Tuberville's Block on Military Promotions is Keeping Biden's Nominations of Woke Crazies Frozen

If there is anything objectionable about these people they deserve a fair shot in the nomination process. As long as they remain unheard you jerks can make any claims you want.
Biden is choosing only on their mental illness. The freakier the better. Time to reopen mental hospitals again. I'm sure he would be the first patient in.
I support the troops, so much so that I am against the politicization of the military and forcing our soldiers to have to serve next to sex freaks. If you approve of pimping neo-Marxist ideologies on our soldiers then it is YOU who do not support our troops. They do not want to be made into some sort of stupid sociological experiment.
It's all one very stupid guy vandalizing the process in an attempt to get something unpopular through extortion. That's it. A cheap political stunt that has all you assholes disrespecting the military. You're in a cult.
It ain't possible for a single republican senator to hold up the Biden agenda. This stuff is actually a B.S. attempt to motivate the Biden freakazoid base.
Do you actually know anything about the nominees? They have all led distinguished careers to get that kind of rank. Would you insult their service to this country to their faces? You just might for the sake of the cult.
I used to be in the military, it took courage and fortitude to become the elite of the elite. Now adays, all you have to do is dress up like a fucking girl and get Kudos for your actions and you get to see the worthless president.
before queerness...


After queerness...

Do you actually know anything about the nominees? They have all led distinguished careers to get that kind of rank. Would you insult their service to this country to their faces? You just might for the sake of the cult.

Distinguished in who's eyes? Fascist scum?

No thanks.

This started over abortion, but it has morphed into something more. Now it is keeping all the woke disasters from moving up the ladder in the military. There is no place in the military for chicks with dicks. There is no place in the military for the ridiculous social justice/equity ideologies. This is not playtime. This institution exists for one primary purpose: to kill America's enemies. The more the focus is pulled away from this and toward something else, the less of a real military it becomes. This is chicken shit stuff going on in the military today. Essentially, it is being done to weaken the institution and align it with leftist ideology in order to leave the constitutional republic vulnerable to insurrection from the left. 20 years ago it was clear that the U.S. Military would always be aligned with guns, guts, and glory. So to wrestle the institution away from traditional American values, it is being remade so that it instead identifies with lipstick, tucking, and poppers.

God Bless Tommy Tuberville. If nothing else, this process of defiling the military has been taken out of the dark and put in the light so that people can see exactly the type of freaks that Biden is trying to put into leadership positions.
The man is stone cold stupid. Show me anything he knows besides college foot ball?

This started over abortion, but it has morphed into something more. Now it is keeping all the woke disasters from moving up the ladder in the military. There is no place in the military for chicks with dicks. There is no place in the military for the ridiculous social justice/equity ideologies. This is not playtime. This institution exists for one primary purpose: to kill America's enemies. The more the focus is pulled away from this and toward something else, the less of a real military it becomes. This is chicken shit stuff going on in the military today. Essentially, it is being done to weaken the institution and align it with leftist ideology in order to leave the constitutional republic vulnerable to insurrection from the left. 20 years ago it was clear that the U.S. Military would always be aligned with guns, guts, and glory. So to wrestle the institution away from traditional American values, it is being remade so that it instead identifies with lipstick, tucking, and poppers.

God Bless Tommy Tuberville. If nothing else, this process of defiling the military has been taken out of the dark and put in the light so that people can see exactly the type of freaks that Biden is trying to put into leadership positions.
The purpose of the military is to kill people and destroy things.

Its purpose is not to create diversity, inclusion and equality.

The Libtards are using that DIE filth as a method to change the military so that it can be a tool for Leftest takeover just like Biden's Chinese buddies are paying him to do.
REALITY CHECK: For decades it has been the American left that has maligned and attacked our military. Of course, appointing freaks to leadership positions is just a continuation of this. The American left has absolutely no moral standing to discuss support/respect for the military. To see some of you leftist clowns actually attempting to appear to be supporters of the military makes me want to puke! You are lying to yourselves and others.

This started over abortion, but it has morphed into something more. Now it is keeping all the woke disasters from moving up the ladder in the military. There is no place in the military for chicks with dicks. There is no place in the military for the ridiculous social justice/equity ideologies. This is not playtime. This institution exists for one primary purpose: to kill America's enemies. The more the focus is pulled away from this and toward something else, the less of a real military it becomes. This is chicken shit stuff going on in the military today. Essentially, it is being done to weaken the institution and align it with leftist ideology in order to leave the constitutional republic vulnerable to insurrection from the left. 20 years ago it was clear that the U.S. Military would always be aligned with guns, guts, and glory. So to wrestle the institution away from traditional American values, it is being remade so that it instead identifies with lipstick, tucking, and poppers.

God Bless Tommy Tuberville. If nothing else, this process of defiling the military has been taken out of the dark and put in the light so that people can see exactly the type of freaks that Biden is trying to put into leadership positions.
Spoken like someone, like Tommy Tuberville, who never served our country in the military.
The purpose of the military is to kill people and destroy things.

Its purpose is not to create diversity, inclusion and equality.

The Libtards are using that DIE filth as a method to change the military so that it can be a tool for Leftest takeover just like Biden's Chinese buddies are paying him to do.
You sound just like those who were against Truman's desegregation of the military in the late 1940s. To you, this is Stormfront, isn't it?
REALITY CHECK: For decades it has been the American left that has maligned and attacked our military. Of course, appointing freaks to leadership positions is just a continuation of this. The American left has absolutely no moral standing to discuss support/respect for the military. To see some of you leftist clowns actually attempting to appear to be supporters of the military makes me want to puke! You are lying to yourselves and others.
Many of us on the left actually have served in the military. Have you? Or are you just a cosplayer?

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