Tulsi Gabbard grew up in and still has ties to a cult.

Look what these cretins will do.

Quit their cabal, they will drag your religion and your appearance through the sludge.

Despicable. These are your people, Coyote
And your people Sue.

Have you forgotten so quickly what “your people” did to Michelle Obama?
And your people Sue.

Have you forgotten so quickly what “your people” did to Michelle Obama?

I didn't like a lot of it, and said so. But all you apparently have is "WAAAHHH you do it too!"

See you November 8th.
Besides naming the leader of a cult as her spirital leader, she has several members of the cult working for her, Her own parents admit to being members of the cult, and her mother even worked as their bookkeeper for a while.

Science of Identity founder Chris Butler, who Tulsi Gabbard has referred to as her ‘guru dev’, or spiritual leader
(Science of Identity Foundation / YouTube)

But in interviews and speeches, she has acknowledged and defended her links to Butler, referring to him as her “guru dev” – or spiritual leader – in 2015.
Butler is rarely seen in public these days, with the Science of Identity Foundation regularly posting decades old clips of his teachings on YouTube.
The foundation did not respond to a request for comment for this article.
In a 2017 interview with The New Yorker, Gabbard said she had never heard Butler “say anything hateful, or anything mean about anybody”.
“I can speak to my own personal experience and, frankly, my gratitude to him, for the gift of this wonderful spiritual practice that he has given to me, and to so many people.”
Butler gave a rare interview for the same New Yorker article in 2017, saying that he did have disciples, but rejecting claims he was an authoritarian.
Butler, who also goes by the name Jagad Guru, or teacher of the world, said he preferred to think of himself as a follower or student, rather than a teacher or leader.
He described his relationship with his devotees as one of love.
Sinavaiana Gabbard remembers learning some 40 years ago that her brother Mike – Tulsi’s father and longterm Hawaiian state lawmaker – had joined the Science of Identity.
The extended family were gathering for Sunday brunch, a weekly feast and cultural institution in Samoa. When Mike announced he and his family had become strict vegetarians, her mother was deeply upset.
Then seemingly overnight, her nephews, Tulsi’s older brothers, had new Sanskrit names.
She says as a child of the ‘60s, she didn’t find this strange, but it was an “unsettling” adjustment for her parents.
She later learned that the whole family were “prostrating at the feet” of Butler, a “white surfer dude”.
Dr Carolina Sinavaiana Gabbard with her brother Mike Gabbard, a Hawaiian state senator
Tulsi attended a Science of Identity boarding school in the Philippines, according to several sources, and spent her formative years and schooling sheltered from outside influences, her aunt said.
The Science of Identity Foundation (SIF) was formed in 1977 by Chris Butler as a breakaway sect of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), also known as the Hare Krishna movement.
Its stated aim is to “pass on the ancient teachings of yoga in a scientific, logical, and clear manner so that people can, with intelligence, seriously contemplate upon, consider”.
However, former members have been speaking out about the abusive practices of the Science of Identity Foundation for several years.

Im an atheist who hates cults as much as anyone, but im not seeing anything cultish in your post. What exactly am i supposed to be angry at here?

You are such a liar.

Hopefully you will grow up a little by then.

I used to never, ever believe stuff like that....that Obama would marry a man and try to pass her off as a woman. But you know Joan Rivers said "we all know it's true", right? And you voted for a demented man and try to pass him off as sane. The entire pharma industry passed off those shots as "vaccines" and the govt forced billions of people to get them.

In short

It's not 2008 anymore, is it?
I used to never, ever believe stuff like that....that Obama would marry a man and try to pass her off as a woman. But you know Joan Rivers said "we all know it's true", right? And you voted for a demented man and try to pass him off as sane. The entire pharma industry passed off those shots as "vaccines" and the govt forced billions of people to get them.

In short

It's not 2008 anymore, is it?

How stupid. An 80 yr old comedienne set so so it must true. You can stuff your hypocritical indignation.
Besides naming the leader of a cult as her spirital leader, she has several members of the cult working for her, Her own parents admit to being members of the cult, and her mother even worked as their bookkeeper for a while.

Science of Identity founder Chris Butler, who Tulsi Gabbard has referred to as her ‘guru dev’, or spiritual leader
(Science of Identity Foundation / YouTube)

