Tulsa police officer charged with manslaughter

How's she supposed to see that from BEHIND the car? She did what was right....coon should have stopped and got on ground and NONE of this would have happened.
Why are you lying? Through her attorney, she said she saw him reaching into the vehicle's window.
I'm not lying. I am explaining things from MY point of view. From MY point of view she can't see if the window is up or down. Again its his fault.Listen to the instructions and don't get shot!
Your point of view is meaningless. Her's will be the one on trial, not yours. And her claim is she shot him because he was reaching into the window of the vehicle.

That's gonna be a yuge hurdle for her to overcome.

The window was up.

It's down. The windows are tinted. I see leather tan seats.

Have you ever seen a vehicle with clear front windows and tinted rear windows?
This doesn't exist in terratard...

I didn't say she should be found innocent of manslaugter. But wait, you say she Probably thought she wouldn't get caught on camera??? everyone knows everything is video'd now, thats just a ridiculous statement. Not trying to smooth over someone's responsibility, just looking at reasons she would have been jumpy. Unfortunantly for this guy, he also put himself in a dangerous position by refusing to listen to the officer. Now why would someone do that? Pride? I'm not trying to make excuses, just trying to look at what might have happened.

what would your other variety of reasons be? She just hated black people? really just wanted to shoot someone today? It just couldnt be that she was nervous and let that get the best of her could it? oh no, cause she was a WHITE.
I never claimed you said she should be found innocent. I said you were trying to smooth it over as if it was all just some tragic accident for her.

Yes cops do crooked stuff all the time when they dont think they are going to be caught. Like the cop that put a gun to my head for walking home at the age of 9.

Blaming the guy for her lack of professionalism is exactly what I was talking about. She shot him after or while he was being tazed. What exactly was she panicking about?

He didnt make very much of a move, and did not appear to be much of a threat with all those cops around, which is why I believe she should still be found responsible. An innocent man lost his life. He did no crime. But you ask why would she be nervous? because, previous to the video, he was also refusing to follow orders to remove his hands from his pockets and later when guns are drawn on him he refuses to stop. Not saying that makes him a bad guy at all, but to a COP, they have no idea at that point whether this guy is a sweet father or brother, only that hes refusing orders while guns are drawn on him, which will make a cop nervous every time. Doesnt matter if your black, white or yellow, there gonna think your up to something no good.
But you dont shoot someone for not following orders. i wonder where the disconnect is with the apologists?
The disconnect has to be that a white woman is going down over a black man.

She will not serve any time....she will not be convicted of anything...the grand jury will investigate and all the facts will come out...they will wait a lil while...to let the savages calm down so there will be little risk of riots, looting and burning...just common sense to throw a bone to the savages.
What grand jury? You know she's already been indicted, right?
From the article:

"There was no weapon found in the car."

Watch how scumbags try to change this fact over the next 48 hours...

So what? The Cop didn't know that. The fact that she's been charged Is a miscarriage of justice. It's clear the perp was reaching into his car before getting shot. This officer will be found not guilty.
How was he reaching into a car with the windows closed?
How's she supposed to see that from BEHIND the car? She did what was right....coon should have stopped and got on ground and NONE of this would have happened.
Why are you lying? Through her attorney, she said she saw him reaching into the vehicle's window.
I'm not lying. I am explaining things from MY point of view. From MY point of view she can't see if the window is up or down. Again its his fault.Listen to the instructions and don't get shot!
Then she should not have shot.
Like I said, the rabble wants blood.

Some think that our laws provide that we are innocent until proven guilty, dirt bag angel. That police are not judge and jury, douchette, but apprehenders of suspects and protectors of citizens. Comprende, dumbass?
Always makes me smile when I piss off the rabble. Apparently you've decided she's guilty. Apparently, blacks can just do whatever the hell they want when a cop gives orders.

I sware, blacks act like feral animals. I'm sure they comprehend the words if a cop, but they just choose to ignore them.
There it is...proceed to "thug'ize" the victim.

