Tulsi Speaks for Most of Us On This Issue

In another thread this guy is arguing on and on with me that's past history, he refuse to admit the persona that speaks volumes how weak the democrats are perceived to be today.
If somebody is still in their teens or twenties, I could understand the lack of knowledge, but anybody older than that would have to be an utter idiot not to notice how the democrat party has changed.

If you told people 20 years ago that being a transexual was a top consideration for an important government job, you would have been mocked and ridiculed like nobody's business, yet we are now in that reality.
Trump did that as part of diplomacy

bullshit. to take the word of a murderous adversarial leader over our own? are you kidding?????????????

and it worked.

it worked alright - it showed just how far over donny will bend over for his puppeteer.

Putin stayed silent.

his smirks said it all.

I have relatives in Russia as you know. They state what I state. They respected Trump. They see Biden as weak. Do with a that what you will.


& there are hundreds, if not thousands publicly protesting in russia against putin, risking arrest or worst. the nations top public figures- athletes & such speaking out against him.

why is putin telling his people that ukraine is being run by neo nazis holding ukranians as human shields?

do they believe that line of bullshit too?
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bullshit. to take the word of a murderous adversarial leader over our own? are you kidding?????????????

it worked alright - it showed just how far over donny will bend for his puppeteer.

his smirks said it all.


& there are hundreds, if not thousands publicly protesting in russia against putin, risking arrest or worst. the nations top public figures- athletes & such speaking out against him.

why is putin telling his people that ukraine is being run by neo nazis holding ukranians as human shields?

do they believe that line of bullshit too?
There are protests. But it doesn’t take away from the fact that even the protesters believe Biden is weak and Trump was strong. You are very angry? Why?

Putin has only attacked Ukraine under Obama and Biden. These are indisputable facts. The rest is just you and I slinging mud at one another.
There are protests. But it doesn’t take away from the fact that even the protesters believe Biden is weak and Trump was strong. You are very angry? Why?

Putin has only attacked Ukraine under Obama and Biden. These are indisputable facts. The rest is just you and I slinging mud at one another.

are you high? nobody but putin supporters think biden is weak.

lol.... NATO sure is happy with him.
she lost & she couldn't even get her own island's endorsement.
Kamala lost too and could even get more than 2% in her home state. Rashida Tlaib is giving a rebuttal speech post Biden’s state of the union. The Democratic Party has gone insane.

When you cool off we may resume.

lol... yep. you're high. pie is great for the munchies.

Or not. To me you seem very upset.

but of course.... :rolleyes:

the NY post is a rupert murdoch rag mag.

duh ... think they would actually post anything else?

wtf cares what russians think? his military thinks they are liberating ukranian hostages. they are told what to think because they aren't being told the truth.

they sure are united about THIS. not one has faltered.
There are deep seeded feelings of hatred between many Russians and Ukrainians. I spoke with my mom who still harbors them and she has been living here for 42 years or 2/3 of her life. It goes back to WW2 and the Holocaust. If you read the book, Escape from Sobibor it would give you perspective. It’s not as simple as it looks. Putin has gone mad and should be assassinated but he didn’t have to push his troops too hard to get them to fight Ukrainians.
lol... yep. you're high. pie is great for the munchies.

but of course.... :rolleyes:

the NY post is a rupert murdoch rag mag.

duh ... think they would actually post anything else?

What specifically did you disagree with in the article?
she lost & she couldn't even get her own island's endorsement.
Tulsi is not what you and Repubs believe her to be. There is level after level of Progressive Globalist propagandists. Shills that are activated when needed. She and Crenshaw seem to be in that vein. Our world is of subterfuge in these times. and we as peons are sold everything by our TV pundits. people we trust can change a view slightly or more out of many. Some because of beliefs but others because they are trained for it.
strange how anyone who doesn't feel like you do is more. or less the antichrist.

Many of those commending her would never ever vote for her. Now I have NO problem with someone commending someone for taking a position that they agree with even though they don't generally support that person.

I said Trump was right when he said we needed out of the wars. (I just wish he was more than Talk there).

Gabbard is the rare politician that has principled views and is willing to stand by them regardless of who she has to counter to promote them. I voted for her in the primaries. I first took note of her when she condemned Obama getting us involved in Syria.

I voted for her but her views overall are not any different than those regularly condemned here. She is just willing to be principled with them.
Many of those commending her would never ever vote for her. Now I have NO problem with someone commending someone for taking a position that they agree with even though they don't generally support that person.

I said Trump was right when he said we needed out of the wars. (I just wish he was more than Talk there).

Gabbard is the rare politician that has principled views and is willing to stand by them regardless of who she has to counter to promote them. I voted for her in the primaries. I first took note of her when she condemned Obama getting us involved in Syria.

I voted for her but views overall are not any different than those regularly condemned here. She is just willing to be principled with them.
the principles mean a lot to me, moreso than beliefs. we can work through different opinions and approaches.

we can't work through intentional deception.

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