Tucker Carlson: War With Iran ‘Will Destroy’ Trump’s Presidency...

Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires.

RIGHT. Now all of a sudden some wet-behind-the-ears Fox analyst is the INSIDE SCOOP on how to run the country! Never mind that all the other senior political analysts were WRONG every time. Never mind that so far, Trump's every instinct has worked out for him. Armed with the knowledge that Trump must now seek peace at all costs, even against a tyrannical threat like Iran, that immediately puts Trump in the category of PAPER TIGER. Yep. Another OBAMA. The sure way to defend America and win reelection. Yeah.

Carlson is Spot On. War with Iran would spell the end for Trump.
carlson lives on hype and fear. he's going to take any situation to it's max bad effect and harp on it like a bitch riding horny lightning to the ground and make sure he takes as many as he can with him. he's after ratings, he's after people talking about him, and he's after promoting himself. the last thing carlson and most late night tv pundits are after is the truth,.

He's also making sense. How many wars we up to now? And folks are screeching for another one? What has happened to Americans?
the war i hear the most on the horizon is civil. your next question is very relevant however in what has happened to americans?

we've gotten so divided we refuse to think anymore - just hate. even if we agree on most things, if we find that ONE thing we disagree on, you're suddenly the enemy and too stupid to breed or live.

on every tucker show here's what happens -
1. find an example of an idiot on the other side
2. bring idiot on tv and ask them base questions
3. let the "idiot" struggle as they will here
4. mock them and make them look "stupid" and tell the audience this is an example of how the other side thinks.

dunno if they're feeding off the hate or the cause, but they sure do circulate bad stereotypes cause extremes are extreme, not a shining example of the other sides every day person.
Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires.

RIGHT. Now all of a sudden some wet-behind-the-ears Fox analyst is the INSIDE SCOOP on how to run the country! Never mind that all the other senior political analysts were WRONG every time. Never mind that so far, Trump's every instinct has worked out for him. Armed with the knowledge that Trump must now seek peace at all costs, even against a tyrannical threat like Iran, that immediately puts Trump in the category of PAPER TIGER. Yep. Another OBAMA. The sure way to defend America and win reelection. Yeah.

Carlson is Spot On. War with Iran would spell the end for Trump.
carlson lives on hype and fear. he's going to take any situation to it's max bad effect and harp on it like a bitch riding horny lightning to the ground and make sure he takes as many as he can with him. he's after ratings, he's after people talking about him, and he's after promoting himself. the last thing carlson and most late night tv pundits are after is the truth,.

He's also making sense. How many wars we up to now? And folks are screeching for another one? What has happened to Americans?
No one is screeching for another war, you dupe! We are trying to AVOID them. The world is full of evil and ambitious people and like I said, the only path to peace is STRENGTH, not talking peace and "good vibrations" with people who want to kill you.
What kind of war is Iran going to have with us? Unrestricted by our own restraints, we could thump them into oblivion in one night. Trump can squeeze the mullahs by their hairy unwashed balls until they cry like a little baby without even firing a single shot. Their only hold over us is our own political correctness. Trump has parked all of that at the gate.

Ideas: the next time those little speedboats zoom at one of our destroyers or aircraft carriers pretending they are full of explosives, blow them totally into slivers. I do think that might stop a lot of this Iran threatening and misbehavior. Right now they think they have us on the run --- or they did until lately. Lately Trump cancelled their blank check to make nukes soon, and then threatened them with the same obliteration they keep threatening us with.

I really don't see why Tucker Carlson said it would "end" Trump's presidency. America hates Iran: we've owed them a defeat since 1979, and I for one would love to see it happen.

Winning is the key. Winning quick and fast and doing a lot of damage and then pulling the troops right out. Do NOT leave them there to be hated for decades!! That hasn't worked. Win and get out. I think the presidency would be Republican for decades if Trump hit Iran and won.
Trump cancelled their blank check to make nukes soon
How did he do that?
Carlson is Spot On. War with Iran would spell the end for Trump.
What kind of war is Iran going to have with us? Unrestricted by our own restraints, we could thump them into oblivion in one night. Trump can squeeze the mullahs by their hairy unwashed balls until they cry like a little baby without even firing a single shot. Their only hold over us is our own political correctness. Trump has parked all of that at the gate.
Seek peace instead. This Permanent War Agenda has become so costly and exhausting.

