Tucker Carlson’s Last Show, on COVID Vaccines: “Filthy and Dishonest News Media…Willing to Hurt You on Behalf of Advertisers.”


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012

Fox’s top-rated news host Tucker Carlson, 3.5 million regular viewers and television’s highest-rated cable news program, has been fired days after making these remarks. Coincidentally globalist superpower Blackrock reportedly increased its ownership of Fox by 15% this year. Blackrock’s assets are greater than most countries’ GDPs and it controls all major media and Big Pharma. It manages money for the world’s richest families, including Rothchilds, JP Morgan, and Rockefeller.

Following is a selection of Carlson’s broadsides and remarks leading up to the sudden firing.

Tucker Carlson lead to opening monologue April 19, 2023, last broadcast:

“Sometimes you wonder just how filthy and dishonest our news media are…is any news organization you know of so corrupt that it’s willing to hurt you on behalf of its biggest advertisers? Anyone who would do that is obviously Pablo Escobar-level corrupt…

Ask yourself, is any news organization you know of so corrupt that it’s willing to hurt you on behalf of its biggest advertisers? Anyone who would do that is obviously Pablo Escobar-level corrupt and should not be trusted. What would that look like? That level of corruption? Well, imagine that the Trump administration had made it mandatory for American citizens to buy MyPillow. That’s one of Fox News’s biggest advertisers.

Imagine the administration declared that if you didn’t rush out and buy at least one MyPillow and then at least another booster pillow, you would not be allowed to eat out. You couldn’t reenter your own country. You couldn’t have a paying job. Mypillow They told you the straight face was the very linchpin of our country’s public health system. No matches. They told you that that Fox as a news organization endorsed it, amplified the government’s message.

Imagine if Fox News attacked anyone who refused to buy MyPillow as an ally of Russia, as an enemy of science. And then imagine that Fox kept up those libelous attacks, even as evidence mounted that MyPillow caused heart attacks, fertility problems and death. If Fox News did that, what would you think of Fox News? Would you trust us? Of course you wouldn’t. You wouldn’t know that we were liars.

Thank heaven Fox News never did anything like that. But the other channels did. The other channels took hundreds of millions of dollars from big pharma companies, and then they shelled for their sketchy products on the air. And as they did that, they maligned anyone who was skeptical of those products. At the very least, this was a moral crime. It was disgusting, but it was universal. It happened across the American news media. They all did it. So at this point, the question isn’t who in public life is corrupt? Too many to count. The question is who is telling the truth?

There are not many of those. One of them is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Robert Kennedy knew early that the COVID vaccines were both ineffective and potentially dangerous and he said so in public to the extent he was allowed. Science has since proven Robert f. Kennedy Jr. right. Unequivocally right.

But Kennedy was not rewarded for this. He was vilified. He was censored because he dared to criticize their advertisers, the news media called Bobby Kennedy a Nazi, and then they attacked his family, but he kept doing it. He was not intimidated and we were glad he wasn’t. This is one of those moments when it’s nice to have a truth teller around. It’s helpful because suddenly the stakes are very high.”

Hey I’m looking forward to his next show. What it’s like at the Unemployment Office. See first hand.

Fox’s top-rated news host Tucker Carlson, 3.5 million regular viewers and television’s highest-rated cable news program, has been fired days after making these remarks. Coincidentally globalist superpower Blackrock reportedly increased its ownership of Fox by 15% this year. Blackrock’s assets are greater than most countries’ GDPs and it controls all major media and Big Pharma. It manages money for the world’s richest families, including Rothchilds, JP Morgan, and Rockefeller.

Following is a selection of Carlson’s broadsides and remarks leading up to the sudden firing.

