Tuesday night's "massacre"???

Learn something....Check out how long the Watergate investigation lasted before Nixon's investigation........

I WELCOME the cover-up........since it is the right wingers' "pride before the fall."

They would have had something to show for it at least. After 10 months they have nothing.

You fail to mention that Comey by his own actions have made anything he "finds" is compromised. He refused to recommend indictment of Hillary AFTER he laid out all the illegal actions. Also Comey didn't seem too interested in the Flynn leaks which again is an actual crime.

There is no evidence of Russia "hacking the election". Which no liberal can even say exactly what happened. There is actual evidence of a Clinton/Obama Russia connection.
How? It takes an act of Congress to do that and remind us again who owns Congress?

You morons may want to flaunt your current ability for a cover up,,,,but you should know how that usually turns out.

There are still some decent republicans out there.....AND, you should also know that the DOJ can also appoint a special counsel....and since racist Sessions has already recused himself, the deputy AG may grow a spine.
I thought the deputy AG was the one who developed the argument to fire Comey, no doubt at the President's urging. Why would he suddenly piss off Trump? That would not end well, as Trump is "hinting."
Probably something to do with:
a.) The FBI had to come out and correct his sworn testimony before Congress regarding Huma Abedin's email forwarding.
b.) The fact that he stated that the thought that his announcement of re-opening the Clinton email investigation had influenced the election "made him mildly nauseous", what the hell did he think a public announcement of that magnitude made right before an election was going to do? It made him look like a complete retard.
c.) He kept coming up with his own rules when testifying regarding what he was *allowed* to talk about, made him look like he was hiding something.

In short, his dithering, apparent incompetence and foolishness made him an unacceptable political liability and he didn't have any friends in low places to save his sorry ass.

Personally I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did given that he managed to piss off all the power brokers and did it in a fashion that made him look like he was a 5th grader.
All good points, I guess, if you want to look at it that way. It would have made a lot more sense to ask for his resignation as soon as the President was inaugurated, instead of clapping him on the back and telling the world he had faith in him. Now it just seems out of place.

In the political world a vote of faith is usually the kiss of death. I don't believe politicians when they open their mouths. Trump is no different.

This move is another haphazard play by Trump, out of nowhere, no apparent reason and terrible communication with the country.
Learn something....Check out how long the Watergate investigation lasted before Nixon's investigation........

I WELCOME the cover-up........since it is the right wingers' "pride before the fall."

They would have had something to show for it at least. After 10 months they have nothing.

You fail to mention that Comey by his own actions have made anything he "finds" is compromised. He refused to recommend indictment of Hillary AFTER he laid out all the illegal actions. Also Comey didn't seem too interested in the Flynn leaks which again is an actual crime.

There is no evidence of Russia "hacking the election". Which no liberal can even say exactly what happened. There is actual evidence of a Clinton/Obama Russia connection.

Stay dumb, ignorant and biased....I really don't give a crap.......LOL

The hillary actually had connections. Libs have gone off into alice in wonderland on their fairy tale quest. Its embarrassing to even watch them now.
Stay dumb, ignorant and biased....I really don't give a crap.......LOL

What exactly did Russia do?

They didn't hack any voting machines.

Did they hack Hillary's unsecured server or DNC server?

If Russia did why didn't Hillary or the DNC cooperate with the FBI?

On a final note: How is that Seth Rich murder investigation going?

Talk about bias
Nat gets very emotional and tends to exaggerate, a lot. The board drama queen.

Hey, moron.....you may have notice the quotes' mark and I am borrowing the term from what happened in 1973

Dumbshit, I saw them and you are stretching as usual, but you love your drama so go right ahead, the world needs drama queens, so you will be in demand, we all love the laughs.
Of course, Comey's abrupt firing by the Trumpster reminds some of us older folks of what happened with Nixon on October, 1973. Firing someone who is investigating you ALWAYS smacks of a cover-up and NEVER turn out too well.

The charlatan, Trump, stated in his letter that he was "grateful" for Comey's absolution in clearing Trump of any wrong-doing in the Russian collusion investigation......which sounds not only of the typical blustering by the orange clown, but also of the typical bullshit that has become common fare from this WH............Of course, Comey may differ a bit in Trump's assessment.

I am actually pleased with Comey;s firing (the guy seems too conflicted) since it will make a special prosecutor appointment almost a certainty. However, a special prosecutor is NOT enough since such a prosecutor's role is strictly on the legality of the possible collusion; what is needed for this issue to be perfectly above board, is a neutral investigative body to collaborate with the prosecutor.

Since the FBI is the best investigative body available, a special branch within the FBI (one that would not report to either the FBI director or DOJ) should be authorized and amply funded and allowed access to any and all previous files.

Of course, Trump could always also resign and save us all this entertainment. I loved the Nixon's disgrace of 44 years ago, and I will love it now. Bring it on.

What...you are posting again....

