Tulsa police officer charged with manslaughter

She's already charged.
A grand jury is called by the prosecutor to determine if charges are warranted.
The prosecutor has skipped that and already charged her. There will be no grand jury.
Your "common sense" is just dopey.

Apparantly OK. is one of those states that do not use grand juries.

They do but it's not going to happen in this case.

Probably realized a grand jury would not agree to bring charges.

No, because it's a huge deal to do it and this case isn't big enough to warrant the effort and expense.

Considering what is going on nation wide it is a very big case....that has been politicized aka.....much oversight from Washington...most likely even pressure to indict and indict quickly...do not bother to take it to a grand jury..do this quickly and perhaps avoid riots, looting and burning.
If a prosecutor brings charges, he/she will not petition for a GJ to challenge that decision. That would be not only redundant but dumb. The defense is already behind in this case as she's admitted to being emotionally compromised. They will not be petitioning for a GJ and a judge most likely won't allow it with the strength of the prosecutors case. There will be a standard preliminary hearing followed by an indictment.
She would do it for a variety of reasons. First she probably thought she would never get caught on camera. Secondly she may have been attempting to pass initiation.

I would call it a crime and i certainly wouldnt be making excuses and trying to smooth over what a Black officer had done.

Put down the pipe homes' there were other Cops there. She did not think she was going to get away with anything. If anything SHE panicked and shot when maybe could have waited. She should have been home mopping floors. Leftist want 90lb women in special forces..............pssst.....it won't work.

She did us all a favor. did you see the rap sheet? did you see how crazy perp was acting? pow! right in the kisser. save some paperwork.
The LEO KNEW all about the thugs extensive criminal past BEFORE she got out of her patrol car.
There's flat screens that display the criminal record of the registered owner. A photo, if there has been prior convictions. The thug had a criminal history of possessing illegal firearms.
The driver's window was rolled down. The thug walked to the door and reached into the vehicle will refusing to get on the ground and he made a sudden movement bringing his arm from inside the vehicle at which point the thug was shot.
End of fucking story!
There obviously was sufficient probable cause to warrant charges. I'm glad they didn't drag this out.
Some on this forum claimed that when Zimmerman shot Trayvon, when Wilson shot Big Mike, when the bitch of Baltimore charged six LEOs.
So far they are batting zero.
In this case the LEO was (over) charged on purpose.
She will be found innocent of the existing charge.
She'll plea to a lesser charge and quit.
She'll never serve a day in prison.

Very possible.
She would do it for a variety of reasons. First she probably thought she would never get caught on camera. Secondly she may have been attempting to pass initiation.

I would call it a crime and i certainly wouldnt be making excuses and trying to smooth over what a Black officer had done.

Put down the pipe homes' there were other Cops there. She did not think she was going to get away with anything. If anything SHE panicked and shot when maybe could have waited. She should have been home mopping floors. Leftist want 90lb women in special forces..............pssst.....it won't work.

She did us all a favor. did you see the rap sheet? did you see how crazy perp was acting? pow! right in the kisser. save some paperwork.
The LEO KNEW all about the thugs extensive criminal past BEFORE she got out of her patrol car.
There's flat screens that display the criminal record of the registered owner. A photo, if there has been prior convictions. The thug had a criminal history of possessing illegal firearms.
The driver's window was rolled down. The thug walked to the door and reached into the vehicle will refusing to get on the ground and he made a sudden movement bringing his arm from inside the vehicle at which point the thug was shot.
End of fucking story!

Yes...she had good reason to believer her life was in danger...most especially when he refused to comply to her lawful orders....
She would do it for a variety of reasons. First she probably thought she would never get caught on camera. Secondly she may have been attempting to pass initiation.

I would call it a crime and i certainly wouldnt be making excuses and trying to smooth over what a Black officer had done.

Put down the pipe homes' there were other Cops there. She did not think she was going to get away with anything. If anything SHE panicked and shot when maybe could have waited. She should have been home mopping floors. Leftist want 90lb women in special forces..............pssst.....it won't work.

