Tucker Carlson: War With Iran ‘Will Destroy’ Trump’s Presidency...

Congress trusted Bush after 9-11 and let him lead us into two unnecessary wars

They won’t make the same mistake with Trump

US Presidents don't need Congressional approval to wage war anymore. We haven't officially declared war since WWII. Yet we've been at war ever since.
Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires.

RIGHT. Now all of a sudden some wet-behind-the-ears Fox analyst is the INSIDE SCOOP on how to run the country! Never mind that all the other senior political analysts were WRONG every time. Never mind that so far, Trump's every instinct has worked out for him. Armed with the knowledge that Trump must now seek peace at all costs, even against a tyrannical threat like Iran, that immediately puts Trump in the category of PAPER TIGER. Yep. Another

What kind of war is Iran going to have with us? Unrestricted by our own restraints, we could thump them into oblivion in one night. Trump can squeeze the mullahs by their hairy unwashed balls until they cry like a little baby without even firing a single shot. Their only hold over us is our own political correctness. Trump has parked all of that at the gate.OBAMA. The sure way to defend America and win reelection. Yeah.

What kind of war is Iran going to have with us? Unrestricted by our own restraints, we could thump them into oblivion in one night. Trump can squeeze the mullahs by their hairy unwashed balls until they cry like a little baby without even firing a single shot. Their only hold over us is our own political correctness. Trump has parked all of that at the gate.

there you go with your babble and lies that Iran is a threat and shilling for Israel like the troll you are ignoring how THEY are the warmongers and threat to the world.
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Congress trusted Bush after 9-11 and let him lead us into two unnecessary wars

They won’t make the same mistake with Trump

US Presidents don't need Congressional approval to wage war anymore. We haven't officially declared war since WWII. Yet we've been at war ever since.

Trump is not trusted by the people, Congress or our allies
Everything he says is a lie

Whatever justification he uses will not be believed

He can use military force, but cannot bring us into war
Obama did not create the ongoing war in Syria----Iran
did it

No, Obama got us involved in Syria. Iran isn't the Commander in Chief of our armed forces. I'm disappointed with Trump for expanding Obama's war there.

Obama responded to the machinations of Imperialist
Iran. Iran is not THE FRIEND of the USA

Yeah, cuz the US certainly isn't 'Imperialist.' It's only invading and killing more than any other nation on earth. How many nations has Iran invaded in the last couple centuries?

So we're a nation that believes it's moral and just, to go all around the world taking whatever it wants? See, that's Empire. And our Founding Fathers warned against it. It's time to change our ways. Time to come home.

It's not 'our' oil. It never was. How can we think we have the right to forcibly take what isn't ours? How can we still call our nation a just and moral nation?

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Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires.

RIGHT. Now all of a sudden some wet-behind-the-ears Fox analyst is the INSIDE SCOOP on how to run the country! Never mind that all the other senior political analysts were WRONG every time. Never mind that so far, Trump's every instinct has worked out for him. Armed with the knowledge that Trump must now seek peace at all costs, even against a tyrannical threat like Iran, that immediately puts Trump in the category of PAPER TIGER. Yep. Another OBAMA. The sure way to defend America and win reelection. Yeah.

Carlson is Spot On. War with Iran would spell the end for Trump.

What kind of war is Iran going to have with us? Unrestricted by our own restraints, we could thump them into oblivion in one night. Trump can squeeze the mullahs by their hairy unwashed balls until they cry like a little baby without even firing a single shot. Their only hold over us is our own political correctness. Trump has parked all of that at the gate.

It wouldn't even be a war. It would be over in an hour and Iran would be the loser big time.

No need for a war because all Iran does is rattle its sabers now and then.

Of course if Iran were defeated then all the terrorists in the world that they have been funding would be shit out of luck.

Funny that you seriously dont think the CIA and mossad funds terrorists from all over the world everyday.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires. It would deeply upset the Deep State/CIA, but it's the right way to go. He should throw the dice and seek peace with all nations. He has nothing to lose. They're moving full speed ahead with their Coup-attempt regardless. Go for peace, and really throw em for a loop.

Fox News

Trump will probably do what he always does: Make a lot of noise, create a crisis, then have a meeting, declare the President of Iran to be a great guy. Nothing will change except that he'll make a few concessions to Iran while the U.S. gets nothing.