We always seek peace!
WE are not the ones lobbing ICBMs over Japan!
WE are not the ones playing chicken fight @ 5ft. with MiGs flying at Mach 2!
WE are not the ones building military beachheads out in the middle of international waters!
WE are not the ones screwing over others with unfair trade!
WE are not the ones invading other countries with our poor, uneducated families rather than feed and educate them themselves!
WE are not the ones telling the world their leader isn't welcome here or is a prick!
WE are not the ones demanding partnership in NATO while not even paying our own way!
WE are not the ones asking another country to foot most of the bill for the UN while trash talking them!

WE have bent over backwards kissing other countries asses and SAVING their asses loaning them billions, bailing them out, protecting them with our troops and saving them from world dictators in both WWI and WWII ! There IS no permanent war agenda other than that created by other countries in either their constant threat to us or their exploitation of us. And the reason why most of it occurred is because we have been too docile and too passive for too long, showing WEAKNESS and DOCILITY.

And if any war has ever been costly or exhausting to us, it is only because we chose that way and don't have the balls to fight a war right. You fight a war to WIN, win fast, and win hard; wars have only been costly to us because we dupe ourselves with progressive political correctness.

The ONLY option with IRAN is to deal with them through UNMITIGATED STRENGTH, UNSWERVING DETERMINATION and TOTAL STEELY RESOLVE. Not hesitation, self-doubt and overtures of "we really don't wanna fight." You win wars like poker where you bluff your opponent and call their hand with total, absolute, unrestrained threat of total DESTRUCTION or else! You win wars by never having them, because you SCARE THE LIVING CRAP out of them that you are crazy enough and pressed far enough, wouldn't blink an eye at turning their nation into a dune of glass beads, then selling them off for cheap costume jewelry. You avoid wars by letting the other side know you cannot be bluffed, cannot be threatened, will not back down and have overwhelming command of the situation!

THE CASE CAN BE MADE that most every war of the 20th and 21st century was caused and protracted out into years EXACTLY because of what you say; that we went into it not really wanting to fight and wanted and talked peace instead. Half of those wars never would have even gotten off the ground had we approached them with the full might and extent that our military gives us to utterly obliterate the other side. More men have died because of the FEAR of war and the attempt to mitigate it into a civil, measured police action, than had we gone into them full bore letting our enemy know UP FRONT we were like an angry, sleeping tiger prepared to grease our tank tracks with their blood and guts and not even spill a cup of coffee.

The USA is SO STRONG that had we wanted long ago, we could have taken and owned the world, and every nation owes it to us that their very existence is on our good will and charity that we are the first and only true keepers of the peace there is.

No other nation on earth is invading and killing more than the US is.

Sorry that you've been totally fucked in the head with anti-USA propaganda to believe total horseshit.

Please feel free to point out all the nations doing more invading and killing than the US has since WWII. I'm fair-minded. I'm willing to listen.
Carlson is Spot On. War with Iran would spell the end for Trump.
What kind of war is Iran going to have with us? Unrestricted by our own restraints, we could thump them into oblivion in one night. Trump can squeeze the mullahs by their hairy unwashed balls until they cry like a little baby without even firing a single shot. Their only hold over us is our own political correctness. Trump has parked all of that at the gate.
Seek peace instead. This Permanent War Agenda has become so costly and exhausting.

We always seek peace!
WE are not the ones lobbing ICBMs over Japan!
WE are not the ones playing chicken fight @ 5ft. with MiGs flying at Mach 2!
WE are not the ones building military beachheads out in the middle of international waters!
WE are not the ones screwing over others with unfair trade!
WE are not the ones invading other countries with our poor, uneducated families rather than feed and educate them themselves!
WE are not the ones telling the world their leader isn't welcome here or is a prick!
WE are not the ones demanding partnership in NATO while not even paying our own way!
WE are not the ones asking another country to foot most of the bill for the UN while trash talking them!