She did us all a favor. did you see the rap sheet? did you see how crazy perp was acting? pow! right in the kisser. save some paperwork.
The LEO KNEW all about the thugs extensive criminal past BEFORE she got out of her patrol car.
There's flat screens that display the criminal record of the registered owner. A photo, if there has been prior convictions. The thug had a criminal history of possessing illegal firearms.
The driver's window was rolled down. The thug walked to the door and reached into the vehicle will refusing to get on the ground and he made a sudden movement bringing his arm from inside the vehicle at which point the thug was shot.
End of fucking story!

Yes...she had good reason to believer her life was in danger...most especially when he refused to comply to her lawful orders....
That big brotha was on PCP...that makes him a lethal weapon without being armed. If you have ever seen people on that crap in real life...you know what I'm talking about. The fuckers are so numbed they can run through walls and plow over fences with ease.
For all you Trump supporters out there who are saying that this police officer was justified.................hate to tell you....................but even your fearless leader Trump says that this woman choked.

Like I said a few posts before..................

The dude was driving down the road when he had car trouble (probably electrical), and he ended up in the middle of the road. He either (a) knows that he doesn't have road flares or (b) checks the trunk an sees that he has nothing to signal drivers about the hazard in the road. So, noticing that it's twilight, he goes back 100 feet so as to be able to signal other drivers about the hazard like he learned in drivers education (as did I).

Meanwhile, while he's dealing with the car, someone sees his car in the road and calls 911 to report it. The cops are already edgy because of the recent bombings and attacks, so they send several units, as well as a helo, to check out what is going on.

When the cops get there, they see a black man behind a stopped vehicle. They tell him to show his hands (which he does by raising them above his head), and then probably asked him for ID. Well, since he left it in his vehicle, he starts walking back towards the car to get it. He gets to the side of the vehicle, and one cop has a taser drawn, the other has a gun.

He reaches for the handle, the officers hear a metallic "click", and thinking there might be something bad happening one hits him with the taser. Now, when you have 50,000 volts traveling through your body, your muscles tend to go stiff and lock up, and you twitch. Most people's reaction is to reach straight down between their legs, because that is how their arm muscles lock up.

Officer rookie (the woman with the gun) sees him twitching with his hands between his legs thinks he's going for a gun and shoots him dead.

He was already tasered. And, if you're hit with a police taser, until they either disconnect the wires, or pull the darts out of your skin, all they have to do to lock you up again is to pull the trigger. There have been instances where it's been proven that people have been tasered multiple times by the police.

If I was the lawyer for this family, I'd get a mechanic to go over the vehicle to see if it was malfunctioning, and also would ask that if the guy already has taser darts in him, why was it necessary for the other cop to shoot?

She should get manslaughter at the very least and serve at least 2 years IMHO.
You should get a job writing lies for MSNBC.
BTW asshole!
The thug had his wallet in his back pocket.
The thug had an extensive criminal history. Some involving illegal firearms.
The LEOs KNEW ALL about him BEFORE they even left their patrol cars.
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"The driver's window was rolled down" is an Alt Right lie.

It was rolled up. The videos showed that it was rolled up.

The picture is not of the quality to determine that....which is not all that essential to her defense anyhow...he could have easily and quickly popped the door open and grabbed a gun....now personally I do think she should have waited a tad longer....but it was her life on the line...not mine...so if on the jury I would vote to acquit...based on what is known at this point.
For all you Trump supporters out there who are saying that this police officer was justified.................hate to tell you....................but even your fearless leader Trump says that this woman choked.

Like I said a few posts before..................

The dude was driving down the road when he had car trouble (probably electrical), and he ended up in the middle of the road. He either (a) knows that he doesn't have road flares or (b) checks the trunk an sees that he has nothing to signal drivers about the hazard in the road. So, noticing that it's twilight, he goes back 100 feet so as to be able to signal other drivers about the hazard like he learned in drivers education (as did I).

Meanwhile, while he's dealing with the car, someone sees his car in the road and calls 911 to report it. The cops are already edgy because of the recent bombings and attacks, so they send several units, as well as a helo, to check out what is going on.

When the cops get there, they see a black man behind a stopped vehicle. They tell him to show his hands (which he does by raising them above his head), and then probably asked him for ID. Well, since he left it in his vehicle, he starts walking back towards the car to get it. He gets to the side of the vehicle, and one cop has a taser drawn, the other has a gun.

