Tucker Carlson Calls Out Famous Liberals Who Urged Doxing, Assault, & Murder Of Covington MAGA Kids

The media’s distortion of this event and the Left’s rush to judgement and disgusting reaction has been appalling.
Rushing to judgement is our favorite pastime.

The only facts that matter are those that support our agenda.
What an ugly society we've become.
Nah: just the DemoKKKrats.
What an ugly society we've become.
Say your thanks to the left!
What an ugly society we've become.
Speak for yourself -- and the ugly left.
Yeah, I know.

"My" side is pristine, it's all "their" fault.

I know, I know.

Yeap your side is prestine.
The left is completely unhinged. They just can't get over November 2016


Tucker Carlson excoriated famous liberals and a few anti-Trump GOP who called for the harassment, assault and murder of a group of Kentucky high school students who were falsely accused of bigotry against a Native American man, Nathan Phillips, at a pro-life demonstration on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Based on an out-of-context "staredown" between student Nick Sandmann and Phillips, high-profile liberals across Twitter went on a blitzkrieg of fake news over the weekend - falsely claiming that the Covington High School group harassed Phillips while chanting "build the wall" - which never happened.


Once footage emerged of the entire incident, however, it became clear that the left had gotten it completely wrong; Phillips had approached the teens - many wearing MAGA hats, while a group of Black Israelites considered to be a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League hurled racial insults at the students.

After the truth emerged, famous liberals who were previously frothing at the mouth went on a mad scramble to delete their tweets full of hate, slander and disinformation. The internet never forgets, however, and neither does Tucker Carlson:

Tucker Carlson Calls Out Famous Liberals Who Urged Doxing, Assault, & Murder Of Covington MAGA Kids

Those kids were the wrong color, the wrong gender and the wrong religion.

White, male, and Christian. So it felt so very, very GOOD for the Leftists bigots to hate on them that many of them can't give up the hate even when their bubble is burst. They must go on hating, finding anything they can, anything, about these boys to hate even after their narrative has been proven false.

It won't be long now. Reaping and sowing, haters. Reaping. And sowing.
The left is completely unhinged. They just can't get over November 2016


Tucker Carlson excoriated famous liberals and a few anti-Trump GOP who called for the harassment, assault and murder of a group of Kentucky high school students who were falsely accused of bigotry against a Native American man, Nathan Phillips, at a pro-life demonstration on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Based on an out-of-context "staredown" between student Nick Sandmann and Phillips, high-profile liberals across Twitter went on a blitzkrieg of fake news over the weekend - falsely claiming that the Covington High School group harassed Phillips while chanting "build the wall" - which never happened.


Once footage emerged of the entire incident, however, it became clear that the left had gotten it completely wrong; Phillips had approached the teens - many wearing MAGA hats, while a group of Black Israelites considered to be a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League hurled racial insults at the students.

After the truth emerged, famous liberals who were previously frothing at the mouth went on a mad scramble to delete their tweets full of hate, slander and disinformation. The internet never forgets, however, and neither does Tucker Carlson:

Tucker Carlson Calls Out Famous Liberals Who Urged Doxing, Assault, & Murder Of Covington MAGA Kids

Those kids were the wrong color, the wrong gender and the wrong religion.

White, male, and Christian. So it felt so very, very GOOD for the Leftists bigots to hate on them that many of them can't give up the hate even when their bubble is burst. They must go on hating, finding anything they can, anything, about these boys to hate even after their narrative has been proven false.

It won't be long now. Reaping and sowing, haters. Reaping. And sowing.

The entire thing is pathetic. A sad day in Ametica
What an ugly society we've become.
Nah: just the DemoKKKrats.
What an ugly society we've become.
Say your thanks to the left!
What an ugly society we've become.
Speak for yourself -- and the ugly left.
Yeah, I know.

"My" side is pristine, it's all "their" fault.

I know, I know.

No side is pristine. But they are worse. Too bad you're pretending you're perfect on that little Utopia up on the Swiss mountaintop.

Just stay there, it's to the point calling balls and strikes is useless. Just stay there. No one really pays attention to sideline dwellers anyway
The left is completely unhinged. They just can't get over November 2016


Tucker Carlson excoriated famous liberals and a few anti-Trump GOP who called for the harassment, assault and murder of a group of Kentucky high school students who were falsely accused of bigotry against a Native American man, Nathan Phillips, at a pro-life demonstration on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Based on an out-of-context "staredown" between student Nick Sandmann and Phillips, high-profile liberals across Twitter went on a blitzkrieg of fake news over the weekend - falsely claiming that the Covington High School group harassed Phillips while chanting "build the wall" - which never happened.


Once footage emerged of the entire incident, however, it became clear that the left had gotten it completely wrong; Phillips had approached the teens - many wearing MAGA hats, while a group of Black Israelites considered to be a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League hurled racial insults at the students.

