Tucker Carlson’s Latest Bombshell About January 6 Might Make You Rethink Everything

Sure, why not go the distance in trying to frame innocent protestors

"innocent protestors"


Tucker Carlson’s Latest Bombshell About January 6 Might Make You Rethink Everything

8 Jan 2024 ~~ By Matt Margolis

PJ Media readers already know that the Jan. 6 Capitol riot wasn’t an insurrection, but it’s still absolutely mind-blowing just how much we’ve been lied about the events of that day.
The truth has never stopped the left from pushing the narrative that it wants, between the criminally partisan House Select Committee on Jan. 6 and Joe Biden's annual speeches making insane accusations and debunked mischaracterizations, it's almost a miracle they haven't turned Jan. 6 into a federal holiday akin to Memorial Day. According to the left, it was not only an insurrection, but as many as five Capitol Police officers died that day when there were actually zero.
Why do they continue to push these falsehoods and bogus narratives? For one thing, it's pretty much the only message Biden has (but, sadly for him, it's not working), and it's also an effective fundraising tool. According to a report from The Hill, Biden's campaign raised more than a million dollars following his January 6 anniversary speech.
Is the truth starting to sink in?
But again, we're being sold a huge barrel of lies. In an interview with Tucker Carlson on the new Tucker Carlson Network, Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.), who has been investigating the Capitol riot, says that there were at least 200 undercover FBI assets embedded in the crowd, inside and outside of the Capitol Building.
“We believe that there were easily 200 FBI undercover assets operating in the crowd outside the Capitol, embedded into groups that entered the Capitol or provoked entry of the Capitol,” Higgins told Carlson. "Given the scope of the operation and the number of doors where entry was allowed or even encouraged — and the number of people that were actually outside the Capitol and that entered — we believe 200 [is a] conservative number."
“It’s shocking what you’re saying and confirms everyone’s worst suspicions about this,” Carlson told Higgins, clearly alarmed by this new information. “It’s clearly true.”
Higgins said that based on the evidence he's reviewed, the FBI worked with local law enforcement, including the Capitol Police. The undercover agents, Higgins said, dressed as Trump supporters inside the Capitol “because those were the guys that knew their way around the Capitol.”
As Carlson explained in the interview, FBI Director Wray has long refused to answer whether the FBI had assets dressed as Trump supporters at the Capitol that day.
Higgins believes that anti-Trumpers in the FBI orchestrated the entire thing.
“It’s a complex web of FBI assets across the country that can be activated. So, if you have authority at some of the highest levels in the FBI, it doesn’t take much,” Higgins explained.
In other words, according to Higgins, the evidence suggests that the Capitol riot, which has been used as a pretext to incarcerate Trump supporters without trial and to even prevent Trump from being allowed on the ballot in various states, was a set-up.
“I’m following the evidence, and to my horror, it implicates our FBI at the highest level,” Higgins said.

As Carlson explained in the interview, FBI Director Wray has long refused to answer whether the FBI had assets dressed as Trump supporters at the Capitol that day.
One point that Higgins made was that it is highly improbable that civilians would know how to get around the Capitol without help from people who knew where they were going..
Higgins says the evidence points to FBI undercover agents who planted the seeds of a “radical occupation” of the Capitol online before Jan. 6.
“Some of that evidence shockingly reveals that the FBI agents that were operating undercover within the online groups across the country were the first ones to plant the seeds of suggestions of a more radical occupation of the Capitol.”
Like Sullivan’s Insurgence USA? He was posting just that sort of stuff to his followers.
It wasn’t MAGA people he was inciting to go to DC. Sullivan was calling for the people who follow him, leftists or anarchists, to disguise themselves as Trump supporters when they got to DC.
This was a rather ingenious use of violent and non-violent stampeding, go spies, and agent provocateurs, to generate the appearance of aggression from initially peaceful/unarmed protesters who were by stages harassed, led and herded into the wrong place at the wrong time and had to start extricating/defending themselves. the videos I’ve seen speak for themselves.
One point that Higgins made was that it is highly improbable that civilians would know how to get around the Capitol without help from people who knew where they were going.