He reaches for the handle, the officers hear a metallic "click", and thinking there might be something bad happening one hits him with the taser. Now, when you have 50,000 volts traveling through your body, your muscles tend to go stiff and lock up, and you twitch. Most people's reaction is to reach straight down between their legs, because that is how their arm muscles lock up.

Officer rookie (the woman with the gun) sees him twitching with his hands between his legs thinks he's going for a gun and shoots him dead.

He was already tasered. And, if you're hit with a police taser, until they either disconnect the wires, or pull the darts out of your skin, all they have to do to lock you up again is to pull the trigger. There have been instances where it's been proven that people have been tasered multiple times by the police.

If I was the lawyer for this family, I'd get a mechanic to go over the vehicle to see if it was malfunctioning, and also would ask that if the guy already has taser darts in him, why was it necessary for the other cop to shoot?

She should get manslaughter at the very least and serve at least 2 years IMHO.
You should get a job writing lies for MSNBC.
BTW asshole!
The thug had his wallet in his back pocket.
The thug had an extensive criminal history. Some involving illegal firearms.
The LEOs KNEW ALL about him BEFORE they even left their patrol cars.

Yes...no doubt that was one big factor in her action.
"The driver's window was rolled down" is an Alt Right lie.

It was rolled up. The videos showed that it was rolled up.

The picture is not of the quality to determine that....which is not all that essential to her defense anyhow...he could have easily and quickly popped the door open and grabbed a gun....now personally I do think she should have waited a tad longer....but it was her life on the line...not mine...so if on the jury I would vote to acquit...based on what is known at this point.
Yup, it sure is. And, yep, the police admitted it. And, yep, you are a homer for bad behavior.
"The driver's window was rolled down" is an Alt Right lie.

It was rolled up. The videos showed that it was rolled up.

The picture is not of the quality to determine that....which is not all that essential to her defense anyhow...he could have easily and quickly popped the door open and grabbed a gun....now personally I do think she should have waited a tad longer....but it was her life on the line...not mine...so if on the jury I would vote to acquit...based on what is known at this point.

The picture really means nothing.
The prosecutor has all of the follow up investigative findings. Those reports will show very clearly what the state of the vehicle was. Windows up/down and if the vehicle was operational. No doubt all of those findings influenced the decision to file charges.
"The driver's window was rolled down" is an Alt Right lie.

It was rolled up. The videos showed that it was rolled up.

The picture is not of the quality to determine that....which is not all that essential to her defense anyhow...he could have easily and quickly popped the door open and grabbed a gun....now personally I do think she should have waited a tad longer....but it was her life on the line...not mine...so if on the jury I would vote to acquit...based on what is known at this point.

The picture really means nothing.
The prosecutor has all of the follow up investigative findings. Those reports will show very clearly what the state of the vehicle was. Windows up/down and if the vehicle was operational. No doubt all of those findings influenced the decision to file charges.
The defense will have the toxicology report.
The thugs criminal record. The number of times he had been arrested while in possession of an illegal firearm.
Whether his ID has on his person or in the vehicle.
The existing charge will be dropped.
The LEO will plea to a far lesser charge and be reassigned to a 'desk job' so she can keep her pension plan.
"The driver's window was rolled down" is an Alt Right lie.

It was rolled up. The videos showed that it was rolled up.

The picture is not of the quality to determine that....which is not all that essential to her defense anyhow...he could have easily and quickly popped the door open and grabbed a gun....now personally I do think she should have waited a tad longer....but it was her life on the line...not mine...so if on the jury I would vote to acquit...based on what is known at this point.

The picture really means nothing.
The prosecutor has all of the follow up investigative findings. Those reports will show very clearly what the state of the vehicle was. Windows up/down and if the vehicle was operational. No doubt all of those findings influenced the decision to file charges.
The defense will have the toxicology report.
The thugs criminal record. The number of times he had been arrested while in possession of an illegal firearm.
Whether his ID has on his person or in the vehicle.
The existing charge will be dropped.
The LEO will plea to a far lesser charge and be reassigned to a 'desk job' so she can keep her pension plan.