After the truth emerged, famous liberals who were previously frothing at the mouth went on a mad scramble to delete their tweets full of hate, slander and disinformation. The internet never forgets, however, and neither does Tucker Carlson:

Tucker Carlson Calls Out Famous Liberals Who Urged Doxing, Assault, & Murder Of Covington MAGA Kids


boys will be boys, isn't that what Melania said.
What an ugly society we've become.
Nah: just the DemoKKKrats.
What an ugly society we've become.
Say your thanks to the left!
What an ugly society we've become.
Speak for yourself -- and the ugly left.
Yeah, I know.

"My" side is pristine, it's all "their" fault.

I know, I know.

No side is pristine. But they are worse. Too bad you're pretending you're perfect on that little Utopia up on the Swiss mountaintop.

Just stay there, it's to the point calling balls and strikes is useless. Just stay there. No one really pays attention to sideline dwellers anyway

What's really bad, is almost the entire media pushes the left side of things every time. That's ridiculous.
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I think this shit is fucking great.....ramps up the division. Not quite sure what the trigger is gonna be, but some out there are soon gonna learn a real hard lesson. :up:

The Trump voters are watching. All of us and more....we are watching. Watching the media and Hollywood and the elitists turn on us. Again.

This is the crap that got Trump elected. If it happens again in 2020, that will be the trigger. And we will be ready.
The left is completely unhinged. They just can't get over November 2016


Tucker Carlson excoriated famous liberals and a few anti-Trump GOP who called for the harassment, assault and murder of a group of Kentucky high school students who were falsely accused of bigotry against a Native American man, Nathan Phillips, at a pro-life demonstration on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Based on an out-of-context "staredown" between student Nick Sandmann and Phillips, high-profile liberals across Twitter went on a blitzkrieg of fake news over the weekend - falsely claiming that the Covington High School group harassed Phillips while chanting "build the wall" - which never happened.


Once footage emerged of the entire incident, however, it became clear that the left had gotten it completely wrong; Phillips had approached the teens - many wearing MAGA hats, while a group of Black Israelites considered to be a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League hurled racial insults at the students.

After the truth emerged, famous liberals who were previously frothing at the mouth went on a mad scramble to delete their tweets full of hate, slander and disinformation. The internet never forgets, however, and neither does Tucker Carlson:

Tucker Carlson Calls Out Famous Liberals Who Urged Doxing, Assault, & Murder Of Covington MAGA Kids


its so innocent.

Not that I ever expect Holocaust Deniers to understand a darn thing Penny, but that's a school chant. You know. A pep rally chant.
The left is completely unhinged. They just can't get over November 2016


Tucker Carlson excoriated famous liberals and a few anti-Trump GOP who called for the harassment, assault and murder of a group of Kentucky high school students who were falsely accused of bigotry against a Native American man, Nathan Phillips, at a pro-life demonstration on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Based on an out-of-context "staredown" between student Nick Sandmann and Phillips, high-profile liberals across Twitter went on a blitzkrieg of fake news over the weekend - falsely claiming that the Covington High School group harassed Phillips while chanting "build the wall" - which never happened.


Once footage emerged of the entire incident, however, it became clear that the left had gotten it completely wrong; Phillips had approached the teens - many wearing MAGA hats, while a group of Black Israelites considered to be a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League hurled racial insults at the students.

After the truth emerged, famous liberals who were previously frothing at the mouth went on a mad scramble to delete their tweets full of hate, slander and disinformation. The internet never forgets, however, and neither does Tucker Carlson:

Tucker Carlson Calls Out Famous Liberals Who Urged Doxing, Assault, & Murder Of Covington MAGA Kids


its so innocent.

Holy crap.....its RealDave:2up:
The Today show Samantha Guthrie just interviewed the teen in the video who stood in front of the NA drum man and she was still trying to spin the incident against the teens by implying they held some responsibility for the situation by not walking away.

I didn't see the start of the interview so if anyone watched please let me know if Guthrie apologized to the teen for the media getting the facts of the story they promoted wrong.
The left is completely unhinged. They just can't get over November 2016


Tucker Carlson excoriated famous liberals and a few anti-Trump GOP who called for the harassment, assault and murder of a group of Kentucky high school students who were falsely accused of bigotry against a Native American man, Nathan Phillips, at a pro-life demonstration on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Based on an out-of-context "staredown" between student Nick Sandmann and Phillips, high-profile liberals across Twitter went on a blitzkrieg of fake news over the weekend - falsely claiming that the Covington High School group harassed Phillips while chanting "build the wall" - which never happened.


Once footage emerged of the entire incident, however, it became clear that the left had gotten it completely wrong; Phillips had approached the teens - many wearing MAGA hats, while a group of Black Israelites considered to be a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League hurled racial insults at the students.

