TSA Screener Accosts 3 Year Old Child at Security Checkpoint

Some of you people are whiny bitches.

Seriously, the girl was patted down, not mauled. Was it necessary? Probably not, but it certainly wasn't abuse.

By the way, let me tell you about the time I found a shotgun and a bag of meth in a fucking crib, so don't act like no one would ever hide something on a child.

And further, some of you morons don't want to follow rules and then whine when you get caught up in extra screening, how stupid. I have a brother who flies every week for business. In the literally hundreds of flights he's taken he's been given extra scrutiny maybe 3 times. Why? Because he follows the quite easy to follow instructions and obeys the quite reasonable restrictions on what one may or may not bring onto a plane.

And again, for every incident such as this that you mention, I would imagine there are at least 100K passengers who have boarded a plane with NO incident what so ever.

This is probably going to surprise you, but this time you are right. I came across this story before I saw it here, and didn't even consider posting it. The girl sett off the detector, and needed to be searched. she was cranky because they took her bear. She screamed, like kids always do.

If you are going to fly today you need to know the rules, and follow them. I am still going to advocate changing the rules, because the rules are only designed to make people feel safe, not to keep people safe.

Well, this may surprise you, but I am in agreement that some of the rules are stupid; but we both recognize that that's just what government does. Make stupid and useless rules. No doubt about that. The question is, would changing the rules make things better? I doubt it. And outside of a few rogue agents acting like jackasses, the TSA is pretty unobtrusive as long as you DO follow the rules. Yes, it's a pain to have to remove your shoes, but is it really worth getting worked up over, just for example?

The TRUTH is that if the PC crowd in this country would shut up and allow the TSA to do what needs to be done, namely profile men who appear to be of Middle Eastern origin, things would be a lot easier on all of us; but they won't so the TSA can't. So the white family from Kansas must get the same scrutiny as the brown single male from Tehran. It's just that simple.

Profiling on the scale necessary to protect the entire country would be impossible, and a waste of time. A few simple changes in the pre 9/11 rules would prohibit any attacks, and those changes have already been made. The TSA itself is nothing more than theater designed to keep people in line, and you support that every time you fly and allow them to impose more stupidity. That makes you part of the problem.

The TSA has not stopped a single attack, nor will it ever do so through anything other than pure luck.
It amazes me the people that out of one side of thier mouth want all the advantages of being an American including "exceptionalism" yet feel no responsibility to accept the reality it creates. They squeal like little girls out of the other side of their pie holes as the most effective team of anti-terrist proffessionals do thier thankless job almost to perfection.

I am just curious, what exactly do you think the TSA has accomplished? Did they prevent the shoe bomber from getting on the plane and setting off a bomb, or was it his fellow passengers who did that? Did they manage to prevent the underwear bomber from boarding a plane and blowing it up, or was it simply the fact that he failed to properly set off the explosives? Yet the government, and you, are trying to tell me the system works.

How can you possibly believe that?
This is probably going to surprise you, but this time you are right. I came across this story before I saw it here, and didn't even consider posting it. The girl sett off the detector, and needed to be searched. she was cranky because they took her bear. She screamed, like kids always do.

If you are going to fly today you need to know the rules, and follow them. I am still going to advocate changing the rules, because the rules are only designed to make people feel safe, not to keep people safe.

Well, this may surprise you, but I am in agreement that some of the rules are stupid; but we both recognize that that's just what government does. Make stupid and useless rules. No doubt about that. The question is, would changing the rules make things better? I doubt it. And outside of a few rogue agents acting like jackasses, the TSA is pretty unobtrusive as long as you DO follow the rules. Yes, it's a pain to have to remove your shoes, but is it really worth getting worked up over, just for example?

The TRUTH is that if the PC crowd in this country would shut up and allow the TSA to do what needs to be done, namely profile men who appear to be of Middle Eastern origin, things would be a lot easier on all of us; but they won't so the TSA can't. So the white family from Kansas must get the same scrutiny as the brown single male from Tehran. It's just that simple.

