Tulsa police officer charged with manslaughter

The savages of the Alt Right scream and yell. The GJ will indict.
Your delusional. No such thing as Alt right.
Yup, and so identified back in 2008.

In November 2008, Paul Gottfried addressed the H. L. Mencken Club about what he called "the alternative right".[13] In 2009, two more posts at Taki's Magazine, by Patrick J. Ford and Jack Hunter, further discussed the alternative right.[14] The term, however, is most commonly attributed to Richard B. Spencer, president of theNational Policy Institute and founder of Alternative Right.[6][15]for .Alt-right - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^^^^^^ (Continued in response to Bush92's denial)
It has been said to include elements of white nationalism,[1][2][6] white supremacism,[3][5][8] antisemitism,[1][2][9] right-wing populism,[6] nativism,[10] and theneoreactionary movement.[11] Newsday columnist Cathy Young noted the alt-right's strong opposition to both legal and illegal immigration and its hard-line stance on the European migrant crisis.[18] Robert Tracinski of The Federalist has written that the alt-right opposes miscegenation and advocates collectivismas well as tribalism.[19] Nicole Hemmer stated on NPR that political correctness is seen by the alt-right as "the greatest threat to their liberty."[20]

Commonalities among the loosely-defined alt-right include a disdain for mainstream politics as well as support for Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.[6][21]
So due to the window being wide open, and the video showing Crutcher's left arm going into it, and inside the car, it could only be a self-defense situation.

Maybe the schools ought to teach people how to act when confronted by the police.

We are seeing a rash of black men with no clue of what to do, and acting incredibly ignorant and dangerous to themselves. This could be a lot more useful than studying 12th century Nordic poetry.

Well, the video was not of the best quality due to the angles of the cameras and the helicopter video being shot whilst entirely out of position to clearly see what was happening exactly and the ground video with officers blocking the view....but none of that is all that critical i.e. was the window up or down or did he reach inside the vehicle....the two critical points actually being...he ignored lawful police orders and he went back to his vehicle and either reached through the window or was in the process of opening the door....thus a officer had plenty of reason to believe a life threatening point had been reached...hence two officers fired...not just one...hence two officers were fearful enough at the critical point to fire...one had a taser and the other a hand gun. So the fact that two officers felt threatened enough to fire will go along way with any jury if it ever goes to trial....as someone has pointed out...she was over-charged which will leave the prosecutor wiggle room aka the ability to offer her a lesser charge if she decides to cop a plea.....aka no jail time coupled with a reduced charge. I hope she doesn't go for it...I would like to see a jury deal with this...all the political pressure from Washington would not affect a good jury...pressure from washington has much effect on city officers and those responsible for bringing charges against this officer...no city wants the feds breathing down their necks and launching a federal investigation...which allows washington to declare the police force racist and take control....if anyone wants to find evidence of racism it is very easy to do...even if none actually exists...thus the quick indictment of the police oficer to placate the feds and get them off the cities back......as well to throw the black savages a bone to keep them from rioting, burning and looting as they are so prone to do anytime an excuse presents itself.
So due to the window being wide open, and the video showing Crutcher's left arm going into it, and inside the car, it could only be a self-defense situation.

Maybe the schools ought to teach people how to act when confronted by the police.

We are seeing a rash of black men with no clue of what to do, and acting incredibly ignorant and dangerous to themselves. This could be a lot more useful than studying 12th century Nordic poetry.

The truth of the mattere is the government's schools aka the public school are responsible for much of this bad behavior you see exhibited by young negroes.....the schools indoctrinate them into political correctness and teach them that white racism holds them back...they they are just as good as any white person....that they could be living in that mansion on the hill in a white neighborhood if it were not for white racism....hence they really believe that white police go out hunting for blacks to kill like wild animals on the loose etc.etc.and so on and so forth....thus their motivation not to listen, not to obey lawful police orders...most especially from a white bitch.....no respect is the most apt term for the behaviors young negroes exhibit...in fact they have grown up in a climate of hatred for white folks...they lump them altogether....dey are da enemy dese white folks be holding me down, holding me back...that is their pathetic mindset and the net result is a huge divide between the black and white community and since obama came in...it only got worse...the pendumlum has swung to far in the favor of the Negroes....time to get back on track....bring the young blacks to heel and let them know their ignorant and criminal behavior will not be tolerated....arrest them early, arrest them often...put the black teens in boot camps and teach them some respect ...teach them how to behave since their mommies are not doing it....then when they get back on the street they might be a tad more respectful of decent folk.
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Blame schools for bad behavior. Truly a moronic idiotic viewpoint. Low IQ and frankly a low thinking view.
If this bitch shot him and he didn't have a gun = I hope she gets the chair.

hahaha dream on .....are you a wigger or just another ignorant negro? Either way you have no concept of how the world works much less the criminal justice system.