The government would have never voluntarily told the American people that these armed, undercover DOJ/DEA agents were walking east from the Ellipse area on January 6 during Trump's speech.

Russian Propaganda.
No I don't. You aren't capable of dealing with the reality you see with your own eyes, so don't try telling me ----.
Teabaggers follow what their dear leader claims and that's that.

Trump's latest speech compared to '1984': 'What you're ...​

The Independent
https://www.the-independent.com › ... › US politics

Jul 25, 2018 — “Just stick with us, don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news,” Mr Trump said as the crowd erupted in boos. He later ...
For clarity's sake, Higgins "claims" he has evidence.
Yes, he did, and if you had bothered to watch the interview and were honest, you would have known that much of the evidence he and his mates have examined is classified and cannot yet be made public.
Yes, he did, and if you had bothered to watch the interview and were honest, you would have known that much of the evidence he and his mates have examined is classified and cannot yet be made public.

Thanks for agreeing with me that so far, all Higgins gave is are his claims there were at least 200 FBI assets there.
Thanks for agreeing with me that so far, all Higgins gave is are his claims there were at least 200 FBI assets there.
A minimum of 200 assets. The difference between you and me is that you believe Liz Cheney & Co, and I recognize them as pathological political liars.

Maybe I'm wrong, but Higgins comes across as one of the good guys, an honest cop and investigator before he joined Congress.

You go with Liz, I'll go with Clay. Deal?
A minimum of 200 assets. The difference between you and me is that you believe Liz Cheney & Co, and I recognize them as pathological political liars.

Maybe I'm wrong, but Higgins comes across as one of the good guys, an honest cop and investigator before he joined Congress.

You go with Liz, I'll go with Clay. Deal?

Or no assets.
So among a crowd of more than hundred thousand, 2 were Antifa
According to an unnamed source?

So how come they weren't arrested?
Why do you think, and those were the only two identified, my cousin was there, never went near the capital and said nothing happened till buses came in half an hour later is when the launched the smoke grenades at protestors
Why do you think, and those were the only two identified, my cousin was there, never went near the capital and said nothing happened till buses came in half an hour later is when the launched the smoke grenades at protestors

Not true. The violence began before then when Trump's thugs attacked police to break past the outer barricades.

And again I ask, since you didn't answer... why were none of the people arrested affiliated with Anitifa?
Not true. The violence began before then when Trump's thugs attacked police to break past the outer barricades.

And again I ask, since you didn't answer... why were none of the people arrested affiliated with Anitifa?
Nope sorry those were agitators. Why do you think, they were there for that purpose they were used and let go their own way.
Nope sorry those were agitators. Why do you think, they were there for that purpose they were used and let go their own way.

Doesn't matter if they were agitators. The violence began before the police had to resort to riot control.
It has been shown

No, it actually hasn't been.

First, the claim was made by an unnamed source. Who was that source? Were they reliable? Were they being honest? No one knows.

Secondly, how do they know they were affiliated with Antifa? Their claim of identifying them as Antifa was that they recognized them from an earlier protest. Your link to the NY Post provides a link to that protest but there's no mention of anyone at that protest being with Antifa. So there's no way of knowing if they actually were Antifa.

Thirdly, the unnamed source claims they recognized two people on Insurrection Day. That's it. Two. There were far more than 2 people fighting through those barricades.

Fourthly, even if there were some Antifa members there, you have absolutely no evidence whatsoever they were among the group busting through those outer barricades.

Fifthly, investigations have determined there were no members of Antifa there. However, there were some Trump supporters dressed up to appear like they were Antifa.

Sixthly, out of the more than 1000 people arrested or died, not one was identified as being affiliated with Antifa.

Seventhly, many of the people arrested were seen carrying weapons, various irritant sprays, firearms they maintained nearby, zip ties, etc. These were Trump supporters who clearly attended the rally that day intending to be violent. Not one of them identified as Antifa.

In summary, you have utterly failed to show Antifa was responsible for busting through those barricades.

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