Tucker Carlson: John Bolton Is A Liberal Leftist Progressive

I hate to be politically incorrect, but if you believe tucker Carlson, then you are most definitely a tard.
Before Trump was a candidate Bolton was known as "the walrus". Repub voters have one choice for President. They take what comes with him. We have has a lot of wars wouldn't you say? Trump ran on an anti war platform and is trying to keep that promise. We have seen neo cons one after another show themselves in the swamp for the last few years. They are connected to Progs. And now we see the progs openly admit they are socialists heading for communism. Because this is what the founding fathers meant when they left us a Republic. We sure didn't keep it.
Trump hired him for one of his most important cabinet positions

Everyone knew Bolton was a neocon, Trump gave in to alt right

Neocon and “alt right” are two entirely different things.
I hate to be politically incorrect, but if you believe tucker Carlson, then you are most definitely a tard.
Before Trump was a candidate Bolton was known as "the walrus". Repub voters have one choice for President. They take what comes with him. We have has a lot of wars wouldn't you say? Trump ran on an anti war platform and is trying to keep that promise. We have seen neo cons one after another show themselves in the swamp for the last few years. They are connected to Progs. And now we see the progs openly admit they are socialists heading for communism. Because this is what the founding fathers meant when they left us a Republic. We sure didn't keep it.
Trump hired him for one of his most important cabinet positions

Everyone knew Bolton was a neocon, Trump gave in to alt right

Neocon and “alt right” are two entirely different things.
Yea, the Alt Right is a rebranding that took place after the fuck up of the Bush years...

Even tho during the Bush years, they were all being cheerleaders but it ended in such a disaster -- that even they couldn't try to pretend it didn't happen......
I hate to be politically incorrect, but if you believe tucker Carlson, then you are most definitely a tard.
Before Trump was a candidate Bolton was known as "the walrus". Repub voters have one choice for President. They take what comes with him. We have has a lot of wars wouldn't you say? Trump ran on an anti war platform and is trying to keep that promise. We have seen neo cons one after another show themselves in the swamp for the last few years. They are connected to Progs. And now we see the progs openly admit they are socialists heading for communism. Because this is what the founding fathers meant when they left us a Republic. We sure didn't keep it.
Trump hired him for one of his most important cabinet positions

Everyone knew Bolton was a neocon, Trump gave in to alt right

Neocon and “alt right” are two entirely different things.
Yea, the Alt Right is a rebranding that took place after the fuck up of the Bush years...

Even tho during the Bush years, they were all being cheerleaders but it ended in such a disaster -- that even they couldn't try to pretend it didn't happen......

Wrong. During the Bush years I was critical of the way the war was handled. I always said we should had carpet bombed the entire country and taken the oil as war reparations. Instead our mission was to provide “democracy “ to these Muslim savages who would never embrace it.
This mental gymnastics routine likely makes Tucker a gold medal favorite in the 2020 Summer Olympics.
He's absolutely 100 percent. There's no mental gymnastics, it's a fact that the Republican party has been infiltrated and pulled left by RINOS that came in during the Bush years. It's also a fact that the press deliberately and disingenuously portrays those rinos as rock hard middle of the road Republicans or even far right or *conservative* so that when Trump gives them the boot, they can pretend he's attacking his own party.

The left is freaking out that they're losing their influence in the Republican Party. And in the courts.

It's fantastic.
So who's the guy in the picture? It ain't Tucker and it ain't Bolton. Hypocrite lefties hated Bolton but now that he is off the payroll they love him or pretend to.
I made a post in here when Bolton was hired and I saw many many Trumpers refusing to condemn the hiring because their sycophancy for Trump wouldn't allow it.....I said this would be a disaster....


Now that Trump fired Bolton, now you morons have the audacity to blame this on liberals?? gtfoh
meh maybe they didn't know.
Progressives are liars, maybe they just assumed he was what he (and the press) claimed he was...a *conservative*.....
Carlson: Bolton is a "man of the left" and a "progressive"

So Tucker Carlson finally set the record straight by exposing the media lies about Bolton -- for years, the lame-stream media has tried to get you to believe that Bolton was some type of strong conservative, when in reality he was nothing but a radical leftist progressive.

"Fox News host Tucker Carlson opened his show Tuesday night by applauding the ouster of national security adviser John Bolton as he claimed that the hawkish neo-conservative was actually a "man of the left" and a "progressive."

It was Bolton and other Bush leftists who pushed and pushed for the Iraq War, pushed and pushed for armed conflict against Iran. I remember the days of the Iraq war; when liberals would label anyone who was opposed to the war in Iraq as a traitor ..as some sort of supporter of radical terrorists...Many conservatives of the time stood up against the war but were forced to remain silent by the warhawk liberal leftists in the Bush administration. If a republican running for office expressed any opposition to the war in Iraq, he was basically called Bin Laden -- just like they did to conservative Republican Max Cleland..