If you are a negro the odds are you have already spent some time inside...so you should know no officer of the court is going to suffer much at the hands of the justice system....due to political pressure from Washington she has been indicted but that is just part of the political theater controlling this case....make it appear to da the negroes dat da white bitch is going to be put on trial etc. all for show boyo....keep tuned ....very,very few cops are ever found guilty of anything...even though there are a lot of bad cops....I mean really bad cops who have done outrageous things....with criminal intent etc. but this lady cop is not a bad cop....she may have been overly nervous, she may have shot a little early...but base on the information she had about the history of the suspect and his willful refusal to obey her lawful orders....even if it was brought to trial...no jury would convict her....you can bet on that.

The bottom line is simply this....yes there is a problem with a lot of police officers...but it is not due to racism...as has been pointed out more whites are killed by the police than blacks and more percentage wise also....that means taking into consideration the majority pop. is white. The stats have been posted.

so if anyone shold be hollering racism and protesting it actually should be the white folk...now let us consider why more white folk are killed by the police rather than blacks even though a grater percentage of blacks committ violent crimes than whites and even though the police officers that get killed are killed by blacks more often than whites even though blacks are a lower percentage of the total pop. The most outrageous thing about it is that over half of all violent crimes in America are comitted by young black males...yet young black males are only approx. five percent of the total pop. You heard me right....5% of the pop. of America is comitting over 50% of all the violent crimes aka rape, murder etc.

To get back now to the question of why more white folks are killed by cops than black folks? Simply because the police know that anytime they shoot a negro....the spotlight will be put on them...their background will be searched...their computer will be searched...any public or private statements than can be dredged up will be examined....all with the intent of finding some racist remark aka some evidence of racism...thus it is much easier to get away with shooting some po white trash...that no one....I mean no one gives a damn bout in the private or public sector....that is the reality of why more whites are killed by the police.
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I am whiter than white.....and I have zero problem with her being charged. Seems like proper protocol.
Blame schools for bad behavior. Truly a moronic idiotic viewpoint. Low IQ and frankly a low thinking view.

Dont project your deficiencies boyo...so use your brilliant deductive insight into why the young black thugs engage in such bad behavior (wink-wink) I am sure your brilliance will dazzle the boid. hehheh
I am whiter than white.....and I have zero problem with her being charged. Seems like proper protocol.

It is to be expected...it is what happens....and whether or not you have a problem with this or anything else is irrelevant.

What is proper however and what is happening these days is entirely two different things...........why.?...because of political pressure from washington...anytime a negro is killed by a policeman these days....Washington immediately steps in and puts pressure on the local officials to indict....no matter how egregious the behavior or the criminal history of the negro that got hisself kilt may be and usually is.
All videos should be released in a timely fashion. That would help people see exactly what happened. No reason to to hide them.
She would not have been indicted if there wasn't cause to indict her. So in this case proper action was taken and if after investigation she is innocent then that's fine. Obviously those higher up felt it was justified. Pretty cut and dry.
The truth of the mattere is the government's schools aka the public school are responsible for much of this bad behavior you see exhibited by young negroes.....the schools indoctrinate them into political correctness and teach them that white racism holds them back...

I know there is some truth to what you've said here about the schools but I have no way of knowing if it's gotten as bad as you say. If it has then it's a serious problem, indeed.

I went to Catholic School in Brooklyn (St. Francis Xavier) where emphasis was on discipline. Years later I had occasion to interview a teacher in Alexander Hamilton high school, also in Brooklyn, and what I witnessed was shocking.

The student body was predominately Black. The only Whites in attendance were those who were kicked out of other schools or whose grades averaged sixth grade level. The place was filthy, graffiti on the walls, all the lockers had been pried open, the noise level was equal to that of a sports event, the corridors resembled monkey cages at feeding time and the words, motherfucker, faggot and punk were loudly, clearly and constantly heard.

The teacher I interviewed told me he was moving to New Jersey in two months to begin work in a "nice suburban (White) school." He said all the teachers at Hamilton were intimidated by the students, some of whom were armed. There were frequent assaults and when a female teacher was sexually molested the police who were called arrested several students, one of whom was claiming the police "smacked him around" and his mother filed a lawsuit against NYPD. That teacher told me he did witness the arrest and he hinted rather confidentially that while the cops did slap one student around he was not going to say that if he was called because the kid deserved it.

