Tulsa police officer charged with manslaughter

I'm not lying. I am explaining things from MY point of view. From MY point of view she can't see if the window is up or down. Again its his fault.Listen to the instructions and don't get shot!
Your point of view is meaningless. Her's will be the one on trial, not yours. And her claim is she shot him because he was reaching into the window of the vehicle.

That's gonna be a yuge hurdle for her to overcome.

The window was up.

It's down. The windows are tinted. I see leather tan seats.
Yep. Look at the back window...see how dark it is....the front one is NOT like that.

Factory tint. Front side windows are never tinted.
Now your an expert on cars. Sure.

As I see nearly every make and model on the road daily, I'll say yes.
I didn't say she should be found innocent of manslaugter. But wait, you say she Probably thought she wouldn't get caught on camera??? everyone knows everything is video'd now, thats just a ridiculous statement. Not trying to smooth over someone's responsibility, just looking at reasons she would have been jumpy. Unfortunantly for this guy, he also put himself in a dangerous position by refusing to listen to the officer. Now why would someone do that? Pride? I'm not trying to make excuses, just trying to look at what might have happened.

what would your other variety of reasons be? She just hated black people? really just wanted to shoot someone today? It just couldnt be that she was nervous and let that get the best of her could it? oh no, cause she was a WHITE.
I never claimed you said she should be found innocent. I said you were trying to smooth it over as if it was all just some tragic accident for her.

Yes cops do crooked stuff all the time when they dont think they are going to be caught. Like the cop that put a gun to my head for walking home at the age of 9.

Blaming the guy for her lack of professionalism is exactly what I was talking about. She shot him after or while he was being tazed. What exactly was she panicking about?

He didnt make very much of a move, and did not appear to be much of a threat with all those cops around, which is why I believe she should still be found responsible. An innocent man lost his life. He did no crime. But you ask why would she be nervous? because, previous to the video, he was also refusing to follow orders to remove his hands from his pockets and later when guns are drawn on him he refuses to stop. Not saying that makes him a bad guy at all, but to a COP, they have no idea at that point whether this guy is a sweet father or brother, only that hes refusing orders while guns are drawn on him, which will make a cop nervous every time. Doesnt matter if your black, white or yellow, there gonna think your up to something no good.
But you dont shoot someone for not following orders. i wonder where the disconnect is with the apologists?
The disconnect has to be that a white woman is going down over a black man.

She will not serve any time....she will not be convicted of anything...the grand jury will investigate and all the facts will come out...they will wait a lil while...to let the savages calm down so there will be little risk of riots, looting and burning...just common sense to throw a bone to the savages.

She's already charged.
A grand jury is called by the prosecutor to determine if charges are warranted.
The prosecutor has skipped that and already charged her. There will be no grand jury.
Your "common sense" is just dopey.
She would do it for a variety of reasons. First she probably thought she would never get caught on camera. Secondly she may have been attempting to pass initiation.

I would call it a crime and i certainly wouldnt be making excuses and trying to smooth over what a Black officer had done.

Put down the pipe homes' there were other Cops there. She did not think she was going to get away with anything. If anything SHE panicked and shot when maybe could have waited. She should have been home mopping floors. Leftist want 90lb women in special forces..............pssst.....it won't work.

She did us all a favor. did you see the rap sheet? did you see how crazy perp was acting? pow! right in the kisser. save some paperwork.
The other cops wouldnt have turned her in. Most likely they were racists as well.

You know --- it's interesting.

You run around here bitching and moaning about how everybody profiles blacks ....

... but you have no problem whatsoever profiling cops, do you?

What goes around, comes around.

She's charged!
I never claimed you said she should be found innocent. I said you were trying to smooth it over as if it was all just some tragic accident for her.

Yes cops do crooked stuff all the time when they dont think they are going to be caught. Like the cop that put a gun to my head for walking home at the age of 9.

Blaming the guy for her lack of professionalism is exactly what I was talking about. She shot him after or while he was being tazed. What exactly was she panicking about?

He didnt make very much of a move, and did not appear to be much of a threat with all those cops around, which is why I believe she should still be found responsible. An innocent man lost his life. He did no crime. But you ask why would she be nervous? because, previous to the video, he was also refusing to follow orders to remove his hands from his pockets and later when guns are drawn on him he refuses to stop. Not saying that makes him a bad guy at all, but to a COP, they have no idea at that point whether this guy is a sweet father or brother, only that hes refusing orders while guns are drawn on him, which will make a cop nervous every time. Doesnt matter if your black, white or yellow, there gonna think your up to something no good.
But you dont shoot someone for not following orders. i wonder where the disconnect is with the apologists?

