Tucker Carlson slams Sidney Powell

Neither of those reason have anything to do with evidence that supports this case. Your just showing evidence of your hatred for the Left which only proves that your biased and not objective
I want an honest election system

if biden gets away with stealing this election dems will steal every race and America will become the old soviet union
I agree with you. I want an honest election system as well. Iā€™m all for rooting out fraud. The problem I have with whatā€™s going on is the fact that you all are already saying that Biden stole the election, that narrative was tossed out the day after the election. And you donā€™t have evidence to back it up. It was predicted and obvious that Trump was going to yell fraud regardless of evidence if he lost and it is more and more apparent how weak the case is. So what we are left with is a spoiled and bitter power tripper who canā€™t admit defeat and who is literally fabricating a conspiracy to cover up his loss. And in the meantime people like you blindly believe it all and now millions of people have lost confidence in our democratic system of elections. Do you see how dangerous that is?
You make it sound as if I just heard about democrat election fraud on nov 4.

but this issue has been building for decades

and the time to put a stop to it is now
Thereā€™s been both democrat and republican election fraud. It will likely always exist on both sides and I agree that it is an issue that we should all want to improve. But whatā€™s happening now is not about voter fraud. It is about Trump projecting success and not admitting defeat. Not because of facts but because thatā€™s his philosophy on life. He has books about it. Thatā€™s what he does. He says whatever he thinks will project the strongest narrative for himself and he usually fabricates lies to do it. Thatā€™s whatā€™s happening right now and any conservative or American for that matter who cares about their country will see that and condemn the toxic crap that a spoiled billionaire is projecting.
Ok, so you're on record as saying you want to live in a country like the USSR
Dont try your childish word games on me

if America becomes a one-party soviet dictatorship people like you will be responsible for it
She canā€™t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,ā€ Carlson said. ā€œBut she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.ā€

Carlson also noted: ā€œShe never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.ā€

If Trumps A Team canā€™t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?

The evidence is for Court.

Not for trial by a TV show.

So you will have to wait, won't you.
Neither of those reason have anything to do with evidence that supports this case. Your just showing evidence of your hatred for the Left which only proves that your biased and not objective
I want an honest election system

if biden gets away with stealing this election dems will steal every race and America will become the old soviet union
I agree with you. I want an honest election system as well. Iā€™m all for rooting out fraud. The problem I have with whatā€™s going on is the fact that you all are already saying that Biden stole the election, that narrative was tossed out the day after the election. And you donā€™t have evidence to back it up. It was predicted and obvious that Trump was going to yell fraud regardless of evidence if he lost and it is more and more apparent how weak the case is. So what we are left with is a spoiled and bitter power tripper who canā€™t admit defeat and who is literally fabricating a conspiracy to cover up his loss. And in the meantime people like you blindly believe it all and now millions of people have lost confidence in our democratic system of elections. Do you see how dangerous that is?
You make it sound as if I just heard about democrat election fraud on nov 4.

but this issue has been building for decades

and the time to put a stop to it is now
Thereā€™s been both democrat and republican election fraud. It will likely always exist on both sides and I agree that it is an issue that we should all want to improve. But whatā€™s happening now is not about voter fraud. It is about Trump projecting success and not admitting defeat. Not because of facts but because thatā€™s his philosophy on life. He has books about it. Thatā€™s what he does. He says whatever he thinks will project the strongest narrative for himself and he usually fabricated lies to do it. Thatā€™s whatā€™s happening right now and any conservative or American for that matter who care about their country will see that and condemn the toxic crap that a spoiled billionaire is project
Republican election fraud is amateurish compared to the game that dems are playing

but cleaning up the election process should be bipartisan

so lets fingerprint each voter with proper id when they register and thumbprint them when they show up to vote

then use modern technology to insure that each vote is legal
Neither of those reason have anything to do with evidence that supports this case. Your just showing evidence of your hatred for the Left which only proves that your biased and not objective
I want an honest election system

if biden gets away with stealing this election dems will steal every race and America will become the old soviet union
I agree with you. I want an honest election system as well. Iā€™m all for rooting out fraud. The problem I have with whatā€™s going on is the fact that you all are already saying that Biden stole the election, that narrative was tossed out the day after the election. And you donā€™t have evidence to back it up. It was predicted and obvious that Trump was going to yell fraud regardless of evidence if he lost and it is more and more apparent how weak the case is. So what we are left with is a spoiled and bitter power tripper who canā€™t admit defeat and who is literally fabricating a conspiracy to cover up his loss. And in the meantime people like you blindly believe it all and now millions of people have lost confidence in our democratic system of elections. Do you see how dangerous that is?
You make it sound as if I just heard about democrat election fraud on nov 4.

