Trying to Bar Trump From 2024 Ballot Is Unconstitutional and Lawfare at Its Worst

in case that can't beat Trump at the polls, they will use Soros funded legal BS to do so. The Colorado case to illegally keep Trump off the ballot will no doubt go the USSC since the left wing loons control Colorado from top to bottom.
And what does mid 19th century politics have to do with anything?

Thats pretty pathetic.
You stupid twit democrats kept a republican off the ballot in several states and the Republican still won. Now go to some historical research and see who that Republican was

in case that can't beat Trump at the polls, they will use Soros funded legal BS to do so. The Colorado case to illegally keep Trump off the ballot will no doubt go the USSC since the left wing loons control Colorado from top to bottom.

The who's who of one party state left wing bs.
Attempting to overturn the valid certified EC votes of the states undermined the Constitutional order and is a Rebellion.

What Is Considered Rebellion?

Similar to insurrection, the term "rebellion" is not explicitly defined. Still, in legal contexts, rebellion is generally understood as an organized, armed, and often violent resistance or opposition to established government authority or its laws.

Rebellion typically connotates a more widespread and coordinated effort than insurrection, aiming to overthrow or undermine the existing governmental structure. To prove a violation of U.S.C. 2383, the prosecution must establish the following elements:

  • The defendant knowingly incited, engaged in, or gave aid and comfort to a rebellion or insurrection.
  • The rebellion or insurrection was against the authority of the United States or its laws.
  • The defendant's actions were willful and intentional.
Benedict Donald's actions surrounding Jan 6th qualifies him.

You have yet to prove your case. There was no insurrection
If that's so, then they will decide in Trump's favor. If not...

You've got that a bit turned around. The effort in Colorado, Michigan and Minnesota is to remove him from the ballot. If he is removed from the ballot, he cannot possibly be elected.



Your text is in error. Here is the actual text of Section 3

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

The text here includes "...or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States or under any state". That description WOULD include the office of the presidency.

I agree with you that Trump has certainly not been convicted of insurrection and one would think that would nip this in the bud, but I have yet to see it mentioned by any of the pundits or experts. I'm curious whether or not everyone affected by this following the Civil War went through a trial and was convicted of insurrection. I suspect they were not; that publicly declaring loyalty to the Confederacy was effectively a de facto admission of insurrection.

That Trump was acquitted by the senate in his second impeachment, however, is irrelevant. Impeachment is not a criminal trial. Someone could be impeached and convicted by Congress and then indicted and convicted by the courts for the same crime without double exposure. They could be acquitted by one and convicted in the other. There is no jurisdictional overlap

The text of section 3 does not say that the section itself may be voided by a two-thirds vote of Congress but that the political disability of an affected individual may be removed. Section 3 is part of the US Constitution and may not be voided by a simple statute.

in case that can't beat Trump at the polls, they will use Soros funded legal BS to do so. The Colorado case to illegally keep Trump off the ballot will no doubt go the USSC since the left wing loons control Colorado from top to bottom.

The who's who of one party state left wing bs.
So they're trying to cheat like this now, but they didn't try to cheat in 2020? :rolleyes-41:
Why is this BS not in the Conspiracy Thread?

Because 90% of the Mods are into Conspiracy.
LOLLOLLL at you limp dicks.
Wow! Even the ACLU is speaking out against the DSA Democrat Lawfare persecution against Trump. While brain washed ignorant people applaud the actions of the Socialist Left.


in case that can't beat Trump at the polls, they will use Soros funded legal BS to do so. The Colorado case to illegally keep Trump off the ballot will no doubt go the USSC since the left wing loons control Colorado from top to bottom.
There is no conspiracy. Straight Arrows in law enforcement DOJCIAFBI courts judges Etcetera take sedition, threats and violence and fraud for that matter pretty seriously.

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