Tucker Carlson slams Sidney Powell

"What Powell was describing would amount to the single greatest crime in American history,” Carlson said.

Carlson emphasized that he “did not dismiss any” of Powell’s claims, and said he “took Sidney Powell seriously with no intention of fighting with her.” But he said he was disturbed that she didn’t produce any evidence for his show.

If Powell can’t convince a Fox News host, how is she going to convince a court?

It is not about convincing an idiot on TV. There needs to be evidence. Affidavits are evidence. If this lawyer has something get it in front of a judge otherwise STFU.

For you Dims this should be a lesson. For 4 years you made shit up about Trump....you're still doing it....with zero evidence. It doesn't feel good does it?
But the loony Trump supporters at USMB need to understand why Democrats and independents are justified in being at least as suspicious and disbelieving of Trump and Giuliani and Sidney Powell’s claims in this matter as Trump supporters are of the liberal “Establishment” in general.
You don't want to pay attention to the evidence thus far provided that fraud on the part of Biden and his
Venezuelan vote changing machine exist?
Okay. Who is surprised?

I would be shocked if Joe Biden's media generated golden glow, diminished by witnesses to these crimes and statistical and mathematical irrefutable proofs, are not accepted by the bleating sheep that believe in
the fraud of the man named Biden, who has skirted the law and propriety for over forty years ensconced
inside the safe womb of the Deep State. That doesn't change the evidence however.

How can we pay attention to the evidence when there isn't any? Trump has yet to produce a shred of evidence, other than copies of emails and FaceBook posts saying there's a problem.

Given that Trump has been complaining about illegal voting since Hillary won the popular vote, it is long past time that Trump either put up or shut up about voting fraud. Either present credible evidence of voter fraud, or shut the fuck up, and begin the transition.

Every state you complain of has certified the election in favour of the winner, Joe Biden. Trump's attempted coup is dead in the water. Joe Biden will be inaugurated on January 21st, even if Trump has to be dragged out of the White House. I'm under the impression that the Secret Service would be more than happy to carry out that function on behalf of the nation.

Trump is a clear and present danger to the American Republic. Time to end this farce.
Bullshit! There are so many people who have legally attested to voter fraud as well as the mathematical
and statistical evidence that cannot be ignored. And add to this the evidence of the Dominion
Venezuelan vote changing machine.

The 240 pages of 'affidavits' were already tossed as they provided evidence of nothing. They included things like sworn testimony that someone was wearing a black lives matter T shirt.

No vote tampering. No ballot changes. Just wearing the T-shirt.

And what's the evidence of Dominion Venezuelan vote changing machine, exactly?

You cannot be logically appealed to because you are mentally twisted up like licorice stick.
But the SC justices are not so mentally disabled as you are.

Or....we use evidence rather than accusation.

And accusation is all you've got.
If there's so much evidence....then why hasn't Trump's team presented it in court?
Because clearly cases like this cannot be convened at a moment's notice and lawyers need time to compile their evidence and arguments. In two weeks these cases will come before the Supreme Court.
Can you wait that long to get legally reamed out?
The 240 pages of 'affidavits' were already tossed as they provided evidence of nothing. They included things like sworn testimony that someone was wearing a black lives matter T shirt.
Your anecdotal bullshit is SOOO persuasive.
But the loony Trump supporters at USMB need to understand why Democrats and independents are justified in being at least as suspicious and disbelieving of Trump and Giuliani and Sidney Powell’s claims in this matter as Trump supporters are of the liberal “Establishment” in general.
You don't want to pay attention to the evidence thus far provided that fraud on the part of Biden and his
Venezuelan vote changing machine exist?
Okay. Who is surprised?

I would be shocked if Joe Biden's media generated golden glow, diminished by witnesses to these crimes and statistical and mathematical irrefutable proofs, are not accepted by the bleating sheep that believe in
the fraud of the man named Biden, who has skirted the law and propriety for over forty years ensconced
inside the safe womb of the Deep State. That doesn't change the evidence however.

How can we pay attention to the evidence when there isn't any? Trump has yet to produce a shred of evidence, other than copies of emails and FaceBook posts saying there's a problem.

Given that Trump has been complaining about illegal voting since Hillary won the popular vote, it is long past time that Trump either put up or shut up about voting fraud. Either present credible evidence of voter fraud, or shut the fuck up, and begin the transition.

Every state you complain of has certified the election in favour of the winner, Joe Biden. Trump's attempted coup is dead in the water. Joe Biden will be inaugurated on January 21st, even if Trump has to be dragged out of the White House. I'm under the impression that the Secret Service would be more than happy to carry out that function on behalf of the nation.