but this issue has been building for decades

and the time to put a stop to it is now
Thereā€™s been both democrat and republican election fraud. It will likely always exist on both sides and I agree that it is an issue that we should all want to improve. But whatā€™s happening now is not about voter fraud. It is about Trump projecting success and not admitting defeat. Not because of facts but because thatā€™s his philosophy on life. He has books about it. Thatā€™s what he does. He says whatever he thinks will project the strongest narrative for himself and he usually fabricated lies to do it. Thatā€™s whatā€™s happening right now and any conservative or American for that matter who care about their country will see that and condemn the toxic crap that a spoiled billionaire is project
Republican election fraud is amateurish compared to the game that dems are playing

but cleaning up the election process should be bipartisan

so lets fingerprint each voter with proper id when they register and thumbprint them when they show up to vote

then use modern technology to insure that each vote is legal
I have no problem with that but you are going to hit privacy rights issues. It alps doesnā€™t work for mail in/absentee. I donā€™t mind a finger print. I believe DMV registrations already do that. Iā€™d think the off the grid Liberty type conservatives might not like it when done with voting. I also think online voting should be easily doable
Neither of those reason have anything to do with evidence that supports this case. Your just showing evidence of your hatred for the Left which only proves that your biased and not objective
I want an honest election system

if biden gets away with stealing this election dems will steal every race and America will become the old soviet union
I agree with you. I want an honest election system as well. Iā€™m all for rooting out fraud. The problem I have with whatā€™s going on is the fact that you all are already saying that Biden stole the election, that narrative was tossed out the day after the election. And you donā€™t have evidence to back it up. It was predicted and obvious that Trump was going to yell fraud regardless of evidence if he lost and it is more and more apparent how weak the case is. So what we are left with is a spoiled and bitter power tripper who canā€™t admit defeat and who is literally fabricating a conspiracy to cover up his loss. And in the meantime people like you blindly believe it all and now millions of people have lost confidence in our democratic system of elections. Do you see how dangerous that is?
You make it sound as if I just heard about democrat election fraud on nov 4.

but this issue has been building for decades

and the time to put a stop to it is now

The ONLY party committing voter fraud and/or voter suppression to any extent is the Republican Party, as witnessed by the litany of litigation in and around the 2018 mid-terms. All of the litigation which reached the courts ruled that Republicans systemically sought to suppress the votes from black and poor voters.

To achieve this end, Republicans were found by the courts to have targetted likely Democratics voters with "laser like precision". Gerrymandering, vote harvesting, changing ID requirements, purging voter rolls without notification. As soon as the Voting Rights Act expired, Republican gloves came off.

Republicans have taken to cheating as a matter of form, because Republican membership has steadily declined over the years, as the dangers of Republican economic policies became apparent to the American public. Republicans will do anything to maintain their minority rule.

Democrats will re-institute the Voting Rights Act, to prevent further abuses by Republicans.
She canā€™t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,ā€ Carlson said. ā€œBut she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.ā€

Carlson also noted: ā€œShe never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.ā€

If Trumps A Team canā€™t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?

The evidence is for Court.

Not for trial by a TV show.

So you will have to wait, won't you.

The Trump lawyers keep going to court and keep getting shot down for lack of evidence.

You would think they would either catch on or admit they have no evidence of cheating
Neither of those reason have anything to do with evidence that supports this case. Your just showing evidence of your hatred for the Left which only proves that your biased and not objective
I want an honest election system

if biden gets away with stealing this election dems will steal every race and America will become the old soviet union
I agree with you. I want an honest election system as well. Iā€™m all for rooting out fraud. The problem I have with whatā€™s going on is the fact that you all are already saying that Biden stole the election, that narrative was tossed out the day after the election. And you donā€™t have evidence to back it up. It was predicted and obvious that Trump was going to yell fraud regardless of evidence if he lost and it is more and more apparent how weak the case is. So what we are left with is a spoiled and bitter power tripper who canā€™t admit defeat and who is literally fabricating a conspiracy to cover up his loss. And in the meantime people like you blindly believe it all and now millions of people have lost confidence in our democratic system of elections. Do you see how dangerous that is?
You make it sound as if I just heard about democrat election fraud on nov 4.

