TSA Screener Accosts 3 Year Old Child at Security Checkpoint

The point is that she shouldn't have been patted down in the first place. It was more than obvious to anyone with more than a second grade education that neither this girl nor her family were terrorists.
Why is that? Because they're white? Or because no one would put weapons on a child? What was so egregious with being patted down in the first place?

Aggressively mauling a 3yr. old on suspicion of Terrorism is not only incredibly absurd but is also shamefully Nazi-like. Anyone defending this stuff is no better than the Terrorists in my opinion. Incompetent Morons are running the TSA. It really is that simple. Just use some common fucking sense for God's sake. This 3yr. old girl is obviously not a Terrorist. Shame on any Moron who defends this.

Aggressively mauling? What part of that appeared to be mauling to you in nature? The part where her legs were lightly patted, or her arms? Or was it the part where the mom picked her up to help the security guard? And what part of it was Nazi-like? Did I miss the part where the guard killed several million people in the video? Or discriminated based on religion? It looks like YOU are discriminating here, not them. So which part of it is Nazi-like? Please, do continue.

Ahh the race card....You lose.
The Israelis profile because they are not concerned with political correctness. We should not be concerned either.
I flew to Kentucky over the weekend and connected in Nashville. I watched, in Nashville, as a white woman and a young kid were fondled and groped. In another line stood a lady with a burqua who received special treatment and was not touched anywhere below her neck. Disgusting.

can't wait for this bullshit to be pulled. can't believe people are such fucking pussies. once people started bending over to the government for shit like this, al qaeda won

What is wrong with anti-terrorism? Bin Laden would be proud of his new supporters and enablers. The US troops have been slaughtered in the thousands to protect us from terrorists, and fucked unAmericans complaining about a little xray or pat down?? LMAO!! You best think about the 3,000 fried in jet fuel on 911, and stop your nonsense. It good that little girl will live for another day before her mom feigns airport security paranoia.

IF you haven't got anything to hide, what is the problem?
"IF you haven't got anything to hide, what is the problem?..
What are your thoughts on the FISA court?

You are one of the most ignorant whiney little bitches on this MB. I'm sure you would like nothing better than to have a terrorists child strapped with explosives to make it onto one of our aircraft so you would REALLY have something to blame Obama for. Fuck you..ya skank limp dick hack sack of shit.
It's spelled "whiny". Not "whiney"..
Just sayin....
You gotta watch those 3yr olds. They're a serious threat to National Security. Fire the TSA and Homeland Security Directors immediately. They're clearly fools.
Yes just take your humiliation and like it. That's what your Government is telling you. "Aggressive Pat Downs" on 3yr. olds? Come on America,get it together. Don't just line up like ignorant cattle for your public humiliation. Stand up and tell them enough is enough. We can't just give all our Freedom & Liberty away because there is Terrorism. It's like they're lining em up and herding em off to Prison rather than boarding planes for Holiday travel. I wont be flying anytime soon and i can't blame anyone for feeling the way i do. It's time for some common sense security. You're all Terrorists now. How does that make you feel? :(
I had planned a trip to NY. I found a really good fare to my destination. Screw it. I'm driving.

You do not have any "right" to fly on someone elses airplane. If the airlines want to avoid liability for allowing terrorists to missuse their equipment and destroy billions in property and pay out many millions in wrongful deaths by agreeing to comply with the TSA it is not any of your business. I am a pilot. I don't have to search myself or my passengers when I fly somewwhere. I just get in and go. I don't have to spend 3 hours on the tarmac. From turning the key to take off typically takes less than 5 minutes. If you want "the right" to fly..and take potentially dangerous equipment up in the sky above other citizens heads and property become a pilot. It is not that hard. Your arguments are just about as weak as your negative 4.5 neg rep points...:lol:

can't wait for this bullshit to be pulled. can't believe people are such fucking pussies. once people started bending over to the government for shit like this, al qaeda won

OH CALM DOWN. First off, this is not indicative of our government. This is ONE girl, being gently patted down. Yes, she's flipping out, but that's not a result of being mistreated or mishandled. Kids do that. It's an expected response. Note how mom doesn't appear concerned or is trying to move the girl away from security. In fact, she's lifting up her daughter to console her while allowing it to happen.

