Tucker Carlson slams Sidney Powell

She can’t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

If Trumps A Team can’t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?

Time is running out and there is a short runway for herself and the team to shit or get off the pot regarding evidence and context and procedure for the Courts. That said, I believe in the integrity of the American vote and the need to validate and earn the trust and confidence of the American voter. In the same ways Democrat voters were not satisfied with the vulnerabilities and risks that were exposed in 2000, Republicans are also not satisfied wit some of the risks and vulnerabilities that emerged in this election. In both cases, they need to be addressed.

As the Georgia recount demonstrates, there's no evidence, audit or recount that's going to satisfy the republican voter.
So what 'validation' would you propose? The only 'validation' they will accept is a Trump victory.

You can talk 'block chain validation' all you like. But if your standard of resolution is the satisfaction of the republican voter and how they FEEL......then it won't work. As they'll just make up another conspiracy.

We already had the Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees affirm that we had the most secure election in US history.

And they straight up ignored it. You can't use evidence to convince people that have no use for evidence.
"What Powell was describing would amount to the single greatest crime in American history,” Carlson said.

Carlson emphasized that he “did not dismiss any” of Powell’s claims, and said he “took Sidney Powell seriously with no intention of fighting with her.” But he said he was disturbed that she didn’t produce any evidence for his show.

If Powell can’t convince a Fox News host, how is she going to convince a court?
Why would they trust Fox News to do honest reporting any more than CNN? Fox showed their true colors when they announced Arizona to Biden just ten minutes after they closed polls here. There was no way to know that, unless they are in on the rigged election.
That's true. I love the way, all of a sudden, Bill Hemmer became one of the countries foremost election analysts. What a crock of shit. Hemmer seemed to have no problem doing FOXs dirty work. I thought better of him.

To be Honest the camera was on Hemmer as it switched
he was shocked himself - he didn't seem to believe the facts behind that at all.
I wonder what Tucker Carlson and other Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”
If Powell can’t convince a Fox News host, how is she going to convince a court?
It's not her obligation to provide evidence for Tucker Carlson or you.

You can't blame Tucker for wanting to break news.
He does have the #1 show,.

With the 'breaking news' being......Trump's lawyers can't back up their batshit conspiracy allegations.

"I never saw that coming!"

Said no one.
They don’t dare present their claims in court
"What Powell was describing would amount to the single greatest crime in American history,” Carlson said.

Carlson emphasized that he “did not dismiss any” of Powell’s claims, and said he “took Sidney Powell seriously with no intention of fighting with her.” But he said he was disturbed that she didn’t produce any evidence for his show.

If Powell can’t convince a Fox News host, how is she going to convince a court?
Why would they trust Fox News to do honest reporting any more than CNN? Fox showed their true colors when they announced Arizona to Biden just ten minutes after they closed polls here. There was no way to know that, unless they are in on the rigged election.
That's true. I love the way, all of a sudden, Bill Hemmer became one of the countries foremost election analysts. What a crock of shit. Hemmer seemed to have no problem doing FOXs dirty work. I thought better of him.

To be Honest the camera was on Hemmer as it switched
he was shocked himself - he didn't seem to believe the facts behind that at all.
When you lie with dogs, you get fleas. If he's any good he needs to find a new company to work for. Fox built him up as an election genius for days before the election. Maybe they were looking for a fall guy.
I wonder what Tucker Carlson and other Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?
The problem is there is MUCH evidence of democrat ballot fraud.
Ignore this at your own mental and moral peril.

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”
Once again as long as you ignore and pretend this no evidence of massive voter fraud you
will be forever in a deep rabbit hole you can never get out of.
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But the loony Trump supporters at USMB need to understand why Democrats and independents are justified in being at least as suspicious and disbelieving of Trump and Giuliani and Sidney Powell’s claims in this matter as Trump supporters are of the liberal “Establishment” in general.
You don't want to pay attention to the evidence thus far provided that fraud on the part of Biden and his
Venezuelan vote changing machine exist?
Okay. Who is surprised?

I would be shocked if Joe Biden's media generated golden glow, diminished by witnesses to these crimes and statistical and mathematical irrefutable proofs, are not accepted by the bleating sheep that believe in
the fraud of the man named Biden, who has skirted the law and propriety for over forty years ensconced
inside the safe womb of the Deep State. That doesn't change the evidence however.

How can we pay attention to the evidence when there isn't any? Trump has yet to produce a shred of evidence, other than copies of emails and FaceBook posts saying there's a problem.

Given that Trump has been complaining about illegal voting since Hillary won the popular vote, it is long past time that Trump either put up or shut up about voting fraud. Either present credible evidence of voter fraud, or shut the fuck up, and begin the transition.

Every state you complain of has certified the election in favour of the winner, Joe Biden. Trump's attempted coup is dead in the water. Joe Biden will be inaugurated on January 21st, even if Trump has to be dragged out of the White House. I'm under the impression that the Secret Service would be more than happy to carry out that function on behalf of the nation.