Sure, but none of that justifies shooting someone dead. The prosecutor has a solid case. The defense really only has the "big, scary black man" defense. It's simply not enough when combined with the video to raise reasonable doubt in the prosecution's case.
Remember that video will be seen over and over in court. Officer Betty already admitted to being emotionally compromised. Will she testify to her state of mind in open court? Not likely as that makes the prosecution's case. Then who will? What will the other officers on the scene testify to when none of them fired?
If I were her counsel, I would advise her that her career as an LEO is over and you really only have two choices. Go to trial and risk jail time or plead to a lesser charge and likely get probation.
"The driver's window was rolled down" is an Alt Right lie.

It was rolled up. The videos showed that it was rolled up.

The picture is not of the quality to determine that....which is not all that essential to her defense anyhow...he could have easily and quickly popped the door open and grabbed a gun....now personally I do think she should have waited a tad longer....but it was her life on the line...not mine...so if on the jury I would vote to acquit...based on what is known at this point.

The picture really means nothing.
The prosecutor has all of the follow up investigative findings. Those reports will show very clearly what the state of the vehicle was. Windows up/down and if the vehicle was operational. No doubt all of those findings influenced the decision to file charges.
The defense will have the toxicology report.
The thugs criminal record. The number of times he had been arrested while in possession of an illegal firearm.
Whether his ID has on his person or in the vehicle.
The existing charge will be dropped.
The LEO will plea to a far lesser charge and be reassigned to a 'desk job' so she can keep her pension plan.

Sure, but none of that justifies shooting someone dead. The prosecutor has a solid case. The defense really only has the "big, scary black man" defense. It's simply not enough when combined with the video to raise reasonable doubt in the prosecution's case.
Remember that video will be seen over and over in court. Officer Betty already admitted to being emotionally compromised. Will she testify to her state of mind in open court? Not likely as that makes the prosecution's case. Then who will? What will the other officers on the scene testify to when none of them fired?
If I were her counsel, I would advise her that her career as an LEO is over and you really only have two choices. Go to trial and risk jail time or plead to a lesser charge and likely get probation.
The "scary Black man" had an extensive criminal record which all the LEO's on the scene KNEW about before they left their patrol cars.
He had 'weapons' charges.
He was a gangbanger thug.
He CHOOSE not to obey lawful commands numerous times to get on the ground.
He reached into his vehicle.
He made a move to quickly withdraw his arm from the vehicle at which point he was shot.
Those are the facts any jury will learn happened.
The Police Union's lawyers are the best in the country.
It is they who will recommend to the LEO involved what to do.
I 100% guarantee you the Union lawyers have already determined to defend the LEO.
She's going to walk.
"The driver's window was rolled down" is an Alt Right lie.

It was rolled up. The videos showed that it was rolled up.

The picture is not of the quality to determine that....which is not all that essential to her defense anyhow...he could have easily and quickly popped the door open and grabbed a gun....now personally I do think she should have waited a tad longer....but it was her life on the line...not mine...so if on the jury I would vote to acquit...based on what is known at this point.

The picture really means nothing.
The prosecutor has all of the follow up investigative findings. Those reports will show very clearly what the state of the vehicle was. Windows up/down and if the vehicle was operational. No doubt all of those findings influenced the decision to file charges.
The defense will have the toxicology report.
The thugs criminal record. The number of times he had been arrested while in possession of an illegal firearm.
Whether his ID has on his person or in the vehicle.
The existing charge will be dropped.
The LEO will plea to a far lesser charge and be reassigned to a 'desk job' so she can keep her pension plan.