View attachment 278820

Finally, Tucker set the record straight and its time that these radical leftist progressives own up to the fact that this whole Iraq War clusterfuck was all on them and of their doing -- John Bolton is your creation, not conservatives -- yea, John Bolton may have been on Fox for 10 yrs and Trump picked him because of it -- but Juan Williams and Donna Brazille are on Fox too, and they are also leftists.

Has anybody stopped to consider what tucker carlson knows and what he doesn't know? Why is this guy a player?
I hate to be politically incorrect, but if you believe tucker Carlson, then you are most definitely a tard.
Before Trump was a candidate Bolton was known as "the walrus". Repub voters have one choice for President. They take what comes with him. We have has a lot of wars wouldn't you say? Trump ran on an anti war platform and is trying to keep that promise. We have seen neo cons one after another show themselves in the swamp for the last few years. They are connected to Progs. And now we see the progs openly admit they are socialists heading for communism. Because this is what the founding fathers meant when they left us a Republic. We sure didn't keep it.
Trump hired him for one of his most important cabinet positions

Everyone knew Bolton was a neocon, Trump gave in to alt right

Neocon and “alt right” are two entirely different things.
Yea, the Alt Right is a rebranding that took place after the fuck up of the Bush years...

Even tho during the Bush years, they were all being cheerleaders but it ended in such a disaster -- that even they couldn't try to pretend it didn't happen......

Wrong. During the Bush years I was critical of the way the war was handled. I always said we should had carpet bombed the entire country and taken the oil as war reparations. Instead our mission was to provide “democracy “ to these Muslim savages who would never embrace it.
Invading Iraq alone was dumb.....period......this war porn fantasy you have of wanting to carpet bomb a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 is why you and Bolton are to be reminded of how pathetic you folks really are....daily...

And all of these weak ass attempts to try to re-brand yourself won't change shit....what other muslim countries do you want to bomb that had nothing to do with 9/11?
Carlson: Bolton is a "man of the left" and a "progressive"

So Tucker Carlson finally set the record straight by exposing the media lies about Bolton -- for years, the lame-stream media has tried to get you to believe that Bolton was some type of strong conservative, when in reality he was nothing but a radical leftist progressive.

"Fox News host Tucker Carlson opened his show Tuesday night by applauding the ouster of national security adviser John Bolton as he claimed that the hawkish neo-conservative was actually a "man of the left" and a "progressive."

It was Bolton and other Bush leftists who pushed and pushed for the Iraq War, pushed and pushed for armed conflict against Iran. I remember the days of the Iraq war; when liberals would label anyone who was opposed to the war in Iraq as a traitor ..as some sort of supporter of radical terrorists...Many conservatives of the time stood up against the war but were forced to remain silent by the warhawk liberal leftists in the Bush administration. If a republican running for office expressed any opposition to the war in Iraq, he was basically called Bin Laden -- just like they did to conservative Republican Max Cleland..

View attachment 278820

Finally, Tucker set the record straight and its time that these radical leftist progressives own up to the fact that this whole Iraq War clusterfuck was all on them and of their doing -- John Bolton is your creation, not conservatives -- yea, John Bolton may have been on Fox for 10 yrs and Trump picked him because of it -- but Juan Williams and Donna Brazille are on Fox too, and they are also leftists.
So, what you’re saying is that you supported the Iraq invasion and you want war with Iran because you’re a liberal progressive as is Bolton.
I was told that liberals would bemoan Bolton's firing/resignation......not that a FAUX News synchophant would lie about Bolton being a lib.
So Tucker Carlson finally set the record straight by exposing the media lies about Bolton -- for years, the lame-stream media has tried to get you to believe that Bolton was some type of strong conservative, when in reality he was nothing but a radical leftist progressive.

Are you being satirical? Where has Bolton ever been a liberal, on anything?
I was told that liberals would bemoan Bolton's firing/resignation......not that a FAUX News sycophant would lie about Bolton being a lib.

I did wonder what the partisan Democrat take would be, on Bolton's leaving the president's administration.

1) Would they blast the hated Trump, and praise Bolton?

2) Would they applaud Trump, and blast Bolton?

3) Would they just use this as an opportunity to pour out their hatred of both Trump and Bolton?

I decided to go with #3.
Carlson: Bolton is a "man of the left" and a "progressive"

So Tucker Carlson finally set the record straight by exposing the media lies about Bolton -- for years, the lame-stream media has tried to get you to believe that Bolton was some type of strong conservative, when in reality he was nothing but a radical leftist progressive.

"Fox News host Tucker Carlson opened his show Tuesday night by applauding the ouster of national security adviser John Bolton as he claimed that the hawkish neo-conservative was actually a "man of the left" and a "progressive."

It was Bolton and other Bush leftists who pushed and pushed for the Iraq War, pushed and pushed for armed conflict against Iran. I remember the days of the Iraq war; when liberals would label anyone who was opposed to the war in Iraq as a traitor ..as some sort of supporter of radical terrorists...Many conservatives of the time stood up against the war but were forced to remain silent by the warhawk liberal leftists in the Bush administration. If a republican running for office expressed any opposition to the war in Iraq, he was basically called Bin Laden -- just like they did to conservative Republican Max Cleland..