There are certainly ways to reduce child anxiety from interacting with strangers, but she wasn't mishandled whatsoever in that clip. Calm down and stop using every useless youtube clip as a reason to blame the government for all of your problems and fears.
You know, we spend a lot of time and effort teaching our children that they shouldn't let strangers touch or handle them, and all the bad things that can happen as a result.

I didn't see anyone gently doing anything. I didn't see any reassurance of the little girl. I saw pulling and tugging of her clothing, which is not acceptable...in any other scenario.

It's b.s.

Another reason why no longer fly is fear of being thrown in jail for beating the holy shit out of a TSA agent that decided to cop a feel off my wife.
Imagine a scene of five or 6 adults being flung about by an out of control trained street fighter. That would be me. Oh ,they would eventually get me down and cuffed, but they'd be sporting lots of bruises and cuts.
To avoid such inconvenience, I will drive. Thanks US Govt and TSA ....
I heard today a news report that a man took a swing and connected on a TSA agent for "groping his junk"...
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OH CALM DOWN. First off, this is not indicative of our government. This is ONE girl, being gently patted down. Yes, she's flipping out, but that's not a result of being mistreated or mishandled. Kids do that. It's an expected response. Note how mom doesn't appear concerned or is trying to move the girl away from security. In fact, she's lifting up her daughter to console her while allowing it to happen.

There are certainly ways to reduce child anxiety from interacting with strangers, but she wasn't mishandled whatsoever in that clip. Calm down and stop using every useless youtube clip as a reason to blame the government for all of your problems and fears.
You know, we spend a lot of time and effort teaching our children that they shouldn't let strangers touch or handle them, and all the bad things that can happen as a result.

I didn't see anyone gently doing anything. I didn't see any reassurance of the little girl. I saw pulling and tugging of her clothing, which is not acceptable...in any other scenario.

It's b.s.

Another reason why no longer fly is fear of being thrown in jail for beating the holy shit out of a TSA agent that decided to cop a feel off my wife.Imagine a scene of five or 6 adults being flung about by an out of control trained street fighter. That would be me. Oh ,they would eventually get me down and cuffed, but they'd be sporting lots of bruises and cuts.
To avoid such inconvenience, I will drive. Thanks US Govt and TSA ....
I heard today a news report that a man took a swing and connected on a TSA agent for "groping his junk"...

At least you know you are an out of control moron. That's the first step to recovery...:lol:
Yes just take your humiliation and like it. That's what your Government is telling you. "Aggressive Pat Downs" on 3yr. olds? Come on America,get it together. Don't just line up like ignorant cattle for your public humiliation. Stand up and tell them enough is enough. We can't just give all our Freedom & Liberty away because there is Terrorism. It's like they're lining em up and herding em off to Prison rather than boarding planes for Holiday travel. I wont be flying anytime soon and i can't blame anyone for feeling the way i do. It's time for some common sense security. You're all Terrorists now. How does that make you feel? :(
I had planned a trip to NY. I found a really good fare to my destination. Screw it. I'm driving.

You do not have any "right" to fly on someone elses airplane. If the airlines want to avoid liability for allowing terrorists to missuse their equipment and destroy billions in property and pay out many millions in wrongful deaths by agreeing to comply with the TSA it is not any of your business. I am a pilot. I don't have to search myself or my passengers when I fly somewwhere. I just get in and go. I don't have to spend 3 hours on the tarmac. From turning the key to take off typically takes less than 5 minutes. If you want "the right" to fly..and take potentially dangerous equipment up in the sky above other citizens heads and property become a pilot. It is not that hard. Your arguments are just about as weak as your negative 4.5 neg rep points...:lol:

To whom are you posting?
And who really gives a shit about those rep points?
You are correct. There is no right to fly commercial. In fact I know of no such right to air travel, period.
However, I will not be chastised or otherwise bothered because I want to avoid the hassle of flying.
BTW thanks for giving the real reason why the carriers are concerned with security. It isn't the safety of the passengers, crews or those on the ground. It is to limit liability.
I had planned a trip to NY. I found a really good fare to my destination. Screw it. I'm driving.