It's what they do. Every unarmed black man shot and killed by a white police officer is a "thug."
Thug is the new knigger word.
"He reached into his vehicle. He made a move to quickly withdraw his arm from the vehicle at which point he was shot. Those are the facts any jury will learn happened."

The vids show you are nothing but an Alt Right liar.
I predict another Freddy Grey temper tantrum from you when the verdict comes out.
Like I said, the rabble wants blood.

Some think that our laws provide that we are innocent until proven guilty, dirt bag angel. That police are not judge and jury, douchette, but apprehenders of suspects and protectors of citizens. Comprende, dumbass?
Always makes me smile when I piss off the rabble. Apparently you've decided she's guilty. Apparently, blacks can just do whatever the hell they want when a cop gives orders.

I sware, blacks act like feral animals. I'm sure they comprehend the words if a cop, but they just choose to ignore them.
There it is...proceed to "thug'ize" the victim.

It's what they do. Every unarmed black man shot and killed by a white police officer is a "thug."
Thug is the new knigger word.
Thug is a behavior, not a race, bigot.

Nobody calls Dr. Ben Carson a thug.
Some think that our laws provide that we are innocent until proven guilty, dirt bag angel. That police are not judge and jury, douchette, but apprehenders of suspects and protectors of citizens. Comprende, dumbass?
Always makes me smile when I piss off the rabble. Apparently you've decided she's guilty. Apparently, blacks can just do whatever the hell they want when a cop gives orders.

I sware, blacks act like feral animals. I'm sure they comprehend the words if a cop, but they just choose to ignore them.
There it is...proceed to "thug'ize" the victim.

It's what they do. Every unarmed black man shot and killed by a white police officer is a "thug."
Thug is the new knigger word.
Thug is a behavior, not a race, bigot.

Nobody calls Dr. Ben Carson a thug.
Who calls him Knigger? Anyone with any brains would have understood.
The picture is not of the quality to determine that....which is not all that essential to her defense anyhow...he could have easily and quickly popped the door open and grabbed a gun....now personally I do think she should have waited a tad longer....but it was her life on the line...not mine...so if on the jury I would vote to acquit...based on what is known at this point.

The picture really means nothing.
The prosecutor has all of the follow up investigative findings. Those reports will show very clearly what the state of the vehicle was. Windows up/down and if the vehicle was operational. No doubt all of those findings influenced the decision to file charges.
The defense will have the toxicology report.
The thugs criminal record. The number of times he had been arrested while in possession of an illegal firearm.
Whether his ID has on his person or in the vehicle.
The existing charge will be dropped.
The LEO will plea to a far lesser charge and be reassigned to a 'desk job' so she can keep her pension plan.

Sure, but none of that justifies shooting someone dead. The prosecutor has a solid case. The defense really only has the "big, scary black man" defense. It's simply not enough when combined with the video to raise reasonable doubt in the prosecution's case.
Remember that video will be seen over and over in court. Officer Betty already admitted to being emotionally compromised. Will she testify to her state of mind in open court? Not likely as that makes the prosecution's case. Then who will? What will the other officers on the scene testify to when none of them fired?
If I were her counsel, I would advise her that her career as an LEO is over and you really only have two choices. Go to trial and risk jail time or plead to a lesser charge and likely get probation.
The "scary Black man" had an extensive criminal record which all the LEO's on the scene KNEW about before they left their patrol cars.
He had 'weapons' charges.
He was a gangbanger thug.
He CHOOSE not to obey lawful commands numerous times to get on the ground.
He reached into his vehicle.
He made a move to quickly withdraw his arm from the vehicle at which point he was shot.
Those are the facts any jury will learn happened.
The Police Union's lawyers are the best in the country.
It is they who will recommend to the LEO involved what to do.
I 100% guarantee you the Union lawyers have already determined to defend the LEO.
She's going to walk.