Sure, but none of that justifies shooting someone dead. The prosecutor has a solid case. The defense really only has the "big, scary black man" defense. It's simply not enough when combined with the video to raise reasonable doubt in the prosecution's case.
Remember that video will be seen over and over in court. Officer Betty already admitted to being emotionally compromised. Will she testify to her state of mind in open court? Not likely as that makes the prosecution's case. Then who will? What will the other officers on the scene testify to when none of them fired?
If I were her counsel, I would advise her that her career as an LEO is over and you really only have two choices. Go to trial and risk jail time or plead to a lesser charge and likely get probation.
The "scary Black man" had an extensive criminal record which all the LEO's on the scene KNEW about before they left their patrol cars.
He had 'weapons' charges.
He was a gangbanger thug.
He CHOOSE not to obey lawful commands numerous times to get on the ground.
He reached into his vehicle.
He made a move to quickly withdraw his arm from the vehicle at which point he was shot.
Those are the facts any jury will learn happened.
The Police Union's lawyers are the best in the country.
It is they who will recommend to the LEO involved what to do.
I 100% guarantee you the Union lawyers have already determined to defend the LEO.
She's going to walk.

Not likely in this case but I'm not going to argue.
While sad, I am glad to see them charge her so quickly. She was woefully trained and over reacted. Those sorts of people should not be cops. Period end of story.
She was a 40 year old who had been a cop for 5 years. Do not know if this is relevant or not. Could be like the female cop in Reno 911 who said she became a cop because her doctor told her to get out of the house more. Except this is not a comedy.
"The driver's window was rolled down" is an Alt Right lie.

It was rolled up. The videos showed that it was rolled up.

The picture is not of the quality to determine that....which is not all that essential to her defense anyhow...he could have easily and quickly popped the door open and grabbed a gun....now personally I do think she should have waited a tad longer....but it was her life on the line...not mine...so if on the jury I would vote to acquit...based on what is known at this point.

The picture really means nothing.
The prosecutor has all of the follow up investigative findings. Those reports will show very clearly what the state of the vehicle was. Windows up/down and if the vehicle was operational. No doubt all of those findings influenced the decision to file charges.
The defense will have the toxicology report.
The thugs criminal record. The number of times he had been arrested while in possession of an illegal firearm.
Whether his ID has on his person or in the vehicle.
The existing charge will be dropped.
The LEO will plea to a far lesser charge and be reassigned to a 'desk job' so she can keep her pension plan.

Sure, but none of that justifies shooting someone dead. The prosecutor has a solid case. The defense really only has the "big, scary black man" defense. It's simply not enough when combined with the video to raise reasonable doubt in the prosecution's case.
Remember that video will be seen over and over in court. Officer Betty already admitted to being emotionally compromised. Will she testify to her state of mind in open court? Not likely as that makes the prosecution's case. Then who will? What will the other officers on the scene testify to when none of them fired?
If I were her counsel, I would advise her that her career as an LEO is over and you really only have two choices. Go to trial and risk jail time or plead to a lesser charge and likely get probation.
The "scary Black man" had an extensive criminal record which all the LEO's on the scene KNEW about before they left their patrol cars.
He had 'weapons' charges.
He was a gangbanger thug.
He CHOOSE not to obey lawful commands numerous times to get on the ground.
He reached into his vehicle.
He made a move to quickly withdraw his arm from the vehicle at which point he was shot.
Those are the facts any jury will learn happened.
The Police Union's lawyers are the best in the country.
It is they who will recommend to the LEO involved what to do.
I 100% guarantee you the Union lawyers have already determined to defend the LEO.
She's going to walk.
Wondered who would be the first person to defend her. This is not surprising.
She would do it for a variety of reasons. First she probably thought she would never get caught on camera. Secondly she may have been attempting to pass initiation.

I would call it a crime and i certainly wouldnt be making excuses and trying to smooth over what a Black officer had done.

Put down the pipe homes' there were other Cops there. She did not think she was going to get away with anything. If anything SHE panicked and shot when maybe could have waited. She should have been home mopping floors. Leftist want 90lb women in special forces..............pssst.....it won't work.

She did us all a favor. did you see the rap sheet? did you see how crazy perp was acting? pow! right in the kisser. save some paperwork.
The other cops wouldnt have turned her in. Most likely they were racists as well.

You know --- it's interesting.

You run around here bitching and moaning about how everybody profiles blacks ....

... but you have no problem whatsoever profiling cops, do you?

What goes around, comes around.