Watching you lose each time you open your electronic mouth is what I thought this thread was about.
How? It takes an act of Congress to do that and remind us again who owns Congress?

You morons may want to flaunt your current ability for a cover up,,,,but you should know how that usually turns out.

There are still some decent republicans out there.....AND, you should also know that the DOJ can also appoint a special counsel....and since racist Sessions has already recused himself, the deputy AG may grow a spine.


So Trump will sign a bill to investigate himself? Or 2/3 of Congress will agree?

The DOJ serious? Lol

Here's how a special prosecutor investigating Trump and Russia would get appointed

didnt liberals bitch he kept comey?

i mean do you guys even listen to yourselves?
Is anyone complaining about the firing of Comey? Or are we pointing out how "odd" it is that it is happening now in the middle of this investigation, and right after Yates' testimony?

uh. yes they are. what about the timing?Yates didnt say much, so what does comey jave to.do.with her.

maybe he did it becasue of mistakes comey has made.
Of course, Comey's abrupt firing by the Trumpster reminds some of us older folks of what happened with Nixon on October, 1973. Firing someone who is investigating you ALWAYS smacks of a cover-up and NEVER turn out too well.

The charlatan, Trump, stated in his letter that he was "grateful" for Comey's absolution in clearing Trump of any wrong-doing in the Russian collusion investigation......which sounds not only of the typical blustering by the orange clown, but also of the typical bullshit that has become common fare from this WH............Of course, Comey may differ a bit in Trump's assessment.

I am actually pleased with Comey;s firing (the guy seems too conflicted) since it will make a special prosecutor appointment almost a certainty. However, a special prosecutor is NOT enough since such a prosecutor's role is strictly on the legality of the possible collusion; what is needed for this issue to be perfectly above board, is a neutral investigative body to collaborate with the prosecutor.

Since the FBI is the best investigative body available, a special branch within the FBI (one that would not report to either the FBI director or DOJ) should be authorized and amply funded and allowed access to any and all previous files.

Of course, Trump could always also resign and save us all this entertainment. I loved the Nixon's disgrace of 44 years ago, and I will love it now. Bring it on.
so nat, who was investigating trump? no one dumb ass. WTF, can't you fking ever post a fking fact?
How? It takes an act of Congress to do that and remind us again who owns Congress?

You morons may want to flaunt your current ability for a cover up,,,,but you should know how that usually turns out.

There are still some decent republicans out there.....AND, you should also know that the DOJ can also appoint a special counsel....and since racist Sessions has already recused himself, the deputy AG may grow a spine.


So Trump will sign a bill to investigate himself? Or 2/3 of Congress will agree?

The DOJ serious? Lol

Here's how a special prosecutor investigating Trump and Russia would get appointed


It is pretty simple... Innocent men want to prove there innocence. It Trump gives anything but an independent investigation he basically pleading guilty...

If he is innocent, why run?
what are you mumbling about? explain what Trump needs to explain. Well first, what and who is accusing Trump of anything? come on man post some facts.
How? It takes an act of Congress to do that and remind us again who owns Congress?

You morons may want to flaunt your current ability for a cover up,,,,but you should know how that usually turns out.

There are still some decent republicans out there.....AND, you should also know that the DOJ can also appoint a special counsel....and since racist Sessions has already recused himself, the deputy AG may grow a spine.


So Trump will sign a bill to investigate himself? Or 2/3 of Congress will agree?

The DOJ serious? Lol

Here's how a special prosecutor investigating Trump and Russia would get appointed


It is pretty simple... Innocent men want to prove there innocence. It Trump gives anything but an independent investigation he basically pleading guilty...

If he is innocent, why run?

And people facing made up bullshit should usually just ignore said made up bullshit.

and only by pleading guilty do you plead guilty in our system, unless you are talking about trial by press, which is ironic because that's how you idiots got Trump in the first place.
I see the intelligent bug missed all of these lefty wackos. it's hilarious. they don't even know what comey was doing or investigating. too funny for sure.
How? It takes an act of Congress to do that and remind us again who owns Congress?

You morons may want to flaunt your current ability for a cover up,,,,but you should know how that usually turns out.

There are still some decent republicans out there.....AND, you should also know that the DOJ can also appoint a special counsel....and since racist Sessions has already recused himself, the deputy AG may grow a spine.
I thought the deputy AG was the one who developed the argument to fire Comey, no doubt at the President's urging. Why would he suddenly piss off Trump? That would not end well, as Trump is "hinting."
Probably something to do with:
a.) The FBI had to come out and correct his sworn testimony before Congress regarding Huma Abedin's email forwarding.
b.) The fact that he stated that the thought that his announcement of re-opening the Clinton email investigation had influenced the election "made him mildly nauseous", what the hell did he think a public announcement of that magnitude made right before an election was going to do? It made him look like a complete retard.
c.) He kept coming up with his own rules when testifying regarding what he was *allowed* to talk about, made him look like he was hiding something.