Not likely in this case but I'm not going to argue.
Going back to the Zimmerman trial I have been proven correct in everyone of these bullshit LIB MSM wet dreams.
The LEO in this case was overcharged on purpose to attempt to calm the situation down quickly.
Here's a little 'inner-tennis' for those with a modicum of intelligence.
Everytime millions of potential voters watch the 'Tree Dwellers' riot and loot and burn their own shitholes those watching are moving towards Trump and away from Obama's replacement.
They instinctively ask "why hasn't Obama done anything to stop this insanity? He had eight fucking years!". And by extension they are asking what Hillary could do that Obama couldn't for the negro community? The LEO's case won't even be heard until next year. By then the dust will have settled and the LIB MSM will devote four seconds telling their audience the case was dropped.
"He reached into his vehicle. He made a move to quickly withdraw his arm from the vehicle at which point he was shot. Those are the facts any jury will learn happened."

The vids show you are nothing but an Alt Right liar.
I predict another Freddy Grey temper tantrum from you when the verdict comes out.
I did not tantrum, much to your disappointment. If she pleads or is convicted, you and dannygirl will melt down. Actually, danny is already melting down.
"He reached into his vehicle. He made a move to quickly withdraw his arm from the vehicle at which point he was shot. Those are the facts any jury will learn happened."

The vids show you are nothing but an Alt Right liar.
I predict another Freddy Grey temper tantrum from you when the verdict comes out.
I did not tantrum, much to your disappointment. If she pleads or is convicted, you and dannygirl will melt down. Actually, danny is already melting down.
The thugs family won the negro lottery but that's all the "justice" they're going to get out of this.

Or did the last 15,000 times this has occurred not made an impression on you?
Some think that our laws provide that we are innocent until proven guilty, dirt bag angel. That police are not judge and jury, douchette, but apprehenders of suspects and protectors of citizens. Comprende, dumbass?
Always makes me smile when I piss off the rabble. Apparently you've decided she's guilty. Apparently, blacks can just do whatever the hell they want when a cop gives orders.

I sware, blacks act like feral animals. I'm sure they comprehend the words if a cop, but they just choose to ignore them.
There it is...proceed to "thug'ize" the victim.

It's what they do. Every unarmed black man shot and killed by a white police officer is a "thug."
Thug is the new knigger word.
Thug is a behavior, not a race, bigot.

Nobody calls Dr. Ben Carson a thug.
No but some liberal professor called him a coon. No outrage from the left.
Always makes me smile when I piss off the rabble. Apparently you've decided she's guilty. Apparently, blacks can just do whatever the hell they want when a cop gives orders.

I sware, blacks act like feral animals. I'm sure they comprehend the words if a cop, but they just choose to ignore them.
There it is...proceed to "thug'ize" the victim.

It's what they do. Every unarmed black man shot and killed by a white police officer is a "thug."
Thug is the new knigger word.
Thug is a behavior, not a race, bigot.

Nobody calls Dr. Ben Carson a thug.
No but some liberal professor called him a coon. No outrage from the left.
Could you supply a link?
"He reached into his vehicle. He made a move to quickly withdraw his arm from the vehicle at which point he was shot. Those are the facts any jury will learn happened."

The vids show you are nothing but an Alt Right liar.
I predict another Freddy Grey temper tantrum from you when the verdict comes out.
I did not tantrum, much to your disappointment. If she pleads or is convicted, you and dannygirl will melt down. Actually, danny is already melting down.
The thugs family won the negro lottery but that's all the "justice" they're going to get out of this. Or did the last 15,000 times this has occurred not made an impression on you?
Are you not feeling well this morning? Is it a spiritual emptiness that pervades your inner being? Good talk to a Priest.
There it is...proceed to "thug'ize" the victim.

It's what they do. Every unarmed black man shot and killed by a white police officer is a "thug."
Thug is the new knigger word.
Thug is a behavior, not a race, bigot.

Nobody calls Dr. Ben Carson a thug.
No but some liberal professor called him a coon. No outrage from the left.
Could you supply a link?
She is thinking of an idiot calling Ben Carson that term.