Trump is a clear and present danger to the American Republic. Time to end this farce.
I wonder what Tucker Carlson and other Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”
That's the only hail Mary he has left at this point.
Are you looney? Running to the media to make unsubstantiated claims is exactly what they are doing! Did you miss the presser yesterday where Rudy was sweating oil all over his greasy face? It’s a total side show
Most people were listening to the information being put out but you were too busy watching Giuliani's hair
dye stream down his face?
We all get out of the news what we want to take out. Information and raw facts or Rudy's comic hair dye problem? What a unintentional commentary you've made on yourself.
The information being put out would be devistating if proven true which they aren’t able to do. Right now it’s nothing more than a well crafted narrative but when it comes down to proving it with facts they are falling flat. It’s completely irresponsible to be making those claims without backing them up. Either shit up and make your case I’m court or make you claims to the public but back it up with evidence. This is a circus being run by amateurs and it’s embarrassing
If Powell can’t convince a Fox News host, how is she going to convince a court?
It's not her obligation to provide evidence for Tucker Carlson or you.

You can't blame Tucker for wanting to break news.
He does have the #1 show,.

With the 'breaking news' being......Trump's lawyers can't back up their batshit conspiracy allegations.

"I never saw that coming!"

Said no one.
They don’t dare present their claims in court

They kinda tried. It didn't go well.

The ONE affidafit attached to a name (Jesse Jacobs) in that train wreck of a news conference was presented to the court already.

It was rejected by the courts about a week ago for being too general, citing no specific location, no specific date, no specific person, no indication of frequency. It didn't even cite a single ACTUAL instance of what was being alleged.

This was their smoking gun. And its already been rejected in court.

I don't think even Biden supporters are truly appreciating the spectacular level of incompetence in Trump's 'legal' argument.
"What Powell was describing would amount to the single greatest crime in American history,” Carlson said.

Carlson emphasized that he “did not dismiss any” of Powell’s claims, and said he “took Sidney Powell seriously with no intention of fighting with her.” But he said he was disturbed that she didn’t produce any evidence for his show.

If Powell can’t convince a Fox News host, how is she going to convince a court?
Why would they trust Fox News to do honest reporting any more than CNN? Fox showed their true colors when they announced Arizona to Biden just ten minutes after they closed polls here. There was no way to know that, unless they are in on the rigged election.
That's true. I love the way, all of a sudden, Bill Hemmer became one of the countries foremost election analysts. What a crock of shit. Hemmer seemed to have no problem doing FOXs dirty work. I thought better of him.

To be Honest the camera was on Hemmer as it switched
he was shocked himself - he didn't seem to believe the facts behind that at all.
When you lie with dogs, you get fleas. If he's any good he needs to find a new company to work for. Fox built him up as an election genius for days before the election. Maybe they were looking for a fall guy.

Not to argue -
The people that you should be upset at are Arnon Mishkin and Chris Stirewalt.
THey made the decisons BH was just at the board.
What exactly do you disagree with?
I disagree that Powell cannot provide evidence just because she declined to give tucker carlson an exclusive
What makes you so confident about that?
Two reasons

I know democrats are fundimentally dishonest

and I know they make mistakes so pulling off the perfect crime is very unlikely
Neither of those reason have anything to do with evidence that supports this case. Your just showing evidence of your hatred for the Left which only proves that your biased and not objective
I wonder what Tucker Carlson and other Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”
That sounds like something classless Democrats would do. Republicans have more style than that. Trump will pursue this thing until he's convinced the election was fair and about 80 million people are all in with him. This ends when all this fraud is fully debunked or upheld. It's gonna take some time.
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"What Powell was describing would amount to the single greatest crime in American history,” Carlson said.

Carlson emphasized that he “did not dismiss any” of Powell’s claims, and said he “took Sidney Powell seriously with no intention of fighting with her.” But he said he was disturbed that she didn’t produce any evidence for his show.

If Powell can’t convince a Fox News host, how is she going to convince a court?

This is a conservative battle. They will use the law and the court system. Unlike the leftis dems who run to the media to spread their lies and ignore the law and constitution.
Are you looney? Running to the media to make unsubstantiated claims is exactly what they are doing! Did you miss the presser yesterday where Rudy was sweating oil all over his greasy face? It’s a total side show

Yes I understand Republicans do press conferences. All politicians do. My post deals with the leftist dems prosecuting Republicans through the media and not the courts. Russian collusion, ukraine ect. Please try to keep up soyboy.
Russian collusion was an FBI investigation. Legally started and ran by Trump appointed republicans. Ukraine was a legal impeachment hearing. I think it’s you not keeping up.
Misleading title.

"What Powell was describing would amount to the single greatest crime in American history,” Carlson said.

Carlson emphasized that he “did not dismiss any” of Powell’s claims, and said he “took Sidney Powell seriously with no intention of fighting with her.” But he said he was disturbed that she didn’t produce any evidence for his show.
Oh, so Tucker wanted an exclusive and Powell (Dallas Lawyer) said "no" FOX is a fox in the hen house (pun intended).