That's Trump diplomacy.

What matters is only that the Dup'd Trumpbots remain Dup'd Trumpbots.
Carlson is Spot On. War with Iran would spell the end for Trump.

What kind of war is Iran going to have with us? Unrestricted by our own restraints, we could thump them into oblivion in one night. Trump can squeeze the mullahs by their hairy unwashed balls until they cry like a little baby without even firing a single shot. Their only hold over us is our own political correctness. Trump has parked all of that at the gate.

It wouldn't even be a war. It would be over in an hour and Iran would be the loser big time.

No need for a war because all Iran does is rattle its sabers now and then.

Of course if Iran were defeated then all the terrorists in the world that they have been funding would be shit out of luck.

Iran is prepared. It's been preparing for a US attack for many years. It won't come as a shock to them. It would be a very unwise decision for Trump.

Its prepared huh??

I doubt that. All Iran does is fund terrorist organizations. It never gets its hands dirty.

Oh and they are constantly pursuing a nuke.

Oh and believe me Trump has no intention of attacking Iran unless Iran attacks the US which I don't see happening.

Unlike Iran our soldiers are battle tested. They do more than cow the population.

The plan to go to war with Iran has been in the works for years. It's all about Empire. Iran refuses to be a US Puppet, therefore it's being targeted for destruction. Any leader and nation refusing to be a US Puppet, goes on the list. Sadly, the MIC will likely get its war with Iran. It usually gets its wars. And average Americans will always pay for them with their blood and treasure.

None of these numerous wars benefit average Americans. They only benefit the Elites who are already very wealthy and powerful. Iran is no threat to the US whatsoever. Just like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. It's all about Empire nowadays. It's what our Founding Fathers warned against. It's time to reverse course. Let's end the Permanent War Agenda, and come home.

Iran is no threat to us whatsoever. Just like all the other countries we've invaded and bombed over several decades. Why support starting another war? What are you gonna get out of it? You're only gonna pay for it. You'll never see any benefit from it. Only the few wealthy Elites will.

You'll just pay for another one of their wars, and get absolutely nothing out of it. This Permanent War Agenda only puts you and your country in more danger. Maybe it's time to consider no longer supporting it?

The plan to go to war with Iran has been in the works for years. It's all about Empire. Iran refuses to be a US Puppet, therefore it's being targeted for destruction. Any leader and nation refusing to be a US Puppet, goes on the list. Sadly, the MIC will likely get its war with Iran. It usually gets its wars. And average Americans will always pay for them with their blood and treasure.

None of these numerous wars benefit average Americans. They only benefit the Elites who are already very wealthy and powerful. Iran is no threat to the US whatsoever. Just like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. It's all about Empire nowadays. It's what our Founding Fathers warned against. It's time to reverse course. Let's end the Permanent War Agenda, and come home.

you took her and everybody else to school on this.WHY people cant come to terms with this reality and deal with these facts is absurd.thats why "I" have been saying ever since i came to your thread today,you said it better than I ever could,i almost could not have said it better myself.:up: I just hope Trump will do what no other president since Kennedy has done and stand up the bankers.thats the only way we will can avoid war with Iran.
RIGHT. Now all of a sudden some wet-behind-the-ears Fox analyst is the INSIDE SCOOP on how to run the country! Never mind that all the other senior political analysts were WRONG every time. Never mind that so far, Trump's every instinct has worked out for him. Armed with the knowledge that Trump must now seek peace at all costs, even against a tyrannical threat like Iran, that immediately puts Trump in the category of PAPER TIGER. Yep. Another OBAMA. The sure way to defend America and win reelection. Yeah.

Carlson is Spot On. War with Iran would spell the end for Trump.

What kind of war is Iran going to have with us? Unrestricted by our own restraints, we could thump them into oblivion in one night. Trump can squeeze the mullahs by their hairy unwashed balls until they cry like a little baby without even firing a single shot. Their only hold over us is our own political correctness. Trump has parked all of that at the gate.

It wouldn't even be a war. It would be over in an hour and Iran would be the loser big time.

No need for a war because all Iran does is rattle its sabers now and then.

