Tucker Carlson exposes phony liberal rage

For sure. Just reading their tweets on Twitter and even some posts on message boards and Facebook, I am pretty sure there are many who, if they to power to totally destroy us, silence us, reduce us to helplessness, they would in a heart beat.

And that just describes Coyote...

There are some that make HER look peaceful... ;)

for every Nazis favorite GAME


In this game the goal is to lie, obfuscate, and gaslight the terrorist crimes of the Nazi democrat Reich during the 2019-2020 Kristallnacht the democrat Brown Shirts waged against America with their terrorist Insurrection.

First round, are you ready?

During the Kristallnacht, democrat terrorist Brown Shirts murdered 39 police officers. HOW MANY did the peaceful protesters at the Reichstag Fire kill?
1.) Zero
2.) Buh Muh Reichstag Fire!!!!

Round Two:

Can you feel the tension Nazi?

Armed Insurrectionists invaded American territory and held it for 43 days through force of arms which democrat politicians like Kamala Harris funded their treason in what American city?
1.) Seattle
2.) Buh Muh Reichstag Fire!!!!

Round Three:

Democrat terrorists raped 19 people at the traitorous insurrection known as CHAZ/CHOP, including a homeless MAN. How many people were raped at the Reichstag Fire?

WAIT - unfair question. Decent Americans don't rape people - only democrats do that, so the answer has to be..
2.) Buh Muh Reichstag Fire!!!!

Round Four:

Between arson and looting, democrat Brown Shirt terrorists caused nearly a TRILLION dollars in damage with the Soros orchestrated Kristallnacht. How many fires were set at the Reichstag Fire?
1.) Zero
2.) Buh Muh Reichstag Fire!!!!

If you're a Nazi terrorist - the perfect score is #2 on all questions - because you KNOW you're #2

Two years of Kristallnacht by you democrats.

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Who are those people in your picture? Where is this? Were they arrested or are those police?
For sure. Just reading their tweets on Twitter and even some posts on message boards and Facebook, I am pretty sure there are many who, if they to power to totally destroy us, silence us, reduce us to helplessness, they would in a heart beat.
I see the same in Republicans, only they are actively legislating it.
Only those already dead - which is why you Nazi are melting down. We ALL know you can't win free and fair elections.

The Dead shall vote - or you shall lose....

Election integrity laws in 17 states? How will you steal the election this time?
Did you happen to notice most of the dead voted Republican in 2020? I’m guessing the Dems just took their support for granted.
Did you happen to notice most of the dead voted Republican in 2020? I’m guessing the Dems just took their support for granted.
No, I didn't notice.
I do know dead people are still on the rolls and no one requires ID because Blacks are, according to Democrats, too stupid to get an ID.
Go look for their names, but I appreciate the fact that you admit you don't read the news, watch or news or you're full of shit.
It was your contention. Back up your claims. Tell me the names.

When did I admit I don't watch the news?
It was your contention. Back up your claims. Tell me the names.

When did I admit I don't watch the news?
When you are mystified that Black Slums where most violent crimes are committed and reported on a daily basis vote mostly for Democrats.

Conservatives are already intimidating and suppressing liberals.
Even with the loss of Twitter liberals have far more media outlets than conservatives
When I say that the democrats are Nazis, I'm not exaggerating, it's not hyperbole.

Republicans want to get democrats out of power and restore the Constitution. democrats want to KILL or imprison Republicans and anyone who opposes them.
If democrats could get by with it, they would do it. That's the goal.
I see the same in Republicans, only they are actively legislating it.
There are idiots on the right too. Some just as malicious and hateful as those on the left. I don't count those as Patriots though. Just idiots.

But no, the Republicans are not legislating anything against anybody. For most the goal is everybody gets the same deal without respect to race, gender, ethnicity, or whatever.
There are idiots on the right too. Some just as malicious and hateful as those on the left. I don't count those as Patriots though. Just idiots.

But no, the Republicans are not legislating anything against anybody. For most the goal is everybody gets the same deal without respect to race, gender, ethnicity, or whatever.
I would respectfully disagree in regards to laws passed that are worded so as to inhibit any discussion of non-hetero identity or minority viewpoints in our schools (not just sexually inappropriate language), book bannings, including public libraries, that go far beyond a handful of sexually inappropriate books and focus on books either written by or have main characters who are minority or LGBTQ. Several states have expanded or tried to expand this into higher education. The legislation in Florida goes as far as to curtail DEI training in private institutione and in Idaho, you can be fired if you are a state employee in higher education talking about abortion to someone. Private businesses have been punished by the state for speaking out. Laws like these are overly broad and encourage punative litigation, inhibit the free exchange of ideas, threaten peoples jobs and credentials, and create an oppressive atmosphere where broad swaths of relevant topics won’t be discussed out of fear of retaliation.

I don’t think this is a good thing, it forces people to have to monitor their words and the broadness of these laws in combination with legal retaliation from private citizens backed by the state, means people can’t be sure where the line is.

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