Tucker Carlson exposes phony liberal rage

Their were Trump supporters in those crowds. I am looking for names of those convicted of what you said.

In what "crowds?" You mean among the democrat Brown Shirts?


No, no decent Americans - just democrats.
Depends on the sources, if it's opinion, quoted, or there are transcripts to the interview.


I knew it - a brainwashed Reichdrone.
Common sense stuff. Why? How do you digest the news?

I use a variety of sources. My most dependable source is the "New York Post." They have never been shown to lie - the way the "Voice of the Reich" (formerly NY Times) does, incessantly.

Remember how the DNC propaganda corps lied about the Hunter Laptop? Well, Nazis lie.
Who are those people in your picture? Where is this? Were they arrested or are those police?
The people in the picture are police officers - notice that behind them is their car, rolled over and set ablaze by democrat Brown Shirt terrorists during the Kristallnacht.

I know, the Kristallnacht is supposed to be erased from history and reality because "BUH MUH REICHSTAG FIRE"

It's not though - we remember.


We won't let America forget what you did.

I knew it - a brainwashed Reichdrone.

Brainwashed? Lol. Using quotes and transcripts is hardly brainwashed.

I use a variety of sources. My most dependable source is the "New York Post." They have never been shown to lie - the way the "Voice of the Reich" (formerly NY Times) does, incessantly.

New York post is fairly bias to the right but there are worse media outlets. Regardless I would still be verifying any stories they print.

Remember how the DNC propaganda corps lied about the Hunter Laptop? Well, Nazis lie.
No. I don't remembered. Link me the lie.
He is an opinion guy. If you think it's truth, you are deluded.
He bases his conclusions aka opinion on facts

For instance Al Gore did refer to conservatives as the “ the extra-chromosome right wing."

Thats a fact, along with many more thet Carlson used to build his case

I suspect you didnt even watch the video
The people in the picture are police officers - notice that behind them is their car, rolled over and set ablaze by democrat Brown Shirt terrorists during the Kristallnacht.

I know, the Kristallnacht is supposed to be erased from history and reality because "BUH MUH REICHSTAG FIRE"

It's not though - we remember.

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We won't let America forget what you did.
This is a different picture. Who are those people in this new pic? Where are they? When is this?

Did that work on you? Some right wing media outlet posted a picture of unidentified people, in an unidentified place, at an unidentified time and you believed cause you wanted too?

Just an FYI, I have a bridge to sell yah real cheap. Here is a pic so it must be true. Lol.


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What Carlson is offering here is that libs have used every verbal insult they can think of to intimidate and suppress conservatives and its not working

All that remains now is the logical next step - arrest conserves for unauthorized thoughts

Tucker Carlson exposes? LOL

The panty waste that admitted under oath he’s a panty waste in open court?

That Tucker Carlson?
And yet you can't refute a single point.

You just sit back and throw spitwads.
No I am sitting back watching Trump supporters post random pics of fires and people of unknown places and times, railing at Dems , like a bunch of sheep.

Tuckers opinion is nonsense. I completely disagree. There you go, I refuted a single point.
Who are those people? Are they Dems or Repubs? Where are they? When is this?

Is that your game - pretend the Kristallnacht didn't happen?

I guess that WAS the point of the J6 Nazi show trial.

Who are these people? democrat Brown Shirt terrorists - as you already know.

Chaos broke out in several major U.S. cities on Sunday night as rioters hijacked what had been peaceful protests over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

Among the turmoil: Fires lit near the White House, including at St. John's Church just a short walk away; rioters clashing with police in New York City; and the Los Angeles County sheriff saying people still out on the streets were "acting like terrorists."

The National Guard’s top general on Sunday said Guard units in nearly half of U.S. states have been mobilized to help major cities deal with the riots. Gen. Joseph Lengyel said some 16,000 additional Guard troops have been deployed to 24 states and the District of Columbia in response to civil disturbances.}

Brainwashed? Lol. Using quotes and transcripts is hardly brainwashed.

"Quotes and transcripts" of the J6 Nazi show trial isn't very convincing.

But then, I've not seen you do even that.

It appears you get your daily brainwashing on DailyKOS and vomit out whatever they tell you.

You're a Reichdrone.

New York post is fairly bias to the right but there are worse media outlets. Regardless I would still be verifying any stories they print.

In other words, they have straight reporting.

As the Tucker video so well demonstrated, the Reich stenographers for the DNC operated media are given a script and all bleat the identical lines.

No. I don't remembered. Link me the lie.

I get it - you need to erase the Kristallnacht

He bases his conclusions aka opinion on facts

For instance Al Gore did refer to conservatives as the “ the extra-chromosome right wing."

Thats a fact, along with many more thet Carlson used to build his case

I suspect you didnt even watch the video

I loved the montage of 13 media stenographers reading the identical script, with Reich provided catch phrases.
Is that your game - pretend the Kristallnacht didn't happen?

No. I want to know who the people are, what they did and if and what they were arrested for.

That may seem odd to you but actually it is normal to want this info before passing judgement

I guess that WAS the point of the J6 Nazi show trial.

What was the point? To uncover the details of an insurection? It is the opposite of being a Nazi show trial. It would be more akin to Nazism to not investigate. Did Hitler investigate brown shirt riots?

Who are these people? democrat Brown Shirt terrorists - as you already know.

Chaos broke out in several major U.S. cities on Sunday night as rioters hijacked what had been peaceful protests over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

Among the turmoil: Fires lit near the White House, including at St. John's Church just a short walk away; rioters clashing with police in New York City; and the Los Angeles County sheriff saying people still out on the streets were "acting like terrorists."

The National Guard’s top general on Sunday said Guard units in nearly half of U.S. states have been mobilized to help major cities deal with the riots. Gen. Joseph Lengyel said some 16,000 additional Guard troops have been deployed to 24 states and the District of Columbia in response to civil disturbances.}

But we still don't know who these people are. Some may have been Trump supporters pretending to be BLM.

Trump supporters love to lie and commit crimes and blame BLM and Antifa. Happens all the time. Radicalized voters will do anything to smear the other party.

"Molla, of Brooklyn Center, told police that on Sept. 23, 2020, his camper was set on fire because of the Trump flag, and he claimed that his garage door was spray-painted with an antifa symbol and graffiti saying “Biden 2020” and “BLM.”

"In reality, Molla started his own property on fire and spray painted the graffiti on his own garage," the U.S. attorney's office for Minnesota said in a statement.

You probably believed him and posted the pictures and called Dems Nazis because a pic is all you need.

What Carlson is offering here is that libs have used every verbal insult they can think of to intimidate and suppress conservatives and its not working

All that remains now is the logical next step - arrest conserves for unauthorized thoughts

I am not sure about Tucker's comment on how the voters said, due apparently to great fatigue RE all that was going on a couple years ago: "Fine.. we will vote for you (Ds) if you just calm down" or whatever the exact words were.

That is insulting to the voters. Yes, some of them definitely need to be insulted--any who voted for bidum-- and of course those voters DO vote with this kind of "OK OK OK" attitude, I am sure.

But he should have specified WHICH voters do that or may do that, because obviously all voters do not.

Again, this comes full circle to the vote fraud issue that ALL or most media IGNORES. Tucker is implying that bidum got to the WH through VOTES but I don't consider the following VALID voting. Do you?

stuffed ballot boxes, not surveilled
a lack of chain of custody of some questionable ballots
dead people voting
ballots inserted over and over, all for Bidum
papering over the vote count area against Republicans

and I could go on and on..

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