list of all DMV locations in WI earlier in the thread. 10 is nothing. ALso, someone else posted a piece where the source stated that the 10 were all temporary locations anyway... not permanent locations.

It's nothing.
Wisconsin’s population is substantially less likely to have a state-issued identification. A University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee study showed the following about those without state-issued driver’s license and who would need to obtain photo identification under the Wisconsin voter ID bill:

• Over 178,000 elderly Wisconsinites.

• 17 percent of white men and women.

• 55 percent of African-American men and 49 percent of African-American women.

• 46 percent of Hispanic men and 59 percent of Hispanic women.

• 78 percent of African-American men age 18-24 and 66 percent of African-American women age 18-24.

Additional statistics about Wisconsin lack of accessible Division of Motor Vehicles offices compared to Indiana:

• 26 percent of Wisconsin’s 91 DMVs are open one day a month or less, while none of Indiana’s are open less than 100 days a year and nearly all are open over 250 days a year.

• Wisconsin has only one DMV with weekend hours, while Indiana has 124 offices with weekend hours.

• Three Wisconsin counties have no DMVs, no Indiana county is without a DMV.

• Over half of Wisconsin’s 91 DMVs are open on a part-time basis, while Indiana provides full-time DMVs in every county.

Republican claims of widespread voter irregularity have long been debunked. After a two-year investigation, Republican Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen has found only 11 potentially improper votes cast out of nearly 3 million votes in 2008. The former Wisconsin U.S. attorney under George W. Bush, Steve Biskupic, concluded after a similar investigation that there was no widespread voter fraud. The majority of charges in all of these cases involved felons who were technically ineligible to vote.

Scot Ross: Why voter ID bill may be unconstitutional
Keep crying. The DMV is not the only place to register to vote. Every county in the country has at least one Board of Elections office.
There are two positions available in this debate.
One that supports voter ID to insure integrity of the process. The other opposes voter ID in order to prevent integrity of the process.
The first position is honorable. The second is dishonorable.
There is no in between.
Don't the majority of people who already drive have a driver's license, numbskull?

You think there's a "run" on the DMV to get a license prior-to elections?

I only go to the DMV when I absolutly have to - I mean it better be a freaking emergency. The majority of transactions these days are done on the Internet.

And what a bunch of incompetent morons running the place.

The governor's doing the right thing - cutting waste.

hey numbnuts... what about the people that don't drive, but need an ID to vote? The DMV is the only place to get a Government Issued photo ID(Short of a passport).

That's the point that TM was making... first they do card check... then they shut down a bunch of DMV offices....Trying to stifle the vote of people he doesn't want voting.
And they are shutting down dmv's in democratic area's and extending the hours in republican areas.

Its so damn obvious. I know politics is a game, but lets be honest.

I know it's been asked and ignored, but where's the evidence of this happening?
hey numbnuts... what about the people that don't drive, but need an ID to vote? The DMV is the only place to get a Government Issued photo ID(Short of a passport).

That's the point that TM was making... first they do card check... then they shut down a bunch of DMV offices....Trying to stifle the vote of people he doesn't want voting.
And they are shutting down dmv's in democratic area's and extending the hours in republican areas.

Its so damn obvious. I know politics is a game, but lets be honest.

I know it's been asked and ignored, but where's the evidence of this happening?

I hope you like crickets... cause that is all I've gotten in here when I asked that.
They were writing the bill to close these DMVs.

If reporting on it makes them abandon the bill and NOT close the DMVs then the news has done their job.

If they close these DMVs they will NEVER hear the end of it.
Did you purposefully ignore my question?

you asked a stupid question.

I explained that closing 10 temporary centers, regardless of where they were, is nothing compared to the few hundred they kept open, and even expanded hours for.

It's a non-issue. What part of that slips over your head?

The part that slips over my head is the part where you are comparing the number open to the number closed. My Question was not "would you consider 10 compared to hundreds alot?"

My question said was: Requiring IDs while closing down the places that provide does look suspicious, does it not?"

Be honest with yourself, if all 10 of those closings happened in one party's district it would look suspicious no matter what your saying.

You're trying to change the debate into a greater than, less than argument.
Are you really that naive

Nope...I am not naive at all.

Please explain what is being naive about an act of a political party that is not levied on only ONE party voter...but on ALL people.

Please....explain where I am being naive...but be careful.....becuase the best you will be able to come up with is that republican voters are more likely to be able to prove residency...which means republican voters are more likely to be stable...and republican voters are more likely to follow the law and always have valid ID ....and republican voters are more likely to be citizens.....

Or do you have something better to offer?
Proving residency has nothing to do with being stable. There are plenty of unstable ppl who can prove residency.

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