But in interviews and speeches, she has acknowledged and defended her links to Butler, referring to him as her “guru dev” – or spiritual leader – in 2015.
Butler is rarely seen in public these days, with the Science of Identity Foundation regularly posting decades old clips of his teachings on YouTube.
The foundation did not respond to a request for comment for this article.
In a 2017 interview with The New Yorker, Gabbard said she had never heard Butler “say anything hateful, or anything mean about anybody”.
“I can speak to my own personal experience and, frankly, my gratitude to him, for the gift of this wonderful spiritual practice that he has given to me, and to so many people.”
Butler gave a rare interview for the same New Yorker article in 2017, saying that he did have disciples, but rejecting claims he was an authoritarian.
Butler, who also goes by the name Jagad Guru, or teacher of the world, said he preferred to think of himself as a follower or student, rather than a teacher or leader.
He described his relationship with his devotees as one of love.
Sinavaiana Gabbard remembers learning some 40 years ago that her brother Mike – Tulsi’s father and longterm Hawaiian state lawmaker – had joined the Science of Identity.
The extended family were gathering for Sunday brunch, a weekly feast and cultural institution in Samoa. When Mike announced he and his family had become strict vegetarians, her mother was deeply upset.
Then seemingly overnight, her nephews, Tulsi’s older brothers, had new Sanskrit names.
She says as a child of the ‘60s, she didn’t find this strange, but it was an “unsettling” adjustment for her parents.
She later learned that the whole family were “prostrating at the feet” of Butler, a “white surfer dude”.
Dr Carolina Sinavaiana Gabbard with her brother Mike Gabbard, a Hawaiian state senator
Tulsi attended a Science of Identity boarding school in the Philippines, according to several sources, and spent her formative years and schooling sheltered from outside influences, her aunt said.
The Science of Identity Foundation (SIF) was formed in 1977 by Chris Butler as a breakaway sect of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), also known as the Hare Krishna movement.
Its stated aim is to “pass on the ancient teachings of yoga in a scientific, logical, and clear manner so that people can, with intelligence, seriously contemplate upon, consider”.
However, former members have been speaking out about the abusive practices of the Science of Identity Foundation for several years.

Your post is predictable. Destroy anyone who speaks out against the Democratic party.
How stupid. An 80 yr old comedienne set so so it must true. You can stuff your hypocritical indignation.

Wait. Is 80 old now?

Like...the president? Like Chuck Schumer? Like Nancy Pelosi? Are you saying that people at those ages are not to be believed, or what?
The long knives are out for tulsi, the last elected Dem in America with a molecule of concern for

Our troops
Rule of law
American solvency
Civil liberties
Due process
The constitution
The Trumplicans have destroyed our civil liberties, redefined truth and due process, warped patriotism, mangled the rule of law and shat on our Constitution.
The Trumplicans have destroyed our civil liberties, redefined truth and due process, warped patriotism, mangled the rule of law and shat on our Constitution.

I sense you're holding back. Please, feel free to fully express your feelings...
The Trumplicans have destroyed our civil liberties, redefined truth and due process, warped patriotism, mangled the rule of law and shat on our Constitution.
sure would love to hear how he did that,,,

now its clear the dem cult has destroyed free speech and the first amendment and due process went out the window with the jan 6th fiasco ,, well as for the constitution the dem cult has rejected it at every turn,,,

sorry I forgot you cock sucking little baby killing piss poor excuses of human being spend your time projection your actions on other people
Besides naming the leader of a cult as her spirital leader, she has several members of the cult working for her, Her own parents admit to being members of the cult, and her mother even worked as their bookkeeper for a while.

Science of Identity founder Chris Butler, who Tulsi Gabbard has referred to as her ‘guru dev’, or spiritual leader
(Science of Identity Foundation / YouTube)

But in interviews and speeches, she has acknowledged and defended her links to Butler, referring to him as her “guru dev” – or spiritual leader – in 2015.
Butler is rarely seen in public these days, with the Science of Identity Foundation regularly posting decades old clips of his teachings on YouTube.
The foundation did not respond to a request for comment for this article.
In a 2017 interview with The New Yorker, Gabbard said she had never heard Butler “say anything hateful, or anything mean about anybody”.
“I can speak to my own personal experience and, frankly, my gratitude to him, for the gift of this wonderful spiritual practice that he has given to me, and to so many people.”
Butler gave a rare interview for the same New Yorker article in 2017, saying that he did have disciples, but rejecting claims he was an authoritarian.
Butler, who also goes by the name Jagad Guru, or teacher of the world, said he preferred to think of himself as a follower or student, rather than a teacher or leader.
He described his relationship with his devotees as one of love.
Sinavaiana Gabbard remembers learning some 40 years ago that her brother Mike – Tulsi’s father and longterm Hawaiian state lawmaker – had joined the Science of Identity.
The extended family were gathering for Sunday brunch, a weekly feast and cultural institution in Samoa. When Mike announced he and his family had become strict vegetarians, her mother was deeply upset.
Then seemingly overnight, her nephews, Tulsi’s older brothers, had new Sanskrit names.
She says as a child of the ‘60s, she didn’t find this strange, but it was an “unsettling” adjustment for her parents.
She later learned that the whole family were “prostrating at the feet” of Butler, a “white surfer dude”.
Dr Carolina Sinavaiana Gabbard with her brother Mike Gabbard, a Hawaiian state senator
Tulsi attended a Science of Identity boarding school in the Philippines, according to several sources, and spent her formative years and schooling sheltered from outside influences, her aunt said.
The Science of Identity Foundation (SIF) was formed in 1977 by Chris Butler as a breakaway sect of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), also known as the Hare Krishna movement.
Its stated aim is to “pass on the ancient teachings of yoga in a scientific, logical, and clear manner so that people can, with intelligence, seriously contemplate upon, consider”.
However, former members have been speaking out about the abusive practices of the Science of Identity Foundation for several years.

Of course she did and does....

Ahh Hahahahahahaha
The warmongers are in our Congress. Bought and paid for. She knows that personally. She said she will not stay in a party that is undermining freedom. Suck on that for a while.

Republicans are attacking voting rights, free-speech rights and women's rights for starters. The Republicans are not for freedom and neither is Gabbard. She is a hateful person.

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