Tulsi Gabbard: I’m leaving the Democratic Party

Allegations? every sane person knows dems and their CCP owners cheated in the tens of millions column
So you have no evidence for your baseless conspiracy theory nonsense. Great. Thanks for sharing. Do you feel better now?

Get yourself some tissue, wipe your tears, and tell me all about how sad you are some more.
Tulsi Gabbard has proven she is a right wing Nazi and a Putin puppet. All the Putin puppets need to join her.

She is still a cookie cutter prog with a little better informed view on warfare and foreign policy than the average dim. Sadly, that’s all it takes to make her a standout. That and she was pretty damn hot in her surfing wet suit.
Sorry she took pro Russia positions...

I don't think her evil, just wrong... You don't negotiate with Putin, Putin has the same expansion mindset as Hitler. You don't appease that, you defeat it... Putin has to be defeated or he will just continue, he wants the rest of eastern Europe answering to him like the old Soviet days...

There is a misconception that Putin was wary of NATO... NATO wasn't his problem, EU was... EU has been moving east for decades, not by pressing any one to join but by people in these countries wanting more wealth, less corruption, more secure rights, freedom of movement.... EU is the success story they are wanting to join..

EU is generally very popular in every country in Europe... Even in Hungry where they voted a crook into power. EU has a problem with a embezzlement and Orban is fucking thief...

This is pro-Russia. You voted for it.

Policing actions?


Like Lybia? Like Iraq? Like Afghanistan.

Some people would call that unwelcome meddling in the sovereignty of foreign nations.

Brought to you by warmongers who are heavily invested in weapons sales

But when we DO need cops, like over in the South China Sea, they're nowhere to be found.
The policing actions are her performance as California attorney General. She was generally thought of as tough on crime. Actually she wasn't. Kumquat was just as lazy as attorney General as she has been as vice president. Her abandonment of the office allowed prosecutors to run wild. They were putting everyone in prison. Inadvertently giving this lazy ass an undeserved reputation.
Joe Biden will lead Democrats down a political black hole, where one Dem after another will either leave the party or be voted out of office, including Biden himself in 2024
Projection. Again I have my DD214 to prove it. Along with my 100% award letter you can't even answer how many pages are in a DD214, you made up 2 phony ASVAB scores and an MOS that doesn't exist, You also claim you went to NTC yet don't know what base its at.

Exposed : You
I know all those things you blithering idiot, unlike you, I lived it.

Tell us where you were stationed, and when.

Oops, you weren't. Ever.

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