You do not have any "right" to fly on someone elses airplane. If the airlines want to avoid liability for allowing terrorists to missuse their equipment and destroy billions in property and pay out many millions in wrongful deaths by agreeing to comply with the TSA it is not any of your business. I am a pilot. I don't have to search myself or my passengers when I fly somewwhere. I just get in and go. I don't have to spend 3 hours on the tarmac. From turning the key to take off typically takes less than 5 minutes. If you want "the right" to fly..and take potentially dangerous equipment up in the sky above other citizens heads and property become a pilot. It is not that hard. Your arguments are just about as weak as your negative 4.5 neg rep points...:lol:

To whom are you posting?And who really gives a shit about those rep points?
You are correct. There is no right to fly commercial. In fact I know of no such right to air travel, period.
However, I will not be chastised or otherwise bothered because I want to avoid the hassle of flying. BTW thanks for giving the real reason why the carriers are concerned with security. It isn't the safety of the passengers, crews or those on the ground. It is to limit liability.


I don't read every post. This is a pretty freewheeling MB. You can be chastised for pretty much anything here except your family...Unless you are the one to reference them first.

That said you are not being ragged on because you choose not to fly. It is because your arguments are weak and irrational. example...No one at TSA is trying to cop a feel of your old lady...and no one here with any sense is going to co-sign you beating the shit out of a TSA employee because you equate a thruough seach with a sex act.
A few patriots with the proper investigative skills could help America by publishing the names , home addy's and phone numbers of these TSA thugs.
A few patriots with the proper investigative skills could help America by publishing the names , home addy's and phone numbers of these TSA thugs.

The point is that she shouldn't have been patted down in the first place. It was more than obvious to anyone with more than a second grade education that neither this girl nor her family were terrorists.
Why is that? Because they're white? Or because no one would put weapons on a child? What was so egregious with being patted down in the first place?

Because they are a typical American family who clearly do not fit the profile of terrorists to anybody who possesses even an ounce of common sense. I guess (actually I know) I'm just a whole lot smarter than you are.

You and your examples are irrelevant.

Agreed. The problem with this country is that the TSA are looking for weapons where other country's are looking for terrorists. Heaven forbid we profile like Israel airports which BTW have the best security in the world. The PC world does not work when it comes to security. In fact the PC world rarely works at all.
Why is that? Because they're white? Or because no one would put weapons on a child? What was so egregious with being patted down in the first place?

Because they are a typical American family who clearly do not fit the profile of terrorists to anybody who possesses even an ounce of common sense. I guess (actually I know) I'm just a whole lot smarter than you are.

You and your examples are irrelevant.

Agreed. The problem with this country is that the TSA are looking for weapons where other country's are looking for terrorists. Heaven forbid we profile like Israel airports which BTW have the best security in the world. The PC world does not work when it comes to security. In fact the PC world rarely works at all.

I am so thoroughly tired of hearing how great Iarael is at stopping terrorism. That statement is so bogus that it and those who perpetrate this myth are laughable.

From 1993 to 2003 There were 112 suicide bomber attacks within Israel mostly attributed to Palistinians. Thats 112 more than occured in the USA sports fans. You apologists for the great Israel are full of shit. That's an average of more than eleven suicide bombings a year by the same group of people. If Israel is so fuckin good at anti-terrorism why do the facts SCREAM BLOODY MURDER otherwise???????

Palestinian Suicide Bombers
Because they are a typical American family who clearly do not fit the profile of terrorists to anybody who possesses even an ounce of common sense. I guess (actually I know) I'm just a whole lot smarter than you are.

You and your examples are irrelevant.

