Tucker Carlson: War With Iran ‘Will Destroy’ Trump’s Presidency...

Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires. It would deeply upset the Deep State/CIA, but it's the right way to go. He should throw the dice and seek peace with all nations. He has nothing to lose. They're moving full speed ahead with their Coup-attempt regardless. Go for peace, and really throw em for a loop.

Fox News

I saw this yesterday. Tucker Carlson said essentially that fucking with this president would be a grave error. However, he also said the media said identically the same rubbish with respect to N. KOREA...and that seemed to turn out great. Trump isn't looking for a war, but then again he won't back down from a real threat.

FYI, this is what presidents are supposed to do. Not kiss the enemy's butts like Obama did....or allow the problem to fester and become a bigger problem. Deal with it immediately.

Oh really? is that WHY he has backed down from warmonger Israel and kissing their ass funding their corruption? and what do you call expanding Obamas war In Syria? that hardly sounds like a president not looking for a war.

Israel is our ally in the ME.


Expanded or dealt with?
Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires.

RIGHT. Now all of a sudden some wet-behind-the-ears Fox analyst is the INSIDE SCOOP on how to run the country! Never mind that all the other senior political analysts were WRONG every time. Never mind that so far, Trump's every instinct has worked out for him. Armed with the knowledge that Trump must now seek peace at all costs, even against a tyrannical threat like Iran, that immediately puts Trump in the category of PAPER TIGER. Yep. Another

What kind of war is Iran going to have with us? Unrestricted by our own restraints, we could thump them into oblivion in one night. Trump can squeeze the mullahs by their hairy unwashed balls until they cry like a little baby without even firing a single shot. Their only hold over us is our own political correctness. Trump has parked all of that at the gate.OBAMA. The sure way to defend America and win reelection. Yeah.

What kind of war is Iran going to have with us? Unrestricted by our own restraints, we could thump them into oblivion in one night. Trump can squeeze the mullahs by their hairy unwashed balls until they cry like a little baby without even firing a single shot. Their only hold over us is our own political correctness. Trump has parked all of that at the gate.

there you go with your babble and lies that Iran is a threat and shilling for Israel like the troll you are ignoring how THEY are the warmongers and threat to the world.

Look you goddamned demented JACKASS, I said Iran was NO threat, not a threat. And I never even mentioned Israel at all! If you can't quit the fucking drugs and stop jerking off while you read in your parent's basement sipping green ice tea, then learn to fucking read and get some mental health counseling before posting again. :1peleas:
Iran is no threat to us whatsoever. Just like all the other countries we've invaded and bombed over several decades. Why support starting another war? What are you gonna get out of it? You're only gonna pay for it. You'll never see any benefit from it. Only the few wealthy Elites will.

You'll just pay for another one of their wars, and get absolutely nothing out of it. This Permanent War Agenda only puts you and your country in more danger. Maybe it's time to consider no longer supporting it?

The plan to go to war with Iran has been in the works for years. It's all about Empire. Iran refuses to be a US Puppet, therefore it's being targeted for destruction. Any leader and nation refusing to be a US Puppet, goes on the list. Sadly, the MIC will likely get its war with Iran. It usually gets its wars. And average Americans will always pay for them with their blood and treasure.

None of these numerous wars benefit average Americans. They only benefit the Elites who are already very wealthy and powerful. Iran is no threat to the US whatsoever. Just like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. It's all about Empire nowadays. It's what our Founding Fathers warned against. It's time to reverse course. Let's end the Permanent War Agenda, and come home.

you took her and everybody else to school on this.WHY people cant come to terms with this reality and deal with these facts is absurd.thats why "I" have been saying ever since i came to your thread today,you said it better than I ever could,i almost could not have said it better myself.:up: I just hope Trump will do what no other president since Kennedy has done and stand up the bankers.thats the only way we will can avoid war with Iran.

The reason we will hit Iran is that they are one of the few Nations that still control their own monetary policy.

Please expand on your ASSERTION

Iran's Central Bank is Iranian owned, that they will not allow to stand.

“We’re Going to Take out 7 Countries in 5 Years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran..”
Wesley Clark

In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned Central Bank:

    • Afghanistan
    • Iraq
    • Sudan
    • Libya
    • Cuba
    • North Korea
The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family are:

    • Cuba
    • North Korea
    • Iran
Only 3 Countries Left Without a Rothschild Central Bank – 3 More Wars? – Investment Watch Blog


Last link you'll get, EVERYTHING is in the open they aren't hiding ANY of it. You'll have to do your own research from here honey.