Raise your hand if you personally know Powell's local inner circle and have spoken with them about her concerns with media types getting the info before she can present evidence in a hearing?





Remember, former Fed Prosecutor.....

Tucker is just pissed that he too must wait.
Why hasn’t she presented it yet. What’s taking so long?
Most court cases take about 1 year and, you want this wrapped up in a matter of 2 weeks?

Settle your impatient ass down.
Just like the Trumpets want immediate court presence for their cases that normally cycle every thirty days on the docket.

So you and all the leftist are cool with extending ballot certification for all the states until all legal challenges are addressed?
Hell no. Trump will drag this out for 4 years if that’s the case. This election is over. Trump has nothing. He’s just scrabbling and embarrassing himself
Odder still is that Smartmatic has closed its offices in the US overnight and their officers have let the country.
This says so much. Like a fake aluminum siding contractor who is one step ahead of the sheriff
Smartmatic, like Dominion in Toronto, has simply closed up their offices and left overnight without a trace.

And there is still this hard core of ignorant assholes who want to make believe the presidency was not
assaulted by an internationally connected gang of cyber criminals in league with that liar and crook,
Joe Biden and the DNC. Incredible!

How dare we demand evidence for your fantastically complicated, wildly elaborate and gloriously fact free conspiracy!

If only faux outrage were a substitute for reason and evidence.
You Moron....

Until a solid audit is done we will not know how bad it is. Your idiots are blocking all audits with every breath they take. The fact that FIVE STATES SHUT DOWN inside 60 seconds from one another due to a "software problem" is a huge red flag as noted by the observers of the Maduro Regime vote count where when it was discovered he was losing their machines shut down as well. They then created thousands of ballots to throw the election which was proven.

There is plenty of evidence if your willing to look for it, but you are not. Your blinders are firmly affixed.
Dumbfuck, Dominion has absolutely nothing to do with Maduro. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you freaks?? :ack-1:
^^^ no answer.
I wonder what Tucker Carlson and other Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?
The problem is there is MUCH evidence of democrat ballot fraud.
Ignore this at your own mental and moral peril.

If there's so much evidence....then why hasn't Trump's team presented it in court?

Easy...when its been tried, it hasn't gone well. Remember Jesse Jacobs, cited prominently and repeatedly by Gulliani in that disastrous news conference? You know, the one where Gulliani had pudding dripping down the side of his face?

Her affidavit was already submitted to the court a long time ago. And was already rejected as being too general with no specific evidence.

“Ms. Jacob’s information is generalized. It asserts behavior with no date, location or frequency or names of employees,” he wrote. “In addition, [she] offers no indication of whether she took steps to address the alleged misconduct or to [alert] any supervisor about the alleged voter fraud. Ms. Jacob only came forward after the unofficial results of the voting indicated former Vice President Biden was the winner in the state of Michigan.”

This was like a week ago. Its already been tossed out of court.

Which explains why Trump's ilk are offering her affidavit as proof in a NEWS conference, and not in a court of law.

Do you notice the pattern yet? Because you should by now.
But the loony Trump supporters at USMB need to understand why Democrats and independents are justified in being at least as suspicious and disbelieving of Trump and Giuliani and Sidney Powell’s claims in this matter as Trump supporters are of the liberal “Establishment” in general.
You don't want to pay attention to the evidence thus far provided that fraud on the part of Biden and his
Venezuelan vote changing machine exist?
Okay. Who is surprised?

I would be shocked if Joe Biden's media generated golden glow, diminished by witnesses to these crimes and statistical and mathematical irrefutable proofs, are not accepted by the bleating sheep that believe in
the fraud of the man named Biden, who has skirted the law and propriety for over forty years ensconced
inside the safe womb of the Deep State. That doesn't change the evidence however.

How can we pay attention to the evidence when there isn't any? Trump has yet to produce a shred of evidence, other than copies of emails and FaceBook posts saying there's a problem.

Given that Trump has been complaining about illegal voting since Hillary won the popular vote, it is long past time that Trump either put up or shut up about voting fraud. Either present credible evidence of voter fraud, or shut the fuck up, and begin the transition.

Every state you complain of has certified the election in favour of the winner, Joe Biden. Trump's attempted coup is dead in the water. Joe Biden will be inaugurated on January 21st, even if Trump has to be dragged out of the White House. I'm under the impression that the Secret Service would be more than happy to carry out that function on behalf of the nation.

Trump is a clear and present danger to the American Republic. Time to end this farce.
Bullshit! There are so many people who have legally attested to voter fraud as well as the mathematical
and statistical evidence that cannot be ignored. And add to this the evidence of the Dominion
Venezuelan vote changing machine.
You cannot be logically appealed to because you are mentally twisted up like licorice stick.
But the SC justices are not so mentally disabled as you are.

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