Tucker Carlson: War With Iran ‘Will Destroy’ Trump’s Presidency...

Please feel free to point out all the nations doing more invading and killing than the US has since WWII. I'm fair-minded. I'm willing to listen.

Let's see --- Congo, by far; Uganda, China, North Korea, Pakistan and India huge numbers there, Iran and Iraq against each other, huge numbers, Ireland against England, Russia against Ukraine, Rwanda of course, internally, 800,000; Lebanon --- no, wait, since WWII? That's way too long -- EVERYBODY has been to war in that time! I mean, darn, you've got all those African wars during communism, you've got Serbia against Albania and Kosovo, Yemen still tearing up Saudi Arabia, you've even got all the French action against Algeria! You've got the Tamil Tigers, Burma --- it's a violent world.

I don't know how we're supposed to evolve as a species if we can't kill each other off.

Fortunately, it's never come up so far.

don't confuse him with facts
Trump's too much of a pussy to go to war with anyone. He talks tough, but as soon as he is in the presence of strength, he drops to his knees and fellates in public.
Remember how he walked to the podium with Putin in Helsinki....his butt was inflamed.
That walk was submissive. Everyone saw it and the whole world knew at that moment that he was Putin's bitch.
How many wars has President Trump started?

Oh yea, none.

He bitchslapped North Korea into submission, and he’ll do the same with Iran.

Sit back and enjoy the show.

Trump hasn't started any wars with anyone -yet.

Lets hope he doesn't.

Oh and yeah- North Korea is a people's paradise now that Don the Con pronounced the world safer because.....well because he said so.....
The subtle difference between news and fake news. Tucker never said "a war with Iran will destroy the Trump presidency. He said a war with Iran would destroy the Trump presidency. A slight but important difference. You almost gotta laugh that the American angry left seems to be pushing for a freaking war with Russia in the mean time.
The deep state will fight like hell for war.

Oh, you bet. But it's already moving full speed ahead with a Coup-attempt. So Trump should just go all-in for peace. However, he very well could go the other way and try to appease the Deep State/MIC. He could start a war with Iran to halt their Coup-attempt.
Would going all in for peace involve not pulling out of any future de-nuke deals?
Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires.

That may be right, but President Trump doesn't want war, and neither do the Iranian Mullahs.

I personally think that Mr. Rouhani will see his way to accepting peace. Although his real problem is with the Iranian People who are sick and tired of his Jihadi Jive and are ready to storm the capital and execute Rouhani and the rest of the mullahs.
How many wars has President Trump started?

Oh yea, none.

He bitchslapped North Korea into submission, and he’ll do the same with Iran.

Sit back and enjoy the show.

I agree. The only way there will be a war with Iran is if Iran starts it and if they do. Well. A glass parking lot will look real good don't you think.

Israel is now, today engaged with HAMAS and the Palestinians. It went hot yesterday with Israel shooting down a Syrian Plane. I'm afraid that this could very well spill over.
How many wars has President Trump started?

Oh yea, none.

He bitchslapped North Korea into submission, and he’ll do the same with Iran.

Sit back and enjoy the show.

I agree. The only way there will be a war with Iran is if Iran starts it and if they do. Well. A glass parking lot will look real good don't you think.

Israel is now, today engaged with HAMAS and the Palestinians. It went hot yesterday with Israel shooting down a Syrian Plane. I'm afraid that this could very well spill over.

seems like a critical situation
How many wars has President Trump started?

Oh yea, none.

He bitchslapped North Korea into submission, and he’ll do the same with Iran.

Sit back and enjoy the show.

I agree. The only way there will be a war with Iran is if Iran starts it and if they do. Well. A glass parking lot will look real good don't you think.

Israel is now, today engaged with HAMAS and the Palestinians. It went hot yesterday with Israel shooting down a Syrian Plane. I'm afraid that this could very well spill over.

seems like a critical situation

Unfortunately it is :( Rockets flying both ways.
How many wars has President Trump started?

Oh yea, none.

He bitchslapped North Korea into submission, and he’ll do the same with Iran.

Sit back and enjoy the show.

I agree. The only way there will be a war with Iran is if Iran starts it and if they do. Well. A glass parking lot will look real good don't you think.

Israel is now, today engaged with HAMAS and the Palestinians. It went hot yesterday with Israel shooting down a Syrian Plane. I'm afraid that this could very well spill over.

seems like a critical situation

Unfortunately it is :( Rockets flying both ways.

It’s Hamas launching unprovoked attacks yet again. The media doesn’t want to talk about that. They still must push their Agenda and paint the Palestinians as victims. They MUST keep up the illusion in order to keep promoting the importation of Muslims into Europe and the US.