Since that time I've been told this type of wholly undisciplined atmosphere is common to any New York City high school which is dominated by Black students, few of whom have parents who are concerned and show up when summoned to deal with problem behavior.

So the absence of discipline is clearly at the root of ghetto behavior in adolescence and for most of the serious criminal conduct in adult years.
She would not have been indicted if there wasn't cause to indict her. So in this case proper action was taken and if after investigation she is innocent then that's fine. Obviously those higher up felt it was justified. Pretty cut and dry.
A commentator on RT (Thom Hartmann) said Crutcher was shot in the chest -- which is inconsistent with his positioning if, as was reported, his right arm was in the window when he was shot. So, if true, that might be a critical factor supporting the Manslaughter charge.
If this bitch shot him and he didn't have a gun = I hope she gets the chair.

and again...............
You know, I'd like them to release those tapes that have sound, so we could hear what the cops actually said to him, as well as what his replies (if any) were.
She would not have been indicted if there wasn't cause to indict her. So in this case proper action was taken and if after investigation she is innocent then that's fine. Obviously those higher up felt it was justified. Pretty cut and dry.
A commentator on RT (Thom Hartmann) said Crutcher was shot in the chest -- which is inconsistent with his positioning if, as was reported, his right arm was in the window when he was shot. So, if true, that might be a critical factor supporting the Manslaughter charge.
Update and apology re: the above.

I just watched a re-broadcast of Thom Hartmann's program in which I see he actually said if Crutcher's right arm was in the window it would have been inconsistent . . . etc. I did research some other news reports and found that police said Crutcher's left arm was in the window (presuming the window was in fact open).

So based on what we've seen and heard thus far it seems Ptl. Shelby's fate depends entirely on whether it can be proved the car window was open or closed. If it can't be proved Shelby will walk, the city of Charlotte will experience a multi-million dollar riot -- and maybe a few more cops will be assassinated. For what? A broke-down car and some guy staggering around on (probably) PCP?

The bottom line, and my beef with this kind of incident, is this is not cost-effective policing. Not at all.
She would not have been indicted if there wasn't cause to indict her. So in this case proper action was taken and if after investigation she is innocent then that's fine. Obviously those higher up felt it was justified. Pretty cut and dry.
A commentator on RT (Thom Hartmann) said Crutcher was shot in the chest -- which is inconsistent with his positioning if, as was reported, his right arm was in the window when he was shot. So, if true, that might be a critical factor supporting the Manslaughter charge.
Update and apology re: the above.

I just watched a re-broadcast of Thom Hartmann's program in which I see he actually said if Crutcher's right arm was in the window it would have been inconsistent . . . etc. I did research some other news reports and found that police said Crutcher's left arm was in the window (presuming the window was in fact open).

So based on what we've seen and heard thus far it seems Ptl. Shelby's fate depends entirely on whether it can be proved the car window was open or closed. If it can't be proved Shelby will walk, the city of Charlotte will experience a multi-million dollar riot -- and maybe a few more cops will be assassinated. For what? A broke-down car and some guy staggering around on (probably) PCP?

The bottom line, and my beef with this kind of incident, is this is not cost-effective policing. Not at all.
I have factual knowledge of this case.
I already posted the the thug was reaching into the window with his left arm.
He made a sudden move to pull his left arm from the OPEN window. At that instant he was shot in the left portion of his chest.
The LEO's repeatedly ordered him to get on the ground.
It's on all the video tapes.
I lived as a kid in S. Chicago. Schools were predominantly run and attended by negros.
You may as well have been in a lunatic asylum for violent inmates.
It was literally impossible to learn anything.
When you left the school the negro 'young men' were waiting to take away your school books and steal anything you had they wanted. To molest the little girls sexually.
The problem is now even worse.
She would not have been indicted if there wasn't cause to indict her. So in this case proper action was taken and if after investigation she is innocent then that's fine. Obviously those higher up felt it was justified. Pretty cut and dry.
Nonsense. Indictments happen for purely political reasons all the time. George Zimmerman wasn't even arrested by cops because there was no evidence he committed a crime. He was finally indicted only because the racists from on high demanded it. The jury quickly reached the EXACT same conclusion as the investigating officers. GZ was the victim of a hate crime and defended himself.

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