Profiling on the scale necessary to protect the entire country would be impossible, and a waste of time. A few simple changes in the pre 9/11 rules would prohibit any attacks, and those changes have already been made. The TSA itself is nothing more than theater designed to keep people in line, and you support that every time you fly and allow them to impose more stupidity. That makes you part of the problem.

The TSA has not stopped a single attack, nor will it ever do so through anything other than pure luck.

So since only luck can stop another bombing or hijacking we shouldn't even try. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?
Well, this may surprise you, but I am in agreement that some of the rules are stupid; but we both recognize that that's just what government does. Make stupid and useless rules. No doubt about that. The question is, would changing the rules make things better? I doubt it. And outside of a few rogue agents acting like jackasses, the TSA is pretty unobtrusive as long as you DO follow the rules. Yes, it's a pain to have to remove your shoes, but is it really worth getting worked up over, just for example?

The TRUTH is that if the PC crowd in this country would shut up and allow the TSA to do what needs to be done, namely profile men who appear to be of Middle Eastern origin, things would be a lot easier on all of us; but they won't so the TSA can't. So the white family from Kansas must get the same scrutiny as the brown single male from Tehran. It's just that simple.

Profiling on the scale necessary to protect the entire country would be impossible, and a waste of time. A few simple changes in the pre 9/11 rules would prohibit any attacks, and those changes have already been made. The TSA itself is nothing more than theater designed to keep people in line, and you support that every time you fly and allow them to impose more stupidity. That makes you part of the problem.

The TSA has not stopped a single attack, nor will it ever do so through anything other than pure luck.

So since only luck can stop another bombing or hijacking we shouldn't even try. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?

Do you realize how stupid it is to do something that doesn't work, tell people it keeps them safe, and then change the rules every time someone demonstrates just how stupid you are? The screenings we had in place prevented hijackings and bombs before 9/11, and the weapons used by those attackers were actually permissible under the rules back then. Simply prohibiting box cutters in carryons, and reinforcing cockpit doors, eliminates the possibility of any repeat of 9/11, not to mention the fact that passengers now know they face certain death if an airline is hijacked.

Please, justify to me the fact that a 60 year old woman in a bikini has to go through a body scanner.
Beware of those 3yr. old little girls!!! They want to destroy our way of life! WTG TSA!!...Man,what a mess. Just fire the TSA Director and Homeland Security Director right now. It might help. These people are completely clueless. Oh well,i guess you're all Terrorists now. Happy travels. :(
so if someone sets off the alarm, they shouldn't be patted down?

cause its not like terrorists don't put bombs on their kids or anything.

why do you tink the visuals matter?

can't wait for this bullshit to be pulled. can't believe people are such fucking pussies. once people started bending over to the government for shit like this, al qaeda won

OH CALM DOWN. First off, this is not indicative of our government. This is ONE girl, being gently patted down. Yes, she's flipping out, but that's not a result of being mistreated or mishandled. Kids do that. It's an expected response. Note how mom doesn't appear concerned or is trying to move the girl away from security. In fact, she's lifting up her daughter to console her while allowing it to happen.

There are certainly ways to reduce child anxiety from interacting with strangers, but she wasn't mishandled whatsoever in that clip. Calm down and stop using every useless youtube clip as a reason to blame the government for all of your problems and fears.
You know, we spend a lot of time and effort teaching our children that they shouldn't let strangers touch or handle them, and all the bad things that can happen as a result.

I didn't see anyone gently doing anything. I didn't see any reassurance of the little girl. I saw pulling and tugging of her clothing, which is not acceptable...in any other scenario.

