Tucker Carlson calls for a ban on all electronic voting machines and mail-in ballots in the United Sates

Says who? Not Trump's own Cyber Security Chief:

“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result.

“When states have close elections, many will recount ballots. All of the states with close results in the 2020 presidential race have paper records of each vote, allowing the ability to go back and count each ballot if necessary. This is an added benefit for security and resilience. This process allows for the identification and correction of any mistakes or errors. There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."

Why would I ignore Trump's own Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency on the security of US elections....and believe some random dude on twitter with a personal opinion?
There is no evidence that O.J. Simpson killed Nicole

But we know that he did
I agree with Tucker. We need to use just paper like they do in France and Italy. They have their results on election day. COVID is no longer and there's no sense in using Mail-In Ballots. If not illegal ballot harvesting will take place just like last time.

Mail-in-ballots should be available for people who have good reason for their inability to show up at the polls.
Says who? Not Trump's own Cyber Security Chief:

“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result.

“When states have close elections, many will recount ballots. All of the states with close results in the 2020 presidential race have paper records of each vote, allowing the ability to go back and count each ballot if necessary. This is an added benefit for security and resilience. This process allows for the identification and correction of any mistakes or errors. There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."

Why would I ignore Trump's own Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency on the security of US elections....and believe some random dude on twitter with a personal opinion?

With in-person ID voting sure you can do a re-count since the challenge would be against the count total . The same doesn't work when you add in millions of mail-in ballots when the challenge includes not only the count but the validity of the ballot itself.
Who gives a shit if some guy on twitter has an opinion?
If Democracy in voting ends up with people representing them from the most irresponsible then the nation will become more and more of that. Only those who are still taught from their own of the best of traditional ways slows the slide into total disaster. That traditional cushion allows a lot of things. Until the cushion thins out to the point where the insanity takes over completely and then the reduction of the population will commence.
This ain't 1968, brah. You can't crop your class picture sample and shove it into someone else's ID card and have it fly these days.

Not that I..Oh yes I've seen that done.

Whatever. These days they have holograms and magnetic strips.
No way man… they can figure anything out. I don’t trust it. It will be all fraud if trump loses
Palm prints using FIDO technology.

Palm Authentication is a security process that relies on a palm print of an individual to verify that they are who the say they are. A palm authentication system compares the palm of the user that is trying to authenticate with a template of the existing users palm. This biometric template can be stored on a database or locally on the device. If the palm of the user matches the stored biometric data, the user is authenticated.

Some palm authentication products are utilize a decentralized security model such as FIDO Authentication which ensures a user’s palm imprint is secured on the user’s personal mobile device. In such instances a user’s palm scan is verified locally against itself, and is used to sign a challenge issued by a service provider from which access is granted. The biometric template itself is not stored centrally and is therefore not trivially susceptible to replay or credential reuse attacks.

Easily hacked. If they can hack the voting machines then they can hack the palm readers.
Looky here, fuckstick.

I come from the US and out of 230 years there's only been major problems with a couple of elections.

2000, and then 2020 where the 2000 model was multiplied across 7 or so states. By Democrats.

They Even used used the Jeb! factor in that they all had Democrat governors and/or high up people in the State governments.

Jeb! Actually stole that election for his bro. But that's okay, because they're globalists. (to them)

Gore actually won by the slimmest of margins, but conceded before that was really found out.

Guess who the globalists are controlling now?

That's a lie, every independent recount proved Gore the whore lost.

Who gives a shit if American elections were secure for 200+ years and then all of a sudden they weren't?

I do. Go back to paper ballots and signature verification and ID.
So, the Military can no longer vote via mail if they are stationed somewhere away from their state or stationed overseas?

Sounds like a loser and unconstitutional proposal from the get go!

I vote via mail in ballot, have done so for two decades so far.... I have no intention of ever giving that up!
So, the Military can no longer vote via mail if they are stationed somewhere away from their state or stationed overseas?

Sounds like a loser and unconstitutional proposal from the get go!

I vote via mail in ballot, have done so for two decades so far.... I have no intention of ever giving that up!


Looky here, fuckstick.

I come from the US and out of 230 years there's only been major problems with a couple of elections.

2000, and then 2020 where the 2000 model was multiplied across 7 or so states. By Democrats.

They Even used used the Jeb! factor in that they all had Democrat governors and/or high up people in the State governments.

Jeb! Actually stole that election for his bro. But that's okay, because they're globalists. (to them)

Gore actually won by the slimmest of margins, but conceded before that was really found out.

Guess who the globalists are controlling now?
There was no problem in 2020..
I agree with Tucker. We need to use just paper like they do in France and Italy. They have their results on election day. COVID is no longer and there's no sense in using Mail-In Ballots. If not illegal ballot harvesting will take place just like last time.

Fuck Tucker.

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