Hopefully Israel will get bold and smite these murderous barbarians once and for all during the era of President Trump.
The subtle difference between news and fake news. Tucker never said "a war with Iran will destroy the Trump presidency. He said a war with Iran would destroy the Trump presidency. A slight but important difference.

I am not seeing your difference there.....and I'm supposed to be able to handle English syntax. No, I think the meaning in either will or would is the same there: IF there is a war (and will, after all, is about the future so who could possible know??) X will happen, this guy said, implausibly. Because no one can predict the future, silly Tucker.
Okay, so Tucker Carlson is not on our side? Good to know. Important to know who is an ally and who isn't..
Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires.

That may be right, but President Trump doesn't want war, and neither do the Iranian Mullahs.

I personally think that Mr. Rouhani will see his way to accepting peace. Although his real problem is with the Iranian People who are sick and tired of his Jihadi Jive and are ready to storm the capital and execute Rouhani and the rest of the mullahs.

I don't know, the MIC has been itchin for war with Iran for years. My gut feeling is, they're gonna conduct some sort of False Flag event, and begin the bombing. Israel is currently bombing the hell out of Syrian and Iranian forces in Syria. It's working tirelessly to provoke a response from Iran.

Israel is gonna continue trying to draw it into conflict. That's i why i say, expect some sort of False Flag event. And Israel will likely be involved. The US MIC will 'justify' attacking Iran as being about 'defending an ally.' It'll be like their False Flag 'Chemical Attack' in Syria. They'll create any scam to start more wars. It's very sad. We need to adopt a disengagement policy in the Middle East. It's time.
Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires.

That may be right, but President Trump doesn't want war, and neither do the Iranian Mullahs.

I personally think that Mr. Rouhani will see his way to accepting peace. Although his real problem is with the Iranian People who are sick and tired of his Jihadi Jive and are ready to storm the capital and execute Rouhani and the rest of the mullahs.

I don't know, the MIC has been itchin for war with Iran for years. My gut feeling is, they're gonna conduct some sort of False Flag event, and begin the bombing. Israel is currently bombing the hell out of Syrian and Iranian forces in Syria. It's working tirelessly to provoke a response from Iran.

Israel is gonna continue trying to draw it into conflict. That's i why i say, expect some sort of False Flag event. And Israel will likely be involved. The US MIC will 'justify' attacking Iran as being about 'defending an ally.' It'll be like their False Flag 'Chemical Attack' in Syria. They'll create any scam to start more wars. It's very sad. We need to adopt a disengagement policy in the Middle East. It's time.

of course------FALSE FLAG----no matter what islamo Nazis do------their friends call it "FALSE FLAG" Even Pearl Harbor 1941 was a
a FALSE FLAG-----accomplished by the IRGUN
under the direction of Menachem Begin
Seek peace instead. This Permanent War Agenda has become so costly and exhausting.

We always seek peace!
WE are not the ones lobbing ICBMs over Japan!
WE are not the ones playing chicken fight @ 5ft. with MiGs flying at Mach 2!
WE are not the ones building military beachheads out in the middle of international waters!
WE are not the ones screwing over others with unfair trade!
WE are not the ones invading other countries with our poor, uneducated families rather than feed and educate them themselves!
WE are not the ones telling the world their leader isn't welcome here or is a prick!
WE are not the ones demanding partnership in NATO while not even paying our own way!
WE are not the ones asking another country to foot most of the bill for the UN while trash talking them!

WE have bent over backwards kissing other countries asses and SAVING their asses loaning them billions, bailing them out, protecting them with our troops and saving them from world dictators in both WWI and WWII ! There IS no permanent war agenda other than that created by other countries in either their constant threat to us or their exploitation of us. And the reason why most of it occurred is because we have been too docile and too passive for too long, showing WEAKNESS and DOCILITY.

And if any war has ever been costly or exhausting to us, it is only because we chose that way and don't have the balls to fight a war right. You fight a war to WIN, win fast, and win hard; wars have only been costly to us because we dupe ourselves with progressive political correctness.

The ONLY option with IRAN is to deal with them through UNMITIGATED STRENGTH, UNSWERVING DETERMINATION and TOTAL STEELY RESOLVE. Not hesitation, self-doubt and overtures of "we really don't wanna fight." You win wars like poker where you bluff your opponent and call their hand with total, absolute, unrestrained threat of total DESTRUCTION or else! You win wars by never having them, because you SCARE THE LIVING CRAP out of them that you are crazy enough and pressed far enough, wouldn't blink an eye at turning their nation into a dune of glass beads, then selling them off for cheap costume jewelry. You avoid wars by letting the other side know you cannot be bluffed, cannot be threatened, will not back down and have overwhelming command of the situation!