Tucker Carlson lead to opening monologue April 19, 2023, last broadcast:

“Sometimes you wonder just how filthy and dishonest our news media are…is any news organization you know of so corrupt that it’s willing to hurt you on behalf of its biggest advertisers? Anyone who would do that is obviously Pablo Escobar-level corrupt…

Ask yourself, is any news organization you know of so corrupt that it’s willing to hurt you on behalf of its biggest advertisers? Anyone who would do that is obviously Pablo Escobar-level corrupt and should not be trusted. What would that look like? That level of corruption? Well, imagine that the Trump administration had made it mandatory for American citizens to buy MyPillow. That’s one of Fox News’s biggest advertisers.

Imagine the administration declared that if you didn’t rush out and buy at least one MyPillow and then at least another booster pillow, you would not be allowed to eat out. You couldn’t reenter your own country. You couldn’t have a paying job. Mypillow They told you the straight face was the very linchpin of our country’s public health system. No matches. They told you that that Fox as a news organization endorsed it, amplified the government’s message.

Imagine if Fox News attacked anyone who refused to buy MyPillow as an ally of Russia, as an enemy of science. And then imagine that Fox kept up those libelous attacks, even as evidence mounted that MyPillow caused heart attacks, fertility problems and death. If Fox News did that, what would you think of Fox News? Would you trust us? Of course you wouldn’t. You wouldn’t know that we were liars.

Thank heaven Fox News never did anything like that. But the other channels did. The other channels took hundreds of millions of dollars from big pharma companies, and then they shelled for their sketchy products on the air. And as they did that, they maligned anyone who was skeptical of those products. At the very least, this was a moral crime. It was disgusting, but it was universal. It happened across the American news media. They all did it. So at this point, the question isn’t who in public life is corrupt? Too many to count. The question is who is telling the truth?

There are not many of those. One of them is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Robert Kennedy knew early that the COVID vaccines were both ineffective and potentially dangerous and he said so in public to the extent he was allowed. Science has since proven Robert f. Kennedy Jr. right. Unequivocally right.

But Kennedy was not rewarded for this. He was vilified. He was censored because he dared to criticize their advertisers, the news media called Bobby Kennedy a Nazi, and then they attacked his family, but he kept doing it. He was not intimidated and we were glad he wasn’t. This is one of those moments when it’s nice to have a truth teller around. It’s helpful because suddenly the stakes are very high.”

When did you idiots figure out that Fox News is controlled by evil ‘globalists’?

When they were paying Tucker millions or when they fired him?
Its the evil globalists now?

Is that the new lie that must be clung to because the old election stolen lie has been ousted so hard that it cost FOX almost a billion dollars?

I am losing what little faith I have left in people.
Its the evil globalists now?

Is that the new lie that must be clung to because the old election stolen lie has been ousted so hard that it cost FOX almost a billion dollars?

I am losing what little faith I have left in people.
60 years of The Great Society spending tens of trillions of dollars and promising to ending poverty can do that. That is just a start.
Glad you found it!

That was what RFK Jr. was talking about the reason he was "let-go".
He will follow in the footsteps of Glen Beck and try to create his own media empire.
Lied about what? He was completely accurate. The CDC just said the Covid Shots don't work and stop taking them. Take the new one. LOL! And, who made the money? All the politicians that were supporting the shots. They made Billions! And you keep supporting them.
No....that's not what they said.
No....that's not what they said.

All of you are liars! Manufactured pandemic from China and now it looks like there's been gain of function research in Wisconsin as well. Then, the leftists manufactured the shutdowns and forced people to get the vaccines that never slowed or stopped the spread of the virus. People that were going to get it got it regardless of the shots or not. Millions died of genocide and the politically powerful just got rich as they bought up shares of stock in the pharma companies.

All of you are liars! Manufactured pandemic from China and now it looks like there's been gain of function research in Wisconsin as well. Then, the leftists manufactured the shutdowns and forced people to get the vaccines that never slowed or stopped the spread of the virus. People that were going to get it got it regardless of the shots or not. Millions died of genocide and the politically powerful just got rich as they bought up shares of stock in the pharma companies.
This is a gross misrepresentation of the testimony she is giving.

