Tucker Carlson Calls Out Famous Liberals Who Urged Doxing, Assault, & Murder Of Covington MAGA Kids


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
The left is completely unhinged. They just can't get over November 2016


Tucker Carlson excoriated famous liberals and a few anti-Trump GOP who called for the harassment, assault and murder of a group of Kentucky high school students who were falsely accused of bigotry against a Native American man, Nathan Phillips, at a pro-life demonstration on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Based on an out-of-context "staredown" between student Nick Sandmann and Phillips, high-profile liberals across Twitter went on a blitzkrieg of fake news over the weekend - falsely claiming that the Covington High School group harassed Phillips while chanting "build the wall" - which never happened.


Once footage emerged of the entire incident, however, it became clear that the left had gotten it completely wrong; Phillips had approached the teens - many wearing MAGA hats, while a group of Black Israelites considered to be a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League hurled racial insults at the students.

After the truth emerged, famous liberals who were previously frothing at the mouth went on a mad scramble to delete their tweets full of hate, slander and disinformation. The internet never forgets, however, and neither does Tucker Carlson:

Tucker Carlson Calls Out Famous Liberals Who Urged Doxing, Assault, & Murder Of Covington MAGA Kids
What an ugly society we've become.

Say your thanks to the left! Getting enraged because you lost an election and a little red hat that proclaims to make America great again. If those things make your heads explode then you have got serious problems!
What an ugly society we've become.

Say your thanks to the left! Getting enraged because you lost an election and a little red hat that proclaims to make America great again. If those things make your heads explode then you have got serious problems!

Didn't you get the memo that wearing that hat makes you anti-Amerikan and a racist bigot that allows the fringers the right to deny you your rights under the constitution while subjecting you to possible genocide?
What an ugly society we've become.
Nah: just the DemoKKKrats.
What an ugly society we've become.
Say your thanks to the left!
What an ugly society we've become.
Speak for yourself -- and the ugly left.
Yeah, I know.

"My" side is pristine, it's all "their" fault.

I know, I know.

Actually my side is pristine but being one that plays all sides can claim that, wait maybe not...
What an ugly society we've become.

Say your thanks to the left! Getting enraged because you lost an election and a little red hat that proclaims to make America great again. If those things make your heads explode then you have got serious problems!

Didn't you get the memo that wearing that hat makes you anti-Amerikan and a racist bigot that allows the fringers the right to deny you your rights under the constitution while subjecting you to possible genocide?

God! I thought this was America. Home of the free! Now the Nazi left wants to beat the shit out of you for being white, wearing a red hat, and loving our country! President Trump is right, this is most definitely a crisis.
What an ugly society we've become.

Say your thanks to the left! Getting enraged because you lost an election and a little red hat that proclaims to make America great again. If those things make your heads explode then you have got serious problems!

Didn't you get the memo that wearing that hat makes you anti-Amerikan and a racist bigot that allows the fringers the right to deny you your rights under the constitution while subjecting you to possible genocide?

God! I thought this was America. Home of the free! Now the Nazi left wants to beat the shit out of you for being white, wearing a red hat, and loving our country! President Trump is right, this is most definitely a crisis.

Now hold on if you only apologize for being white, wear a Malcolm X hat, and hate America then you can be cool...
What an ugly society we've become.
Nah: just the DemoKKKrats.
What an ugly society we've become.
Say your thanks to the left!
What an ugly society we've become.
Speak for yourself -- and the ugly left.
Yeah, I know.

"My" side is pristine, it's all "their" fault.

I know, I know.

Actually my side is pristine but being one that plays all sides can claim that, wait maybe not...
The left, the media and the trolls here screwed the pooch on this story.
Now, some are doubling down on the dupe. Still attacking the smile under a red hat. While forgiving the racist and homophobic remarks made by another vile group. The leftist media has completely lost any credibilty.
What an ugly society we've become.
Nah: just the DemoKKKrats.
What an ugly society we've become.
Say your thanks to the left!
What an ugly society we've become.
Speak for yourself -- and the ugly left.
Yeah, I know.

"My" side is pristine, it's all "their" fault.

I know, I know.

Actually my side is pristine but being one that plays all sides can claim that, wait maybe not...

Trump's being the voice of reason in a world gone mad.

Orange man good! (on that issue)
After ABC interviewed the young man in the MAGA hat and asked him if he owed anyone an apology. I Wonder if ABC will interview the black agitators and ask them if they owe anyone an apology?

I'll say it again. The MSM is our modern day Tokyo Rose. Spreading misinformation and propaganda for the benefit of the party. PSYOP at its finest

What an ugly society we've become.

Normal and sane people don't let hats send themselves into unhinged hysterics and then go after children

Not saying it doesn't come from both sides but presently the left have lost their friggin minds

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