It's b.s.

can't wait for this bullshit to be pulled. can't believe people are such fucking pussies. once people started bending over to the government for shit like this, al qaeda won

OH CALM DOWN. First off, this is not indicative of our government. This is ONE girl, being gently patted down. Yes, she's flipping out, but that's not a result of being mistreated or mishandled. Kids do that. It's an expected response. Note how mom doesn't appear concerned or is trying to move the girl away from security. In fact, she's lifting up her daughter to console her while allowing it to happen.

There are certainly ways to reduce child anxiety from interacting with strangers, but she wasn't mishandled whatsoever in that clip. Calm down and stop using every useless youtube clip as a reason to blame the government for all of your problems and fears.
You know, we spend a lot of time and effort teaching our children that they shouldn't let strangers touch or handle them, and all the bad things that can happen as a result.

I didn't see anyone gently doing anything. I didn't see any reassurance of the little girl. I saw pulling and tugging of her clothing, which is not acceptable...in any other scenario.

It's b.s.

shouldn't her parents have been doing the reassuring? or shouldn't they have prepared her for going through security so she wouldn't melt down?

don't we also teach our kids that police are there to help them?

i'm not saying they should have been insensitive to her, but there wasn't a lot they could do.

And if you were on line behind her, you wouldn't exactly have wanted them to coddle her while your flight left.
Profiling on the scale necessary to protect the entire country would be impossible, and a waste of time. A few simple changes in the pre 9/11 rules would prohibit any attacks, and those changes have already been made. The TSA itself is nothing more than theater designed to keep people in line, and you support that every time you fly and allow them to impose more stupidity. That makes you part of the problem.

The TSA has not stopped a single attack, nor will it ever do so through anything other than pure luck.

So since only luck can stop another bombing or hijacking we shouldn't even try. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?

Do you realize how stupid it is to do something that doesn't work, tell people it keeps them safe, and then change the rules every time someone demonstrates just how stupid you are? The screenings we had in place prevented hijackings and bombs before 9/11, and the weapons used by those attackers were actually permissible under the rules back then. Simply prohibiting box cutters in carryons, and reinforcing cockpit doors, eliminates the possibility of any repeat of 9/11, not to mention the fact that passengers now know they face certain death if an airline is hijacked.

Please, justify to me the fact that a 60 year old woman in a bikini has to go through a body scanner.

I never claimed it was justifiable, I would prefer a better system, I would add heavy profiling and have armed interviewers checking everyone in the airport constantly, similar to what the Israelis do. Go to Rhein Main in Frankfurt Germany and see the Guards walking around with their fingers on the trigger of their weapons.

But we can't do that, someones pussy might get hurt. It just isn't fair and it takes their freedom to do you harm away from them. Fuck I can't believe you people who think that you have a right to everything in the world. Well the world isn't full of red roses, there are people out there who want you to die and all you can do about it is bitch because your government is making a lame attempt to protect you.

Come up with something better instead of bitching. How about I get on a plane with an open soda can with 3 ounces of C4 in the bottom of it? There goes your reinforced locked door. Stop and think, the TSA is not there to harass you but to keep you alive.
I never claimed it was justifiable, I would prefer a better system, I would add heavy profiling and have armed interviewers checking everyone in the airport constantly, similar to what the Israelis do. Go to Rhein Main in Frankfurt Germany and see the Guards walking around with their fingers on the trigger of their weapons.

But we can't do that, someones pussy might get hurt. It just isn't fair and it takes their freedom to do you harm away from them. Fuck I can't believe you people who think that you have a right to everything in the world. Well the world isn't full of red roses, there are people out there who want you to die and all you can do about it is bitch because your government is making a lame attempt to protect you.

Come up with something better instead of bitching. How about I get on a plane with an open soda can with 3 ounces of C4 in the bottom of it? There goes your reinforced locked door. Stop and think, the TSA is not there to harass you but to keep you alive.

