Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

it is proof of the decades long efforts of the republican partys attempts to deprive legal Americans voters fo their right to vote in elections.

The walker plan was jsut more of this.

Why did walker end public finacing of canpaigns in Wi?
GOP Memo Admits Plan Could 'Keep Black Vote Down' - Los Angeles Times

In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

Hmmm, would you like to explain how a 1986 article is proof that in 2011 Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin attempted to keep Democratic voters from voting by closing down DMV offices in primarily Democratic districts? Oh, yeah, and in the mean time, how about providing proof that those are primarily Democratic districts?


Here, TM... You'll need this...
This is why the right will fail.

The party has members like you people who refuse to face what their party has done to this country.

It doesnt mean it didnt take place.

Defend a criminal party if you like.

Proof positive that Truthdoesn'tmatter is nothing but a liar.

She says "These are not blog sites." When two of the linked sites are obviously blogs.

When this is pointed out to her does she admit she lied? No, she tries to muddy the water by changing the subject repeatedly.

Why can't you answer my questions Truthdoesn'tmatter?

Why can't you prove that this was politically motivated?

Why can't you prove that these DMV's are in Democrat districts?

These two claims are what this whole thread is based on and you've yet to prove either of them.

it is proof of the decades long efforts of the republican partys attempts to deprive legal Americans voters fo their right to vote in elections.

The walker plan was jsut more of this.

Why did walker end public finacing of canpaigns in Wi?



U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Public Finance Law Similar to Wisconsin
Wisconsin’s Impartial Justice Act, which was signed into law in 2009, contained a similar public funding matching scheme as the Arizona law. A lawsuit was filed in federal court, but the court upheld the law. The 2011-13 budget bill recently signed into law defunded the law. Wisconsin’s law is all but dead now, with the Supreme Court’s decision finding Arizona’s law unconstitutional.
So... the law regarding the public financing of campaigns was put into effect in 2009...
A lawsuit was initiated, but the courts upheld it...
The SCOTUS struck down a similar AZ law in October 2010...
Walker saw this and defunded the WI law in his budget...

You have trouble following this because?????
This is why the right will fail.

The party has members like you people who refuse to face what their party has done to this country.

It doesnt mean it didnt take place.

Defend a criminal party if you like.

:lol::lol::lol: Why shouldn't Republicans defend their 'criminal party'? You defend yours.
it is proof of the decades long efforts of the republican partys attempts to deprive legal Americans voters fo their right to vote in elections.

The walker plan was jsut more of this.

Why did walker end public finacing of canpaigns in Wi?

it is proof of the decades long efforts of the republican partys attempts to deprive illegal voters of their right to vote in elections.
it is proof of the decades long efforts of the republican partys attempts to deprive legal Americans voters fo their right to vote in elections.

The walker plan was jsut more of this.

Why did walker end public finacing of canpaigns in Wi?

[ame=]History of democrat voter fraud and black opression. VOTER FRAUD BY DEMOCRATS AINT NEW! - YouTube[/ame]

Why do you ignore the long history of Democrats suppressing the black vote?

Why do you hate black people?
The republicans have a proven history of working to keep legal American voters from voting with tricks just like this.

Then you should have no trouble substantiating your claim, right?
Do you enjoy being beaten up by posters from both sides of the political spectrum on a daily basis?
You are either a masochist, an idiot, or both. Please explain, with links.
it is proof of the decades long efforts of the republican partys attempts to deprive legal Americans voters fo their right to vote in elections.

The walker plan was jsut more of this.

Why did walker end public finacing of canpaigns in Wi?

Simply your unsupported opinion.

here I put some of them all together so you cant lose them anymore.

These are not blog sites

Proof positive that Truthdoesn'tmatter is nothing but a liar.

She says "These are not blog sites." When two of the linked sites are obviously blogs.

When this is pointed out to her does she admit she lied? No, she tries to muddy the water by changing the subject repeatedly.

Why can't you answer my questions Truthdoesn'tmatter?

Why can't you prove that this was politically motivated?

Why can't you prove that these DMV's are in Democrat districts?

These two claims are what this whole thread is based on and you've yet to prove either of them.


No, I have to disagree with you in that case. I don't think she lied about those not being blog sites. I simply believe she is not smart enough to understand what a blog site or opinion are/mean.

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it is proof of the decades long efforts of the republican partys attempts to deprive legal Americans voters fo their right to vote in elections.

The walker plan was jsut more of this.

Why did walker end public finacing of canpaigns
in Wi?

Thankfully public finacing of canpaigns has been ended in Wisconsin. I just hate it when someone tries to finace my canpaign in public.
Hey! Idiot! Do you want your taxes to pay for Conservative candidates?
Well, I don't want my taxes going to support the campaigns of liberal idiots like you. verstehst?
If these laws were indeed helping secure the voting system then why are they only supported by the party that has a decades long history of working to keep legal American voters from voting to win elections?

So you're working to make sure that we don't check ID's to help Republicans continue to commit voter fraud? Of course you know it's Democrats cheating, which is why you work so hard to make sure that IDs are not checked...
If these laws were indeed helping secure the voting system then why are they only supported by the party that has a decades long history of working to keep legal American voters from voting to win elections?

You are officially full of shit.

Angering their own party, Rhode Island Democrats approve voter ID
Amid all the partisan sniping, however, is a little-noticed new law approved by the nation’s smallest state — Rhode Island — that has turned the voter ID debate upside down. There, it was majority Democrats who bucked their own party’s national leadership — as well as traditional allies including the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People — by passing a photo ID requirement of their own. Lawmakers approved the measure on the hectic final day of the legislative session, and independent Governor Lincoln Chafee signed it into law without fanfare on July 2.

“I think that party leaders have tried to make this a Republican versus Democrat issue. It’s not. It’s simply a good government issue,” says state Representative Jon Brien, the Democratic sponsor of the legislation, who says he was pressured by the Rhode Island Democratic Party not to move forward with his bill. “We as representatives have a duty to the citizenry to ensure the integrity of our elections, and the requirement to show an ID will ensure that integrity.”

So, an official FUCK YOU to TM and his mouth breathing cohorts on this, courtesy of the Democrats in Rhode Island. :rofl:
More evidence that TM and the other mouth breathers will ignore...

Poll: Democrats and Republicans Support a Voter ID-Check Law - Peter Roff (

Look at the numbers: Rasmussen found 85 percent support for photo ID among Republicans, 77 percent support among non-affiliated voters, and even 63 percent support among Democrats. The poll also found, not surprisingly to anyone who understands the American electorate, “support for such a law is high across virtually all demographic groups.”
The Democrats who opposed voter ID laws... are the politicians afraid they'll get voted out :rofl:

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