THE CASE CAN BE MADE that most every war of the 20th and 21st century was caused and protracted out into years EXACTLY because of what you say; that we went into it not really wanting to fight and wanted and talked peace instead. Half of those wars never would have even gotten off the ground had we approached them with the full might and extent that our military gives us to utterly obliterate the other side. More men have died because of the FEAR of war and the attempt to mitigate it into a civil, measured police action, than had we gone into them full bore letting our enemy know UP FRONT we were like an angry, sleeping tiger prepared to grease our tank tracks with their blood and guts and not even spill a cup of coffee.

The USA is SO STRONG that had we wanted long ago, we could have taken and owned the world, and every nation owes it to us that their very existence is on our good will and charity that we are the first and only true keepers of the peace there is.

No other nation on earth is invading and killing more than the US is.

Sorry that you've been totally fucked in the head with anti-USA propaganda to believe total horseshit.

Please feel free to point out all the nations doing more invading and killing than the US has since WWII. I'm fair-minded. I'm willing to listen.
Please feel free to tell me all the places we invaded and killed that was not necessary, welcome, or out of a greater good of fighting evil or communism?

Funny? IN OTHER WORDS, JACKASS Dschrute3, after all your trash talking about how the USA is this world leader of terrible invasions and ruthless merciless killings, when push comes to shove, you can't even produce a short list citing the examples! LET ME GUESS what your BULLSHIT excuse will be: The list of examples are so widespread and obvious that it is beneath you to even try. NO NO NO. Your excuse is that if I want to know, I can go look it up for myself on Google, right? You're just one more asshole on this board who talks out their ass all day long with their pecker in their hand but can't back up a single thing you ever say. :1peleas:
Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires.

That may be right, but President Trump doesn't want war, and neither do the Iranian Mullahs.

I personally think that Mr. Rouhani will see his way to accepting peace. Although his real problem is with the Iranian People who are sick and tired of his Jihadi Jive and are ready to storm the capital and execute Rouhani and the rest of the mullahs.

I don't know, the MIC has been itchin for war with Iran for years. My gut feeling is, they're gonna conduct some sort of False Flag event, and begin the bombing. Israel is currently bombing the hell out of Syrian and Iranian forces in Syria. It's working tirelessly to provoke a response from Iran.

Israel is gonna continue trying to draw it into conflict. That's i why i say, expect some sort of False Flag event. And Israel will likely be involved. The US MIC will 'justify' attacking Iran as being about 'defending an ally.' It'll be like their False Flag 'Chemical Attack' in Syria. They'll create any scam to start more wars. It's very sad. We need to adopt a disengagement policy in the Middle East. It's time.

of course------FALSE FLAG----no matter what islamo Nazis do------their friends call it "FALSE FLAG" Even Pearl Harbor 1941 was a
a FALSE FLAG-----accomplished by the IRGUN
under the direction of Menachem Begin

The next False Flag will likely involve Israel. They're trying to draw Iran into a conflict. Israel is currently bombing Syrian and Iranian forces in Syria. It wants Iran to attack. And then of course we would rush to defend Israel, and go to war with Iran. That's what i see coming. Stay tuned.
We always seek peace!
WE are not the ones lobbing ICBMs over Japan!
WE are not the ones playing chicken fight @ 5ft. with MiGs flying at Mach 2!
WE are not the ones building military beachheads out in the middle of international waters!
WE are not the ones screwing over others with unfair trade!
WE are not the ones invading other countries with our poor, uneducated families rather than feed and educate them themselves!
WE are not the ones telling the world their leader isn't welcome here or is a prick!
WE are not the ones demanding partnership in NATO while not even paying our own way!
WE are not the ones asking another country to foot most of the bill for the UN while trash talking them!

WE have bent over backwards kissing other countries asses and SAVING their asses loaning them billions, bailing them out, protecting them with our troops and saving them from world dictators in both WWI and WWII ! There IS no permanent war agenda other than that created by other countries in either their constant threat to us or their exploitation of us. And the reason why most of it occurred is because we have been too docile and too passive for too long, showing WEAKNESS and DOCILITY.

And if any war has ever been costly or exhausting to us, it is only because we chose that way and don't have the balls to fight a war right. You fight a war to WIN, win fast, and win hard; wars have only been costly to us because we dupe ourselves with progressive political correctness.

The ONLY option with IRAN is to deal with them through UNMITIGATED STRENGTH, UNSWERVING DETERMINATION and TOTAL STEELY RESOLVE. Not hesitation, self-doubt and overtures of "we really don't wanna fight." You win wars like poker where you bluff your opponent and call their hand with total, absolute, unrestrained threat of total DESTRUCTION or else! You win wars by never having them, because you SCARE THE LIVING CRAP out of them that you are crazy enough and pressed far enough, wouldn't blink an eye at turning their nation into a dune of glass beads, then selling them off for cheap costume jewelry. You avoid wars by letting the other side know you cannot be bluffed, cannot be threatened, will not back down and have overwhelming command of the situation!

