Tulsi Gabbard is insane

I was watching an interview with her that just ended. She's a loon. Hillary Clinton should not have given this nut air. She was talking about a Hillary Clinton foreign policy. When was that? Clinton has never been president. She blamed Clinton for Libya, but the U.S. did not present the proposal to use force in Libya to the UN. A person running for president should have some knowledge about UN resolutions. All in all, she just doesn't make sense.

Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State for a number of years during the Obama Regime. Foreign policy is the forte of the State Department. Her record there is a fair topic for discussion in the quest for the Democrat nomination, no?

The secretary of state carries out the presidents foreign policy.

Ideally, sure.

And the ambassadors and lower ranked staff as well are supposed to follow through with the President's policies as well.

But that's the real problem that President Trump is having, ambassadors to Ukraine or wherever, doing their own thing, not being members of the team.

With Obama, he also testified he found out about things in the newspaper. My guess is that folks like Mrs. Clinton largely did what they wanted to.

Obama found out about things in the newspaper? I don't think so. Trump knew what Giuliani was doing because he authorized it. The president must authorize things. That's how it works.

Ahhh, the ignorance of the ghetto.....

On Friday, Obama told CBS News’ Bill Plante that he learned about Clinton’s email address:

“…The same time that everybody else learned it, through news reports,” the president told CBS News’ Bill Plante Friday about when he learned about Clinton’s email address."

Here’s a quick look back at some other times the President has claimed innocence, as pointed out by both Bongino and former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson:

  1. Fast and Furious: When asked about the gun-running scandal that resulted in the death of border agent Brian Terry in 2010, President Obama told reporters on Oct. 11, 2011, “I heard on the news about this story, that, uh, Fast and Furious.”
  2. NSA spying on foreign leaders: President Obama said he didn’t know his administration was spying on foreign leaders like German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He told the press on Oct. 28, 2013 that, “I can assure you that I certainly did not know anything about the IG report before the IG report had been leaked through

  1. The General David Petraeus sex scandal: Petraeus, then the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, was forced to resign in Nov. 2012 after news surfaced that he was having an affair with his biographer. The White House repeatedly refused to answer questions about when the President was finally briefed about Petraeus’ situation.
  2. The IRS’s targeting of conservative groups: President Obama told the media in May 2013 that he first learned about the IRS’s improper targeting “from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this. I think it was on Friday.”
  3. The Justice Department’s wiretapping of AP and Fox News reporters: When asked about the secret seizure of reporters’ phone records, Obama spokesperson Jay Carney told the media that the president “found out about the news reports, uh, yesterday on the road.”
  4. The Department of Veterans’ Affairs healthcare ‘waiting list’ scandal: The White House appeared to be in the dark about the waiting list scandal and cover-up related to medical care for the country’s military vets. Then-Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters that, “We learned about them through the reports. I will double check if that is not the case. But that is when we learned about them.”
  5. The Unauthorized Air Force One photo-op: New York City residents were panicked when, in April 2009, Air Force One — sans President Obama — flew over the Statue of Liberty for a pre-scheduled photo-op. Obama’s response: “It was something that, uh, we found out about, uh, along with all of you.”
7 Other Times President Obama Said He Found Out About World Events By Watching the News
I was watching an interview with her that just ended. She's a loon. Hillary Clinton should not have given this nut air. She was talking about a Hillary Clinton foreign policy. When was that? Clinton has never been president. She blamed Clinton for Libya, but the U.S. did not present the proposal to use force in Libya to the UN. A person running for president should have some knowledge about UN resolutions. All in all, she just doesn't make sense.

Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State for a number of years during the Obama Regime. Foreign policy is the forte of the State Department. Her record there is a fair topic for discussion in the quest for the Democrat nomination, no?

The secretary of state carries out the presidents foreign policy.

Ideally, sure.

And the ambassadors and lower ranked staff as well are supposed to follow through with the President's policies as well.