ROFLAMAO @ "globalresearch" <<<islamonazi shit. I am an OLD LADY----and was reading that shit by the time I was 10 years
old------I know it well.
You have any non shit? Why do you call yourself 'DOC' You got a Ph-d or MD?
Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires. It would deeply upset the Deep State/CIA, but it's the right way to go. He should throw the dice and seek peace with all nations. He has nothing to lose. They're moving full speed ahead with their Coup-attempt regardless. Go for peace, and really throw em for a loop.

Fox News

Trump will probably do what he always does: Make a lot of noise, create a crisis, then have a meeting, declare the President of Iran to be a great guy. Nothing will change except that he'll make a few concessions to Iran while the U.S. gets nothing.

That's Trump diplomacy.

What matters is only that the Dup'd Trumpbots remain Dup'd Trumpbots.

Trump does not have the political backing to go to war
Obama did not create the ongoing war in Syria----Iran
did it

No, Obama got us involved in Syria. Iran isn't the Commander in Chief of our armed forces. I'm disappointed with Trump for expanding Obama's war there.

Carlson is Spot On. War with Iran would spell the end for Trump.

Trump can’t be drafted

Heel Spurs

as I understand heel spurs-----the surgery is difficult---but possible
Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires. It would deeply upset the Deep State/CIA, but it's the right way to go. He should throw the dice and seek peace with all nations. He has nothing to lose. They're moving full speed ahead with their Coup-attempt regardless. Go for peace, and really throw em for a loop.

Fox News

Trump will probably do what he always does: Make a lot of noise, create a crisis, then have a meeting, declare the President of Iran to be a great guy. Nothing will change except that he'll make a few concessions to Iran while the U.S. gets nothing.

That's Trump diplomacy.

What matters is only that the Dup'd Trumpbots remain Dup'd Trumpbots.

Trump does not have the political backing to go to war

try to broaden your mind--------a declaration of war is not the only way to FIGHT IRAN MILITARILY
Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires. It would deeply upset the Deep State/CIA, but it's the right way to go. He should throw the dice and seek peace with all nations. He has nothing to lose. They're moving full speed ahead with their Coup-attempt regardless. Go for peace, and really throw em for a loop.

Fox News

Trump will probably do what he always does: Make a lot of noise, create a crisis, then have a meeting, declare the President of Iran to be a great guy. Nothing will change except that he'll make a few concessions to Iran while the U.S. gets nothing.

That's Trump diplomacy.

What matters is only that the Dup'd Trumpbots remain Dup'd Trumpbots.

Trump does not have the political backing to go to war

Nothing a False Flag operation can't fix. But regardless, US Presidents don't need such 'backing.' They don't need Congressional approval for war. We don't declare war anymore. We haven't since WWII.
Obama did not create the ongoing war in Syria----Iran
did it

No, Obama got us involved in Syria. Iran isn't the Commander in Chief of our armed forces. I'm disappointed with Trump for expanding Obama's war there.

Carlson is Spot On. War with Iran would spell the end for Trump.

Trump can’t be drafted

Heel Spurs

as I understand heel spurs-----the surgery is difficult---but possible

Fat Donnie is so brave
Braver than the Generals
Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires. It would deeply upset the Deep State/CIA, but it's the right way to go. He should throw the dice and seek peace with all nations. He has nothing to lose. They're moving full speed ahead with their Coup-attempt regardless. Go for peace, and really throw em for a loop.

Fox News

Trump will probably do what he always does: Make a lot of noise, create a crisis, then have a meeting, declare the President of Iran to be a great guy. Nothing will change except that he'll make a few concessions to Iran while the U.S. gets nothing.

That's Trump diplomacy.

What matters is only that the Dup'd Trumpbots remain Dup'd Trumpbots.

Trump does not have the political backing to go to war

Nothing a False Flag operation can't fix. But regardless, US Presidents don't need such 'backing.' They don't need Congressional approval for war. We don't declare war anymore. We haven't since WWII.