WE have bent over backwards kissing other countries asses and SAVING their asses loaning them billions, bailing them out, protecting them with our troops and saving them from world dictators in both WWI and WWII ! There IS no permanent war agenda other than that created by other countries in either their constant threat to us or their exploitation of us. And the reason why most of it occurred is because we have been too docile and too passive for too long, showing WEAKNESS and DOCILITY.

And if any war has ever been costly or exhausting to us, it is only because we chose that way and don't have the balls to fight a war right. You fight a war to WIN, win fast, and win hard; wars have only been costly to us because we dupe ourselves with progressive political correctness.

The ONLY option with IRAN is to deal with them through UNMITIGATED STRENGTH, UNSWERVING DETERMINATION and TOTAL STEELY RESOLVE. Not hesitation, self-doubt and overtures of "we really don't wanna fight." You win wars like poker where you bluff your opponent and call their hand with total, absolute, unrestrained threat of total DESTRUCTION or else! You win wars by never having them, because you SCARE THE LIVING CRAP out of them that you are crazy enough and pressed far enough, wouldn't blink an eye at turning their nation into a dune of glass beads, then selling them off for cheap costume jewelry. You avoid wars by letting the other side know you cannot be bluffed, cannot be threatened, will not back down and have overwhelming command of the situation!

THE CASE CAN BE MADE that most every war of the 20th and 21st century was caused and protracted out into years EXACTLY because of what you say; that we went into it not really wanting to fight and wanted and talked peace instead. Half of those wars never would have even gotten off the ground had we approached them with the full might and extent that our military gives us to utterly obliterate the other side. More men have died because of the FEAR of war and the attempt to mitigate it into a civil, measured police action, than had we gone into them full bore letting our enemy know UP FRONT we were like an angry, sleeping tiger prepared to grease our tank tracks with their blood and guts and not even spill a cup of coffee.

The USA is SO STRONG that had we wanted long ago, we could have taken and owned the world, and every nation owes it to us that their very existence is on our good will and charity that we are the first and only true keepers of the peace there is.

That's a pretty warped mentality. No other nation on earth is invading and killing more than the US is. That's just the honest dark reality. It's Empire. And we need to reverse course. All Empires fall.
So ISIS was okay with you, then?

No, it wasn't 'okay.' Our Government shouldn't have supported it to 'Regime Change' Assad. We have no right to 'Regime Change.' And our closest 'allies' are still funding & arming Jihadis in Syria.

Syria was never any of our business. We had no right invading. The 'Regime Change' policy is an awful policy that needs to be ended.
Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires.

RIGHT. Now all of a sudden some wet-behind-the-ears Fox analyst is the INSIDE SCOOP on how to run the country! Never mind that all the other senior political analysts were WRONG every time. Never mind that so far, Trump's every instinct has worked out for him. Armed with the knowledge that Trump must now seek peace at all costs, even against a tyrannical threat like Iran, that immediately puts Trump in the category of PAPER TIGER. Yep. Another OBAMA. The sure way to defend America and win reelection. Yeah.

Carlson is Spot On. War with Iran would spell the end for Trump.
carlson lives on hype and fear. he's going to take any situation to it's max bad effect and harp on it like a bitch riding horny lightning to the ground and make sure he takes as many as he can with him. he's after ratings, he's after people talking about him, and he's after promoting himself. the last thing carlson and most late night tv pundits are after is the truth,.

He's also making sense. How many wars we up to now? And folks are screeching for another one? What has happened to Americans?
No one is screeching for another war, you dupe! We are trying to AVOID them. The world is full of evil and ambitious people and like I said, the only path to peace is STRENGTH, not talking peace and "good vibrations" with people who want to kill you.

Yes, many Americans are screeching for another war. And as far as the US 'AVOIDING' war goes, that's just hilarious. Completely untrue. No other nation on earth is invading and killing more than US. It never 'AVOIDS' wars.
Please feel free to point out all the nations doing more invading and killing than the US has since WWII. I'm fair-minded. I'm willing to listen.