Trump is a clear and present danger to the American Republic. Time to end this farce.
Bullshit! There are so many people who have legally attested to voter fraud as well as the mathematical
and statistical evidence that cannot be ignored. And add to this the evidence of the Dominion
Venezuelan vote changing machine.
You cannot be logically appealed to because you are mentally twisted up like licorice stick.
But the SC justices are not so mentally disabled as you are.
Yes, people like Richard Hopkins legally attested to voter fraud . . . and then recanted his testimony under his first scrutiny.
If there's so much evidence....then why hasn't Trump's team presented it in court?
Because clearly cases like this cannot be convened at a moment's notice and lawyers need time to compile their evidence and arguments. In two weeks these cases will come before the Supreme Court.
Can you wait that long to get legally reamed out?

Its been 2 weeks. That's more than enough time to present the evidence.

They've presented nothing that's held up to even the slightest scrutiny.

Even Tucker Carlson couldn't get them to show a single page of evidence.

“We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

Nothing to the DOJ. Nothing to the FBI. Nothing to any court.

You've been played again
I wonder what Tucker Carlson and other Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”
That sounds like something classless Democrats would do. Republicans have more style than that. Trump will pursue this thing until he's convinced the election was fair and about 80 million people are all in with him. This ends when all this fraud is fully debunked or upheld. It's gonna take some time.
But this undemocratic attempt at a “coup” is exactly what Trump seems to be doing, as outlined clearly in this FOX report. Do YOU support such conduct? Where do our other Republican voters — many of them claiming to be critical of Trump in some ways — stand on such efforts?

The 240 pages of 'affidavits' were already tossed as they provided evidence of nothing. They included things like sworn testimony that someone was wearing a black lives matter T shirt.
Your anecdotal bullshit is SOOO persuasive.

And by 'anecdotal bullshit', you mean the actual 'evidence' that Trump's team has submitted to court?

Bullshit is a wonderful word to describe it.
I wonder what Tucker Carlson and other Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”
That sounds like something classless Democrats would do. Republicans have more style than that. Trump will pursue this thing until he's convinced the election was fair and about 80 million people are all in with him. This ends when all this fraud is fully debunked or upheld. It's gonna take some time.
But this undemocratic attempt at a “coup” is exactly what Trump seems to be doing, as outlined clearly in this FOX report. Would YOU support such conduct? Where do our other Republican voters, many of them critical of Trump in some ways, stand on such conduct now?

Of course they would. Many are encouraging it.
If there's so much evidence....then why hasn't Trump's team presented it in court?
Because clearly cases like this cannot be convened at a moment's notice and lawyers need time to compile their evidence and arguments. In two weeks these cases will come before the Supreme Court.
Can you wait that long to get legally reamed out?

Its been 2 weeks. That's more than enough time to present the evidence.

They've presented nothing that's held up to even the slightest scrutiny.

Even Tucker Carlson couldn't get them to show a single page of evidence.

“We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”
Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

Nothing to the DOJ. Nothing to the FBI. Nothing to any court.

You've been played again
LOL... when was the last time you argued before the Supreme Court?
Oh, yeah....never.

Sidney Powell wisely, unlike you, doesn't want actual evidence broadcast for Tucker Carlson's
benefit when it could mean witnesses get doxxed and intimidated and the scumbag media
has time to smear evidence and prejudice the case so Obama appointees have reason to
ignore the facts, which they probably will anyway.

I'm tired of your idiocy.
If there's so much evidence....then why hasn't Trump's team presented it in court?
Because clearly cases like this cannot be convened at a moment's notice and lawyers need time to compile their evidence and arguments. In two weeks these cases will come before the Supreme Court.
Can you wait that long to get legally reamed out?

Its been 2 weeks. That's more than enough time to present the evidence.

They've presented nothing that's held up to even the slightest scrutiny.

Even Tucker Carlson couldn't get them to show a single page of evidence.

“We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”
Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

Nothing to the DOJ. Nothing to the FBI. Nothing to any court.

You've been played again
LOL... when was the last time you argued before the Supreme Court?
Oh, yeah....never.

Sidney Powell wisely, unlike you, doesn't want actual evidence broadcast for Tucker Carlson's
benefit when it could mean witnesses get doxxed and intimidated and the scumbag media
has time to smear evidence and prejudice the case so Obama appointees have reason to
ignore the facts, which they probably will anyway.

I'm tired of your idiocy.

You're claiming that complete failure of Sidney to present her evidence...is because she's waiting until the Surpreme Court before she'll show it?

You don't seem to get what the Supreme Court is. The SCOTUS is almost never a court of original jurisdiction. Instead its is almost exclusively an appeals court. It hears and reviews the arguments, cases and evidence presented in lower courts. It is not where evidence is presented directly.

So your 'legal theory' ignores the entire legal process, including the very concept of original jurisdiction.