I agree, you DONT shoot someone for not following orders. I'm not saying its right. I'm just saying the cop was most likely nervous, not necessarily a cold blooded killer. If there was proof of that, they should be charging her with 2nd degree.
I dont buy the nervous part. She had plenty of back up and she had already cleared the car.

Ok, fine. thats your opinion. but her voice sounded to me like she was cracking, not confident. I think a cop can still be nervous in that situation because even training cant prepare you for the real thing and if your not confident your mind can play tricks. The whole thing seems wierd to me because usually women are the nurturing ones in society, the last one you would expect to pull the trigger, which is why i think there was something going on in her head. So if you don't think she was nervous, then what??

There is a training film for cops that is widely circulated....very likely she saw it...where a suspect is allowed to get back in his vehicle after being pulled over....ignoring the officers commands..just like this negro did...and came out with a rifle he used to kill the officer.

If this lady is ever brought to trial which I seriously doubt...if the jurors are allowed to see that training film they will fully understand why she took the action she took.
Since all this shit started..TWO were murdered in my opinion. Eric Gardner and this guy. Two bad cops (that I know of) that should have never been cops. One strangling a guy for selling cigs on a street corner begging for help while being strangled for no damn reason, the other for not complying but not being threatening.

This woman cop and the schmuck that likes to strangle are both murderers. Did both INTEND to kill? She did. The other one..doing a maneuver his superiors outlawed. Still...two people are dead that shouldn't be. Twitchers.

Vetting cops needs to be a higher priority now. Too many are slipping through that have no business being employed as LE.

Your opinion has no relevance...as in opinions are like assholes...everyone has one. Deal wid it chump.
She would do it for a variety of reasons. First she probably thought she would never get caught on camera. Secondly she may have been attempting to pass initiation.

I would call it a crime and i certainly wouldnt be making excuses and trying to smooth over what a Black officer had done.

Put down the pipe homes' there were other Cops there. She did not think she was going to get away with anything. If anything SHE panicked and shot when maybe could have waited. She should have been home mopping floors. Leftist want 90lb women in special forces..............pssst.....it won't work.

She did us all a favor. did you see the rap sheet? did you see how crazy perp was acting? pow! right in the kisser. save some paperwork.
The other cops wouldnt have turned her in. Most likely they were racists as well.

You know --- it's interesting.

You run around here bitching and moaning about how everybody profiles blacks ....

... but you have no problem whatsoever profiling cops, do you?

What goes around, comes around.

She's charged!
He didnt make very much of a move, and did not appear to be much of a threat with all those cops around, which is why I believe she should still be found responsible. An innocent man lost his life. He did no crime. But you ask why would she be nervous? because, previous to the video, he was also refusing to follow orders to remove his hands from his pockets and later when guns are drawn on him he refuses to stop. Not saying that makes him a bad guy at all, but to a COP, they have no idea at that point whether this guy is a sweet father or brother, only that hes refusing orders while guns are drawn on him, which will make a cop nervous every time. Doesnt matter if your black, white or yellow, there gonna think your up to something no good.
But you dont shoot someone for not following orders. i wonder where the disconnect is with the apologists?

I agree, you DONT shoot someone for not following orders. I'm not saying its right. I'm just saying the cop was most likely nervous, not necessarily a cold blooded killer. If there was proof of that, they should be charging her with 2nd degree.
I dont buy the nervous part. She had plenty of back up and she had already cleared the car.

Ok, fine. thats your opinion. but her voice sounded to me like she was cracking, not confident. I think a cop can still be nervous in that situation because even training cant prepare you for the real thing and if your not confident your mind can play tricks. The whole thing seems wierd to me because usually women are the nurturing ones in society, the last one you would expect to pull the trigger, which is why i think there was something going on in her head. So if you don't think she was nervous, then what??

There is a training film for cops that is widely circulated....very likely she saw it...where a suspect is allowed to get back in his vehicle after being pulled over....ignoring the officers commands..just like this negro did...and came out with a rifle he used to kill the officer.

If this lady is ever brought to trial which I seriously doubt...if the jurors are allowed to see that training film they will fully understand why she took the action she took.

Ahh yes, it's the big, scary black man defense.
I didn't say she should be found innocent of manslaugter. But wait, you say she Probably thought she wouldn't get caught on camera??? everyone knows everything is video'd now, thats just a ridiculous statement. Not trying to smooth over someone's responsibility, just looking at reasons she would have been jumpy. Unfortunantly for this guy, he also put himself in a dangerous position by refusing to listen to the officer. Now why would someone do that? Pride? I'm not trying to make excuses, just trying to look at what might have happened.

what would your other variety of reasons be? She just hated black people? really just wanted to shoot someone today? It just couldnt be that she was nervous and let that get the best of her could it? oh no, cause she was a WHITE.
I never claimed you said she should be found innocent. I said you were trying to smooth it over as if it was all just some tragic accident for her.