Ivy League Professor Didn't Actually Call Ben Carson 'Coon of the ...
Oct 7, 2015 - Ivy League Professor Didn't Actually Call Ben Carson 'Coon of the Year' .... When is the last time either company covered a liberal racist. .... If someone had done the same to Obama they would have labeled them a racist in a ...
After Ivy League professor calls him a RACIAL slur; Ben Carson ...
Oct 8, 2015 - After Ivy League professor calls him a RACIAL slur; Ben Carson responds with… ... ofliberal hypocrisy that allows Butler to refer to Dr. Carson as a “coon” ... comment been directed at President Obama or any black on the left, ...
Ivy League Prof Calls Carson 'Coon,' God 'a White Racist'
www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/ivy-league-professor-calls/.../694995/Newsmax Media
Oct 6, 2015 - Image: Ivy League Prof Calls Carson 'Coon,' God 'a White Racist .... The Progressive, Socialist, Liberal Democrats have succeeded in taking ... from a low income white person---the MSM as well as Ayatollah Obama would be ...
Ben Carson Called 'Coon' by Ivy League Professor for NASCAR ...
www.nationalreview.com/.../ben-carson-ivy-league-professor-racial-s...National Review
Oct 6, 2015 - Ivy League Prof Calls Ben Carson a 'Coon' ... of thing about a black liberal candidate would be met with the same non-reaction! .... I am still waiting for Mr. Obama to provide the American people with an answer to his question.
Ivy League prof. calls Ben Carson a 'coon' - Campus Reform
Oct 6, 2015 - UPenn Professor Anthea Butler called Presidential Candidate Ben Carson ... As a Campus Correspondent, Christian exposes liberal bias and ...
"He reached into his vehicle. He made a move to quickly withdraw his arm from the vehicle at which point he was shot. Those are the facts any jury will learn happened."

The vids show you are nothing but an Alt Right liar.
I predict another Freddy Grey temper tantrum from you when the verdict comes out.
I did not tantrum, much to your disappointment. If she pleads or is convicted, you and dannygirl will melt down. Actually, danny is already melting down.
The thugs family won the negro lottery but that's all the "justice" they're going to get out of this. Or did the last 15,000 times this has occurred not made an impression on you?
Are you not feeling well this morning? Is it a spiritual emptiness that pervades your inner being? Good talk to a Priest.
That's not a counter argument.

You lose.
"He reached into his vehicle. He made a move to quickly withdraw his arm from the vehicle at which point he was shot. Those are the facts any jury will learn happened."

The vids show you are nothing but an Alt Right liar.
I predict another Freddy Grey temper tantrum from you when the verdict comes out.
I did not tantrum, much to your disappointment. If she pleads or is convicted, you and dannygirl will melt down. Actually, danny is already melting down.
The thugs family won the negro lottery but that's all the "justice" they're going to get out of this. Or did the last 15,000 times this has occurred not made an impression on you?
Are you not feeling well this morning? Is it a spiritual emptiness that pervades your inner being? Good talk to a Priest.
That's not a counter argument. You lose.
Of course, it is, because you are not making any sense, logically or emotionally.
I predict another Freddy Grey temper tantrum from you when the verdict comes out.
I did not tantrum, much to your disappointment. If she pleads or is convicted, you and dannygirl will melt down. Actually, danny is already melting down.
The thugs family won the negro lottery but that's all the "justice" they're going to get out of this. Or did the last 15,000 times this has occurred not made an impression on you?
Are you not feeling well this morning? Is it a spiritual emptiness that pervades your inner being? Good talk to a Priest.
That's not a counter argument. You lose.
Of course, it is, because you are not making any sense, logically or emotionally.
Like Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
Where can I find a woman...
Where can I find a woman like that?
Always makes me smile when I piss off the rabble. Apparently you've decided she's guilty. Apparently, blacks can just do whatever the hell they want when a cop gives orders.

I sware, blacks act like feral animals. I'm sure they comprehend the words if a cop, but they just choose to ignore them.
There it is...proceed to "thug'ize" the victim.

It's what they do. Every unarmed black man shot and killed by a white police officer is a "thug."
Thug is the new knigger word.
Thug is a behavior, not a race, bigot.

Nobody calls Dr. Ben Carson a thug.
No but some liberal professor called him a coon. No outrage from the left.
You expect outrage over a name but defend a White cop shooting an unarmed Black man? And you expect to be taken seriously?

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