Tuberville's Block on Military Promotions is Keeping Biden's Nominations of Woke Crazies Frozen

Many of us on the left actually have served in the military. Have you? Or are you just a cosplayer?
I always find it bizarre when I come across a leftist pos who used to be in the military. They have zero patriotism. I guess they got their feelings hurt while serving. Essentially they use the military like a welfare system.
I always find it bizarre when I come across a leftist pos who used to be in the military. They have zero patriotism. I guess they got their feelings hurt while serving. Essentially they use the military like a welfare system.
Fascinating "they use the military as a welfare system"................................that comment says it all, doesn't it?

Let MAGAts talk long enough and they tell you just what they are.
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Tell us more about how those who actually served "are using the military as a welfare system".
Let's be clear here: are we talking about those who bravely defended America sitting on their asses at some base filling out requisition forms, or those who engaged in combat?
Another military cosplayer?

One of Biden's picks. Represents you loons well.
What a joke. Tommy is preventing the military from being degraded by all the pervs and leftist degenerates Biden is trying to appoint.
Bullshit. He's claiming it has something to do with abortions.

It's just a lame excuse.

Operation Tuberville is a huge success for our enemies.
Bullshit. He's claiming it has something to do with abortions.

It's just a lame excuse.

Operation Tuberville is a huge success for our enemies.
And to think that under the brown Turd Obammy, ISIS was created murdering thousands of people, and Russia took Crimea, and with Joe Biteme, Afghanistan Taliban has billions of dollars of our weapons, and Russia is still warring with Ukraine. Go fuck yourself Creepypuss, you are just a mind numbed shill for the Fascist/Democrat party.
REALITY CHECK: For decades it has been the American left that has maligned and attacked our military. Of course, appointing freaks to leadership positions is just a continuation of this. The American left has absolutely no moral standing to discuss support/respect for the military. To see some of you leftist clowns actually attempting to appear to be supporters of the military makes me want to puke! You are lying to yourselves and others.
The Leftest filth now only "supports" our military because Potatohead has made it woke and an enforcement tool of the filthy Democrat Party.

The Democrats have purged the military of Patriots and have replaced them with queers, trannies, affrimative action Negroes and weak females. Just like the Biden's Chinese buddies paid him to do.
Our military has largely become a welfare system. It is now being transformed into a tranny/queer/leftist instrument of socialization.
I suspect a lot the Illegals that Potatohead allowed to flood into this country will wind up in the military as our military is going to shit. Just like Biden's Chinese buddies paid him to do.
And to think that under the brown Turd Obammy, ISIS was created murdering thousands of people, and Russia took Crimea, and with Joe Biteme, Afghanistan Taliban has billions of dollars of our weapons, and Russia is still warring with Ukraine. Go fuck yourself Creepypuss, you are just a mind numbed shill for the Fascist/Democrat party.
Wow dude.

I'm pretty sure that Kool aide was supposed to be shared. YOu seem to have hogged it all to yourself.
Sorry dude, That crappy photoshop don't make any damn difference.

This one's far more accurate

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In your dumbass dreams. Again, Under the brown turd Obammy Ukraine was invaded by his buddy Putin, because of the flexibility of the fagot to do things no other president ever did in trying to fundamentally transform America into a 3rd world shithole. Then when President Trump came into office, Obammys meatplug Putin, got scared and didnt do anymore invasions. But you fuckers just had to steal the 2020 election and as soon as Obammy's VP got installed, meatplug Putin went into Ukraine again. You are such an idiot, you are going to where i place all idiots like you, in to the ignore Slave Pen. I dont need to converse with people who want to be slaves of the state, you are beneath me.

In your dumbass dreams. Again, Under the brown turd Obammy Ukraine was invaded by his buddy Putin, because of the flexibility of the fagot to do things no other president ever did in trying to fundamentally transform America into a 3rd world shithole. Then when President Trump came into office, Obammys meatplug Putin, got scared and didnt do anymore invasions. But you fuckers just had to steal the 2020 election and as soon as Obammy's VP got installed, meatplug Putin went into Ukraine again. You are such an idiot, you are going to where i place all idiots like you, in to the ignore Slave Pen. I dont need to converse with people who want to be slaves of the state, you are beneath me.
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Dude, you've got it bad.

Turn off Fox before you lose all brain function.

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