Let's see --- Congo, by far; Uganda, China, North Korea, Pakistan and India huge numbers there, Iran and Iraq against each other, huge numbers, Ireland against England, Russia against Ukraine, Rwanda of course, internally, 800,000; Lebanon --- no, wait, since WWII? That's way too long -- EVERYBODY has been to war in that time! I mean, darn, you've got all those African wars during communism, you've got Serbia against Albania and Kosovo, Yemen still tearing up Saudi Arabia, you've even got all the French action against Algeria! You've got the Tamil Tigers, Burma --- it's a violent world.

I don't know how we're supposed to evolve as a species if we can't kill each other off.

Fortunately, it's never come up so far.
The 'Regime Change' policy is an awful policy that needs to be ended.

I can remember when Rumsfeld and Cheney foisted this policy onto Bush Jr. It sounded sort of good, get rid of the trouble-making dictators like Kim, Hussain, Castro, etc., but the problem was, it was like a fountain of youth for these guys. Anyone we were against --- well, I don't think Castro is dead YET! They live forever once they are in our sights. Now, that is pretty serious failure. And Assad is profiting from it right now. True, we zapped Saddam, but at what cost, you know?

No, agreed, Regime Change so very doesn't work. I'm for winning. We don't win with regime change. I'd say win the war, let the regime change take care of itself: Berlin, 1945, Hitler shooting himself in the bunker. They can figure it out on their own time.
Please feel free to point out all the nations doing more invading and killing than the US has since WWII. I'm fair-minded. I'm willing to listen.

Let's see --- Congo, by far; Uganda, China, North Korea, Pakistan and India huge numbers there, Iran and Iraq against each other, huge numbers, Ireland against England, Russia against Ukraine, Rwanda of course, internally, 800,000; Lebanon --- no, wait, since WWII? That's way too long -- EVERYBODY has been to war in that time! I mean, darn, you've got all those African wars during communism, you've got Serbia against Albania and Kosovo, Yemen still tearing up Saudi Arabia, you've even got all the French action against Algeria! You've got the Tamil Tigers, Burma --- it's a violent world.

I don't know how we're supposed to evolve as a species if we can't kill each other off.

Fortunately, it's never come up so far.

Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq alone, far outnumber anything those others you cited. The number of horrifically slaughtered, is mind-numbingly astronomical. It's so horrific, most Americans refuse to face it. They live in willful denial. And now, folks are itching to slaughter more in Syria and Iran. I don't get it. Why do so many Americans love war?
The 'Regime Change' policy is an awful policy that needs to be ended.

I can remember when Rumsfeld and Cheney foisted this policy onto Bush Jr. It sounded sort of good, get rid of the trouble-making dictators like Kim, Hussain, Castro, etc., but the problem was, it was like a fountain of youth for these guys. Anyone we were against --- well, I don't think Castro is dead YET! They live forever once they are in our sights. Now, that is pretty serious failure. And Assad is profiting from it right now. True, we zapped Saddam, but at what cost, you know?

No, agreed, Regime Change so very doesn't work. I'm for winning. We don't win with regime change. I'd say win the war, let the regime change take care of itself: Berlin, 1945, Hitler shooting himself in the bunker. They can figure it out on their own time.

Or, we can just leave countries alone. We don't need to be all around the world invading and killing. Does this state of Permanent War have an ending? Does it go on forever?
Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq alone, far outnumber anything those others you cited. The number of horrifically slaughtered, is mind-numbingly astronomical. It's so horrific, most Americans refuse to face it. They live in willful denial. And now, folks are itching to slaughter more in Syria and Iran. I don't get it. Why do so many Americans love war?
Naaaaaah, I study history and war and you are way off. It's a violent world, and I think you are in denial about that. You need some actual facts and numbers on casualties to do a reality check.

We'd all love to be out of Syria; I think we are, practically speaking. It was only interesting because of ISIS anyway. We do have to squelch them, of course: self-defense.

