Trying to Bar Trump From 2024 Ballot Is Unconstitutional and Lawfare at Its Worst

in case that can't beat Trump at the polls, they will use Soros funded legal BS to do so. The Colorado case to illegally keep Trump off the ballot will no doubt go the USSC since the left wing loons control Colorado from top to bottom.

So in what universe was Trump going to win Colorado anyway?

in case that can't beat Trump at the polls, they will use Soros funded legal BS to do so. The Colorado case to illegally keep Trump off the ballot will no doubt go the USSC since the left wing loons control Colorado from top to bottom.
Most Dem schemes blow up in their stupid faces. The SCOTUS is going to rip these scumbags a new one.
The former President (Trump) was not 'lawless.) The DOJ and the FBI are the lawless ones and you support it because of your unfounded seething hatred of Trump.
Former president trump is the most lawless ex President we've had in modern history if not all of our history....
Also, don’t forget section 5 that says “The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”, which they did by passing 18 US code 2383, which hasn’t been charged and nobody has been convicted.

Barring that, any attempts to ban him from ballots will likely be overturned in appeals or in the scotus.
18 US code 2383 bars anyone convicted of insurrection or REBELLION from holding political office.....

Unlike the constitution sec 3 of the 14th, US 2383 Bars EVERYONE convicted, even those people who have never taken an oath to the constitution. The sec. 3/ of the 14th ....bars only those who have taken a previous oath to the constitution.
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There is no conspiracy. Straight Arrows in law enforcement DOJCIAFBI courts judges Etcetera take sedition, threats and violence and fraud for that matter pretty seriously.

Don't know what shithole you live in, but in my country you're INNOCENT UNTILL PROVEN GUILTY IN A COURT OF LAW.

Dear Lord.
This has been Debunked.
Why are you still fooled?

I know, it's a cult thing.
No it hasn't, at first you loons said nothing wrong with it. That all other countries wanted him gone too. So what's the truth?
invading the capitol & disrupting the electoral count isnt a protest. Its a coup attempt.
Well just the other day, a couple of your hamas loving brothers disrupted the house in a coup attempt. They should be held without representation.
America hates Mark Levin a well known lying pos.
The former President (Trump) was not 'lawless.) The DOJ and the FBI are the lawless ones and you support it because of your unfounded seething hatred of Trump.
Tell us what part of Trump conspiring to change electors returns ad denying patriots their legimate votes do you think is perfectly acceptable and lawful. I'll wait.
18 US code 2383 bars anyone convicted of insurrection or REBELLION from holding political office.....

Unlike the constitution sec 3 of the 14th, US 2383 Bars EVERYONE convicted, even those people who have never taken an oath to the constitution. The sec. 3/ of the 14th ....bars only those who have taken an oath to the constitution.
The point was, it says that congress can enforce the provisions of that article with appropriate legislation. That legislation is 2383, which nobody has been charged with yet. My point is, until they charge and convict trump under 2383, the 14th ammendment cant apply to disqualifying him to be president.
Cool story bra
I can't imagine a Trump cult follower caring about their neighbors, just such lowlife they worship a treasonous criminal. So yeah whether you believe Lynda has cancer or not explain to me why you hate people voting.
What state ballot is Trump not on?

He will be off every state ballot that finds he is a insurrectionist Every state can and probably will charge Trump as a insurrectionist. section 3 of the 14th Amendment will stop Trump from being even a candidate. Just a couple of states out of the 50 will bury his traitor ass.
Every aspects of Jan 6th was literally broadcasted , how stupid is the right. They saw it as just Americans visiting the capital as tourist. They would watch Trump shoot some guy 20 times on the tv from 200 angles and they would say someone else did it . That is how laim stupid they are, total traitors to this great country.
It’s telling that even if convicted of crimes, Trump’s allies would still support him! If the rule of law isn’t accepted, why should they be accepted as fellow citizens? They’re approaching the same level of unrest, as the more radical groups of the Vietnam era!
They aren't accepted as fellow citizens they are accepted as target to spit on when passing. MY idea is to force tattoos on everyone of them on their foreheads with the letter T for traitor , or S for scum and all patriots in this country should watch these traitors for the rest of their live so they don't try to bring down our constitution and country again.
They aren't accepted as fellow citizens they are accepted as target to spit on when passing. MY idea is to force tattoos on everyone of them on their foreheads with the letter T for traitor , or S for scum and all patriots in this country should watch these traitors for the rest of their live so they don't try to bring down our constitution and country again.
Chill out, buddy. You’re sounding as deranged as the Trumpers.
You bought the big lie. The fraud becomes more obvious everyday. Fair and square my ass. You got to be an idiot for even saying that. That election had 0 integrity, like you.

Actually, it seems pretty clear what happened to me.

The people never wanted Trump to start with.
He proceeded to be the worst president since James Buchanan
The people voted him out with a vengeance.

This isn't complicated, bud. We've fired far better presidents than Trump, like Carter and Bush-41, who were actually not shit human beings like Trump is.
You've got that a bit turned around. The effort in Colorado, Michigan and Minnesota is to remove him from the ballot. If he is removed from the ballot, he cannot possibly be elected.

Great Essay, but I disagree with this point.

Let's assume that Trump is excluded from the ballot in these three states. He didn't win two of them in either election he ran in, so it might not matter. He only won Michigan once. So let's say for the sake of argument, the GOP puts a placeholder in those three states. let's also assume that placeholder wins all three states because Joe Biden is having a bad night. But let's also say for the sake of argument he wins all the other states he won in 2020.

The score would be 268 for Biden, 235 for Trump and 35 for placeholder.

Then the placeholders could just switch their votes to Trump after the first round.

Or worse, it can keep being deadlocked and get tossed into Congress, in which case the house will pick the president.

All that said, we absolutely should try to get Trump excluded from as many states as possible, as a message that what he did on January 6 was unacceptable, and remind the voters of what he did at every opportunity.

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