THE CASE CAN BE MADE that most every war of the 20th and 21st century was caused and protracted out into years EXACTLY because of what you say; that we went into it not really wanting to fight and wanted and talked peace instead. Half of those wars never would have even gotten off the ground had we approached them with the full might and extent that our military gives us to utterly obliterate the other side. More men have died because of the FEAR of war and the attempt to mitigate it into a civil, measured police action, than had we gone into them full bore letting our enemy know UP FRONT we were like an angry, sleeping tiger prepared to grease our tank tracks with their blood and guts and not even spill a cup of coffee.

The USA is SO STRONG that had we wanted long ago, we could have taken and owned the world, and every nation owes it to us that their very existence is on our good will and charity that we are the first and only true keepers of the peace there is.

No other nation on earth is invading and killing more than the US is.

Sorry that you've been totally fucked in the head with anti-USA propaganda to believe total horseshit.

Please feel free to point out all the nations doing more invading and killing than the US has since WWII. I'm fair-minded. I'm willing to listen.
Please feel free to tell me all the places we invaded and killed that was not necessary, welcome, or out of a greater good of fighting evil or communism?

Funny? IN OTHER WORDS, JACKASS Dschrute3, after all your trash talking about how the USA is this world leader of terrible invasions and ruthless merciless killings, when push comes to shove, you can't even produce a short list citing the examples! LET ME GUESS what your BULLSHIT excuse will be: The list of examples are so widespread and obvious that it is beneath you to even try. NO NO NO. Your excuse is that if I want to know, I can go look it up for myself on Google, right? You're just one more asshole on this board who talks out their ass all day long with their pecker in their hand but can't back up a single thing you ever say. :1peleas:

Do some of your own research. Like i said, Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq alone, far outnumber anything you cited earlier. In terms of horrific slaughter and massive destruction, no other nation comes close to US invasions. The death tolls are insanely astronomical.
The next False Flag will likely involve Israel. They're trying to draw Iran into a conflict. Israel is currently bombing Syrian and Iranian forces in Syria. It wants Iran to attack. And then of course we would rush to defend Israel, and go to war with Iran. That's what i see coming. Stay tuned.

I don't think Iran will bomb Israel, they would be pretty stupid to do that.
Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires.

That may be right, but President Trump doesn't want war, and neither do the Iranian Mullahs.

I personally think that Mr. Rouhani will see his way to accepting peace. Although his real problem is with the Iranian People who are sick and tired of his Jihadi Jive and are ready to storm the capital and execute Rouhani and the rest of the mullahs.

I don't know, the MIC has been itchin for war with Iran for years. My gut feeling is, they're gonna conduct some sort of False Flag event, and begin the bombing. Israel is currently bombing the hell out of Syrian and Iranian forces in Syria. It's working tirelessly to provoke a response from Iran.

Israel is gonna continue trying to draw it into conflict. That's i why i say, expect some sort of False Flag event. And Israel will likely be involved. The US MIC will 'justify' attacking Iran as being about 'defending an ally.' It'll be like their False Flag 'Chemical Attack' in Syria. They'll create any scam to start more wars. It's very sad. We need to adopt a disengagement policy in the Middle East. It's time.

of course------FALSE FLAG----no matter what islamo Nazis do------their friends call it "FALSE FLAG" Even Pearl Harbor 1941 was a
a FALSE FLAG-----accomplished by the IRGUN
under the direction of Menachem Begin

The next False Flag will likely involve Israel. They're trying to draw Iran into a conflict. Israel is currently bombing Syrian and Iranian forces in Syria. It wants Iran to attack. And then of course we would rush to defend Israel, and go to war with Iran. That's what i see coming. Stay tuned.

Fascinating-----you "know" what Israel wants and even know how you will analyze ANYTHING that happens to bring about what you "know" Israel wants. Let us know if you have any ideas as to what Iran wants
The next False Flag will likely involve Israel. They're trying to draw Iran into a conflict. Israel is currently bombing Syrian and Iranian forces in Syria. It wants Iran to attack. And then of course we would rush to defend Israel, and go to war with Iran. That's what i see coming. Stay tuned.

I don't think Iran will bomb Israel, they would be pretty stupid to do that.

I hear ya, but Israel is baiting em into conflict bigtime. It's over in Syria bombing Syrian and Iranian forces daily. It desperately wants Iran to respond. And shame on the so-called 'international justice system.' How have they allowed Israel to attack Syria at will?

Syria didn't attack Israel. Israel's attacks are completely unprovoked. But the international community has been silent. That says it all about who owns Globalist frauds like the UN. Just US/Western Puppets at the end of the day.

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