As for Iran, we couldn't find it on the map if they weren't forever screaming "Death to America" and threatening to nuke all Americans: Pres. Rouhani himself said that just the other day! Talk about loving war, darn. We don't say that kind of thing unprovoked. We never used to threaten other countries with annihilation. What are they thinking of?

These types are always saying that crap, of course: Kim used to, too. Trump stopped it, properly. He MAY have stopped Rouhani doing the blowhard, too ---- we'll see. I'm interested in whether Trump just laid down a red line he'll have to back up.....

Of course, Rouhani may be worried about that also. Works for me.
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Or, we can just leave countries alone. We don't need to be all around the world invading and killing. Does this state of Permanent War have an ending? Does it go on forever?

You must be young. Of course it goes on forever!! It always has.

It's intraspecific selection of the fittest. Ants do it too, with wars. Males do it one on one in many, many species. The rams and stallions and dogs and lions fight each other to the death. I think primates (chimps and most other primates also make war) and ants are about it for actual group vs. group war, however.
Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq alone, far outnumber anything those others you cited. The number of horrifically slaughtered, is mind-numbingly astronomical. It's so horrific, most Americans refuse to face it. They live in willful denial. And now, folks are itching to slaughter more in Syria and Iran. I don't get it. Why do so many Americans love war?
Naaaaaah, I study history and war and you are way off. It's a violent world, and I think you are in denial about that. You need some actual facts and numbers on casualties to do a reality check.

We'd all love to be out of Syria; I think we are, practically speaking. It was only interesting because of ISIS anyway. We do have to squelch them, of course: self-defense.

As for Iran, we couldn't find it on the map if they weren't forever screaming "Death to America" and threatening to nuke all Americans: Pres. Rouhani himself said that just the other day! Talk about loving war, darn. We don't say that kind of thing unprovoked. We never used to threaten other countries with annihilation. What are they thinking of?

These types are always saying that crap, of course: Kim used to, too. Trump stopped it, properly. He MAY have stopped Rouhani doing the blowhard, too ---- we'll see. I'm interested in whether Trump just laid down a red line he'll have to back up.....

Of course, Rouhani may be worried about that also. Works for me.

More folks should be asking why they're screaming 'Death to America?' It goes back to the CIA overthrowing the Democratically-Elected Mohammad Mosaddegh. It replaced him with a brutal Dictator Puppet. The Shah killed and imprisoned Thousands.

That CIA Coup led to the Islamic Revolution. They haven't forgiven the US's meddling. Many Iranians saw their family members killed and imprisoned by the Shah. So i can understand their hostility towards the US.
Or, we can just leave countries alone. We don't need to be all around the world invading and killing. Does this state of Permanent War have an ending? Does it go on forever?

You must be young. Of course it goes on forever!! It always has.

It's intraspecific selection of the fittest. Ants do it too, with wars. Males do it one on one in many, many species. The rams and stallions and dogs and lions fight each other to the death. I think primates (chimps and most other primates also make war) and ants are about it for actual group vs. group war, however.

I hear ya, human beings are very hateful destructive beings. But we can seek peace. It's possible. We don't have to be stuck in a permanent state of war. War with Iran doesn't have to be inevitable.
Trump's too much of a pussy to go to war with anyone. He talks tough, but as soon as he is in the presence of strength, he drops to his knees and fellates in public.

You are incredibly, amazingly disgusting.

As well as being a condescending asshole.
Trump's too much of a pussy to go to war with anyone. He talks tough, but as soon as he is in the presence of strength, he drops to his knees and fellates in public.

You are incredibly, amazingly disgusting.
Trump's obsequiousness to commie dictators is indeed incredibly, amazingly disgusting. I'm sorry it offends you to have it pointed out.
What kind of war is Iran going to have with us? Unrestricted by our own restraints, we could thump them into oblivion in one night. Trump can squeeze the mullahs by their hairy unwashed balls until they cry like a little baby without even firing a single shot. Their only hold over us is our own political correctness. Trump has parked all of that at the gate.
Seek peace instead. This Permanent War Agenda has become so costly and exhausting.