After the truth emerged, famous liberals who were previously frothing at the mouth went on a mad scramble to delete their tweets full of hate, slander and disinformation. The internet never forgets, however, and neither does Tucker Carlson:

Tucker Carlson Calls Out Famous Liberals Who Urged Doxing, Assault, & Murder Of Covington MAGA Kids


boys will be boys, isn't that what Melania said.

Yes, they are being boys and you as a supposed adult leave them alone.
The left is completely unhinged. They just can't get over November 2016


Tucker Carlson excoriated famous liberals and a few anti-Trump GOP who called for the harassment, assault and murder of a group of Kentucky high school students who were falsely accused of bigotry against a Native American man, Nathan Phillips, at a pro-life demonstration on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Based on an out-of-context "staredown" between student Nick Sandmann and Phillips, high-profile liberals across Twitter went on a blitzkrieg of fake news over the weekend - falsely claiming that the Covington High School group harassed Phillips while chanting "build the wall" - which never happened.


Once footage emerged of the entire incident, however, it became clear that the left had gotten it completely wrong; Phillips had approached the teens - many wearing MAGA hats, while a group of Black Israelites considered to be a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League hurled racial insults at the students.

After the truth emerged, famous liberals who were previously frothing at the mouth went on a mad scramble to delete their tweets full of hate, slander and disinformation. The internet never forgets, however, and neither does Tucker Carlson:

Tucker Carlson Calls Out Famous Liberals Who Urged Doxing, Assault, & Murder Of Covington MAGA Kids


boys will be boys, isn't that what Melania said.

Why did you have to edit this Penny? What did you think it was when you said "Not so innocent"? What did you think was going on here?

Don't be so naive, Penny. While you're at it, get over your Holocaust Denial naivete too.
The left is completely unhinged. They just can't get over November 2016


Tucker Carlson excoriated famous liberals and a few anti-Trump GOP who called for the harassment, assault and murder of a group of Kentucky high school students who were falsely accused of bigotry against a Native American man, Nathan Phillips, at a pro-life demonstration on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Based on an out-of-context "staredown" between student Nick Sandmann and Phillips, high-profile liberals across Twitter went on a blitzkrieg of fake news over the weekend - falsely claiming that the Covington High School group harassed Phillips while chanting "build the wall" - which never happened.


Once footage emerged of the entire incident, however, it became clear that the left had gotten it completely wrong; Phillips had approached the teens - many wearing MAGA hats, while a group of Black Israelites considered to be a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League hurled racial insults at the students.

After the truth emerged, famous liberals who were previously frothing at the mouth went on a mad scramble to delete their tweets full of hate, slander and disinformation. The internet never forgets, however, and neither does Tucker Carlson:

Tucker Carlson Calls Out Famous Liberals Who Urged Doxing, Assault, & Murder Of Covington MAGA Kids


its so innocent.

Not that I ever expect Holocaust Deniers to understand a darn thing Penny, but that's a school chant. You know. A pep rally chant.

Ban pep rallies and school chants!!!! The left is offended by something else!!!!!!

Effin snowflake loons
The left is completely unhinged. They just can't get over November 2016


Tucker Carlson excoriated famous liberals and a few anti-Trump GOP who called for the harassment, assault and murder of a group of Kentucky high school students who were falsely accused of bigotry against a Native American man, Nathan Phillips, at a pro-life demonstration on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Based on an out-of-context "staredown" between student Nick Sandmann and Phillips, high-profile liberals across Twitter went on a blitzkrieg of fake news over the weekend - falsely claiming that the Covington High School group harassed Phillips while chanting "build the wall" - which never happened.


Once footage emerged of the entire incident, however, it became clear that the left had gotten it completely wrong; Phillips had approached the teens - many wearing MAGA hats, while a group of Black Israelites considered to be a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League hurled racial insults at the students.

After the truth emerged, famous liberals who were previously frothing at the mouth went on a mad scramble to delete their tweets full of hate, slander and disinformation. The internet never forgets, however, and neither does Tucker Carlson:

Tucker Carlson Calls Out Famous Liberals Who Urged Doxing, Assault, & Murder Of Covington MAGA Kids


boys will be boys, isn't that what Melania said.
That is part of their cheer which they do at football and basketball games. So whats your point?

What really happened: Grown-ass men harassing little boys waiting for the bus..

After 2 minutes hearing that loudmouthed Puerto-Rican Jew talking smack, I'm ready to bust them gold teeth right outta his fat head. :blowup:

Grrrr! You wanted the cracker, now he's heanh!

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CNN will likely make the Black agitators the 'victims'

The Today show Samantha Guthrie just interviewed the teen in the video who stood in front of the NA drum man and she was still trying to spin the incident against the teens by implying they held some responsibility for the situation by not walking away.

I didn't see the start of the interview so if anyone watched please let me know if Guthrie apologized to the teen for the media getting the facts of the story they promoted wrong.
See post #16


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