Of course if Iran were defeated then all the terrorists in the world that they have been funding would be shit out of luck.

Keep in mind that Saddam easily kept Iraq in check for decades and we ate Saddam's lunch w/o breaking a sweat. I just wish we would have done like Trump said long ago and taken their oil as payback for what the Iraq War cost us.

Hussein was a CIA-owned US Puppet for years. He received $Millions in Taxpayer Dollars and weapons. But regardless, he was no threat to the US in any way, shape, or form. Only a few Elites got anything out of the Iraq War. Average Americans got nothing. In fact, they just paid for another useless war with their blood and treasure. Average folks always pay for the Elites' wars. They get nothing in return.

So we're a nation that believes it's moral and just, to go all around the world taking whatever it wants? See, that's Empire. And our Founding Fathers warned against it. It's time to change our ways. Time to come home.

It's not 'our' oil. It never was. How can we think we have the right to forcibly take what isn't ours? How can we still call our nation a just and moral nation?

Never gets old watching you take everyone to school on this.:2up::beer:
Congress trusted Bush after 9-11 and let him lead us into two unnecessary wars

They won’t make the same mistake with Trump

US Presidents don't need Congressional approval to wage war anymore. We haven't officially declared war since WWII. Yet we've been at war ever since.

Trump is not trusted by the people, Congress or our allies
Everything he says is a lie

Whatever justification he uses will not be believed

He can use military force, but cannot bring us into war

they will call it WAR
Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires. It would deeply upset the Deep State/CIA, but it's the right way to go. He should throw the dice and seek peace with all nations. He has nothing to lose. They're moving full speed ahead with their Coup-attempt regardless. Go for peace, and really throw em for a loop.

Fox News

Trump will probably do what he always does: Make a lot of noise, create a crisis, then have a meeting, declare the President of Iran to be a great guy. Nothing will change except that he'll make a few concessions to Iran while the U.S. gets nothing.

That's Trump diplomacy.

What matters is only that the Dup'd Trumpbots remain Dup'd Trumpbots.

Well, as long as he avoids war, i'm good. We need to move away from the Permanent War Agenda.
Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires. It would deeply upset the Deep State/CIA, but it's the right way to go. He should throw the dice and seek peace with all nations. He has nothing to lose. They're moving full speed ahead with their Coup-attempt regardless. Go for peace, and really throw em for a loop.

Fox News

Trump will probably do what he always does: Make a lot of noise, create a crisis, then have a meeting, declare the President of Iran to be a great guy. Nothing will change except that he'll make a few concessions to Iran while the U.S. gets nothing.

That's Trump diplomacy.

What matters is only that the Dup'd Trumpbots remain Dup'd Trumpbots.

Well, as long as he avoids war, i'm good. We need to move away from the Permanent War Agenda.

sorry-----the war is already ongoing
What kind of war is Iran going to have with us? Unrestricted by our own restraints, we could thump them into oblivion in one night. Trump can squeeze the mullahs by their hairy unwashed balls until they cry like a little baby without even firing a single shot. Their only hold over us is our own political correctness. Trump has parked all of that at the gate.

It wouldn't even be a war. It would be over in an hour and Iran would be the loser big time.

No need for a war because all Iran does is rattle its sabers now and then.

Of course if Iran were defeated then all the terrorists in the world that they have been funding would be shit out of luck.

Iran is prepared. It's been preparing for a US attack for many years. It won't come as a shock to them. It would be a very unwise decision for Trump.

Its prepared huh??

I doubt that. All Iran does is fund terrorist organizations. It never gets its hands dirty.

Oh and they are constantly pursuing a nuke.

Oh and believe me Trump has no intention of attacking Iran unless Iran attacks the US which I don't see happening.

Unlike Iran our soldiers are battle tested. They do more than cow the population.

The plan to go to war with Iran has been in the works for years. It's all about Empire. Iran refuses to be a US Puppet, therefore it's being targeted for destruction. Any leader and nation refusing to be a US Puppet, goes on the list. Sadly, the MIC will likely get its war with Iran. It usually gets its wars. And average Americans will always pay for them with their blood and treasure.

None of these numerous wars benefit average Americans. They only benefit the Elites who are already very wealthy and powerful. Iran is no threat to the US whatsoever. Just like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. It's all about Empire nowadays. It's what our Founding Fathers warned against. It's time to reverse course. Let's end the Permanent War Agenda, and come home.