In short, his dithering, apparent incompetence and foolishness made him an unacceptable political liability and he didn't have any friends in low places to save his sorry ass.

Personally I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did given that he managed to piss off all the power brokers and did it in a fashion that made him look like he was a 5th grader.
All good points, I guess, if you want to look at it that way. It would have made a lot more sense to ask for his resignation as soon as the President was inaugurated, instead of clapping him on the back and telling the world he had faith in him. Now it just seems out of place.
instead he waited 110 days. so what?
When Comey recommended no charges for Cankles he was the left tard hero. When he reoponed the email investigation he was the culprit...we're back to hero lol

Moron, NO ONE is calling Comey a "hero"......This thread is about the continuing cover-up of a Russian collusion, by a dishonest orange clown and his entourage of inept millionaires.
what russia collusion? dude, you got fking nothing.
Of course, Comey's abrupt firing by the Trumpster reminds some of us older folks of what happened with Nixon on October, 1973. Firing someone who is investigating you ALWAYS smacks of a cover-up and NEVER turn out too well.

The charlatan, Trump, stated in his letter that he was "grateful" for Comey's absolution in clearing Trump of any wrong-doing in the Russian collusion investigation......which sounds not only of the typical blustering by the orange clown, but also of the typical bullshit that has become common fare from this WH............Of course, Comey may differ a bit in Trump's assessment.

I am actually pleased with Comey;s firing (the guy seems too conflicted) since it will make a special prosecutor appointment almost a certainty. However, a special prosecutor is NOT enough since such a prosecutor's role is strictly on the legality of the possible collusion; what is needed for this issue to be perfectly above board, is a neutral investigative body to collaborate with the prosecutor.

Since the FBI is the best investigative body available, a special branch within the FBI (one that would not report to either the FBI director or DOJ) should be authorized and amply funded and allowed access to any and all previous files.

Of course, Trump could always also resign and save us all this entertainment. I loved the Nixon's disgrace of 44 years ago, and I will love it now. Bring it on.
so nat, who was investigating trump? no one dumb ass. WTF, can't you fking ever post a fking fact?
My goodness....such shrillness. This trump fiasco sure is bringing it out in some people.
Of course, Comey's abrupt firing by the Trumpster reminds some of us older folks of what happened with Nixon on October, 1973. Firing someone who is investigating you ALWAYS smacks of a cover-up and NEVER turn out too well.

The charlatan, Trump, stated in his letter that he was "grateful" for Comey's absolution in clearing Trump of any wrong-doing in the Russian collusion investigation......which sounds not only of the typical blustering by the orange clown, but also of the typical bullshit that has become common fare from this WH............Of course, Comey may differ a bit in Trump's assessment.

I am actually pleased with Comey;s firing (the guy seems too conflicted) since it will make a special prosecutor appointment almost a certainty. However, a special prosecutor is NOT enough since such a prosecutor's role is strictly on the legality of the possible collusion; what is needed for this issue to be perfectly above board, is a neutral investigative body to collaborate with the prosecutor.

Since the FBI is the best investigative body available, a special branch within the FBI (one that would not report to either the FBI director or DOJ) should be authorized and amply funded and allowed access to any and all previous files.

Of course, Trump could always also resign and save us all this entertainment. I loved the Nixon's disgrace of 44 years ago, and I will love it now. Bring it on.
so nat, who was investigating trump? no one dumb ass. WTF, can't you fking ever post a fking fact?
My goodness....such shrillness. This trump fiasco sure is bringing it out in some people.
I know right. The OP can't state actual facts. funny, make believe in pretendland libnation.
Of course, Comey's abrupt firing by the Trumpster reminds some of us older folks of what happened with Nixon on October, 1973. Firing someone who is investigating you ALWAYS smacks of a cover-up and NEVER turn out too well.

The charlatan, Trump, stated in his letter that he was "grateful" for Comey's absolution in clearing Trump of any wrong-doing in the Russian collusion investigation......which sounds not only of the typical blustering by the orange clown, but also of the typical bullshit that has become common fare from this WH............Of course, Comey may differ a bit in Trump's assessment.

I am actually pleased with Comey;s firing (the guy seems too conflicted) since it will make a special prosecutor appointment almost a certainty. However, a special prosecutor is NOT enough since such a prosecutor's role is strictly on the legality of the possible collusion; what is needed for this issue to be perfectly above board, is a neutral investigative body to collaborate with the prosecutor.

Since the FBI is the best investigative body available, a special branch within the FBI (one that would not report to either the FBI director or DOJ) should be authorized and amply funded and allowed access to any and all previous files.

Of course, Trump could always also resign and save us all this entertainment. I loved the Nixon's disgrace of 44 years ago, and I will love it now. Bring it on.
so nat, who was investigating trump? no one dumb ass. WTF, can't you fking ever post a fking fact?
My goodness....such shrillness. This trump fiasco sure is bringing it out in some people.
I know right. The OP can't state actual facts. funny, make believe in pretendland libnation.

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