Tulsi Gabbard grew up in and still has ties to a cult.

Punitive and vindictive libs acting just like Biden’s government
Tulsi was a Democrat cast off. Once she raised her voice of objection she became a “terrorist” in liberal parlance. Suddenly there are defamatory , derogatory, fake, threads all over USMB as lib loons must destroy the defector who came to her senses and engaged in thinking .
Punitive and vindictive libs acting just like Biden’s government
Tulsi was a Democrat cast off. Once she raised her voice of objection she became a “terrorist” in liberal parlance. Suddenly there are defamatory , derogatory, fake, threads all over USMB as lib loons must destroy the defector who came to her senses and engaged in thinking .
So what makes you think this is a fake thread?
So what makes you think this is a fake thread?
I did not identify this one as a fake thread.
Your slight of hand failed because you are not clever
It is a Lying Lib Loon Standard to craft a “response” that is fake because it asks me to explain or defend a post I or any conservative did not make.
Repose your “question” as to what I actually stated and don’t make up bulldog bullshit about this specific thread.
Why and how did this not come out prior to the 2019 Democrat Primary when Tulsi would end up mopping up Kamala Harris in the debatez and dropping her down to the BOTTOM among the Presidential candidates? That means you people collectively approved Tulsi over Kamala. Facts.
Movin' On Up: From Whorehouse to White House

You don't need a mop to defeat Kamalaprop. Any old rag will do.
I did not identify this one as a fake thread.
Your slight of hand failed because you are not clever
It is a Lying Lib Loon Standard to craft a “response” that is fake because it asks me to explain or defend a post I or any conservative did not make.
Repose your “question” as to what I actually stated and don’t make up bulldog bullshit about this specific thread.
You should reread your post #141
Same here. I respect others to have their own beliefs, and I expect them to respect mine. We can talk with each other about what we each believe, as long as we don't try to convert each other.

I remember being on my last ship, (an MSC vessel), and was sharing a stateroom with the Ship's Chaplain. Well, apparently the higher ups thought it would be interesting to see how long we remained room mates since the rumor going around about me was I was an atheist (actually, I'm Taoist). And, they thought we would fight like cats and dogs, so they bunked us together to see how long we'd be able to stand each other. Pack came into the room a week later and told me that there was a pool on how long we'd stay room mates, and we then had a discussion. I told him I was a Taoist, and believed an Eastern philosophy, and I understood that he was an Evangelical Baptist. I told him we could discuss spiritual matters, even religious ones as I'd been brought up in various Christian faiths, but we had to promise to not try to convert one another, or belittle one another for what we believed. I also told him to pick the very last block on the pool, as I thought we could be roomies for the duration.

He said that sounded fair. We had many discussions late into the night about what he believed and why, as well as what I believed and why. Not only did we get a better understanding of one another, but we also helped to expand one another's understanding of God. Lots of good conversations with that man, who was a very good person with a very strong faith. I respected him for his views, and he for mine.

Well, on the day Pack transferred, I saw a set of brand new very nice, very high thread count sheets on my bunk with a note. Pack told me thanks for being his roomie, and for expanding his knowledge. He also said that the sheets were my "cut" from the winnings as he felt he should share a little bit with me. I know the sheet set was around 150.00, so he must have won at least that much, if not quite a bit more.

Yeah...............people with differing viewpoints on who and what God is CAN have good conversations and remain good friends. Might even teach other a little something along the way.
The nicest thing anyone ever said to me was when a guy walked up to me after witnessing me do a good deed for a stranger.

He said, "The Lord's gonna bless you." It made me feel so good.

I'd tell you the same, but I see that there is no need for that. :)
Why and how did this not come out prior to the 2019 Democrat Primary when Tulsi would end up mopping up Kamala Harris in the debatez and dropping her down to the BOTTOM among the Presidential candidates? That means you people collectively approved Tulsi over Kamala. Facts.

Gabbard was never a serious threat to win in the primaries.
Interesting..do you present it as something bad? I'm not a fan of Tulsi....politically---but I'm not sure what your point is in posting it.

She has a Guru..errr..so? Do you think he's a Jim Jones type? Are his teachings toxic? What does 'Abusive practices' mean? Handing out flowers in airports?

He teaches hatred towards gays and transgenders. His teachings are toxic.
Don't you know Killary said she was a Russian asset? They only use that on people they are scared of.

Gabbard never had a chance. She continues to be a Russian asset. Putin invades Ukraine but she does not call him a warmonger. Helping Ukrainians defend themselves makes you a warmonger in her eyes. Russian state media loves her.
So Tulsi Gabbard is a brown skinned biological female who grew up in a religion different from the "standard," Judeo-Christian religions Democrats are used to?

She served in the military and voluntarily stepped down from elected office to be deployed with her fellow and sister members of the Hawaii National Guard. She risked her life protecting the constitution which guarantees me freedom of religion, so I am certainly not going to disparage hers because some gender fluid dems are butthurt that she left the party.
I am no fan of Tulsi because of her political views, but her right to have her own spiritual beliefs is guaranteed by the Constitution.

I read your lengthy ramble, but I don't see anything alarming. What bothers you most, that she likes yoga????

You prefer pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ+, deeply Catholic people like Biden and Pelosi?

What religious views do you demand of the people you vote for?

The fact that she is a hateful person and attacks people who are different from her is alarming. Jesus preached love not hate.
Democrats...the party of women's empowerment...right up until they say something Democrats don't like....then Let The Smears Begin!

Women...you believe the Democrats have your back?

Look at what happens ^^^^^ the moment you go off the Democrat Party Script...

There are no smears. Gabbard is the one who smears people.
How could anyone think Tulsi is pretty? I don't get it. She is ugly inside and out.



Gabbard never had a chance. She continues to be a Russian asset. Putin invades Ukraine but she does not call him a warmonger. Helping Ukrainians defend themselves makes you a warmonger in her eyes. Russian state media loves her.
The warmongers are in our Congress. Bought and paid for. She knows that personally. She said she will not stay in a party that is undermining freedom. Suck on that for a while.

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