but this issue has been building for decades

and the time to put a stop to it is now
Thereā€™s been both democrat and republican election fraud. It will likely always exist on both sides and I agree that it is an issue that we should all want to improve. But whatā€™s happening now is not about voter fraud. It is about Trump projecting success and not admitting defeat. Not because of facts but because thatā€™s his philosophy on life. He has books about it. Thatā€™s what he does. He says whatever he thinks will project the strongest narrative for himself and he usually fabricated lies to do it. Thatā€™s whatā€™s happening right now and any conservative or American for that matter who care about their country will see that and condemn the toxic crap that a spoiled billionaire is project
Republican election fraud is amateurish compared to the game that dems are playing

but cleaning up the election process should be bipartisan

so lets fingerprint each voter with proper id when they register and thumbprint them when they show up to vote

then use modern technology to insure that each vote is legal
I have no problem with that but you are going to hit privacy rights issues. It alps doesnā€™t work for mail in/absentee. I donā€™t mind a finger print. I believe DMV registrations already do that. Iā€™d think the off the grid Liberty type conservatives might not like it when done with voting. I also think online voting should be easily doable
I am totally against on-line voting

the public will insist on some form of absentee ballots

but its a prime source of cheating

if it were up to me I would require every voter to show up in person
She canā€™t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,ā€ Carlson said. ā€œBut she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.ā€

Carlson also noted: ā€œShe never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.ā€

If Trumps A Team canā€™t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?

The evidence is for Court.

Not for trial by a TV show.

So you will have to wait, won't you.

The Trump lawyers keep going to court and keep getting shot down for lack of evidence.

You would think they would either catch on or admit they have no evidence of cheating

There is no way Sidney Powell was going to show the evidence live on a TV talk show.

That's all there is to it.

You want evidence? Wait for this issue to get to the Courts.
She canā€™t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,ā€ Carlson said. ā€œBut she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.ā€

Carlson also noted: ā€œShe never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.ā€

If Trumps A Team canā€™t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?

The evidence is for Court.

Not for trial by a TV show.

So you will have to wait, won't you.

The Trump lawyers keep going to court and keep getting shot down for lack of evidence.

You would think they would either catch on or admit they have no evidence of cheating

There is no way Sidney Powell was going to show the evidence live on a TV talk show.

That's all there is to it.

You want evidence? Wait for this issue to get to the Courts.
But she'll talk about it in a press conference. Anywhere but in a courtroom.
She canā€™t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,ā€ Carlson said. ā€œBut she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.ā€

Carlson also noted: ā€œShe never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.ā€

If Trumps A Team canā€™t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?

The evidence is for Court.

Not for trial by a TV show.

So you will have to wait, won't you.

The Trump lawyers keep going to court and keep getting shot down for lack of evidence.

You would think they would either catch on or admit they have no evidence of cheating

There is no way Sidney Powell was going to show the evidence live on a TV talk show.

That's all there is to it.

You want evidence? Wait for this issue to get to the Courts.
But she'll talk about it in a press conference. Anywhere but in a courtroom.

To talk is one thing. To show the evidence is quite another thing.
She canā€™t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,ā€ Carlson said. ā€œBut she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.ā€

Carlson also noted: ā€œShe never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.ā€

If Trumps A Team canā€™t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?

The evidence is for Court.

Not for trial by a TV show.

So you will have to wait, won't you.

The Trump lawyers keep going to court and keep getting shot down for lack of evidence.

You would think they would either catch on or admit they have no evidence of cheating

There is no way Sidney Powell was going to show the evidence live on a TV talk show.

That's all there is to it.

You want evidence? Wait for this issue to get to the Courts.
But she'll talk about it in a press conference. Anywhere but in a courtroom.

To talk is one thing. To show the evidence is quite another thing.
What are they afraid of?
Neither of those reason have anything to do with evidence that supports this case. Your just showing evidence of your hatred for the Left which only proves that your biased and not objective
I want an honest election system

if biden gets away with stealing this election dems will steal every race and America will become the old soviet union
I agree with you. I want an honest election system as well. Iā€™m all for rooting out fraud. The problem I have with whatā€™s going on is the fact that you all are already saying that Biden stole the election, that narrative was tossed out the day after the election. And you donā€™t have evidence to back it up. It was predicted and obvious that Trump was going to yell fraud regardless of evidence if he lost and it is more and more apparent how weak the case is. So what we are left with is a spoiled and bitter power tripper who canā€™t admit defeat and who is literally fabricating a conspiracy to cover up his loss. And in the meantime people like you blindly believe it all and now millions of people have lost confidence in our democratic system of elections. Do you see how dangerous that is?
You make it sound as if I just heard about democrat election fraud on nov 4.