But that's the real problem that President Trump is having, ambassadors to Ukraine or wherever, doing their own thing, not being members of the team.

With Obama, he also testified he found out about things in the newspaper. My guess is that folks like Mrs. Clinton largely did what they wanted to.

Obama found out about things in the newspaper? I don't think so. Trump knew what Giuliani was doing because he authorized it. The president must authorize things. That's how it works.

Ahhh, the ignorance of the ghetto.....

On Friday, Obama told CBS News’ Bill Plante that he learned about Clinton’s email address:

“…The same time that everybody else learned it, through news reports,” the president told CBS News’ Bill Plante Friday about when he learned about Clinton’s email address."

Here’s a quick look back at some other times the President has claimed innocence, as pointed out by both Bongino and former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson:

  1. Fast and Furious: When asked about the gun-running scandal that resulted in the death of border agent Brian Terry in 2010, President Obama told reporters on Oct. 11, 2011, “I heard on the news about this story, that, uh, Fast and Furious.”
  2. NSA spying on foreign leaders: President Obama said he didn’t know his administration was spying on foreign leaders like German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He told the press on Oct. 28, 2013 that, “I can assure you that I certainly did not know anything about the IG report before the IG report had been leaked through

  1. The General David Petraeus sex scandal: Petraeus, then the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, was forced to resign in Nov. 2012 after news surfaced that he was having an affair with his biographer. The White House repeatedly refused to answer questions about when the President was finally briefed about Petraeus’ situation.
  2. The IRS’s targeting of conservative groups: President Obama told the media in May 2013 that he first learned about the IRS’s improper targeting “from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this. I think it was on Friday.”
  3. The Justice Department’s wiretapping of AP and Fox News reporters: When asked about the secret seizure of reporters’ phone records, Obama spokesperson Jay Carney told the media that the president “found out about the news reports, uh, yesterday on the road.”
  4. The Department of Veterans’ Affairs healthcare ‘waiting list’ scandal: The White House appeared to be in the dark about the waiting list scandal and cover-up related to medical care for the country’s military vets. Then-Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters that, “We learned about them through the reports. I will double check if that is not the case. But that is when we learned about them.”
  5. The Unauthorized Air Force One photo-op: New York City residents were panicked when, in April 2009, Air Force One — sans President Obama — flew over the Statue of Liberty for a pre-scheduled photo-op. Obama’s response: “It was something that, uh, we found out about, uh, along with all of you.”
7 Other Times President Obama Said He Found Out About World Events By Watching the News

I always wondered why we had the CIA during the Obama Era- B. Hussein O received all of his information from reading the paper and watching TV. It would seem a lot less expensive just to have the paperboy deliver a Post to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave every morning and provide cable TV to the address.
A nutcase

EVERYONE who disagrees with me is a NUTCASE.

So never disagree with me, and you'll never be called a NUTCASE....

Too many posters here are like that, which is as sad as it is pathetic in a democracy...
Tulsi is another nutcase liberal who wants to spend my hard earned money on free healthcare for others.
If you want healthcare, get a friggin job.
Hillary was Secretary/State and had the duty to protect embassies no matter what the hell the U.N. had to say. Her foreign policy consists of calling in sick after the Bengazi defenders were killed. Gabbard isn't insane. People who think the U.N. is responsible for protecting embassies might be though.
I'm not a registered Democrat, so I can't vote Dem in the primary. I am a registered Libertarian.

If I could vote in a Dem primary, I would vote for Tulsi, simply because left wing trash like yourself hate her most....
Typing slowly for the dim.....

Tulsi Gabbard is the only Peace Candidate!

That takes precedent for me over alleged this and thats.
A vegan in the White House otherwise is of concern. :04:

Moi :th_beback:

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What is really insane is The Democrats recruiting most of the same people who started the Russian hoax to start The Ukrainian hoax and think it wouldn’t be exposed or that they could stop Trump and Spence from
Manning The Oval Office for the next 12 years.

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