Tulsi Gabbard for President

Bush lied about WMD in order to start wars.
Tulsi would not have done that.
I would bet she also would not increase the national debt.
Tulsi would do whatever your boss Putin tells her to do
Bush lied about WMD in order to start wars.
Tulsi would not have done that.
I would bet she also would not increase the national debt.
They found wmds over there, the lying media didn't want to talk about it. For one, buried Russian migs...
They found wmds over there, the lying media didn't want to talk about it. For one, buried Russian migs...

Migs are not WMD, and actually are more like antiques.
The only chemical or bio weapons they found were left over from the war with Iran and were decades old.
The yellow cake they found was from 1979, and untouched.
It was all lies.
Migs are not WMD, and actually are more like antiques.
The only chemical or bio weapons they found were left over from the war with Iran and were decades old.
The yellow cake they found was from 1979, and untouched.
It was all lies.
big bomb
kill lots
big bomb
kill lots

Mig is a fighter and can't carry a big bomb or have much range.
They were so ancient, they were not a threat to anyone, but just left over from the war with Iran that ended in 88.
Migs are not WMD, and actually are more like antiques.
The only chemical or bio weapons they found were left over from the war with Iran and were decades old.
The yellow cake they found was from 1979, and untouched.
It was all lies.
Try 550 metric tons of Yellow Cake power----among other things.
Try 550 metric tons of Yellow Cake power----among other things.

The Yellowcake was purchased in 1979, to fuel the Osirac reactor being built by the French, until Israel blew it up.
The fuel was never touched.
And Osirac could never have produced bomb grade material.

Tulsi Gabbard The government failed to fulfill this most basic responsibility​


Biden’s new policy of directing a domestic terrorism unit to target those who have an “anti-authority” or “anti-government” attitude exposes their anti-liberty/anti-democracy mindset. We must all stand up against this, regardless of our political party. Full interview:
Given the "choices" that the system presents at this time, Ms Gabbard certainly interests many of us who look for an alternative.

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