Yes cops do crooked stuff all the time when they dont think they are going to be caught. Like the cop that put a gun to my head for walking home at the age of 9.

Blaming the guy for her lack of professionalism is exactly what I was talking about. She shot him after or while he was being tazed. What exactly was she panicking about?

He didnt make very much of a move, and did not appear to be much of a threat with all those cops around, which is why I believe she should still be found responsible. An innocent man lost his life. He did no crime. But you ask why would she be nervous? because, previous to the video, he was also refusing to follow orders to remove his hands from his pockets and later when guns are drawn on him he refuses to stop. Not saying that makes him a bad guy at all, but to a COP, they have no idea at that point whether this guy is a sweet father or brother, only that hes refusing orders while guns are drawn on him, which will make a cop nervous every time. Doesnt matter if your black, white or yellow, there gonna think your up to something no good.
But you dont shoot someone for not following orders. i wonder where the disconnect is with the apologists?

I agree, you DONT shoot someone for not following orders. I'm not saying its right. I'm just saying the cop was most likely nervous, not necessarily a cold blooded killer. If there was proof of that, they should be charging her with 2nd degree.
I dont buy the nervous part. She had plenty of back up and she had already cleared the car.

She didnt even know the other cops were behind her...she was so focused on the suspect she didnt realize she had back up....per her statement....she had tunnel vision.
I never claimed you said she should be found innocent. I said you were trying to smooth it over as if it was all just some tragic accident for her.

Yes cops do crooked stuff all the time when they dont think they are going to be caught. Like the cop that put a gun to my head for walking home at the age of 9.

Blaming the guy for her lack of professionalism is exactly what I was talking about. She shot him after or while he was being tazed. What exactly was she panicking about?

He didnt make very much of a move, and did not appear to be much of a threat with all those cops around, which is why I believe she should still be found responsible. An innocent man lost his life. He did no crime. But you ask why would she be nervous? because, previous to the video, he was also refusing to follow orders to remove his hands from his pockets and later when guns are drawn on him he refuses to stop. Not saying that makes him a bad guy at all, but to a COP, they have no idea at that point whether this guy is a sweet father or brother, only that hes refusing orders while guns are drawn on him, which will make a cop nervous every time. Doesnt matter if your black, white or yellow, there gonna think your up to something no good.
But you dont shoot someone for not following orders. i wonder where the disconnect is with the apologists?
The disconnect has to be that a white woman is going down over a black man.

She will not serve any time....she will not be convicted of anything...the grand jury will investigate and all the facts will come out...they will wait a lil while...to let the savages calm down so there will be little risk of riots, looting and burning...just common sense to throw a bone to the savages.

She's already charged.
A grand jury is called by the prosecutor to determine if charges are warranted.
The prosecutor has skipped that and already charged her. There will be no grand jury.
Your "common sense" is just dopey.

Apparantly OK. is one of those states that do not use grand juries.
He didnt make very much of a move, and did not appear to be much of a threat with all those cops around, which is why I believe she should still be found responsible. An innocent man lost his life. He did no crime. But you ask why would she be nervous? because, previous to the video, he was also refusing to follow orders to remove his hands from his pockets and later when guns are drawn on him he refuses to stop. Not saying that makes him a bad guy at all, but to a COP, they have no idea at that point whether this guy is a sweet father or brother, only that hes refusing orders while guns are drawn on him, which will make a cop nervous every time. Doesnt matter if your black, white or yellow, there gonna think your up to something no good.
But you dont shoot someone for not following orders. i wonder where the disconnect is with the apologists?
The disconnect has to be that a white woman is going down over a black man.

She will not serve any time....she will not be convicted of anything...the grand jury will investigate and all the facts will come out...they will wait a lil while...to let the savages calm down so there will be little risk of riots, looting and burning...just common sense to throw a bone to the savages.

She's already charged.
A grand jury is called by the prosecutor to determine if charges are warranted.
The prosecutor has skipped that and already charged her. There will be no grand jury.
Your "common sense" is just dopey.

Apparantly OK. is one of those states that do not use grand juries.

They do but it's not going to happen in this case.
There obviously was sufficient probable cause to warrant charges. I'm glad they didn't drag this out.
Some on this forum claimed that when Zimmerman shot Trayvon, when Wilson shot Big Mike, when the bitch of Baltimore charged six LEOs.
So far they are batting zero.
In this case the LEO was (over) charged on purpose.
She will be found innocent of the existing charge.
She'll plea to a lesser charge and quit.
She'll never serve a day in prison.
Like I said, the rabble wants blood.