Iran is no threat to us whatsoever. Just like all the other countries we've invaded and bombed over several decades. Why support starting another war? What are you gonna get out of it? You're only gonna pay for it. You'll never see any benefit from it. Only the few wealthy Elites will.

You'll just pay for another one of their wars, and get absolutely nothing out of it. This Permanent War Agenda only puts you and your country in more danger. Maybe it's time to consider no longer supporting it?

The plan to go to war with Iran has been in the works for years. It's all about Empire. Iran refuses to be a US Puppet, therefore it's being targeted for destruction. Any leader and nation refusing to be a US Puppet, goes on the list. Sadly, the MIC will likely get its war with Iran. It usually gets its wars. And average Americans will always pay for them with their blood and treasure.

None of these numerous wars benefit average Americans. They only benefit the Elites who are already very wealthy and powerful. Iran is no threat to the US whatsoever. Just like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. It's all about Empire nowadays. It's what our Founding Fathers warned against. It's time to reverse course. Let's end the Permanent War Agenda, and come home.

you took her and everybody else to school on this.WHY people cant come to terms with this reality and deal with these facts is absurd.thats why "I" have been saying ever since i came to your thread today,you said it better than I ever could,i almost could not have said it better myself.:up: I just hope Trump will do what no other president since Kennedy has done and stand up the bankers.thats the only way we will can avoid war with Iran.

The reason we will hit Iran is that they are one of the few Nations that still control their own monetary policy.
It wouldn't even be a war. It would be over in an hour and Iran would be the loser big time.

No need for a war because all Iran does is rattle its sabers now and then.

Of course if Iran were defeated then all the terrorists in the world that they have been funding would be shit out of luck.

Iran is prepared. It's been preparing for a US attack for many years. It won't come as a shock to them. It would be a very unwise decision for Trump.

Its prepared huh??

I doubt that. All Iran does is fund terrorist organizations. It never gets its hands dirty.

Oh and they are constantly pursuing a nuke.

Oh and believe me Trump has no intention of attacking Iran unless Iran attacks the US which I don't see happening.

Unlike Iran our soldiers are battle tested. They do more than cow the population.

The plan to go to war with Iran has been in the works for years. It's all about Empire. Iran refuses to be a US Puppet, therefore it's being targeted for destruction. Any leader and nation refusing to be a US Puppet, goes on the list. Sadly, the MIC will likely get its war with Iran. It usually gets its wars. And average Americans will always pay for them with their blood and treasure.

None of these numerous wars benefit average Americans. They only benefit the Elites who are already very wealthy and powerful. Iran is no threat to the US whatsoever. Just like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. It's all about Empire nowadays. It's what our Founding Fathers warned against. It's time to reverse course. Let's end the Permanent War Agenda, and come home.

Iran is no threat to us whatsoever. Just like all the other countries we've invaded and bombed over several decades. Why support starting another war? What are you gonna get out of it? You're only gonna pay for it. You'll never see any benefit from it. Only the few wealthy Elites will.

You'll just pay for another one of their wars, and get absolutely nothing out of it. This Permanent War Agenda only puts you and your country in more danger. Maybe it's time to consider no longer supporting it?

The plan to go to war with Iran has been in the works for years. It's all about Empire. Iran refuses to be a US Puppet, therefore it's being targeted for destruction. Any leader and nation refusing to be a US Puppet, goes on the list. Sadly, the MIC will likely get its war with Iran. It usually gets its wars. And average Americans will always pay for them with their blood and treasure.

None of these numerous wars benefit average Americans. They only benefit the Elites who are already very wealthy and powerful. Iran is no threat to the US whatsoever. Just like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. It's all about Empire nowadays. It's what our Founding Fathers warned against. It's time to reverse course. Let's end the Permanent War Agenda, and come home.

you took her and everybody else to school on this.WHY people cant come to terms with this reality and deal with these facts is absurd.thats why "I" have been saying ever since i came to your thread today,you said it better than I ever could,i almost could not have said it better myself.:up: I just hope Trump will do what no other president since Kennedy has done and stand up the bankers.thats the only way we will can avoid war with Iran.