but this issue has been building for decades

and the time to put a stop to it is now
Thereā€™s been both democrat and republican election fraud. It will likely always exist on both sides and I agree that it is an issue that we should all want to improve. But whatā€™s happening now is not about voter fraud. It is about Trump projecting success and not admitting defeat. Not because of facts but because thatā€™s his philosophy on life. He has books about it. Thatā€™s what he does. He says whatever he thinks will project the strongest narrative for himself and he usually fabricates lies to do it. Thatā€™s whatā€™s happening right now and any conservative or American for that matter who cares about their country will see that and condemn the toxic crap that a spoiled billionaire is projecting.
The problem is that Trumpers know all that and DON'T CARE

They want the power they think a Trump Presidency gives them and they'll dump democracy on it's head to maintain it
Neither of those reason have anything to do with evidence that supports this case. Your just showing evidence of your hatred for the Left which only proves that your biased and not objective
I want an honest election system

if biden gets away with stealing this election dems will steal every race and America will become the old soviet union
I agree with you. I want an honest election system as well. Iā€™m all for rooting out fraud. The problem I have with whatā€™s going on is the fact that you all are already saying that Biden stole the election, that narrative was tossed out the day after the election. And you donā€™t have evidence to back it up. It was predicted and obvious that Trump was going to yell fraud regardless of evidence if he lost and it is more and more apparent how weak the case is. So what we are left with is a spoiled and bitter power tripper who canā€™t admit defeat and who is literally fabricating a conspiracy to cover up his loss. And in the meantime people like you blindly believe it all and now millions of people have lost confidence in our democratic system of elections. Do you see how dangerous that is?
You make it sound as if I just heard about democrat election fraud on nov 4.

but this issue has been building for decades

and the time to put a stop to it is now
Thereā€™s been both democrat and republican election fraud. It will likely always exist on both sides and I agree that it is an issue that we should all want to improve. But whatā€™s happening now is not about voter fraud. It is about Trump projecting success and not admitting defeat. Not because of facts but because thatā€™s his philosophy on life. He has books about it. Thatā€™s what he does. He says whatever he thinks will project the strongest narrative for himself and he usually fabricated lies to do it. Thatā€™s whatā€™s happening right now and any conservative or American for that matter who care about their country will see that and condemn the toxic crap that a spoiled billionaire is project
Republican election fraud is amateurish compared to the game that dems are playing

but cleaning up the election process should be bipartisan

so lets fingerprint each voter with proper id when they register and thumbprint them when they show up to vote

then use modern technology to insure that each vote is legal
I have no problem with that but you are going to hit privacy rights issues. It alps doesnā€™t work for mail in/absentee. I donā€™t mind a finger print. I believe DMV registrations already do that. Iā€™d think the off the grid Liberty type conservatives might not like it when done with voting. I also think online voting should be easily doable
I am totally against on-line voting

the public will insist on some form of absentee ballots

but its a prime source of cheating

if it were up to me I would require every voter to show up in person
That argument typically comes from
Republicans who know they benefit from in person with strict rules and are hurt by any efforts made to make voting easier and more accessible. Question is do you feel that way because you want your party to win or because your are truly concerned about security and fraud?
She canā€™t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,ā€ Carlson said. ā€œBut she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.ā€

Carlson also noted: ā€œShe never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.ā€

If Trumps A Team canā€™t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?

The evidence is for Court.

Not for trial by a TV show.

So you will have to wait, won't you.

The Trump lawyers keep going to court and keep getting shot down for lack of evidence.

You would think they would either catch on or admit they have no evidence of cheating

There is no way Sidney Powell was going to show the evidence live on a TV talk show.

That's all there is to it.

You want evidence? Wait for this issue to get to the Courts.
But she'll talk about it in a press conference. Anywhere but in a courtroom.

To talk is one thing. To show the evidence is quite another thing.
What are they afraid of?

It's not a matter of being afraid. It's a legal matter.
It's not a matter of being afraid. It's a legal matter.
Legal matters require evidence.

There is none supporting Trump. The election is over. Biden is President-elect.

Just stop.

I know it hurts. You'll get over it
It's not a matter of being afraid. It's a legal matter.
Legal matters require evidence.

There is none supporting Trump. The election is over. Biden is President-elect.

Just stop.

I know it hurts. You'll get over it

Nope, IMO the Left can not steal an election and go on with it's life like nothing has happened

There is a price to be paid

It's called the truth.

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