She's charged!
He didnt make very much of a move, and did not appear to be much of a threat with all those cops around, which is why I believe she should still be found responsible. An innocent man lost his life. He did no crime. But you ask why would she be nervous? because, previous to the video, he was also refusing to follow orders to remove his hands from his pockets and later when guns are drawn on him he refuses to stop. Not saying that makes him a bad guy at all, but to a COP, they have no idea at that point whether this guy is a sweet father or brother, only that hes refusing orders while guns are drawn on him, which will make a cop nervous every time. Doesnt matter if your black, white or yellow, there gonna think your up to something no good.
But you dont shoot someone for not following orders. i wonder where the disconnect is with the apologists?

I agree, you DONT shoot someone for not following orders. I'm not saying its right. I'm just saying the cop was most likely nervous, not necessarily a cold blooded killer. If there was proof of that, they should be charging her with 2nd degree.
I dont buy the nervous part. She had plenty of back up and she had already cleared the car.

Ok, fine. thats your opinion. but her voice sounded to me like she was cracking, not confident. I think a cop can still be nervous in that situation because even training cant prepare you for the real thing and if your not confident your mind can play tricks. The whole thing seems wierd to me because usually women are the nurturing ones in society, the last one you would expect to pull the trigger, which is why i think there was something going on in her head. So if you don't think she was nervous, then what??

There is a training film for cops that is widely circulated....very likely she saw it...where a suspect is allowed to get back in his vehicle after being pulled over....ignoring the officers commands..just like this negro did...and came out with a rifle he used to kill the officer.

If this lady is ever brought to trial which I seriously doubt...if the jurors are allowed to see that training film they will fully understand why she took the action she took.
She would do it for a variety of reasons. First she probably thought she would never get caught on camera. Secondly she may have been attempting to pass initiation.

I would call it a crime and i certainly wouldnt be making excuses and trying to smooth over what a Black officer had done.

Put down the pipe homes' there were other Cops there. She did not think she was going to get away with anything. If anything SHE panicked and shot when maybe could have waited. She should have been home mopping floors. Leftist want 90lb women in special forces..............pssst.....it won't work.

She did us all a favor. did you see the rap sheet? did you see how crazy perp was acting? pow! right in the kisser. save some paperwork.
The other cops wouldnt have turned her in. Most likely they were racists as well.

You know --- it's interesting.

You run around here bitching and moaning about how everybody profiles blacks ....

... but you have no problem whatsoever profiling cops, do you?

What goes around, comes around.

She's charged!
He didnt make very much of a move, and did not appear to be much of a threat with all those cops around, which is why I believe she should still be found responsible. An innocent man lost his life. He did no crime. But you ask why would she be nervous? because, previous to the video, he was also refusing to follow orders to remove his hands from his pockets and later when guns are drawn on him he refuses to stop. Not saying that makes him a bad guy at all, but to a COP, they have no idea at that point whether this guy is a sweet father or brother, only that hes refusing orders while guns are drawn on him, which will make a cop nervous every time. Doesnt matter if your black, white or yellow, there gonna think your up to something no good.
But you dont shoot someone for not following orders. i wonder where the disconnect is with the apologists?

I agree, you DONT shoot someone for not following orders. I'm not saying its right. I'm just saying the cop was most likely nervous, not necessarily a cold blooded killer. If there was proof of that, they should be charging her with 2nd degree.
I dont buy the nervous part. She had plenty of back up and she had already cleared the car.

Ok, fine. thats your opinion. but her voice sounded to me like she was cracking, not confident. I think a cop can still be nervous in that situation because even training cant prepare you for the real thing and if your not confident your mind can play tricks. The whole thing seems wierd to me because usually women are the nurturing ones in society, the last one you would expect to pull the trigger, which is why i think there was something going on in her head. So if you don't think she was nervous, then what??

There is a training film for cops that is widely circulated....very likely she saw it...where a suspect is allowed to get back in his vehicle after being pulled over....ignoring the officers commands..just like this negro did...and came out with a rifle he used to kill the officer.

If this lady is ever brought to trial which I seriously doubt...if the jurors are allowed to see that training film they will fully understand why she took the action she took.

I'll bet you won't take your phone and record video of yourself calling a random black person "negro"
"He reached into his vehicle. He made a move to quickly withdraw his arm from the vehicle at which point he was shot. Those are the facts any jury will learn happened."

The vids show you are nothing but an Alt Right liar.

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