Agreed. The problem with this country is that the TSA are looking for weapons where other country's are looking for terrorists. Heaven forbid we profile like Israel airports which BTW have the best security in the world. The PC world does not work when it comes to security. In fact the PC world rarely works at all.

I am so thoroughly tired of hearing how great Iarael is at stopping terrorism. That statement is so bogus that it and those who perpetrate this myth are laughable.

From 1993 to 2003 There were 112 suicide bomber attacks within Israel mostly attributed to Palistinians. Thats 112 more than occured in the USA sports fans. You apologists for the great Israel are full of shit. That's an average of more than eleven suicide bombings a year by the same group of people. If Israel is so fuckin good at anti-terrorism why do the facts SCREAM BLOODY MURDER otherwise???????

Palestinian Suicide Bombers

Airport security <> Border security

How is that an apt comparison? Even if you were comparing our border security to their border security, not conflating border security with airport security, the superior country is obviously Israel. You really think we have anywhere near the sheer number of continual threats trying to enter our borders as Israel? Are you delusional? Simple geography alone makes your point pretty damn dense.
Agreed. The problem with this country is that the TSA are looking for weapons where other country's are looking for terrorists. Heaven forbid we profile like Israel airports which BTW have the best security in the world. The PC world does not work when it comes to security. In fact the PC world rarely works at all.

I am so thoroughly tired of hearing how great Iarael is at stopping terrorism. That statement is so bogus that it and those who perpetrate this myth are laughable.

From 1993 to 2003 There were 112 suicide bomber attacks within Israel mostly attributed to Palistinians. Thats 112 more than occured in the USA sports fans. You apologists for the great Israel are full of shit. That's an average of more than eleven suicide bombings a year by the same group of people. If Israel is so fuckin good at anti-terrorism why do the facts SCREAM BLOODY MURDER otherwise???????

Palestinian Suicide Bombers

Airport security <> Border security

How is that an apt comparison? Even if you were comparing our border security to their border security, not conflating border security with airport security, the superior country is obviously Israel. You really think we have anywhere near the sheer number of continual threats trying to enter our borders as Israel? Are you delusional? Simple geography alone makes your point pretty damn dense.

Let's explore your case. Simple geography ..Israel is what?... the size of New Jersey with completely closed borders? We have relatively open borders. Just the president alone gets about a hundred threats a day. We had a 9/11 ONCE!!! You think the terrorists have given up? That's called success. If Israel was so hot shot about figuring out how to stop terrorism they would have suffered one or two suicide bombings and then PUT A FUCKING STOP TO IT!! They have 1/1000 of the land to protect with closed borders. They are NOT obviously superior...They are OBVIOUSLY horrible at stopping terrorism.

If profiling is supposed to be their strong suit then it should work just as good with suicide bombers as any form of terrorism. Their closed borders should be a distinct advantage. I don't have to go to great lengths here. The numbers speak for themselves.
We need to start making Amtrak profitable again.
That means high speed rail. It would put a lot of people to work too.

Pretty much. High Speed Rail under the Stimulus is going to create jobs and make traveling on train comparable to flights. St. Louis to Chicago in 2 hours is much better than a 5 hour drive.

But a 3 year old is a good decoy for a bomb. These people honestly will kill even infants, why wouldn't they use a 3 year old.
The point is that she shouldn't have been patted down in the first place. It was more than obvious to anyone with more than a second grade education that neither this girl nor her family were terrorists.
Why is that? Because they're white? Or because no one would put weapons on a child? What was so egregious with being patted down in the first place?

Because they are a typical American family who clearly do not fit the profile of terrorists to anybody who possesses even an ounce of common sense. I guess (actually I know) I'm just a whole lot smarter than you are.

You and your examples are irrelevant.

Muhammed Atta got onto the plane with Business casual attire and looked as normal as possible. They arrested a white woman in a planned terrorist attack. Al-queda is using anything and anybody who would not be expected to profiled. Plus a 3 year old doesn't understand its going to be used as a human bomb. You're delusional to think Al-queda is not adapting.

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