Second, if Sidney can't back up her claims with evidence......why is she making the claims in public? Why wouldn't she turn it over to say, the DOJ. Or the FBI?

Also, if the evidence of voter fraud is as damning as you claim....then why only 72 hours ago was Gullianni admitting in court that fraud isn't part of his legal argument?

As usual, the 'evidence of voter fraud' is 'damning' and 'irrefutable'....as long as you don't actually ask to see it.
If there's so much evidence....then why hasn't Trump's team presented it in court?
Because clearly cases like this cannot be convened at a moment's notice and lawyers need time to compile their evidence and arguments. In two weeks these cases will come before the Supreme Court.
Can you wait that long to get legally reamed out?

Its been 2 weeks. That's more than enough time to present the evidence.

They've presented nothing that's held up to even the slightest scrutiny.

Even Tucker Carlson couldn't get them to show a single page of evidence.

“We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”
Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

Nothing to the DOJ. Nothing to the FBI. Nothing to any court.

You've been played again
LOL... when was the last time you argued before the Supreme Court?
Oh, yeah....never.

Sidney Powell wisely, unlike you, doesn't want actual evidence broadcast for Tucker Carlson's
benefit when it could mean witnesses get doxxed and intimidated and the scumbag media
has time to smear evidence and prejudice the case so Obama appointees have reason to
ignore the facts, which they probably will anyway.

I'm tired of your idiocy.
The idiocy is all yours. Who said Powell had to reveal any names on Tucker Carlson??
She can’t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

If Trumps A Team can’t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?
Other than Lou Dobbs, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Jeanine Pirro, and Sean Hannity
Chris Wallace and all the newbies on Fox News act like Rachel Maddow. I like Hannity, but the rest of them are TDS haters. I've had enough.
She can’t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

If Trumps A Team can’t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?
Other than Lou Dobbs, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Jeanine Pirro, and Sean Hannity
Chris Wallace and all the newbies on Fox News act like Rachel Maddow. I like Hannity, but the rest of them are TDS haters. I've had enough.

In terms of echo chambers, that's kinda putting a hat on a hat.
I wonder what Tucker Carlson and other Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”
That sounds like something classless Democrats would do. Republicans have more style than that. Trump will pursue this thing until he's convinced the election was fair and about 80 million people are all in with him. This ends when all this fraud is fully debunked or upheld. It's gonna take some time.
Democrats concede a loss
Republicans make up stories that they were cheated
She can’t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

If Trumps A Team can’t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?
They can’t

Biden won. Which is scary
"What Powell was describing would amount to the single greatest crime in American history,” Carlson said.

Carlson emphasized that he “did not dismiss any” of Powell’s claims, and said he “took Sidney Powell seriously with no intention of fighting with her.” But he said he was disturbed that she didn’t produce any evidence for his show.

If Powell can’t convince a Fox News host, how is she going to convince a court?

It is not about convincing an idiot on TV. There needs to be evidence. Affidavits are evidence. If this lawyer has something get it in front of a judge otherwise STFU.

For you Dims this should be a lesson. For 4 years you made shit up about Trump....you're still doing it....with zero evidence. It doesn't feel good does it?
Notice she is not running in front of a judge.
That nonsense will get you contempt
"What Powell was describing would amount to the single greatest crime in American history,” Carlson said.

Carlson emphasized that he “did not dismiss any” of Powell’s claims, and said he “took Sidney Powell seriously with no intention of fighting with her.” But he said he was disturbed that she didn’t produce any evidence for his show.

If Powell can’t convince a Fox News host, how is she going to convince a court?

It is not about convincing an idiot on TV. There needs to be evidence. Affidavits are evidence. If this lawyer has something get it in front of a judge otherwise STFU.

For you Dims this should be a lesson. For 4 years you made shit up about Trump....you're still doing it....with zero evidence. It doesn't feel good does it?

Bullshit. For 4 years all kinds of evidence was unearthed that Trump was engaged in all sorts of illegal activities, but the Justice Department will not indict a sitting President. He was impeached, but Republicans, who admitted what he did was wrong, said that his extortion and bribery attempt wasn't a serious enough crime to remove him from office.

Many states' AG's are readying charges against him which will be filed, once he leaves office, including cases of "negligent homicide" for his corona virus response. The New York AG has a whole laundry list of charges ready, including tax fraud.
She can’t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

If Trumps A Team can’t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?
Other than Lou Dobbs, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Jeanine Pirro, and Sean Hannity
Chris Wallace and all the newbies on Fox News act like Rachel Maddow. I like Hannity, but the rest of them are TDS haters. I've had enough.
Breaking my heart
Living as a slave is not something a lot of people want to do. And you are promoting it. And think otherwise.

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