Some think that our laws provide that we are innocent until proven guilty, dirt bag angel. That police are not judge and jury, douchette, but apprehenders of suspects and protectors of citizens. Comprende, dumbass?
Refuse to follow LEO's commands and you'll end up on or in the ground.
There obviously was sufficient probable cause to warrant charges. I'm glad they didn't drag this out.
Some on this forum claimed that when Zimmerman shot Trayvon, when Wilson shot Big Mike, when the bitch of Baltimore charged six LEOs.
So far they are batting zero.
In this case the LEO was (over) charged on purpose.
She will be found innocent of the existing charge.
She'll plea to a lesser charge and quit.
She'll never serve a day in prison.

As the prosecutor has chosen to file charges, he will not be petitioning for a grand jury. That will fall on the defense to petition for it. They will need thousands of signatures and a judge willing to allow it. The state AG then has oversight of the GJ proceedings.
I don't see the State going this far in this case. I'll bet she pleads to a lesser without a trial. She's already admitted that her judgement was flawed.
But you dont shoot someone for not following orders. i wonder where the disconnect is with the apologists?
The disconnect has to be that a white woman is going down over a black man.

She will not serve any time....she will not be convicted of anything...the grand jury will investigate and all the facts will come out...they will wait a lil while...to let the savages calm down so there will be little risk of riots, looting and burning...just common sense to throw a bone to the savages.

She's already charged.
A grand jury is called by the prosecutor to determine if charges are warranted.
The prosecutor has skipped that and already charged her. There will be no grand jury.
Your "common sense" is just dopey.

Apparantly OK. is one of those states that do not use grand juries.

They do but it's not going to happen in this case.

Probably realized a grand jury would not agree to bring charges.
The disconnect has to be that a white woman is going down over a black man.

She will not serve any time....she will not be convicted of anything...the grand jury will investigate and all the facts will come out...they will wait a lil while...to let the savages calm down so there will be little risk of riots, looting and burning...just common sense to throw a bone to the savages.

She's already charged.
A grand jury is called by the prosecutor to determine if charges are warranted.
The prosecutor has skipped that and already charged her. There will be no grand jury.
Your "common sense" is just dopey.

Apparantly OK. is one of those states that do not use grand juries.

They do but it's not going to happen in this case.

Probably realized a grand jury would not agree to bring charges.

No, because it's a huge deal to do it and this case isn't big enough to warrant the effort and expense.
She will not serve any time....she will not be convicted of anything...the grand jury will investigate and all the facts will come out...they will wait a lil while...to let the savages calm down so there will be little risk of riots, looting and burning...just common sense to throw a bone to the savages.

She's already charged.
A grand jury is called by the prosecutor to determine if charges are warranted.
The prosecutor has skipped that and already charged her. There will be no grand jury.
Your "common sense" is just dopey.

Apparantly OK. is one of those states that do not use grand juries.

They do but it's not going to happen in this case.

Probably realized a grand jury would not agree to bring charges.

No, because it's a huge deal to do it and this case isn't big enough to warrant the effort and expense.

Considering what is going on nation wide it is a very big case....that has been politicized aka.....much oversight from Washington...most likely even pressure to indict and indict quickly...do not bother to take it to a grand jury..do this quickly and perhaps avoid riots, looting and burning.
She's already charged.
A grand jury is called by the prosecutor to determine if charges are warranted.
The prosecutor has skipped that and already charged her. There will be no grand jury.
Your "common sense" is just dopey.

Apparantly OK. is one of those states that do not use grand juries.

They do but it's not going to happen in this case.

Probably realized a grand jury would not agree to bring charges.

No, because it's a huge deal to do it and this case isn't big enough to warrant the effort and expense.

Considering what is going on nation wide it is a very big case....that has been politicized aka.....much oversight from Washington...most likely even pressure to indict and indict quickly...do not bother to take it to a grand jury..do this quickly and perhaps avoid riots, looting and burning.
Yeah but the Tulsanite negroes are not really all that riled up. Tulsa cops rarely shoot suspects compared to other cities. Race relations aren't really that bad in that state from what I understand. The conservative Okies are better at achieving racial harmony than the faggoty northern leftists.
Eric Gardner and this guy. Two bad cops (that I know of) that should have never been cops. One strangling a guy for selling cigs on a street corner
He died because he was a fatty who struggled with cops. Good grief why won't blacks get proper behaviour that everybody else in civilized society understands.

Feral animals don't speak English. At least they have an excuse. Africans simply ignore authority and believe they can do whatever the hell they want. Dumb shits!

He was most likely thinking...'dis heah white bitch aint gonna order me around'...dats da way dey tink.

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