The reason we will hit Iran is that they are one of the few Nations that still control their own monetary policy.

Please expand on your ASSERTION
Iran is prepared. It's been preparing for a US attack for many years. It won't come as a shock to them. It would be a very unwise decision for Trump.

Its prepared huh??

I doubt that. All Iran does is fund terrorist organizations. It never gets its hands dirty.

Oh and they are constantly pursuing a nuke.

Oh and believe me Trump has no intention of attacking Iran unless Iran attacks the US which I don't see happening.

Unlike Iran our soldiers are battle tested. They do more than cow the population.

The plan to go to war with Iran has been in the works for years. It's all about Empire. Iran refuses to be a US Puppet, therefore it's being targeted for destruction. Any leader and nation refusing to be a US Puppet, goes on the list. Sadly, the MIC will likely get its war with Iran. It usually gets its wars. And average Americans will always pay for them with their blood and treasure.

None of these numerous wars benefit average Americans. They only benefit the Elites who are already very wealthy and powerful. Iran is no threat to the US whatsoever. Just like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. It's all about Empire nowadays. It's what our Founding Fathers warned against. It's time to reverse course. Let's end the Permanent War Agenda, and come home.

Iran is no threat to us whatsoever. Just like all the other countries we've invaded and bombed over several decades. Why support starting another war? What are you gonna get out of it? You're only gonna pay for it. You'll never see any benefit from it. Only the few wealthy Elites will.

You'll just pay for another one of their wars, and get absolutely nothing out of it. This Permanent War Agenda only puts you and your country in more danger. Maybe it's time to consider no longer supporting it?

The plan to go to war with Iran has been in the works for years. It's all about Empire. Iran refuses to be a US Puppet, therefore it's being targeted for destruction. Any leader and nation refusing to be a US Puppet, goes on the list. Sadly, the MIC will likely get its war with Iran. It usually gets its wars. And average Americans will always pay for them with their blood and treasure.

None of these numerous wars benefit average Americans. They only benefit the Elites who are already very wealthy and powerful. Iran is no threat to the US whatsoever. Just like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. It's all about Empire nowadays. It's what our Founding Fathers warned against. It's time to reverse course. Let's end the Permanent War Agenda, and come home.

you took her and everybody else to school on this.WHY people cant come to terms with this reality and deal with these facts is absurd.thats why "I" have been saying ever since i came to your thread today,you said it better than I ever could,i almost could not have said it better myself.:up: I just hope Trump will do what no other president since Kennedy has done and stand up the bankers.thats the only way we will can avoid war with Iran.

The reason we will hit Iran is that they are one of the few Nations that still control their own monetary policy.

Please expand on your ASSERTION

Iran's Central Bank is Iranian owned, that they will not allow to stand.

“We’re Going to Take out 7 Countries in 5 Years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran..”
Wesley Clark

In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned Central Bank:

  • Afghanistan
  • Iraq
  • Sudan
  • Libya
  • Cuba
  • North Korea
The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family are:

  • Cuba
  • North Korea
  • Iran
Only 3 Countries Left Without a Rothschild Central Bank – 3 More Wars? – Investment Watch Blog
It wouldn't even be a war. It would be over in an hour and Iran would be the loser big time.

No need for a war because all Iran does is rattle its sabers now and then.

Of course if Iran were defeated then all the terrorists in the world that they have been funding would be shit out of luck.

Iran is prepared. It's been preparing for a US attack for many years. It won't come as a shock to them. It would be a very unwise decision for Trump.

Its prepared huh??

I doubt that. All Iran does is fund terrorist organizations. It never gets its hands dirty.

Oh and they are constantly pursuing a nuke.

Oh and believe me Trump has no intention of attacking Iran unless Iran attacks the US which I don't see happening.

Unlike Iran our soldiers are battle tested. They do more than cow the population.

The plan to go to war with Iran has been in the works for years. It's all about Empire. Iran refuses to be a US Puppet, therefore it's being targeted for destruction. Any leader and nation refusing to be a US Puppet, goes on the list. Sadly, the MIC will likely get its war with Iran. It usually gets its wars. And average Americans will always pay for them with their blood and treasure.