They can launch cruise missiles and drop bombs
If they want boots on the ground, they need Congressional support

Even worse, if the people oppose a Trump invasion, Republicans will pay a severe price
Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires. It would deeply upset the Deep State/CIA, but it's the right way to go. He should throw the dice and seek peace with all nations. He has nothing to lose. They're moving full speed ahead with their Coup-attempt regardless. Go for peace, and really throw em for a loop.

Fox News

Trump will probably do what he always does: Make a lot of noise, create a crisis, then have a meeting, declare the President of Iran to be a great guy. Nothing will change except that he'll make a few concessions to Iran while the U.S. gets nothing.

That's Trump diplomacy.

What matters is only that the Dup'd Trumpbots remain Dup'd Trumpbots.

Trump does not have the political backing to go to war

Nothing a False Flag operation can't fix. But regardless, US Presidents don't need such 'backing.' They don't need Congressional approval for war. We don't declare war anymore. We haven't since WWII.

They can launch cruise missiles and drop bombs
If they want boots on the ground, they need Congressional support

Even worse, if the people oppose a Trump invasion, Republicans will pay a severe price

Unfortunately, the People do what they're told. They can always come up with a False Flag event that gets the Sheeple onboard. Americans in general, love war. It's all they know. So it doesn't take much to convince them to go along.

Most have forgotten about this False Flag event, but it was pivotal in swaying the Sheeple to go along...

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Carlson, a reformed former Neocon, is Spot On. Trump should seek peace and get us out of all current quagmires. It would deeply upset the Deep State/CIA, but it's the right way to go. He should throw the dice and seek peace with all nations. He has nothing to lose. They're moving full speed ahead with their Coup-attempt regardless. Go for peace, and really throw em for a loop.

Fox News

Trump will probably do what he always does: Make a lot of noise, create a crisis, then have a meeting, declare the President of Iran to be a great guy. Nothing will change except that he'll make a few concessions to Iran while the U.S. gets nothing.

That's Trump diplomacy.

What matters is only that the Dup'd Trumpbots remain Dup'd Trumpbots.

Trump does not have the political backing to go to war

Nothing a False Flag operation can't fix. But regardless, US Presidents don't need such 'backing.' They don't need Congressional approval for war. We don't declare war anymore. We haven't since WWII.

They can launch cruise missiles and drop bombs
If they want boots on the ground, they need Congressional support

Even worse, if the people oppose a Trump invasion, Republicans will pay a severe price

Unfortunately, the People do what they're told. They can always come up with a False Flag event that gets the Sheeple onboard. Americans in general, love war. It's all they know. So it doesn't take much to convince them to go along.

Most have forgotten about this False Flag event, but it was pivotal in swaying the Sheeple to go along...

I think other Presidents could come up with a false flag

I doubt if Trump is trusted in what he tells the people

Plus......after Afghanistan and Iraq all the way back to Vietnam
The people’s trust in a presidents word to go to war is gone
Trump will probably do what he always does: Make a lot of noise, create a crisis, then have a meeting, declare the President of Iran to be a great guy. Nothing will change except that he'll make a few concessions to Iran while the U.S. gets nothing.

That's Trump diplomacy.

What matters is only that the Dup'd Trumpbots remain Dup'd Trumpbots.
Trump does not have the political backing to go to war

Nothing a False Flag operation can't fix. But regardless, US Presidents don't need such 'backing.' They don't need Congressional approval for war. We don't declare war anymore. We haven't since WWII.
They can launch cruise missiles and drop bombs
If they want boots on the ground, they need Congressional support

I hear ya,
Even worse, if the people oppose a Trump invasion, Republicans will pay a severe price

Unfortunately, the People do what they're told. They can always come up with a False Flag event that gets the Sheeple onboard. Americans in general, love war. It's all they know. So it doesn't take much to convince them to go along.

Most have forgotten about this False Flag event, but it was pivotal in swaying the Sheeple to go along...

I think other Presidents could come up with a false flag

I doubt if Trump is trusted in what he tells the people

Plus......after Afghanistan and Iraq all the way back to Vietnam
The people’s trust in a presidents word to go to war is gone

I hear ya, but i can't agree. False Flags work. It's been proven all throughout history. The most recent one being in Syria. There was no 'Assad-Chemical Attack.' Most Americans have fully supported us bombing and invading Syria. So, i have no doubt they're cooking up another False Flag Event in regards to Iran. Will the American People go along again? Sadly, probably.

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