The most resent booster series has demonstrated insufficient efficacy against the current variants.

That is ENTIRELY different from suggesting that vaccines never "slowed or stopped the virus"

Fox’s top-rated news host Tucker Carlson, 3.5 million regular viewers and television’s highest-rated cable news program, has been fired days after making these remarks. Coincidentally globalist superpower Blackrock reportedly increased its ownership of Fox by 15% this year. Blackrock’s assets are greater than most countries’ GDPs and it controls all major media and Big Pharma. It manages money for the world’s richest families, including Rothchilds, JP Morgan, and Rockefeller.

Following is a selection of Carlson’s broadsides and remarks leading up to the sudden firing.

Tucker Carlson lead to opening monologue April 19, 2023, last broadcast:

“Sometimes you wonder just how filthy and dishonest our news media are…is any news organization you know of so corrupt that it’s willing to hurt you on behalf of its biggest advertisers? Anyone who would do that is obviously Pablo Escobar-level corrupt…

Ask yourself, is any news organization you know of so corrupt that it’s willing to hurt you on behalf of its biggest advertisers? Anyone who would do that is obviously Pablo Escobar-level corrupt and should not be trusted. What would that look like? That level of corruption? Well, imagine that the Trump administration had made it mandatory for American citizens to buy MyPillow. That’s one of Fox News’s biggest advertisers.

Imagine the administration declared that if you didn’t rush out and buy at least one MyPillow and then at least another booster pillow, you would not be allowed to eat out. You couldn’t reenter your own country. You couldn’t have a paying job. Mypillow They told you the straight face was the very linchpin of our country’s public health system. No matches. They told you that that Fox as a news organization endorsed it, amplified the government’s message.

Imagine if Fox News attacked anyone who refused to buy MyPillow as an ally of Russia, as an enemy of science. And then imagine that Fox kept up those libelous attacks, even as evidence mounted that MyPillow caused heart attacks, fertility problems and death. If Fox News did that, what would you think of Fox News? Would you trust us? Of course you wouldn’t. You wouldn’t know that we were liars.

Thank heaven Fox News never did anything like that. But the other channels did. The other channels took hundreds of millions of dollars from big pharma companies, and then they shelled for their sketchy products on the air. And as they did that, they maligned anyone who was skeptical of those products. At the very least, this was a moral crime. It was disgusting, but it was universal. It happened across the American news media. They all did it. So at this point, the question isn’t who in public life is corrupt? Too many to count. The question is who is telling the truth?

There are not many of those. One of them is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Robert Kennedy knew early that the COVID vaccines were both ineffective and potentially dangerous and he said so in public to the extent he was allowed. Science has since proven Robert f. Kennedy Jr. right. Unequivocally right.

But Kennedy was not rewarded for this. He was vilified. He was censored because he dared to criticize their advertisers, the news media called Bobby Kennedy a Nazi, and then they attacked his family, but he kept doing it. He was not intimidated and we were glad he wasn’t. This is one of those moments when it’s nice to have a truth teller around. It’s helpful because suddenly the stakes are very high.”

Go Tucker! Yes, he knows RFK Jr. was onto their pathologies. So this was Tucker's last Fox News show? No wonder the nazis are concerned.
Tucker was that fucker willing to lie for big media for the big bucks, he is totally complicit.

All of you are liars! Manufactured pandemic from China and now it looks like there's been gain of function research in Wisconsin as well. Then, the leftists manufactured the shutdowns and forced people to get the vaccines that never slowed or stopped the spread of the virus. People that were going to get it got it regardless of the shots or not. Millions died of genocide and the politically powerful just got rich as they bought up shares of stock in the pharma companies.
GoF in Wisconsin? The Japanese guy? Try Hunter Biden's link to Metabiota on for size. The same virus Metabiota collected underwent GoF in a Huazhong Chinese communist lab.

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