None of these numerous wars benefit average Americans. They only benefit the Elites who are already very wealthy and powerful. Iran is no threat to the US whatsoever. Just like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. It's all about Empire nowadays. It's what our Founding Fathers warned against. It's time to reverse course. Let's end the Permanent War Agenda, and come home.

Iran is no threat to us whatsoever. Just like all the other countries we've invaded and bombed over several decades. Why support starting another war? What are you gonna get out of it? You're only gonna pay for it. You'll never see any benefit from it. Only the few wealthy Elites will.

You'll just pay for another one of their wars, and get absolutely nothing out of it. This Permanent War Agenda only puts you and your country in more danger. Maybe it's time to consider no longer supporting it?

The plan to go to war with Iran has been in the works for years. It's all about Empire. Iran refuses to be a US Puppet, therefore it's being targeted for destruction. Any leader and nation refusing to be a US Puppet, goes on the list. Sadly, the MIC will likely get its war with Iran. It usually gets its wars. And average Americans will always pay for them with their blood and treasure.

None of these numerous wars benefit average Americans. They only benefit the Elites who are already very wealthy and powerful. Iran is no threat to the US whatsoever. Just like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. It's all about Empire nowadays. It's what our Founding Fathers warned against. It's time to reverse course. Let's end the Permanent War Agenda, and come home.

you took her and everybody else to school on this.WHY people cant come to terms with this reality and deal with these facts is absurd.thats why "I" have been saying ever since i came to your thread today,you said it better than I ever could,i almost could not have said it better myself.:up: I just hope Trump will do what no other president since Kennedy has done and stand up the bankers.thats the only way we will can avoid war with Iran.

The reason we will hit Iran is that they are one of the few Nations that still control their own monetary policy.

Yeah, i've come to learn that any leader and nation refusing to be a US/West Puppet, is immediately targeted for extermination. Controlling your own monetary system can definitely get you killed. Even past US Presidents who've tried it, wound up dead.
Its prepared huh??

I doubt that. All Iran does is fund terrorist organizations. It never gets its hands dirty.

Oh and they are constantly pursuing a nuke.

Oh and believe me Trump has no intention of attacking Iran unless Iran attacks the US which I don't see happening.

Unlike Iran our soldiers are battle tested. They do more than cow the population.

The plan to go to war with Iran has been in the works for years. It's all about Empire. Iran refuses to be a US Puppet, therefore it's being targeted for destruction. Any leader and nation refusing to be a US Puppet, goes on the list. Sadly, the MIC will likely get its war with Iran. It usually gets its wars. And average Americans will always pay for them with their blood and treasure.

None of these numerous wars benefit average Americans. They only benefit the Elites who are already very wealthy and powerful. Iran is no threat to the US whatsoever. Just like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. It's all about Empire nowadays. It's what our Founding Fathers warned against. It's time to reverse course. Let's end the Permanent War Agenda, and come home.

Iran is no threat to us whatsoever. Just like all the other countries we've invaded and bombed over several decades. Why support starting another war? What are you gonna get out of it? You're only gonna pay for it. You'll never see any benefit from it. Only the few wealthy Elites will.

You'll just pay for another one of their wars, and get absolutely nothing out of it. This Permanent War Agenda only puts you and your country in more danger. Maybe it's time to consider no longer supporting it?

The plan to go to war with Iran has been in the works for years. It's all about Empire. Iran refuses to be a US Puppet, therefore it's being targeted for destruction. Any leader and nation refusing to be a US Puppet, goes on the list. Sadly, the MIC will likely get its war with Iran. It usually gets its wars. And average Americans will always pay for them with their blood and treasure.

None of these numerous wars benefit average Americans. They only benefit the Elites who are already very wealthy and powerful. Iran is no threat to the US whatsoever. Just like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. It's all about Empire nowadays. It's what our Founding Fathers warned against. It's time to reverse course. Let's end the Permanent War Agenda, and come home.

you took her and everybody else to school on this.WHY people cant come to terms with this reality and deal with these facts is absurd.thats why "I" have been saying ever since i came to your thread today,you said it better than I ever could,i almost could not have said it better myself.:up: I just hope Trump will do what no other president since Kennedy has done and stand up the bankers.thats the only way we will can avoid war with Iran.