View attachment 278820

Finally, Tucker set the record straight and its time that these radical leftist progressives own up to the fact that this whole Iraq War clusterfuck was all on them and of their doing -- John Bolton is your creation, not conservatives -- yea, John Bolton may have been on Fox for 10 yrs and Trump picked him because of it -- but Juan Williams and Donna Brazille are on Fox too, and they are also leftists.

I was told that liberals would bemoan Bolton's firing/resignation......not that a FAUX News sycophant would lie about Bolton being a lib.

I did wonder what the partisan Democrat take would be, on Bolton's leaving the president's administration.

1) Would they blast the hated Trump, and praise Bolton?

2) Would they applaud Trump, and blast Bolton?

3) Would they just use this as an opportunity to pour out their hatred of both Trump and Bolton?

I decided to go with #3.
3 looks like a winner

Both Trump and Bolton are assholes
Wow. You're pretty good at rewriting history, aren't you?
Three black women were the space program. Ph uk the German scientists and those stupid white guys that worked at nasa! And WW2 was won by the tuskagee airmen. Everyone knows that. Rewriting things is really a dirty thing.

History has never portrayed that, it just gave them their just do for their war efforts and contributions to the space program. Folks like you want to tell folks that white males are responsible for EVERYTHING in America. MAWA.
Before Trump was a candidate Bolton was known as "the walrus". Repub voters have one choice for President. They take what comes with him. We have has a lot of wars wouldn't you say? Trump ran on an anti war platform and is trying to keep that promise. We have seen neo cons one after another show themselves in the swamp for the last few years. They are connected to Progs. And now we see the progs openly admit they are socialists heading for communism. Because this is what the founding fathers meant when they left us a Republic. We sure didn't keep it.
Trump hired him for one of his most important cabinet positions

Everyone knew Bolton was a neocon, Trump gave in to alt right

Neocon and “alt right” are two entirely different things.
Yea, the Alt Right is a rebranding that took place after the fuck up of the Bush years...

Even tho during the Bush years, they were all being cheerleaders but it ended in such a disaster -- that even they couldn't try to pretend it didn't happen......

Wrong. During the Bush years I was critical of the way the war was handled. I always said we should had carpet bombed the entire country and taken the oil as war reparations. Instead our mission was to provide “democracy “ to these Muslim savages who would never embrace it.
Invading Iraq alone was dumb.....period......this war porn fantasy you have of wanting to carpet bomb a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 is why you and Bolton are to be reminded of how pathetic you folks really are....daily...

And all of these weak ass attempts to try to re-brand yourself won't change shit....what other muslim countries do you want to bomb that had nothing to do with 9/11?

Ask the Hussein, he’s the one that demanded regime change in Libya, Syria, and Egypt, none of which attacked us.
Trump hired him for one of his most important cabinet positions

Everyone knew Bolton was a neocon, Trump gave in to alt right

Neocon and “alt right” are two entirely different things.
Yea, the Alt Right is a rebranding that took place after the fuck up of the Bush years...

Even tho during the Bush years, they were all being cheerleaders but it ended in such a disaster -- that even they couldn't try to pretend it didn't happen......

Wrong. During the Bush years I was critical of the way the war was handled. I always said we should had carpet bombed the entire country and taken the oil as war reparations. Instead our mission was to provide “democracy “ to these Muslim savages who would never embrace it.
Invading Iraq alone was dumb.....period......this war porn fantasy you have of wanting to carpet bomb a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 is why you and Bolton are to be reminded of how pathetic you folks really are....daily...

And all of these weak ass attempts to try to re-brand yourself won't change shit....what other muslim countries do you want to bomb that had nothing to do with 9/11?

Ask the Hussein, he’s the one that demanded regime change in Libya, Syria, and Egypt, none of which attacked us.
Actually, the people in those countries demanded regime change
It's amazing how so-called conservatives continue to believe they are conservatives when they defend left-wing policies by their Orange God, Trump.

Trump's base would embrace communism and say it's "right-wing" if their Orange God told them so lol
Neocon and “alt right” are two entirely different things.
Yea, the Alt Right is a rebranding that took place after the fuck up of the Bush years...

Even tho during the Bush years, they were all being cheerleaders but it ended in such a disaster -- that even they couldn't try to pretend it didn't happen......

Wrong. During the Bush years I was critical of the way the war was handled. I always said we should had carpet bombed the entire country and taken the oil as war reparations. Instead our mission was to provide “democracy “ to these Muslim savages who would never embrace it.
Invading Iraq alone was dumb.....period......this war porn fantasy you have of wanting to carpet bomb a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 is why you and Bolton are to be reminded of how pathetic you folks really are....daily...

And all of these weak ass attempts to try to re-brand yourself won't change shit....what other muslim countries do you want to bomb that had nothing to do with 9/11?

Ask the Hussein, he’s the one that demanded regime change in Libya, Syria, and Egypt, none of which attacked us.
Actually, the people in those countries demanded regime change

Yea, the Sunni radicals that the Hussein helped.

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