We always seek peace!
WE are not the ones lobbing ICBMs over Japan!
WE are not the ones playing chicken fight @ 5ft. with MiGs flying at Mach 2!
WE are not the ones building military beachheads out in the middle of international waters!
WE are not the ones screwing over others with unfair trade!
WE are not the ones invading other countries with our poor, uneducated families rather than feed and educate them themselves!
WE are not the ones telling the world their leader isn't welcome here or is a prick!
WE are not the ones demanding partnership in NATO while not even paying our own way!
WE are not the ones asking another country to foot most of the bill for the UN while trash talking them!

WE have bent over backwards kissing other countries asses and SAVING their asses loaning them billions, bailing them out, protecting them with our troops and saving them from world dictators in both WWI and WWII ! There IS no permanent war agenda other than that created by other countries in either their constant threat to us or their exploitation of us. And the reason why most of it occurred is because we have been too docile and too passive for too long, showing WEAKNESS and DOCILITY.

And if any war has ever been costly or exhausting to us, it is only because we chose that way and don't have the balls to fight a war right. You fight a war to WIN, win fast, and win hard; wars have only been costly to us because we dupe ourselves with progressive political correctness.

The ONLY option with IRAN is to deal with them through UNMITIGATED STRENGTH, UNSWERVING DETERMINATION and TOTAL STEELY RESOLVE. Not hesitation, self-doubt and overtures of "we really don't wanna fight." You win wars like poker where you bluff your opponent and call their hand with total, absolute, unrestrained threat of total DESTRUCTION or else! You win wars by never having them, because you SCARE THE LIVING CRAP out of them that you are crazy enough and pressed far enough, wouldn't blink an eye at turning their nation into a dune of glass beads, then selling them off for cheap costume jewelry. You avoid wars by letting the other side know you cannot be bluffed, cannot be threatened, will not back down and have overwhelming command of the situation!

THE CASE CAN BE MADE that most every war of the 20th and 21st century was caused and protracted out into years EXACTLY because of what you say; that we went into it not really wanting to fight and wanted and talked peace instead. Half of those wars never would have even gotten off the ground had we approached them with the full might and extent that our military gives us to utterly obliterate the other side. More men have died because of the FEAR of war and the attempt to mitigate it into a civil, measured police action, than had we gone into them full bore letting our enemy know UP FRONT we were like an angry, sleeping tiger prepared to grease our tank tracks with their blood and guts and not even spill a cup of coffee.

The USA is SO STRONG that had we wanted long ago, we could have taken and owned the world, and every nation owes it to us that their very existence is on our good will and charity that we are the first and only true keepers of the peace there is.

No other nation on earth is invading and killing more than the US is.

Sorry that you've been totally fucked in the head with anti-USA propaganda to believe total horseshit.

Please feel free to point out all the nations doing more invading and killing than the US has since WWII. I'm fair-minded. I'm willing to listen.
Please feel free to tell me all the places we invaded and killed that was not necessary, welcome, or out of a greater good of fighting evil or communism?
How many wars has President Trump started?
Oh yea, none.
He bitchslapped North Korea into submission, and he’ll do the same with Iran.
Sit back and enjoy the show.
He bitchslapped North Korea into submission." :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
When was the last time NK launched an ICBM?
When was the last time they put Japan on high alert?
When was the last time they conducted an underground test?
When was the last time Kim threatened to destroy our mainland or anywhere else?
When was the last time Kim shook hands with S. Korea?
Oh yeah. Not on Obama's watch, right after Trump met them head on like a bull.:1peleas:
Sure, honey....they are totally submissive now.....:777:
It's nearly impossible to find a true submissive. A line from Skin Deep by Tim Hallinan.
Trump's too much of a pussy to go to war with anyone. He talks tough, but as soon as he is in the presence of strength, he drops to his knees and fellates in public.
Trump has a strong sanctions hand on Iran, though he could piss it away by entering a trade war with everyone. But it is very weird that he seems to equate moral decency and respect for individual rights with weakness. I suppose it could just be because Putin really does have the goods on him, but it does seem Trump just loves him some autocrats.

But you are right, he caves like the bully he is when he can't get what he wants, and war with Iran is a loser.

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