The reason we will hit Iran is that they are one of the few Nations that still control their own monetary policy.

Please expand on your ASSERTION

Iran's Central Bank is Iranian owned, that they will not allow to stand.

“We’re Going to Take out 7 Countries in 5 Years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran..”
Wesley Clark

In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned Central Bank:

    • Afghanistan
    • Iraq
    • Sudan
    • Libya
    • Cuba
    • North Korea
The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family are:

    • Cuba
    • North Korea
    • Iran
Only 3 Countries Left Without a Rothschild Central Bank – 3 More Wars? – Investment Watch Blog

The plan to go to war with Iran has been in the works for years. It's all about Empire. Iran refuses to be a US Puppet, therefore it's being targeted for destruction. Any leader and nation refusing to be a US Puppet, goes on the list. Sadly, the MIC will likely get its war with Iran. It usually gets its wars. And average Americans will always pay for them with their blood and treasure.

None of these numerous wars benefit average Americans. They only benefit the Elites who are already very wealthy and powerful. Iran is no threat to the US whatsoever. Just like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. It's all about Empire nowadays. It's what our Founding Fathers warned against. It's time to reverse course. Let's end the Permanent War Agenda, and come home.

Iran is no threat to us whatsoever. Just like all the other countries we've invaded and bombed over several decades. Why support starting another war? What are you gonna get out of it? You're only gonna pay for it. You'll never see any benefit from it. Only the few wealthy Elites will.

You'll just pay for another one of their wars, and get absolutely nothing out of it. This Permanent War Agenda only puts you and your country in more danger. Maybe it's time to consider no longer supporting it?

The plan to go to war with Iran has been in the works for years. It's all about Empire. Iran refuses to be a US Puppet, therefore it's being targeted for destruction. Any leader and nation refusing to be a US Puppet, goes on the list. Sadly, the MIC will likely get its war with Iran. It usually gets its wars. And average Americans will always pay for them with their blood and treasure.

None of these numerous wars benefit average Americans. They only benefit the Elites who are already very wealthy and powerful. Iran is no threat to the US whatsoever. Just like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. It's all about Empire nowadays. It's what our Founding Fathers warned against. It's time to reverse course. Let's end the Permanent War Agenda, and come home.

you took her and everybody else to school on this.WHY people cant come to terms with this reality and deal with these facts is absurd.thats why "I" have been saying ever since i came to your thread today,you said it better than I ever could,i almost could not have said it better myself.:up: I just hope Trump will do what no other president since Kennedy has done and stand up the bankers.thats the only way we will can avoid war with Iran.

The reason we will hit Iran is that they are one of the few Nations that still control their own monetary policy.

Please expand on your ASSERTION

Iran's Central Bank is Iranian owned, that they will not allow to stand.

“We’re Going to Take out 7 Countries in 5 Years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran..”
Wesley Clark

In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned Central Bank:

    • Afghanistan
    • Iraq
    • Sudan
    • Libya
    • Cuba
    • North Korea
The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family are:

    • Cuba
    • North Korea
    • Iran
Only 3 Countries Left Without a Rothschild Central Bank – 3 More Wars? – Investment Watch Blog


Last link you'll get, EVERYTHING is in the open they aren't hiding ANY of it. You'll have to do your own research from here honey.

Why is Israel bombing Syria in the first place? Completely unprovoked attacks. Why is it being allowed?

The fact that the Iranian mullahs are meddling in Syria is a provocation to Israel. I'm sure that the Mullahs don't like it, but they have no power to disallow it.

I believe that the state of Israel would love to see the Mullahs disposed of, they got a long very positively with Iran, when it was ruled by the Peacock Throne

Israel has no right to bomb Syria indiscriminately. Syria didn't attack Israel. Israel shouldn't be killing Syrians. The bombings are unprovoked attacks. The US and world community should be condemning Israel, and forcing it to halt the attacks. But then again, we shouldn't be in Syria either. It's just another meddling nightmare. When does it end?

Syria's patron, the Iranian Mullahs, have been attacking the State of Israel verbally for generations.

A very powerful country on their very frontier , threatening them with nuclear annihilation, as soon as they get the bomb.

Under the Obama Deal, Iran was guaranteed thermonuclear devices within 10 years.

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