I'm with you except for one thing... profiling would be ineffective...

two words: Timothy McVeigh
They are profiling. They're profiling and mauling those 3yr. old little girls who are plotting to destroy our Nation. Seriously,just fire the TSA & Homeland Security Directors immediately. This really could help. It certainly couldn't hurt.
I never claimed it was justifiable, I would prefer a better system, I would add heavy profiling and have armed interviewers checking everyone in the airport constantly, similar to what the Israelis do. Go to Rhein Main in Frankfurt Germany and see the Guards walking around with their fingers on the trigger of their weapons.

But we can't do that, someones pussy might get hurt. It just isn't fair and it takes their freedom to do you harm away from them. Fuck I can't believe you people who think that you have a right to everything in the world. Well the world isn't full of red roses, there are people out there who want you to die and all you can do about it is bitch because your government is making a lame attempt to protect you.

Come up with something better instead of bitching. How about I get on a plane with an open soda can with 3 ounces of C4 in the bottom of it? There goes your reinforced locked door. Stop and think, the TSA is not there to harass you but to keep you alive.

I'm with you except for one thing... profiling would be ineffective...

two words: Timothy McVeigh

True, no matter what we do, someone can find a way to slip through.
I'm with you except for one thing... profiling would be ineffective...

two words: Timothy McVeigh

Tell Israel how uneffective it is. They have a spotless record on airline security and they put people nowhere near through what we go through.
This isn't the private sector implementing these restrictions; it's the government. Your argument is invalid.
That doesn't change the argument whatsoever. Whether you come into my house, a small business, a major corporation, or a government establishment, you are playing by house rules.

No we aren't playing by the house rules because the government doesn't own the house. This isn't me coming into your house and playing by your rules; it's me coming into your house and someone else coming in telling you what your rules are to be.

If you don't like the rules, go buy your own plane.

I have a better idea. Since you're so chicken shit that you're willing to stand by and watch your family get sexually molested by TSA agents in order to be "safe" why don't you go out and buy your own plane. The rest of us who actually give a damn about our liberties will be better off without people like you.
Yes just take your humiliation and like it. That's what your Government is telling you. "Aggressive Pat Downs" on 3yr. olds? Come on America,get it together. Don't just line up like ignorant cattle for your public humiliation. Stand up and tell them enough is enough. We can't just give all our Freedom & Liberty away because there is Terrorism. It's like they're lining em up and herding em off to Prison rather than boarding planes for Holiday travel. I wont be flying anytime soon and i can't blame anyone for feeling the way i do. It's time for some common sense security. You're all Terrorists now. How does that make you feel? :(
I had planned a trip to NY. I found a really good fare to my destination. Screw it. I'm driving.
We need to start making Amtrak profitable again.
Privatize the rail system and that may happen.
AMTRAK is a inefficient system.
My neighbor's mother in law took AMTRAK last week.
It took 9 hours to go 250 miles. The station here is in a war zone slum neighborhood.
I'm with you except for one thing... profiling would be ineffective...

two words: Timothy McVeigh

Tell Israel how uneffective it is. They have a spotless record on airline security and they put people nowhere near through what we go through.

Problem is that many of the same people complaining now would yell, scream, and holler so that they could be heard in Washington if they were stopped in an airport by 2 armed security guys and asked about where they lived and where they were going to. And God knows how they would act if they were asked anything personal. Israelis do all that and more.

can't wait for this bullshit to be pulled. can't believe people are such fucking pussies. once people started bending over to the government for shit like this, al qaeda won

OH CALM DOWN. First off, this is not indicative of our government. This is ONE girl, being gently patted down. Yes, she's flipping out, but that's not a result of being mistreated or mishandled. Kids do that. It's an expected response. Note how mom doesn't appear concerned or is trying to move the girl away from security. In fact, she's lifting up her daughter to console her while allowing it to happen.

There are certainly ways to reduce child anxiety from interacting with strangers, but she wasn't mishandled whatsoever in that clip. Calm down and stop using every useless youtube clip as a reason to blame the government for all of your problems and fears.

This search was inappropriate.

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